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2024 Global Strategy Analysis—The International/Global Operations and Their Key Markets and Potential Competitors Assignment Help

For this assignment you will research the potential international markets and possible competitors of 2023

For this assignment, you will research the potential international markets and possible competitors of your chosen project. The combination of those two items enables you to create a powerful framework to perform a relevant organizational analysis. In a 7-page report, include the following: Part I: Key Market In this part of this assignment, you are to: Decide if all operations will be internationalized (or only some of them) and identify which ones. Identify and assess different potential regions and/or countries to globalize operations. Choose two or three that are the most relevant to your operations. Justify choices made. Specific evidence from scholarly sources should be used to support your choices. Generate separate analyses for each country and/or region chosen, addressing the following main points: Size and characteristics of the market Number and size of global, regional, and local competitors currently acting in the market Balance of trade Currency exchange rates (current and historical) Percentage of domestic production exported Percentage of domestic consumption imported Cost of labor Tax level for domestic and foreign companies Presence of government in the economy Percentage of ownership allowed to foreign companies and/or investors Local laws and regulations related to industry/product Part II: Define Competitors Identify and describe 3-5 major potential global and domestic competitors that will be considered for this project. Create one report for EACH competitor chosen. Include the following information: Market share, globally and in key markets considered in part 1 of this assignment Strategy and competitive advantages Relative prices of products and services being offered Quality-related actions and procedures, and relative quality Note: You may want to prioritize competitors who have a global footprint or are the largest competitors in each lead country and/or major region you considered in Part I. Competitors with a great potential to become global players should also be included. Specific evidence from scholarly sources should be used to support your choices. Your final document should be a 7-pages Word document and use a minimum of 5 professional sources to reinforce your conclusions. Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use the APA format

2024 Top managers of McDonough Products, Assignment Help

Top managers of McDonough Products Inc have asked for your help in comparing the company s profit performance and financial 2023

Top managers of McDonough Products, Inc., have asked for your help in comparing the company s profit performance and financial position with the average for the industry. The accountant has given you the company s income statement and balance sheet and also the following data for the industry. The problem is that McDonough is in dollars and the Industry Average is in percentages. To complete the analysis you will need to convert McDonoughs dollar amounts to percentages. McDonough Products, Inc. Income Statement Compared with Industry Average Year Ended December 31, 2010 McDonough “Industry Average” Net sales…………………………… $700,000 100.0% Cost of goods sold……………. 490,000 57.3 Gross profit………………….. 210,000 42.7 Operating expenses ………………… 175,000 29.4 Operating income……………….. 35,000 13.3 Other expenses………………………… 7,000 2.5 Net income ………………………… $28,000 10.8% McDonough Products, Inc. Balance Sheet Compared with Industry Average December 31, 2010 McDonough “Industry Average” Current assets……….. $471,200 72.1% Fixed assets, net ……….. 114,700 19.0 Intangible assets, net …………….. 21,080 4.8 Other assets…………………………… 13,020 4.1 Total …………………………………. 620,000 100.0% Current liabilities ………. 240,560 47.2% Long-term liabilities ………… 135,160 21.0 Stockholders equity…………….. 244,280 31.8 Total ……………………… $620,000 100.0% Industry Average Current Ratio 1.53 Industry Average Total Debt to Total Assets 0.68 Requirements 1. Prepare a common-size income statement and balance sheet for McDonough Products. The first column of each statement should present McDonough Products common-size statement, and the second column should show the industry averages. 2. For the profitability analysis, compute McDonough Products (a) ratio of gross profit to net sales (b) ratio of operating income to net sales, and (c) ratio of net income to net sales. Compare these figures with the industry averages. Is McDonough Products profit performance better or worse than the average for the industry? 3. For the analysis of financial position, compute McDonough Products (a) Current ratio and (b) Debt ratio. Compare these ratios with the industry averages. Is McDonough Products financial position better or worse than the average for the industry?

2024 international finance Assignment Help

Kerr Inc a major U S exporter of products to Japan denominates its 2023

Kerr, Inc., a major U.S. exporter of products to Japan denominates its exports in dollars and has no other international business. It can borrow dollars at 9 percent to finance its operations or borrow yen at 3 percent. If it borrows yen, it will be exposed to exchange rate risk. How can Kerr borrow yen and possibly reduce its economic exposure to exchange rate risk? Your post should demonstrate that you can conduct a scholarly dialogue, and apply one or more concepts from your readings with original analysis and interpretation.

2024 Critical Evaluation of Research and Theory #7 Assignment Help

Lifetime Employability 50 Points In the Career Center read the Keeping a 2023

Lifetime Employability (50 Points) In the Career Center, read the Keeping a Job section, read On the Job Success . Using a single example or multiple examples from your professional life now and/or in the past, answer the following questions in a well-written paper. Be sure to provide detailed responses to these questions using specific examples and integrate your answers into a paper that flows smoothly. How do you use critical thinking in decision making and problem solving in your professional life? What are the three most important elements of personal and professional etiquette that you employ in your professional life? What are your strengths in communication in your professional life? What are your weaknesses? What strategies do you employ to stay on-task and on-time in your professional life? How do you manage your professional goals? The paper should be well-written, formatted according to APA Requirements , and approximately two to three pages in length.

2024 A new marketing opportunity Assignment Help

The CEO of your firm has just announced that the organization is considering two diverse strategies to increase 2023

The CEO of your firm has just announced that the organization is considering two diverse strategies to increase business: marketing healthcare services to the mature healthcare consumer, or marketing healthcare services to international consumers. 1) Read the following two articles: Fell, D. (2002). Taking the U.S. health services overseas. Marketing Health Services, 22 (2), 21-23. Click here to read the article. Marsh, D. (2010). Marketing to the mature marketplace. Marketing Health Services, 30 (1), 12–17. Click here to read the article. 2) Draft two separate marketing proposals for the organization. Each proposal should be based on a marketing strategy covered in the course. In a separate 6- to 7-page Microsoft Word document 3) Explain which proposal best supports the marketing opportunities outlined by the firm’s CEO. In other words, does targeting one or the other group make sense in light of either of the proposals you have just drafted? 4) Decide which (if either) of the strategies should be a part of your marketing proposal. Explain why and be sure to address each of the following: The opportunities available to the organization by marketing healthcare services to the mature marketplace and the opportunities available to the organization by marketing healthcare services to the international consumer. How either or both of the opportunities compliment or conflict with the organization’s current marketing strategy. What recommendations you would make to the CEO concerning the two proposals.

2024 MBA 6237 Assignment Help

Attached are assessments 1 5 for MBA 6237 assessments Sending following email with assessment 6 of 6237 Please 2023

Attached are assessments 1-5 for MBA 6237 assessments Sending following email with assessment 6 of 6237 Please read this entire email and print out to use as a checklist along with each assessment scoring guide. Again please use the scoring guides as a template to be sure you are addressing all elements. All assessments should be distinguished. Read the entire assessment instructions & Scoring GuideThe Overview – read very carefully very important to follow these competencies and fully address and discuss in distinguished detail. Please use headers/outlines for each bullet point you address. Please provide detailed examples and solutions. Show graphs, charts, spreadsheets and pictures/presentations to support your work in these assessments. Context Questions to consider – Answer in a Summary page in full distinguished detailed. Important Resources: Statistics Tutorial and additional statistics tutorials You will find website links retrieved from the internet please use them they include videos and presentations that illustrate how to use software to implement statistical methods. Please copy/paste or type the links to review this information for all 5 assessments.

2024 Forum Post Assignment Help

View the Lynda com video Solving Business Problems with Mike Figliuolo Identify a problem you would like to address ideally 2023

View the Lynda.com video Solving Business Problems with Mike Figliuolo . Identify a problem you would like to address (ideally a real-world problem in your workplace) and participate in the exercise he describes using the Exercise Handout . After watching the video and completing the exercise (no requirement to turn in the exercise) answer the following in the Lesson Forum: What problem did you address? What was the solution? Was the solution different that what you had perceived as a possible solution (before you started the exercise)? What did you learn working through the Five Step Process? How can you apply what you learned to your workplace or future workplace?

2024 ECO-365,ECO365,ECO/365, ECO 365 Week 5 DQ 1Version 4Principles of Microeconomics Economics (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Assignment Help

ECO 365 Week 5 DQ 1 What factors influence a firm s competitive strategies How does global economic 2023

ECO 365 Week 5 DQ 1 What factors influence a firm’s competitive strategies? How does global economic competition affect the price elasticity of demand in the domestic market and decisions related to the strategy a firm uses to compete? Why do most economists oppose trade restrictions? Who have been the winners and losers as a result of the North American Free Trade Agreement? Explain your answer.

2024 description Assignment Help

Ed Silver has never had anyone to help him out in the office You are the first hire in 2023

Ed Silver has never had anyone to help him out in the office. You are the first hire in this type of position. Therefore, there is no job description. You have been hired as the office manager/bookkeeper. Take a few moments to consider how you foresee this job. Once you have considered the whole scope of the job, Ed has asked you to prepare a job description. Conduct research to determine the skills that are necessary for the position. Make sure that you present the job description in a professional manner. Choose purposeful formatting of the document, and demonstrate effective usage of English grammar and mechanics. Also consider that this document may very well become the basis for job descriptions for Ed’s other employees.

2024 Compounding Interest and the Banker Assignment Help

Need by 23 Oct 2015 by 2300hrs EST in 300 500 words only There 2023

Need by 23 Oct 2015 by 2300hrs EST in 300-500 words only There are many factors influencing the cost of money for both individuals and corporations. Suppose you deposit money in an interest bearing account and at the same time borrow a bit of money from the same bank. In which account would the bank apply quarterly compounding factors versus simple interest? Explain your choices and your reasoning. You may want to check your personal accounts in regard to this type of transaction. You may use the following book as a reference: Parrino, R., Kidwell, D. S., Bates, T. (09/2014). Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 3rd Edition . [VitalSource Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from http://kaplan.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781118901656/ Need by 23 Oct 2015 by 2300hrs EST in 300-500 words only