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2024 Answer the following short essay questions about U.S. fiscal policy. While this is not a paper, you must still properly cite your answer and write in full sentences. How large is the current U.S. budget deficit and how has it changed over the last few ye Assignment Help

Answer the following short essay questions about U S fiscal policy While this is not 2023

Answer the following short essay questions about U.S. fiscal policy. While this is not a paper, you must still properly cite your answer and write in full sentences. How large is the current U.S. budget deficit and how has it changed over the last few years? 2 points What is the total amount of U.S. debt and how has this changed in the last few years? Who holds this debt? 2 points How does the current administration propose reducing the national debt? Do you think this plan is economically sound and achievable? 4 points What are the potential economic consequences (short and long run) of large budget deficits/debt? 4 points How have recent spending cuts impacted the economy? 4 points What additional/different spending cuts would you recommend and why? 4 points Your total assignment should be 3-7 pages long and submitted in a MS Word document.

2024 Essay Need today Assignment Help

You have been hired as a consultant by your local mayor to look at the various 2023

You have been hired as a consultant by your local mayor to look at the various market structures. Your role is to provide analysis and answers to these important questions that will help the mayor understand the structures of many of the businesses in his city: Describe each market structure discussed in the course (perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly) and discuss two of the market characteristics of each market structure. Identify one real-life example of a market structure in your local city and relate your example to each of the characteristics of the market. Describe how high entry barriers into a market will influence long-run profitability of the firms. Explain the competitive pressures that are present in markets with high barriers to entry. Explain the price elasticity of demand in each market structure and its effect on pricing of its products in each market. Describe how the role of the government affects each market structure’s ability to price its products. Discuss the effect of international trade on each market structure. Your paper will need to include a title page, a reference page, and in-text citations properly formatted according to the APA style guide. Also, your content should be eight to ten pages, which does not include your reference or title page. You will need to include at least five scholarly sources from the Ashford Library in your paper as part of your research to support your analysis. Writing the Final Paper The Final Paper: Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide. Must include a cover page that includes: Title of paper Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph. Must use at least five scholarly resources from the Ashford University Library. Must use APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide to document all sources. Must include, on the final page, a Reference Page that is completed according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide.

2024 GB512 Unit 2 Assignment Business Communications Assignment Help

Business Communications Assignment Unit 2 The Letter Package Your Assignment involves a 2023

Business Communications Assignment | Unit 2 The Letter Package Your Assignment involves a combination of research and writing. You are the marketing director for Snyder Software based in your hometown and your company is considering overseas markets for your product. You have chosen one country that you believe will be a good overseas market for your company’s language translation software – you may choose any country that is of interest to you. Your international research begins with learning about the country, how business is conducted, and what expectations are for correspondence. Prepare a letter of introduction to send to a distributor within that country introducing yourself, your company, your product, your interest in working with them, and why they should be interested in distributing your product. You will make up the name of the distributor and the contact person. Make certain your letter meets the cultural expectations of the country you selected based on your research. Your letter should be one page long. Scenario: Anne Snyder, President of Snyder Software wants to review your letter before it is sent out. She has requested that you draft the letter and submit it to her. She also wants you to write a memo to her to accompany the letter that clearly outlines the research you conducted, the sources you reviewed, the information you gathered, and the criteria you used to draft the letter of introduction. Write a memo of 350-500 words summarizing the work you have done. The memo should include at least two viable references, following APA. Put your references at the end of your memo to Snyder. Your letter package submission will demonstrate your ability to research, summarize that research, document the research (remember your APA citations and referencing from the Discussion), and prepare additional documents based on information gathered. Submit the letter package as a singleWord file, just as you would attach the file to your company president in business. Your letter package will include the memo to Snyder, and the requested draft of the letter. Remember to check your punctuation, spelling and grammar before submission to the Dropbox. Checklist summary • Research one country market and its business and correspondence practices. • Summarize the research and document it using APA format. • Draft one letter of introduction to a fictional distributor in which you introduce yourself, your product, your interest in working with them, and why they should be interested in working with you. • Write a memo of 350-500 words to your boss, Anne Snyder, President of Snyder Software, outlining research you conducted, sources reviewed, information gathered, and criteria for writing your introduction letter to the distributor. • Submit as a singleWord file to the Dropbox after checking your punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Useful Resource International Business Etiquette, Manners, & Culture. Retrieved from http://www.international-business-etiquette.com Please also visit these reference sources in the Kaplan University Writing Center -Writing Business Letters Writing a Memo Directions for Submitting Your Letter Package This Letter Package is due by the end of Unit 2. Put your letter package in a Microsoft®Word document. Save it in a location with a title you will remember and that includes your name. To submit, go to the Dropbox and click on the Unit 2: Letter Package link and follow the instructions. Make sure that you save a copy of the paper you submit. Important! Submit one Word file that contains all pages.

2024 Need Help Regarding The Memo Questions Assignment Help

The what if scenario follows What If scenario In contracts with ADs GC includes an indemnification 2023

The “what if…” scenario follows. “ What-If…” scenario: In contracts with ADs, GC includes an indemnification clause stating that the AD would cover claims by third parties harmed directly as a result of the ADs actions. A GC AD contracts to clean concrete floors in a commercial building in North Carolina using Floor-ex, a cleaning solution, purchased from GC (manufactured by EPI and sold to GC for resale distribution). The AD’s employee spills a large tub of Floor-ex on the job site resulting in the following: the building owner slips on the spill, is injured and misses 3 weeks of work; the building owner hits a piece of equipment in the fall causing it to slide resulting in damage; Floor-ex splashes on the wall, staining it and part of the wall must be replaced. The building owner files a lawsuit against the AD and GC for negligence, as well as for product liability. The building owner seeks compensation damages for: medical expenses and economic loss from her injuries; costs for repair to the building wall; costs for repair to the damaged piece of equipment. The GC owners ask TLG’s opinion about their liability if a situation like the “what-If…” scenario occurred with one of their ADs. TLG’s response will influence the owners’ final decision about whether to use ADs in their new business. Instructions : Winnie and Ralph asked you to discuss the “what-If…” scenarios and analyze the related potential liabilities with an attorney TLG has on retainer. Winnie and Ralph want you to then summarize the attorney’s analysis in a memorandum to them for further discussion with the GC owners. The memo should analyze and explain: Part I. Green Clean 1. The strengths of the plaintiff’s negligence claim against GC; 2. Potential defenses, if any, GC could assert in the negligence claim; 3. The strengths of the plaintiff’s product liability claim against GC; 4. Jurisdiction issues if GC was sued in North Carolina. Part II. Authorized Distributor 5. The strengths of the plaintiff’s negligence claim against AD; 6. Potential defenses, if any, AD could assert in the negligence claim; 7. The strengths of the plaintiff’s product liability claim against AD; 8. Whether, if AD is found liable for negligence and for product liability, AD could sue GC to recover damages paid to the plaintiff?

2024 MGMT422 Unit 4 Group Project Assignment Help

Individual Portion Your individual task will be to contribute a section of the product proposal and pro forma statement for the 2023

Individual Portion Your individual task will be to contribute a section of the product proposal and pro-forma statement for the new product idea. Make sure your portion is 2 pages. In addition to sending it to a designated person who will consolidate all of the contributions into a proposal, this paper will be submitted to your instructor. Individually, each student will create 3 to 4 slides (with 200 to 250-word speaker notes per slide) covering their portion of the proposal in slide presentation format to be pitched to investors. Make sure to provide APA citation and references for both portions of this assignment. Please add your file. Your assignment will be graded in accordance with the following criteria. Click here to view the grading rubric. Part 1: Group Proposal Using the Small Group Discussion Board, the group will come to a consensus on a single product idea and develop a proposal of 8 to 10 pages addressing this new product, the state of its industry, and details of its market. The group will also come to a consensus on the business model approach: intrapreneurial or entrepreneurial. Details about the character of the company, its contributors, of why this approach was chosen for this project should be included in the proposal. Provide information on the product selected, its market, and its industry. The proposal must also provide new information on the chosen product’s main competitors, how their product is different the competition, and detail the demographics of the product’s target customer. Additionally, the proposal should include a company overview of pro-forma, its business principles, its contributing team members including details about their skills and strengths, and a basic pro-forma income statement utilizing business premier index. This should include basic cost projections and other resource requirements for the product. Download Pro-Forma Statement Template. Each member of the group should select a section of the proposal described above. In addition, select a member of the group who will consolidate all of the individual contributions into one clear and polished piece upon which a decision to proceed can be based. In addition to discussing the logistics of completing the project, each team member is expected to contribute the following: a minimum of 1 contribution about the product, its industry, market, its demographic, its competitors, etc. a minimum of 1 contribution about the company, its business model approach, its team member’s skills and strengths, its principles, etc. Part 2: Presentation Lastly, the group will prepare a 10 to 12 PowerPoint slide presentation to share the group’s vision of how this new product will position Triangle Solutions as the market leader for years to come. The presentation should provide sufficient details and supporting information to convince Triangle’s CEO and Board of Directors to approve the proposal and begin the intrapreneurial or entrepreneurial development of the product. The presentations should also demonstrate a solid understanding of the intrapreneurial or entrepreneurial approach that has been chosen. Additionally, include a title and reference slide. The title slide (including topic title, your name, etc.) makes your presentation look and appear professional. The reference slide should provide APA references for information cited throughout the presentation and ensures credit is acknowledged for other’s work.

2024 Marketing Plan Assignment Help

Incorporate the concepts you have learned throughout the course to create a formal marketing plan The marketing plan 2023

Incorporate the concepts you have learned throughout the course to create a formal marketing plan. The marketing plan will consist of a 20-35 slide PowerPoint deck on a selected product or service. The Marketing Plan should be targeted to an executive audience or a potential investor. Use each week’s study of principles and concepts to begin drafting your Marketing Plan as you progress through the course. Step 1: Select a product or service and submit your choice by the end of week 2 Select a product or service that you can obtain sufficient marketing information on or if you are interested in starting your own business you may elect to present a product or service that you intend to personally market. If you decide to use a nationally recognized product/service, you may incorporate their existing marketing campaigns into your plan, however, you must add your own marketing communications ideas as well. Or if you work for a small organization that does not have a formal marketing plan, you may use this opportunity to develop one. Step 2: Conduct a situational analysis Research and apply the weekly concepts to your chosen product or service to complete a situational analysis and begin developing your Marketing Plan. Analyze the company’s website, social media outlets, and review other external sources for information. You may want to interview a company representative. Marketing plans based solely on information found on the company’s website will be incomplete and unsatisfactory. Marketing Plan Slides Use the following outline to build your Marketing Plan. Title Page Table of Contents Executive Summary High level summary of the plan’s content and purpose Description of Product/Service What is it, what does it do Who owns it? What Product Life Cycle stage is it in? Value Proposition Why would a customer buy it? What is the value that it delivers? Create a 2-3 sentence Value Proposition statement encompassing information above. This statement is used for marketing messaging campaigns. Features and Benefits List of features and benefit to customer Target Markets What markets are currently targeted? What is recommended? What approach is being taken (undifferentiated, differentiated, concentrated, or micromarketing)? Competitive Analysis Who are major competitors – pricing, features, benefits, differentiators, target markets Compare your product/service to major competitors Suggestion: Create a table with comparative competitive information (include your product at the top); next slide provide overview bullet points analysis of what the comparative information shows. SWOT Analysis Refer to the SWOT analysis instructions in your textbook Marketing Objectives What are the current marketing objectives or what are your suggested objectives (e.g. build brand awareness, increase market share, capture a new target market, increase revenues, etc.) Measure How will your objectives be measured? Pricing Strategy Identify the price for your product/service Explain why the price better supports the marketing objectives Target Markets What are the target markets? Explain. Should current target markets be expanded? Explain. Distribution Strategy Do you recommend direct channel, indirect channel, or multiple channels? Do you recommend intensive, selective, or exclusive distribution and why? Marketing Promotion (try to use a combination of traditional and contemporary tools) List promotion ideas that support marketing objective(s) Which tools will be used t deliver promotion initiatives? Align promotion initiatives to appropriate target markets Which initiatives should be included in each stage of the Product Life Cycle? Budget Estimate the cost of the marketing campaign Create a marketing budget. Allocate the appropriate cost to each initiative. Reference Page Remember to use the speaker’ notes to present your slides to the viewers. Your slides need to be organized, clear, engaging and informative Use common fonts such as Times and Ariel. They may not be the coolest fonts but they will certainly be the most compatible on most computers. Keep the wording on the slides to a minimum, so that the slide merely provides the direction and you provide the information. Use of images can be a powerful addition to a slide to emphasize a point. Use them wisely, as an image can distract from the point you are trying to make. Keep them relevant to the topic. As with images, use animations and transitions wisely, custom animations and transitions can either be an asset or a distraction. Again, use them wisely! If the effect does not enhance the flow of the presentation perhaps it is better unused. Include detail presentation materials in your speaker notes. Use speaker notes to elaborate on the points on the slide. Good notes can help you keep your audience engaged and prevent text overload on the slide. Make sure the information in your presentation are well written, fully developed, grammatically correct, free of spelling errors and in APA format. Include a title slide and reference slide with your presentation. Narrate the materials in your slides by using your speaker’s notes. You are “presenting” your marketing plan to me so make your that you elaborate, explain, clarify and add detail in your speaker’s notes. Without information in your speaker’s notes its just a bunch of slides and not a presentation.

2024 Week 4 Assignment Assignment Help

Due by 09 21 2015 8 30 pm EST References Cited Monthly Status Report to Sponsors Assume you are the project manager 2023

Due by 09/21/2015 8:30 pm EST. References Cited. Monthly Status Report to Sponsors Assume you are the project manager for a software company and your team is in charge of delivering an update to tax preparation software for the next tax season. The project team has ten software developers working together, but located across the country. You have the following information about the project, and need to provide a status to the sponsors: New items you learned this month about the project: There is a three day weekend in the coming month. Nine of the developers are on track to finish their tasks two weeks early. One software developer took the recently announced “early retirement” package, and is leaving in one week. He is confident he will be able to finish his piece of the work before he leaves. It is hurricane season in Florida, where three of the developers are located.The developer who is retiring is the only person who knows how to get approval for the final product from the IRS. The project costs are under budget and there has been no need for overtime. Write a one page status report (excluding the title page) to the sponsors providing a clear indication of status of the project (suggestion: use green, yellow, or red for status). Students are welcome to copy the boxes below into their assignment. Green Yellow Red The sponsors also like to only know the two most important risks, and what could be done to mitigate the risk if it happens. The conclusion of the status report should include a paragraph that describes any requests for additional resources, if they are necessary. The best status reports use bullets, memos or templates since they provide an at a glance status. If you use a template or memo you can create your own or find one from a respected source that meets the above objectives. If you use a template/memo from another source, you must cite the source in a reference page. In addition, you do not need to use any scholarly sources; however, if a reference is used it must be cited and included on a separate references page. Your paper must be formatted according to APA style guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

2024 FOR ESSAYS GURU ONLY 61 Assignment Help

Read the following and then thoughtfully discuss the questions Often airline frequent 2023

Read the following and then thoughtfully discuss the questions. Often airline frequent flier programs upgrade high volume passengers one, three, or five days in advance.  Discuss •What are the differential costs of this practice? •What are the opportunity costs? •What are the opportunity costs of not doing this? •Would it be wise to sell a seat to a passenger walking up to the gate at the last minute a ticket based on the variable cost? Why or why not?

2024 review an article––global business Assignment Help

Hello there I have two 2 homeworks cosnsist of selecting an article from the a newspaper related to global 2023

Hello there! I have two(2) homeworks: cosnsist of selecting an article from the a newspaper related to global business and write a one (1) page review for each article below using MLA format. 1. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Merkel-to-ask-Modi-to-resume-FTA-talks-with-EU/articleshow/49190005.cms 2. ECB President Mario Draghi Says Eurozone Returning to Growth After Policy Moves Wall Street Journal ‎ – 28 mins ago European Central Bank President Mario Draghi said in a speech Thursday the eurozone … On the first article please discuss the impact of the FTA (Free Trade agreement) between India and Germany. On the second article, discuss how that growth percentage(very low if you ask me) will make a huge impact in the EU zone. and please feel free to elaborate.

2024 Email Based On Listening Skills Scenario Assignment Help

Week 5 Assignment 3 Email Based on Listening Skills Scenario Your supervisor has asked to you write 2023

Week 5 Assignment 3: Email Based on Listening Skills Scenario Your supervisor has asked to you write a brief email on the vacation policy changes to be distributed to staff. You will need to listen to a voice mail from your supervisor with instructions on how to create the email to announce the new vacation policy. The voice mail will include specific details that must be followed in creating the email. This audio voice mail can be found in your course shell. Create an email message in which you: Listen to your supervisor’s voice mail here . transcript for this voicemail is here Create a one to two (1-2) paragraph email with five to seven (5-7) sentences that follows your supervisor’s instructions. Target the appropriate professional audience. Use appropriate language for professional audience. Use correct email formatting. Follow appropriate netiquette rules for electronic communication. Meet the 250-to-500-word minimum requirement. Use correct sentence mechanics, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style. Your assignment must follow these APA formatting requirements: Be typed, single-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with 1-inch margins on all sides. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required length.