Tag Archive for: Assignment Help Services

2024 Business discussion question Assignment Help

Disicussion questions Need 3 4 sentences for each response QUESTION ONE e Activity Use the 2023

Disicussion questions. Need 3-4 sentences for each response. QUESTION ONE e-Activity — Use the Internet to find a business for sale in your community. Uncover as much as you can about the business in question. Be prepared to discuss From the e-Activity, discuss the best possible method for determining the value of the business you selected. Explain your rationale. Create a strategy for negotiating the purchase of the business you selected in the e-Activity. QUESTION TWO Develop an idea for a new business and conduct a feasibility analysis. Please be as creative as you like in the development of your idea (but as careful as you can be in your analysis of that idea). Analyze the steps involved in crafting a wining business plan and make at least one recommendation for improving the process. Explain your rationale for making the recommendation you did.

2024 Essay II Assignment Help

Write a short descriptive response to the following essay prompts in a 2023

Write a short, descriptive response to the following essay prompts in a single document. Cite the textbook and at least one other source from the CSU Online Library relative to business or management theory. Be concise and specific (not wordy). Begin with an introduction that explains, in general terms, a few steps involved in collecting data for your chosen research topic, and then relate two ethical considerations for research measurement to your chosen research topic. Review pages 145–155 in the textbook. Explain the role of reliability and validity in research design. Relate this to a personal research area of interest. Each response must be double-spaced and at least one page in length for a total of two pages for both, not counting the title page and reference page. Use APA format for your paper, including all references and in-text citations.

2024 Conflict Management Question Assignment Help

Need help with the question below No plagirism no work cited from wikipedia due 2023

Need help with the question below. No plagirism no work cited from wikipedia. due 10/07/15 Negotiations between parties with an existing personal or business relationship involve consideration of three elements defining that relationship: reputation, trust, and justice. Briefly define the terms reputation, trust and justice as they relate to negotiations, and how these terms affect the negotiation process. In addition, discuss the importance of maintaining the relationship after the negotiation.

2024 MKT 571 Week 6 DQ Assignment Help

Since we discussed this chapter in an earlier week I am not posting a first message However please feel 2023

Since we discussed this chapter in an earlier week, I am not posting a first message. However, please feel free to begin a a new discussion that does not replicate the earlier one. How does cause or corporate societal marketing affect your personal consumer behavior? Do you ever buy or not buy any products or services from a company because of its environmental policies or programs? Why or why not? What, to you, is the most important topic in this chapter? Why? Ethics Simulation Did you take the position of the critic or the marketing professional about the impact of advertising? Did the other side have valid points? Are there other points you like to have made but were not included in the choices available in the simulation? Strategic Marketing Simulation Did classifying the three products into Boston Consulting Group (BCG) categories help you make decisions? Why is individual as well as institutional credibility critical to public relations practice?

2024 CMGT-510 Assignment Help

Please help me with this Find the attachment files for the assignment I 2023

Please help me with this: Find the attachment files for the assignment I want you to add 3 pages after the proposal page don’t forget to fix the proposal page as well with the comment I left you The comment: ((Approved with comment. Relate to management. Don’t define the system or process.)) Due within 15 hours from now

2024 Multiple Questions Answers Assignment Help

1 TCO 8 When we pass a variable by reference any changes that the 2023

1. (TCO 8) When we pass a variable by reference, any changes that the procedure makes to the variable will _____. change the value in the original variable change the value inside the called function/sub procedure only change the address of the variable not make any significant changes 2. (TCO 8) What is wrong with the following call statement and its corresponding sub statement? Call Statement: DayOfTheWeek(15, “June”, 1902) Sub Statement: Sub DayOfTheWeek(ByVal var1 As Integer, ByVal var2 As String, ByVal var3 As String) Constant values like 1902 cannot be passed, only variables. It is not valid to pass a value like “June.” var3 is not of the same data type as 1902. Nothing is wrong with them. 3. (TCO 8) What changes are required in the following code so that the resulting output is as follows? Expected Output: num1 = 17 num2 = 7 Code: Sub Main() Dim num1 As Integer = 16 Dim num2 As Integer = 6 AddOne(num1) AddOne(num2) Console.WriteLine(“num1 = ” & num1) Console.WriteLine(“num2 = ” & num2) End Sub Sub AddOne(ByVal x As Integer) x = x + 1 End Sub Change function declaration to: XXX XXXXXX(ByRef x As Integer). Change function declaration to: XXX XXXXXX (ByVal x As Integer) As Integer.

2024 Business Research Assignment Help

Identify a business research project in your own business or locate a business 2023

Identify a business research project in your own business or locate a business research article. This project should be one that you perceive to be conducted in an ethical manner. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you create a set of ethical research guidelines for the research: Summarize the business research project or article.What unethical research practices should be avoided in this project?Which particular parties involved in the research could face injury? What injuries could occur?How could unethical behavior in this research affect the organization, the individual, and society?How could the unethical behavior be monitored or resolved if found to be occurring? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

2024 BUS 508 WK 3 Assignment 1 Entrepreneurial Leadership Assignment Help

BUS 508 WK 3 Assignment 1 Entrepreneurial Leadership Write a three to four 3 4 page paper in 2023

BUS 508 WK 3 Assignment 1 Entrepreneurial Leadership Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: 1. Determine how Five Guys’ philosophy sets it apart from other fast-food chains. 2. Analyze the original values for the start-up company and how it remains strong today. 3. Enumerate three (3) factors that contributed to Five Guys’ success in such a short time and what effect, if any, external markets had on these factors. 4. Assess how ethical and social practices are part of the Five Guys’ culture and provide examples to support your choices. 5. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

2024 Strategic Market Planning Assignment Help

Part 1 Working on the Plan Complete the following Assess the market 2023

Part 1: Working on the Plan Complete the following: Assess the market attractiveness and competitive position for the product. Create an exit strategy and guidelines for its implementation. This section of the paper should be 3 pages in length. Part 2: Tactical Marketing Mix Strategy Complete the following: Develop a detailed tactical marketing mix strategy (product, price, promotion, place, and service). This section of the paper should be 3 pages in length .

2024 Smith article Assignment Help

Table 1 in the Smith article describes concepts principles and checklist items 2023

Table 1 in the Smith article describes concepts, principles, and checklist items that can be used to evaluate assessments. Select two of the checklist items you think are important when evaluating assessments for ELL students. In a 500-word essay describe those items within a brief summary of the article to defend why you believe the two items are of particular importance. Include at least three sources from your reading to support your position.