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2024 You are preparing the project budget and schedule for review with your manager. Next week’s meeting will focus on the budget and schedule for the marketing campaign deliverables of the project. Assignment Help

You are preparing the project budget and schedule for review with your manager Next week s 2023

You are preparing the project budget and schedule for review with your manager. Next week’s meeting will focus on the budget and schedule for the marketing campaign deliverables of the project. Individual deliverable – continue work on the project plan by documenting the budget cost components for the marketing-related deliverables. Identify and describe the items that will be included in the budget and how those items will be tracked. Refer to PM-BOK and the Web resources for details on what to include. Please add your file. Individually, continue work on the project plan by developing the work breakdown structure for the marketing-related deliverables. For each deliverable, list the following: Activities that must be completed. Order in which they must be completed. Dependencies between activities. Considerations for duration. Considerations for assigning resources to the activity. Identify any milestones and describe your rationale for why they are milestones. Refer to PM-BOK and the Web resources for definitions and additional details. The result should be a list in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Project. Please add your file.

2024 ECO 561 Week 6 Final Proposal – McDonalds Assignment Help

Economics Improving Business Decisions University of Phoenix Resource Business Proposal and 2023

Economics – Improving Business Decisions University of Phoenix Resource : Business Proposal and Peer Review feedback. Revise your Week Four business proposal using the feedback provided by your peers and facilitator as necessary. In addition to your week four paper, the second part of your paper will use the revised information to recommend appropriate pricing and nonpricing strategies for your new or existing good or service based on the projected economy’s stage in the business cycle and the prevailing projected economic conditions for one or more macroeconomic factors. Explain the evidence that supports these recommendations. Required Elements: Describe the current global economic conditions and their effect on local macroeconomic indicators for your good or service. Describe the local economy’s stage in the business cycle. Describe how current credit market conditions affect your planning or operating decision for your good or service. No more than 2100 words (in addition to the 1400 word paper completed in week four, an additional three pages at most is needed)

2024 Devry BUSN 15/BUSN15 Week 6 Quiz Latest 2015 (All Correct) Assignment Help

Question Question 1 TCO 5 A company whose structure policies and capabilities allow employees to respond quickly 2023

Question Question 1. (TCO 5) A company whose structure, policies, and capabilities allow employees to respond quickly to customer needs and changes in the business environment is termed as a(n) _____. Student Answer: agile organization hyperspecialized organization formal organization umbrella organization mechanistic organization Question 2. (TCO 5) Which of the following chain-of-command systems was developed to address the need to combine specialization with management control? Student Answer : Line organization Line-and-staff organization Agile organization Formal organization Informal organization Question 3. (TCO 5) _____ is defined as a pathway for the flow of authority from one management level to the next. Student Answer : Span of management Span of control Departmentalization Network structure Chain of command Question 4. (TCO 5) Grouping departments according to similarities in product, process, customer, or geography is called _____. Student Answer : network structure virtual structure matrix structure functional structure divisional structure 5. (TCO 5) Kelly, who had recently joined an organization, participates in all corporate events because she wants to be accepted as a friend by her coworkers. According to David McClelland’s three-needs theory, this desire is known as _____. Student Answer : need for power need for achievement need for self-esteem need for affiliation need for security Question 6. (TCO 5) Justin M. Brown, the operations manager at Vernon Manufacturing Company, formulated a strategy to motivate the firm’s employees. Justin addressed employees’ dissatisfaction by increasing their salary and incentives; he employed several industrial counselors to help employees deal with work-related stress; and improved the health insurance plan provided to employees. He also motivated employees by providing greater opportunity for advancement, recognizing employees who perform well and giving employees greater responsibility to foster a sense of achievement in them. Justin’s measures are based on which of the following approaches? Student Answer : McClelland’s three-needs theory Theory X Theory Y Herzberg’s two-factor theory Scientific management Question 7. (TCO 5) _____ connects an employee’s efforts to the outcome he or she thinks will result from those efforts. Student Answer : Maslow’s hierarchy Herzberg’s two-factor theory David McClelland’s three needs theory Expectancy theory Equity theory Question 8. (TCO 5) _____ suggests that employee satisfaction depends on the perceived ratio of inputs to outputs. Student Answer : Maslow’s hierarchy Herzberg’s two-factor theory David McClelland’s three-needs theory Expectancy theory Equity theory Question 9. (TCO 5) Which of the following statements is true about management by objectives? Student Answer: It suggests that employee satisfaction depends on the perceived ratio of inputs to outputs. It has not been validated by experimental research. It reduces employee involvement in goal setting and decision making. It reduces employee stress by removing specific goals and targets. It ensures that employees’ activities are directly linked to achieving the organization’s long-term goals. Question 10. (TCO 5) K.M. Retailers, an international consumer products retail chain, gives preference to women and minority-owned suppliers and subcontractors. The firm hires a large number of employees from ethnic minorities and the human resource department keeps the interests of these groups in mind while framing company policies. In this example, K.M. Retailers uses which of the following strategies? Student Answer: Job enrichment Ethnocentric policies Decentralization Deregulation Diversity initiatives Question 11. (TCO 5) Quality of hire measures _____. Student Answer: the amount of money spent in hiring and training new employees the level of productivity of employees in the probationary period how closely incoming employees meet the company’s needs the percentage of minority groups in a firm’s workforce the percentage of the workforce that leaves every year Question 12. (TCO 5) The sequence of activities that takes the longest time from start to finish in a PERT diagram is called the _____ path Student Answer: external lagging minor critical buffered Question 13. (TCO 5) Polar Refrigerator Company reduces its inventory-carrying costs by having their vendors deliver materials right before they are needed in the production process. This is an example of _____ inventory management. Student Answer: discounted PERT JIT buffered economic order based Question 14. (TCO 5) _____ refers to the creation of identical goods or services in large quantities Student Answer: Mass customization Batch-of-one production Mass production Customized production Mass personalization Question 15. (TCO 5) _____ is a comprehensive approach of companywide policies, practices, and procedures to ensure that every product meets quality standards. Student Answer: Statistical process control Quality assurance Quality control Quality directive Corrective management

2024 Assignment 2: Supply Chain Design and Implementation Assignment Help

This assignment will help you develop an understanding about the life cycle of supply chains including the models that 2023

This assignment will help you develop an understanding about the life cycle of supply chains including the models that are aligned with it and the cost it bears. In addition, you will develop an awareness of the elements of the supply chain that should be monitored to ensure the desired results are being obtained. Scenario: You have been asked to be a guest speaker in a high school business class. Your task is to explain the basic concepts of supply chain management to a group of students. The students will take a quiz on supply chain management based on the information in your presentation. Instructions: Develop a creative, engaging, educational handout that students can use to prepare for the quiz. Your handout should accomplish the following tasks. Diagram and explain the life cycle of a supply chain. Explain, and provide examples of, the models organizations use to manage forecasting, planning, and inventory. Examine, and provide examples of, the costs absorbed by organizations with respect to inventory and logistics. Describe how organizations use various parameters to monitor supply chain performance and provide examples. Your handout should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner, as well as demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e., APA); and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Write a 1–2-page handout in Word format along with a separate title page and reference page. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M4_A2.doc. By Wednesday, October 28, 2015 , deliver your assignment to the M4: Assignment 2 Dropbox . Grading Criteria: Assignment Components Proficient Max Points Diagram and explain the life cycle of a supply chain. Diagram and explanation are accurate, logical, and reflect in-depth comprehension of the supply chain life cycle. 20 Explain, and provide examples of, the models organizations use to manage forecasting, planning, and inventory. Examples provided correctly reference models used to manage forecasting, planning, and inventory. Explanation reflects a clear and accurate understanding of concepts related to supply chain management models. 24 Discuss, and provide examples of, the costs absorbed by organizations with respect to inventory and logistics. Costs related to inventory and logistics are accurately identified and thoroughly discussed in terms of their impact on the organization. 20 Describe how organizations use various parameters to monitor supply chain performance and provide examples. Description is accurate and detailed and reflects in-depth knowledge of parameters used to monitor supply chain performance. 16 Academic Writing Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in appropriate and accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e., APA); and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use of scholarly sources aligns with specified assignment requirements. Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in appropriate and accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use of scholarly sources aligns with specified assignment requirements. 20 Total 100

2024 WALMART IN SOUTH KOREA Assignment Help

It s a big world out there and many of America s biggest brands are eager to get their brands into 2023

It’s a big world out there and many of America’s biggest brands are eager to get their brands into the complete global market. But what works on the average American consumer doesn’t always translate well in other countries, and a combination of naïveté, arrogance, and lack of understanding the market have often led to some rather disappointing ventures in the far reaches of the world. Choose one of the following companies that has struggled to enter various global markets: 1. Best Buy – Struggled entering Europe, China and Turkey 2. Groupon – Made missteps in entering the Chinese market 3. McDonalds – Struggled to create a strong presence in the Caribbean 4. Starbucks – Could not break into the Australian coffee market 5. WalMart – Difficulty connecting to the South Korean market Once you have chosen the company, complete the following steps to analyze what the company could have done differently to be successful in the specific market. SWOT Analysis Market Analysis Competitive Analysis Cultural Behavior Analysis Once the analysis is complete, give a recommendation of what can be done for the company to re-enter the market successfully.

2024 2 to 3 Page Paper on Foreign Markets Assignment Help

Foreign Markets Once a strategic focus is decided the selection of the means of transferring a company s competitive advantage 2023

Foreign Markets Once a strategic focus is decided, the selection of the means of transferring a company’s competitive advantage becomes an essential choice – does a multinational company use licensing, exports, wholly-owned subsidiaries, joint venture, direct investment, partnership, or alliance to enter new markets? Or, could it be a mix of all these? In a two to three page research paper in APA style, compare and contrast when it would be advantageous, and disadvantageous, to enter a foreign market under the methods listed above (licenses, exports, etc.). Be sure to: Define and explain each method. Detail when it would be advantageous, and disadvantageous, to utilize each of the methods. Offer an example of a multinational company who utilizes each method and explain if you believe it is the most or least appropriate method to utilize for that company given their product or service.

2024 Assignment 1: Working with Descriptive Statistics Assignment Help

Due Tuesday October 27 2015 Review M1A2 the SPSS Tutorial on 2023

Due Tuesday, October 27, 2015 . Review M1A2 , the SPSS Tutorial on Data Handling , from this and what you now know after having read chapters 5-7 in the textbook by George and Mallery (pp. 72-79 specifically), and having completed the SPSS Tutorial on Data Handling in Module 1 , generate a question that you may have that the data in M1A2 , could answer. For example (and now you cannot use this question) “What is the number of student participants in the study by year in college? Next, open SPSS, and locate the M1A2 file that you generated when you completed that assignment. Using the skills that you learned after completing M1A2 , the SPSS Tutorial on Data Handling , the reading and lessons in chapters 5-7 in the textbook by George and Mallery (pp. 72-79 specifically),and parts 1 & 2 in the Steinberg textbook (pp. 43-47 specifically), run the descriptive statistic that will answer your question. Create a histogram. You may want to superimpose a normal curve on it. Feel free to use other tables and graphs. MOST IMPORTANTLY, KEEP THIS SIMPLE; THE QUESTION THAT YOU ASK IS DESCRIPTIVE. HOW MUCH, HOW OFTEN. USE ONLY ONE STATISTIC AND ONE VARIABLE AT A TIME. DO NOT ASK A QUESTION WITH TWO VARIABLES. WE ARE DOING DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS. WE ARE NOT DOING INFERENTIAL STATS YET. Compare the look of your graph to the statistics on Table 5 (located in the Module 2 online lecture under Characterizing Frequency Distributions (1 of 2) . Discuss what you found. How did running the descriptive statistic answer your question? Interpret the data in terms of the behavior of each variable. Use the vocabulary and statistical language presented in this module to describe your graph and findings. Discuss your finding with your classmates by commenting on at least two of your peers’ posts and responding to what is written about your post by Sunday, November 1, 2015 . As you describe what you found, be sure you give credit to any sources (our textbooks etc.) where you paraphrase or quote definitions, meanings etc. and use APA style in your works cited/bibliography at the end of your paper. Discuss these findings with your classmates and instructor online. Your attached file with the results of the analysis needs to be in Microsoft Word format. (During your dissertation days, you will examine your own data yourself much the way we are doing it in this section if you collect quantitative data) All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources. Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Applied descriptive statistics. 4 Posed question on single stat or set of statistics. 4 Generated frequency distribution histograms. 4 Provided interpretation of data using appropriate vocabulary from the Module. 4 Provided substantive comments to at least two classmates’ postings. 4 Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 4 Total: 24


Make sure to have no less than five sources to support your ideas In addition include in text citations statistics and 2023

Make sure to have no less than five sources to support your ideas. In addition, include in-text citations, statistics and graphs to support the credibility of your writing. In this written assignment, the quality of your writing and the application of APA format will be evaluated in addition to your content. Evaluation based on these criteria is designed to help prepare you for your college projects, which must be well written and follow APA guidelines. Each written group assignment should contain a minimum of 2000 words, but no more than 2500 words. Make sure that you use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Including graphs and/or tables absolutely adds to your final product. Instead of an abstract, state which sections each group member worked on. Please choose only one of the following topics: A) Supply side economics has been marketed as the way to grow the U.S. economy. Kansas is the most recent case of this philosophy. Fully explain the motivation behind the Kansas experiment and the intended effects. Highlight the actual effects and state whether Governor Brownback’s plan has been a success. Please make reference to economic theory and how they apply to this scenario. Include data and/or graphs in order to maximize your score. B) Recent European economic news has focused around Brexit. Please write about some of the pros and cons of Brexit. In addition, please write about mainly some of the theoretical impacts that are expected as a result of Brexit. Please make reference to economic concepts and how they apply to this scenario. Include economic data and/or graphs in order to maximize your score. C) Chile is noted as one of the few economic successes of Latin America. Please make reference to some of the economic policies Chile has implemented over the past three decades and how they have contributed to economic growth. Why has their growth declined in recent years? Please make reference to economic concepts and how they apply to Chile. Include economic data and/or graphs in order to maximize your score. D) As China’s economic success is celebrated by the Chinese, it is often criticized by the rest of the world. What are some of the economic reasons that have fostered China’s economic growth of the last three decades? Many people have called China a cheater. What do they mean? How might China have cheated their way to success? What has been the U.S. response to China’s recent success and the expected results? Please make reference to economic concepts and how they apply to China. Include economic data and/or graphs in order to maximize your score. E) What’s so wrong with Greece? Greece has encountered economic turmoil recently. How has their economic growth differed from other nations in the European Union? What have been some of the causes and possible solutions to Greece’s economic trouble? Please make reference to economic concepts and how they apply to Greece. Include economic data and/or graphs in order to maximize your score. F) Zimbabwe was once considered to be the bread-basket of Africa. What are some of the major government policies that have ruined this economy? Make sure to note where policies have diverged from sound economic theory. G) Oil is considered to be a blessing and a curse. Discuss some of the similarities and differences of two oil producing countries in OPEC. Make sure to mention economic policies that have lead to economic growth and how. Also discuss policies that have lead to economic decay and how. H) The most recent recession was titled the Global Recession. From the U.S. perspective, identify the causes of the recession. What are some of the factors that caused it to be considered a global recession? What were the U.S. government’s responses (if any) to the recession? If you were a member of President Obama’s economic advisers, would you have provided advice to respond any differently to the recession? Make sure to apply economic theory in each aspect of your responses, be coherent and clear. Include economic data and/or graphs in order to maximize your score. I) Choose an industry that is representative of one of the 8 pathways that Broward College offers: AHCD, Business, Education, Health Science, IMCT, Public Safety, SBSHS, STEM How does a firm or industry within one of the pathways contribute to the growth of our economy? Make sure to include theory from at least four chapters in this course with accompanying graphs and statistics.

2024 Finance Expert Only Assignment Help

I need 100 correct and Orignal work Q Assume a bank loan requires an 2023

I need 100% correct and Orignal work. Q. Assume a bank loan requires an interest payment of $85 per year and a principal payment of $1,000 at the end of the loan’s eight-year life. How much this loan could be sold for to another bank if loans of similar quality carried an 8.5 percent interest rate? That is, what would be the present value of this loan?

2024 Fin534 Week 1 Discussion 1 Assignment Help

An Overview of Financial Management Please respond to the following From the e Activity examine ethical behavior within 2023

“An Overview of Financial Management” Please respond to the following: * From the e-Activity, examine ethical behavior within firms in relation to financial management. Provide two (2) examples of companies that have been guilty of ethics-based malfeasance related to financial management and determine why their comeuppance was deserved. * From the scenario, recommend two (2) actions that Trevose Fitness Center (TFC) could take in order to raise capital that will, in turn, enable it to reach its expansion goals. Defend your response. Support your recommendation with two (2) real-world examples of successful implementations of these actions.