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2024 Module 04 Discussion – Ethical Marketing Best Practices Assignment Help

Choose a company that you believe displays at least three of the ethical values identified by 2023

Choose a company that you believe displays at least three of the ethical values identified by the American Marketing Association (AMA.org). The list of values includes honesty, responsibility, fairness, respect, transparency, and citizenship (AMA.org). For your initial post , do the following: List the three ethical values you believe the company reflects in its marketing practices. For each value, provide support that illustrates how the company reflects this value. The support can be a marketing communication example, a description of a product feature, a pricing or distribution strategy, or any other aspect of the company’s marketing strategy or implementation. Based on your analysis of the company’s ethical values, write an “ethical best practice” that other companies should implement into their ethical marketing practices. Include a link to your source(s) in your initial post. For your reply post, respond to a peer who has not yet received a reply. Offer an alternative “ethical best practice” that other companies should implement into their marketing practices

2024 see below Assignment Help

Assignment The Key Concepts in Economics Due Week 4 and worth 175 2023

Assignment: The Key Concepts in Economics Due Week 4 and worth 175 points Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: Identify at least four (4) key points of a relevant economic article from either the Strayer Library or a newspaper. The article must deal with any course concepts covered in Weeks 1-8. Apply one (1) of the following economic concepts (supply, demand, market structures, elasticity, costs of production, GDP, Unemployment, inflation, aggregate demand, and aggregate supply) to the key points that you highlighted in Question 1. Explain how the concept that you identified in Question 2 could affect the U.S. economy. In your concluding paragraph, state whether you agree or disagree with the economic article identified in Question 1. Provide a rationale for the response. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment with one (1) being your article.

2024 SSD Prices Rise As NAND Flash Supply Fails To Keep Pace With Demand Assignment Help

SSD Solid State Drives and NAND flash are types of memory devices used across many computing devices from 2023

SSD (Solid State Drives) and NAND flash are types of memory devices used across many computing devices, from laptops and tablets to smart-phones. The growth of consumer electronic devices in recent years has put significant supply pressure on the availability of such memory. Read the article below for a recent view on the supply of such devices and use it to complete the assigned paper. http://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/nand-flash-memory-supply-shrinking-ssd-prices-rising/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Assigned Paper – Week 1 You are responsible for sourcing SSD and/or NAND memory for your company. After reading the article and any other supporting reference, write a 3 page document to your manager that covers the following: (1) Summarize the expectations of availability of memory devices in the next year; (2) Review the diagrams in this week’s reading depicting the Internal Supply Relationships and the External Supply Network . Select 2-3 items from each diagram and explain what additional information you’d like from them or what information you’d like to share with them due to the predicted supply/demand scenario in the year to come. Suggested Outline: Statement explaining the purpose of the document Summary of the expectations of the supply market of memory in the year to come. What additional information would you like to get from internal supply relationships or your external supply network? Why? What information do you believe needs to be shared with internal supply relationships or the external supply network? Why? Next steps in the form of an action plan.

2024 Online Accounting Quiz Help- Use credit Card for payment Assignment Help

Online Accounting Quiz Help Use credit Card for paymentOnline Accounting Quiz Help Use credit Card for 2023

Online Accounting Quiz Help- Use credit Card for paymentOnline Accounting Quiz Help- Use credit Card for paymentOnline Accounting Quiz Help- Use credit Card for paymentOnline Accounting Quiz Help- Use credit Card for paymentOnline Accounting Quiz Help- Use credit Card for paymentOnline Accounting Quiz Help- Use credit Card for paymentOnline Accounting Quiz Help- Use credit Card for payment

2024 BTM8106 Week 1 Complete Solution use as a guide only Assignment Help

Week 1 Answer the following questions 1 Jackson 2012 even numbered Chapter Exercises p 2023

Week 1 Answer the following questions: 1. Jackson (2012) even-numbered Chapter Exercises (p. 244). 2. What is the purpose of conducting an experiment? How does an experimental design accomplish its purpose? 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of an experimental design in an educational study? 4. What is more important in an experimental study, designing the study in order to make strong internal validity claims or strong external validity claims? Why? 5. In an experiment, what is a control? What is the purpose of a control group? Of single or multiple comparison groups? 6. What are confounds? Give an example of a design that has three confounds. Describe three ways to alter the design to address these confounds and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each. 7. What does “cause” mean and why is it an important concept in research? How are correlation and causation related? 8. You are a researcher interested in addressing the question: does smiling cause mood to rise (i.e., become more positive)? Sketch between-participants, within-participants, and matched-participants designs that address this question and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each to yielding data that help you answer the question. Describe and discuss each design in 4-5 sentences.

2024 FOR LADY HAWKINS ONLY Assignment Help

I need your help once again please This assignment is due by noon on 10 13 15 Here is the 2023

I need your help once again please. This assignment is due by noon on 10/13/15 Here is the assignment: In a two- to three-page paper (excluding the title and reference pages), explain the purpose of an income statement and how it reflects the firm’s financial status. Include important points that an analyst would use in assessing the financial condition of the company. Also, analyze Ford Motor Company’s income statement from its 2012 Annual Report . Your paper must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center, and it must include citations and references for the text and at least two scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library I hope you can assist! 😉 Thanks, Dee1997

2024 ECO372 Principles of Macroeconomic Week 2 DQ Assignment Help

The chapter provides numerous real world examples illustrating how macroeconomic policies have been used in the past to manage the 2023

The chapter provides numerous real-world examples illustrating how macroeconomic policies have been used in the past to manage the economy. This all really began with the Great Depression in the 1930’s. This is the event that motivated economist John M. Keynes to develop the new approach emphasizing government involvement and problem-solving. In a nutshell, government can cause AD to shift to the right by stimulating spending. How? One way is to give people tax cuts, counting on the fact that people will usually spend more if they have more to spend. Another way is for government to pay for new programs, like construction jobs (highways, bridges, etc.) or expanding the military. These examples illustrate fiscal policy, which we will be looking at in more detail during this class. Are there any interesting policy examples from the reading that you would like to discuss? The Keynesian model focuses on short-run analysis. In the short run, the aggregate supply curve is upward sloping, so doing aggregate demand/aggregate supply analysis is very similar to doing demand/supply analysis (from week 1). The most important difference is the interpretation. A rightward shift of aggregate demand (AD), for example, causes the economy’s price level to increase, whereas a rightward shift of demand only causes the price of one specific product to go up. Likewise, when AD shifts right, the new equilibrium quantity means a higher level of output for the entire economy rather than just an increase in output for one market. The mechanics are similar, but we interpret everything on a larger scale in macroeconomics. Using the short-run version of the AD/AS model, what happens to the price level, output, and employment when AD shifts to the left? Read about the five sources of economic growth in this chapter. Choose one and discuss it in more detail. Think about what it takes for society to achieve economic growth in real-world terms. Does the U.S. economy do a good job of promoting economic growth, in your view?

2024 Business Question Assignment Help

Needs help with below no plagirism no work cited from wikipedia 5 papragraphs or more due 10 20 15 2023

Needs help with below , no plagirism , no work cited from wikipedia , 5 papragraphs or more due 10/20/15 Post-it notes were invented when a 3M chemist was striving to develop a stronger, tougher adhesive but invented a product that retained its stickiness while peeling apart easily. This discovery, combined with a colleague who, six years later, while looking for a bookmark that would not fall out, created an innovative product used ubiquitously today (Glass, 2013). Innovation can occur in the most unlikely scenarios and can be found in the way a company is structured, the product or services provided, or the style of communication. Evaluate a company that has utilized an innovative approach to improve their positioning, profitability, or sustainability. Was there a time when being innovative helped you either professionally or personally? Provide research via the Internet (from a credible source) and cite your posting in proper APA format and ensure that your posting provides a minimum of five paragraphs. Reference: Glass, N. (2013, April 4). The hallelujah moment behind the invention of the Post-it note. Retrieved from http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/04/tech/post-it-note-history/

2024 Project and Program Management Comparison Assignment Help

What are the key aspects of project management and how would they relate to your job as 2023

What are the key aspects of project management, and how would they relate to your job as a perspective business manager? Support your viewpoint by quoting examples of sources used for this assignment. In addition, explain the differences between project management and program management. Illustrate your comparative analysis using examples from outside sources and readings. Cite sources in APA format.

2024 Questions Answered A++++ Grade Due tomorrow at 4pm. No late work 161583 Assignment Help

Answer the following questions by choosing the BEST answer Place the letter corresponding to your choice in the 2023

Answer the following questions by choosing the BEST answer. Place the letter corresponding to your choice in the space beside the question numbers on the Answer Sheet. 1. The basic reason marketing research is done is because: a. Interesting data may be found b. The desire to provide basic knowledge c. The need for managers to make a decision d. Research is always needed 2. If a manager begins a research project by asking “ What would the data need to look like for me to make this decision?” they would be engaging in: a. Traditional marketing research b. Backward marketing research c. Knowledge based research d. Qualitative research. 3. What the text quotes as a “tidal wave of brand democratization” has led to the need for marketers to rethink how they communicate with markets to spread brand information. What has been the driving forces behind this revolution? a. The Internet b. Digital technologies c. Reality TV programming d. All of the above are contributing factors 4. When FedEx first came on the scene, it offered a whole new way for both businesses and later consumers to quickly and economically ship small packages. It, in essence, launched a new industry. Which of these best describes FedEx at that time? a. It followed a Blue Ocean strategy b. It followed a Red Ocean strategy c. It followed a Differentiation strategy d. It followed a Low-Cost strategy 5. At the intersection of Main Street and Palm Drive there are three service stations. When one lowers price the other two follow suit. If one advertises a low price on soft drinks so do the others. What kind of situation describes these three competitors? a. All follow a Blue Ocean strategy b. All follow a Red Ocean strategy c. All follow a Differentiation strategy d. All follow a Low-Cost strategy 6. Apple is known for introducing user friendly electronic devices to the market. Their iPod, iPad and iPhones are all examples. Although Apple did not invent any of those products, they provided designs and features that took those products to make Apple the market leader in each category. Apple would be an example of a: a. Market Follower b. Market Challenger c. Market Driven company d. Market Driving company 7. All companies face competition in the marketplace even if only indirect. Which of the following statements is true? a. Once a company becomes a market driver, they will always be a driver b. Once a company becomes market driven, they will always be market driven c. A company may shift between being driven and being a market drives d. All of the above are true 8. Crowd sourcing is an activity where a firm might turn to others – such as consumers – to suggest ideas. Frito-Lay, for instance, has been conducting contests for budding film makers to submit commercials for Doritos. One or two of these are selected for debut in the Super Bowl. Which best describes Frito-Lay’s approach to customers? a. Resist b. Enable c. Discourage d. Encourage 9. More companies are using ethnography. In ethnographical studies, a researcher observes behavior in its “natural environment.” For example, a cookware company went to people’s homes and observed them making dinner for their families. Based on this feedback, the company designed a new line of cookware that fit the needs of the consumer. Which category would best describe the cookware company eith regard to consumers? a. Follower b. Shaper c. Interact d. Isolate 10. Wal-Mart has built arguably the most efficient distribution system in the retailing world. Through the employment of various initiatives, such as Vendor Managed Inventory, RFID and distribution center layouts with cross-docking. The low cost (relative to other retailers) distribution system would best be called a: a. Business model b. Core Competency c. A differentiation strategy d. A positioning strategy 11. The chief marketing officer at Harley-Davidson Motorcycles once said that Harley riders are the brand.  In this case, Harley’s brand =: a. Identity b. Trustmark c. Experience d. Story 12. Speaking of Harley-Davidson, rider groups (called HOGS) actively recruit people to become members and encourage them to ride Harleys. HOG members become, for Harley-Davidson: a. Brand knowledge experts b. Brand evangelists c. Brand identifiers d. Brand fantasizers 13. Traditional bookstores are dwindling in number. Part of this is due to the increased use of e-books where people may download and read books from virtual companies such as Amazon (Kindle) or Barnes & Noble (Nook). The disappearance of the traditional bookstore is an example of: a. Disinternment b. Obsolescence c. Disinterest d. Disintermediation 14. Technology has disrupted distribution channels through: a. The death of distance b. Homogenization of time c. Irrelevance of location d. All of the above 15. A sales organization that moves quickly in recognizing opportunity and acting on it would be a(n) __________ sales force: a. Expeditionary b. Creative c. Strategic d. Collaborative 16. Frances Greene is the sales manager of a medium sized company. She is committed to the idea that the sales force is more than a group of individuals who sell products to existing and potential customers, She believes that the sales force is instrumental is ensuring that the company achieve its objectives and can help guide the company’s direction. Frances thinks of the sales force as one that is ____________ in nature: a. Expeditionary b. Creative c. Strategic d. Collaborative 17. The text authors suggest that sales people should see themselves as: a. Salespeople b. Entrepreneurs c. Customer driven d. Technical experts 18. Brand loyalty means not just buying the same product or shopping at the same store, it also involves a __________ component: a. Perceptual b. Psychographical c. Motivational d. Attitudinal 19. The total amount a customer will spend on a given product category over a strategically meaningful time period is called: a. Customer Lifetime Value b. Customer Worthiness c. Customer Equity d. Customer Profitability Analysis 20. Starbuck’s initiatives include purchasing 100 percent of all coffee through ethical sourcing practices (Fair Trade) and investing in a better future for farmers and their communities by nearly doubling funding to organizations that provide farmer loans . This mostly reflects: a. Moral idealism b. Utilitarianism c. Social responsibility d. Business culture