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2024 For A- PLUS WRITER Assignment Help

Scenario 1 Wholesome Hamburger Company Suppose you work for the Wholesome 2023

Scenario # 1 : Wholesome Hamburger Company Suppose you work for the Wholesome Hamburger Company. You own a 100 fast food restaurants in California. There is a big drought and people are being told to use less water. You know that it takes: 1,800 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef, 12 gallons of water to produce a head of lettuce, 2 gallons for one walnut, and 468 gallons of water to produce a pound of chicken. You discuss this with the executives in your firm and they tell you that the way water is allocated by government, the company does not incur any additional expense: water will remain very cheap for business. The head of the company is soliciting ideas for its strategic plan for the future. 50 word minimum per question. 500 word minimum per scenario . Keep in mind some of these questions can’t be answered in just 50 words and 50 words is not the maximum. Also it is not just about the number of words. You must say something insightful and relevant. You should include both the question AND your response. Please do NOT include the scenario description. Just include the title such as Scenario #1 etc. The question is not included in the word count, but you should still include it. 50 word minimum per question. 500 word minimum per scenario . What is the ethical dilemma or issue? What are the alternatives or possible courses of action ? Identify at least 3 alternatives. What are your recommendations ? In other words, of the several alternatives you identified, what do you think the company should do? What is your rationale for your recommendations? In other words, why do you recommend this course of action? Scenario # 2 : Chicken International Group You are the CEO of a chicken-processing company. The Vice President of marketing informs you that if you label your chicken as “free range” you can charge 20% more and greatly improve profit margins. You find out that all that needs to be done to legally use the term “free range” is to open the door to the hen house for 5 minutes a day. This provides the chickens with access to the outdoors when, in fact, very few chickens will wander out when the door is open for 5 minutes. Moreover, the term “free range” may be used regardless of space per chicken, number of chickens, or amount of time spent outside. 50 word minimum per question. 500 word minimum per scenario . Keep in mind some of these questions can’t be answered in just 50 words and 50 words is not the maximum. Also it is not just about the number of words. You must say something insightful and relevant. You should include both the question AND your response. Please do NOT include the scenario description. Just include the title such as Scenario #1 etc. The question is not included in the word count, but you should still include it. 50 word minimum per question. 500 word minimum per scenario . What is the ethical dilemma or issue? What are the alternatives or possible courses of action ? Identify at least 3 alternatives. What are your recommendations ? In other words, of the several alternatives you identified, what do you think the company should do? What is your rationale for your recommendations? In other words, why do you recommend this course of action?

2024 FIN350 Questions And Applications Assignment Help

Chapter 16 Questions and Applications 1 and 6 Problems 1 2 and 4 1 Exchange 2023

Chapter 16: Questions and Applications 1 and 6; Problems 1, 2, and 4 1. Exchange Rate Systems Explain the exchange rate system that existed during the 1950s and 1960s. How did the Smithsonian Agreement in 1971 revise it? How does today’s exchange rate system differ? 6. Impact of Economic Conditions Assume that Switzerland has a very strong economy, putting upward pressure on both inflation and interest rates. Explain how these conditions could put pressure on the value of the Swiss franc, and determine whether the franc’s value will rise or fall. 1. Currency Futures Use the following information to determine the probability distribution of per unit gains from selling Mexican peso futures. ■ Spot rate of the peso is $0.10. ■ Price of peso futures is $0.102 per unit. ■ Your expectation of the peso spot rate at maturity of the futures contract is: POSSIBLE OUTCOME FOR FUTURE SPOT RATE PROBABILITY $0.090 10% 0.095 70 0.110 20 2. Currency Call Options Use the following information to determine the probability distribution of net gains per unit from purchasing a call option on British pounds. ■ Spot rate of the British pound is $1.45. ■ Premium on the British pound option is $0.04 per unit. ■ Exercise price of a British pound option is $1.46. ■ Your expectation of the British pound spot rate prior to the expiration of the option is: POSSIBLE OUTCOME FOR FUTURE SPOT RATE PROBABILITY $1.48 30% 1.49 40 1.52 30 4 . Covered Interest Arbitrage Assume the following information: ■ British pound spot rate = $1.58 ■ British pound one-year forward rate = $1.58 ■ British one-year interest rate = 11 percent ■ U.S. one-year interest rate = 9 percent Explain how U.S. investors could use covered interest arbitrage to lock in a higher yield than 9 percent. What would be their yield? Explain how the spot and forward rates of the pound would change as covered interest arbitrage occurs. Chapter 17: Questions and Applications 1, 2, 7, 11, and 13 1. Bank Balance Sheet Create a balance sheet for a typical bank, showing its main liabilities (sources of funds) and assets (uses of funds). 2. Bank Sources of Funds What are four major sources of funds for banks? What alternatives does a bank have if it needs temporary funds? What is the most common reason that banks issue bonds? 7. Borrowing from the Federal Reserve Describe the process of “borrowing at the Federal Reserve.” What rate is charged, and who sets it? Why do banks commonly borrow in the federal funds market rather than through the Federal Reserve? 11. Bank Capital Explain the dilemma faced by banks when determining the optimal amount of capital to hold. A bank’s capital is less than 10 percent of its assets. How do you think this percentage would com- pare to that of manufacturing corporations? How would you explain this difference? 13. Credit Crisis Explain how some mortgage operations by some commercial banks (along with other financial institutions) played a major role in instigating the credit crisis.

2024 Discussion hw Assignment Help

Note I need 150 200 words response for each Discussion Must include references in APA 2023

Note: I need 150-200 words response for each Discussion. Must include references in APA. Answer must be 100% original. Thanks Discussions 1. Do some research and find an article that discusses missing or incomplete source documents. Describe how you think this article relates back to the need for proper documentation when recording business transactions and its impact on the users of the financial statements. 2. Read the attaced article and describe what you learned from the article.

2024 T-Test Assignment Help

Any conclusion drawn for the t test statistical process is only as good as the research question asked and 2023

Any conclusion drawn for the t-test statistical process is only as good as the research question asked and the null hypothesis formulated. T-tests are only used for two sample groups, either on a pre post-test basis or between two samples (independent or dependent). The t-test is optimized to deal with small sample numbers which is often the case with managers in any business. When samples are excessively large the t test becomes difficult to manage due to the mathematical calculations involved. Calculate the “t” value for independent groups for the following data using the formula presented in the module. Check the accuracy of your calculations. Using the raw measurement data presented above, determine whether or not there exists a statistically significant difference between the salaries of female and male human resource managers using the appropriate t-test. Develop a research question, testable hypothesis, confidence level, and degrees of freedom. Draw the appropriate conclusions with respect to female and male HR salary levels. Report the required “t” critical values based on the degrees of freedom. Your response should be 2-3 pages. Salary Level Female HR Directors Male HR Directors $50,000 $58,000 $75,000 $69,000 $72,000 $73,000 $67,000 $67,000 $54,000 $55,000 $58,000 $63,000 $52,000 $53,000 $68,000 $70,000 $71,000 $69,000 $55,000 $60,000 *Do not forget what we all learned in high school about “0”s Calculate the “t” value and set up the posting as required. Develope an appropriate research question. Develope an appropriate testable hypothesis based on the research question. Select an appropriate confidence level and accurately stated the degrees of freedom along with the required critical value for “t.”

2024 Groups and teams (slip) Assignment Help

GROUPS AND TEAMS Assignment Instructions For the Module 3 SLP pick an experience in your workplace when 2023

GROUPS AND TEAMS Assignment Instructions For the Module 3 SLP, pick an experience in your workplace when you were assigned to work as part of a team. Think carefully about your experiences working on this team, and how the concepts in the background materials apply to your experiences. Then write a two to three page paper addressing the following issues: Did Tuckman’s five stages of group development apply to your team? Did some of the stages apply but not others? Explain your reasoning with specific experiences that your team faced and references to at least one of the required textbook chapters from the background materials. How would you rate the cohesiveness of your team? Was it not very cohesive, or was it too cohesive to the extent that your team suffered from groupthink? Explain your reasoning with specific experiences that your team faced and references to at least one of the required textbook chapters from the background materials. Based on what you’ve read in the background materials, what do you think could have been done differently with this team to improve its performance? SLP Assignment Expectations Answer the assignment questions directly Stay focused on the precise assignment questions, don’t go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials Make sure to use reliable and credible sources as your references. Articles published in established newspapers or business journals/magazines are preferred. If you find articles on the internet, make sure it is from a credible source.

2024 Finance discussion Assignment Help

All bonds have some common characteristics but they do not always have the 2023

All bonds have some common characteristics, but they do not always have the same contractual features. Differences in contractual provisions, and in the underlying strength of the companies backing the bonds, lead to major differences in bonds risks, prices, and expected returns. It is important to understand how bond markets actually function and what the appropriate terminology is. Go to www.nyse.com Click on Products, and then click on Bonds on the right side of the window. In the window “Issuer name” type IBM. Click Go. Copy the quotation of one IBM bond that contains the price “ Last Trade Price ”. Present these quotations in your posting. Describe the information that you received from the quote of the bond. You have to explain each number and symbol that appears in the bond quotation. Assume that par value of the bond is $1,000. What was the last price of the bond in $$$ (listed in Last Trade Price )? Assume that par value of the bond is $1,000. Calculate annual coupon interest payments. Assume that par value of the bond is $1,000. Calculate current yield of the bond. Assume that par value of the bond is $1,000. Assume annual coupon payments. Calculate YTM of the bond using the last price (listed in Last Trade Price ). (Round the number of years to the whole number). Show your work. Describe one major shortcoming for YTM and current yield. How would the following affect the yield on newly issued bond? Please explain your answer. a) The bonds are callable. b) The bonds are subordinated to the existing bond issue. c) The bond rating is better or worse than the Moody’s Aa3 that IBM anticipate

2024 Week 4 Discussion Posts Assignment Help

Due by 09 17 2015 8 30 pm EST Each post must be 250 words minimum with references cited 2023

Due by 09/17/2015 8:30 pm EST. Each post must be 250 words minimum with references cited. Stakeholder Communication Read the Forbes article, “ How Deeply Engaging Stakeholders Changes Everything .” Based on the content presented in the article, describe how project managers must understand and communicate with all the project stakeholders. The project sponsor is one very important stakeholder that needs to be satisfied with the outcome of a project. Describe why the project sponsor is one of the most important stakeholders, and what a project manager should do to keep them informed of the status of a project. Provide professional examples if possible. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. http://www.forbes.com/sites/85broads/2011/05/03/how-deeply-engaging-stakeholders-changes-everything/ Team Development Model Review the five stage model of team development in the required reading of Chapter 11. Describe a project that you are involved with right now, and the stage that the project team is currently in. Comment on what makes this particular stage enjoyable, or difficult. If you are not involved with a project currently, describe your favorite stage of a project you have been involved with in the past. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.

2024 MGT-660 Part V Assignment Help

A projected financial statement analysis seeks to forecast the impact of various implementation decisions The 2023

A projected financial statement analysis seeks to forecast the impact of various implementation decisions. The pro forma financial statement can be part of the risk analysis of strategic plan. The goal of this assignment is to ensure your strategic plan is viable financially. In other words, does it create value for the firm? Consider the cost structure and revenue streams for your strategic initiative plan. Research and data collected so far and will likely change once your product or service is commercialized. Each statement should address financial components of features, expenses, and sales of your product or service. It is typical for net income to be negative at this point. Do not assume that you have sales at this point unless you have sold your product or service. Research the following if your plan is entrepreneurial: Balance sheet Income statement Statement of cash flow Fixed and variable expenses Startup expenses Breakeven analysis Research the following if your plan is a market expansion plan for an existing organization, or a mergers and acquisitions plan: Balance sheet Income statement Statement of cash flow Fixed and variable expenses A projected budget Breakeven analysis Complete the “Projected Financial Statement Analysis (Pro Forma 3-Year Financial Plan)”including the “Questions” tab, “12 Month P& L” tab, “Year 1” tab, “Year 2 P&L” tab, and “Year 3 P&L” tab. The first year is monthly and the second and third year are presented quarterly. Please note the questions in the “Questions” tab may be answered at different points in completing the Profit and Loss information.

2024 Action Programs, Financial Projections And Budgets Assignment Help

The next two sections of the marketing plan include Action Programs and Financial Projections 2023

The next two sections of the marketing plan include Action Programs and Financial Projections and Budget . You will complete phase IV of your marketing plan in two parts. First, you will put together your action programs. Then, you will complete your financial projections and budget. The Action Program The Action Programs section of a marketing plan basically serves as a detailed promotions “to do” list. This section spells out specific programs that the company will participate in to promote their products. The Action Program will describe what will be done, when it will be done, who will accomplish the task, and how much it will cost. An example of an item that would appear in an Action Program would be a trade show. The Action Program would list the specific trade show and date. It would state the company’s objectives and reasons for attending it. It would also list who would attend the trade show, expected results, costs, etc. In 1-2 pages, provide summaries of the Action Programs that you will use during the first six months of launching your product in order to achieve your objectives. Financial Projections and Budgets The Financial Projections and Budgets section of the marketing plan include budget details of expected revenue, estimated expenses, and a break-even analysis Complete your Financial Projections and budget by providing 1-2 paragraphs about each of the following items: Sales Revenue Forecast: What is your projected sales volume by month for the first year? Expense Forecast: What is your total expected marketing costs? Break your costs down by each marketing, promotion, and action program strategy that you listed earlier in your plan. Break-Even Analysis : The break-even-analysis is the price at which total revenue equals total cost and profit is zero. This shows how many units must be sold monthly to offset the monthly fixed costs and average per-unit variable costs. Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document.

2024 MKT 571 Week 5 DQ Assignment Help

Consider customer lifetime value CLV Choose a business and show how you would go about developing a quantitative formulation 2023

Consider customer lifetime value (CLV). Choose a business and show how you would go about developing a quantitative formulation that captures the concept. How would that business change if it totally embraced the customer equity concept and maximized CLV? Since we discussed this chapter in an earlier week, I am not posting a first message. However, please feel free to begin a discussion that does not replicate the earlier one. Pick a brand and go to its Web site. Locate as many forms of communication as you can find. Conduct an informal communications audit. What do you notice? How consistent are the different communications? OR (BETTER YET), use the company for whom you now work. What are some of your favorite TV or Internet ads? Why? How effective are the message and creative strategies? How are they creating consumer preference and loyalty and building brand equity? The chapter discusses various forms of and ways to stimulate interpersonal communication. Choose a company you think has effectively done this and analyze their efforts. Do you think it was effective? How might you improve the process? Think of a recent situation where a company faced negative publicity. How did the firm handle it? Was this an effective method? What would you recommend they could have done differently? The video mentions that the rise in use of social media has dramatically altered the face of PR. Have social media made a difference in the way you engage in consumer behavior (search, evaluate. and purchase) products? If so, how? Based on your simulation results, what are some key things to consider in identifying target audiences and evaluating results from a campaign?