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2024 MGT 435 Week 5 Discussion 2 Assignment Help

Evaluate the four traits of organizational learning Provide examples of how learning 2023

Evaluate the four traits of organizational learning. Provide examples of how learning and change can impact one another. Review several of your peers’ posts. Discuss any similar or opposing perspectives you have, with at least two of your peers. Take care to be professional and polite even if your beliefs or viewpoints differ. Your initial post should be at least 200 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7.

2024 Introducing New Management Information Systems Assignment Help

Interview with a Manager on Introducing New Management Information Systems Health care leaders face difficult choices about how 2023

Interview with a Manager on Introducing New Management Information Systems Health care leaders face difficult choices about how to best use their limited resources. The decision to invest in management information technology can ultimately pay off if it makes the health care organization more efficient. Yet without expert strategic planning and leadership throughout the process, an organization can waste money and cause frustration for those who must use these systems. In this Discussion, you are asked to interview a health care manager who has experience in introducing new management information technology in health care settings. Prepare for this Discussion as follows: Setting Up the Interview As soon as possible, contact a local health care organization–preferably, this will be the type of organization at which you intend to work in the future–and ask if you could interview a manager who has experience in implementing new IT that supports management or administrative functions. When contacting the organization, identify yourself as a student in X University MHA program and briefly describe your objective in interviewing the manager. Let your interviewee know that you will keep all identifying details (such as his/her name and the name of the organization) confidential. Preparing for and Conducting the Interview Create your own list of questions. At minimum, however, these should encompass the following: What are the new management IT systems this organization has implemented lately? Focusing on one of them, what have been the challenges and benefits to the organization in introducing this new system? How were you involved? Is this part of a monolithic system, or a best-in-breed? What have been the pros and cons of this choice? How do leaders at your organization determine whether they should invest their resources in management information technology or in another area in the organization, such as direct patient care? Conduct the interview in person or by phone. Take careful notes of the manager’s responses. (Keep a record of these notes, in case they are requested by your Instructor.) If follow-up questions are needed, these may be asked via phone and/or e-mail. Post by Day 4 a response to the following: Identify the job title of the manager you interviewed, the type of health care organization for which he or she works, and (briefly) the scope of his/her involvement in this project. (For the sake of confidentiality, do not provide details that would identify the actual individual or organization.) Summarize the information you gained through this interview, including the following: Describe one management information system this manager helped to introduce, the challenges the organization encountered along the way, and the benefits that have resulted or are expected. Identify whether this system is part of a monolithic system or a best-in-breed, and indicate any significant pros and cons arising from this choice. How does management in this organization determine whether to invest its resources in management information systems or in another area in the organization? What further insights did you gain from this interview that will help you in the future when managing projects involving the introduction of new IT?

2024 Project Assignment Help

This project is a practical memo on a company interested in expanding into another country The memo 2023

This project is a practical memo on a company interested in expanding into another country. The memo focuses on the international business law and practices for the international expansion of your chosen company. The CEO of your selected company has requested that you assist with developing overseas-expansion plans for the firm. Your role is to complete a comprehensive memo responding to the CEO’s request. Specifically, this course project will be completed in memo form, and it will include your research and a framework that the firm should consider in its expansion efforts. The framework should include guidelines and identify key issues that affect or may potentially affect the company and its various departments. There are different elements of the project that you will build in the three phases. You should investigate the kinds of issues that a firm is likely to face in an environment of international business laws and the types of transactions that are commonplace for firms. As part of your research, you may find other relevant issues that may affect your business, which are not covered in the lessons. In particular, note any pending regulations, laws, or relevant issues that may be evolving. The framework that you include should be practical, relevant, and presented in a user-friendly manner. The audience for your memo is the board of directors of the firm. In addition to the memo itself, you must develop a communication plan on how you would propose informing and engaging the employees of the firm. The final project should contain a separate reference page of sources used in the project. Use APA style when citing references used in your guidelines. You must develop a template for the course project. This should be in the form of a table of contents that forms part of the deliverables. In addition, begin to develop a reference page of key resources and sources that you will use in the remaining two sections of the course project. These sources and resources should be primarily from the Online Library and online sources for corporate webpages. For Phase 1, select a company and a country that you plan to export/expand into, and develop a brief company profile for the firm as well as a brief overview of the country. Complete a company profile for the firm, a corporate profile (facts on the company), and a brief overview of the selected country. This assignment must be two to three pages in length, not counting the table of contents, the title page, and the references.

2024 SSD Measure Tip Sheet Assignment Help

Please reference the attached portion of the Technical Specifications for the Diabetes Screening for People With Schizophrenia or Bipolar 2023

Please reference the attached portion of the Technical Specifications for the Diabetes Screening for People With Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder who are using Antipsychotic Medications (SSD) measure to develop a Tip Sheet for quality staff. This should be a bullet point reference document that quality staff can reference and utilize to gain understanding of the measure. (1 page)

2024 BUS/475 Assignment Help

Currently Hoosier Media utilizes traditional media vehicles for marketing This includes print advertising 2023

Currently Hoosier Media utilizes traditional media vehicles for marketing. This includes print advertising to solicit new and renewal newspaper subscriptions. Other marketing tactics currently used include regional television and radio advertising spots. Management has expressed interest in expanding its marketing reach through social media and mobile app technology but is unsure how to move forward in those areas. Information technology Hoosier Media’s newsroom is in dire need of technological updates. All workstations currently have desktop computers; however, many employees have been requesting the ability to work from home as well as have access to company networks while on the road for business. Many of the younger employees would like to have access to iPads and would like to replace their desktop computer with lightweight laptop computers. For the next phase of your consulting engagement, address the following in a 700- to 1,050-word paper: Propose marketing and information technology implementation tactics for Hoosier Media, Inc. The paper should also reflect on how the company should communicate its strategic plan to key stakeholders by: Identifying the information that should be communicated. Defining the audience that should receive the communication. Identifying the channel(s) of communication

2024 BUS 401: Discussion 1 And 2: Week 4 Assignment Help

Discussion 1 Review the minimizing Risk video segment In the Video segment you 2023

Discussion #1: Review the “minimizing Risk” video segment. In the Video segment, you will watch an interview with two great investors of the twentieth century. Imagine you are Harry Reasoner, and you are allowed to ask Peter Lynch one question about market risk, discount rates or the weighted average cost of capital (WACC). What question would you ask? Why do you feel that is an important question? Fundamental concepts in financial management [Video file]. (1995). In Films On Demand . Retrieved January 29, 2015, from http://digital.films.com.proxy-library.ashford.edu/PortalPlaylists.aspx?aid=18596&xtid=5845 Discussion #2: Corporations often use different costs of capital for different operating divisions. Using an example, calculate the weighted cost of capital (WACC). What are some potential issues in using varying techniques for cost of capital for different divisions? If the overall company weighted average cost of capital (WACC) were used as the hurdle rate for all divisions, would more conservative or riskier divisions get a greater share of capital? Explain your reasoning. What are two techniques that you could use to develop a rough estimate for each division’s cost of capital? Your initial response should be 200 to 250 words These are 2 seperate problems to be done. Due the same day and time.

2024 STR 581 Week 4 Individual Assignment Strategic Choice and Evaluation. Get an A++. Assignment Help

Write a paper of no more than 1 400 words that evaluates alternatives an organization must 2023

Write a paper of no more than 1,400 words that evaluates alternatives an organization must consider to realize growth. Identify the best value discipline, generic strategy, and grand strategy for your organization. Recommend a strategy or combination of strategies the organization should implement. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

2024 Questions on Leadership Assignment Help

I have two leadership questions that need to be answered 1 What is servant leadership and how is it used 2023

I have two leadership questions that need to be answered. 1. What is servant leadership and how is it used in the workplace? 2. How do leaders create and sustain an ethical climate? Provide at least three examples from the the textbook. Textbook : Hughes (2014-02-03). Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience (Page i). McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Kindle Edition. The response for each question should be a minimum of 200 words with appropriate APA style writing. Cite any sources you use in your response, including the textbook. Both questions should be original and unique works.

2024 Assessment # 2 Case Study of a Health Care Organizations Financial Health Instructions Assessment #2: Case Study of a health care organization’s profitability In this assessment you will use the data provided below and conduct a profit (CVP) analysis. Yo Assignment Help

Assessment 2 Case Study of a Health Care Organizations Financial Health 2023

Assessment # 2 Case Study of a Health Care Organizations Financial Health Instructions Assessment #2: Case Study of a health care organization’s profitability In this assessment you will use the data provided below and conduct a profit (CVP) analysis. You will be graded based on your understanding of profit (CVP) analysis, the accuracy of your calculations, the validity of you conclusions and your ability to clearly communicate your analysis. To complete this assignment, follow these steps. Assume the following information about cost and charges for a hospital in 2014: Fixed Costs = $10,000,000 Variable cost per inpatient Day = $200 Charge Per Inpatient Day = $1,000. Review Nowicki Chapter 6 and Gapenski Chapter 5. From what you have learned in these chapters estimate the: a) accounting breakeven point quantity and breakeven dollar amount and b) the economic breakeven point quantity and dollar amount. Explain the contribution margin. Write a short paper in the following format: Cover page with your name, class/section and instructor’s name For each measure estimated above, in a paragraph: define the measure, explain the importance of that measure to the healthcare services manager. Explain how these breakeven points would vary in a capitated and non-capitated environment. Provide a numerical example in a table to illustrate difference. You will be graded base on the following rubric: 90-100 80-89 70-79 0 Points The student demonstrates a thorough understanding of the meaning of the ratios measured and their applicability to the organization being analyzed. The student demonstrates a reasonable but not complete understanding of the meaning of the ratios chosen and their applicability to the organization being analyzed. The student demonstrates a limited understanding of the meaning of the ratios chosen and their applicability to the organization being analyzed. The student does not demonstrate an understanding of the meaning of the ratios or how they can be used to assess the organization’s financial condition. All of the ratios are calculated accurately Only 2 of the ratios are calculated accurately Only 1 of the ratios are calculated accurately None of the ratios are calculated accurately. The student draws accurate conclusions for each of the ratios and for the overall financial health of the organization. The student draws some accurate conclusions for each of the ratios and for the overall financial health of the organization. There are a few mistakes The student draws few accurate conclusions for each of the ratios and for the overall financial health of the organization. There are several mistakes The student’s conclusions for each of the ratios are inaccurate and the overall conclusion on the financial health of the organization is not valid. Writing quality: Writes clearly, concisely, and with few errors. Easy to understand. Writing quality: Writes with some errors but the paper can be readily understood. Writing quality: paper includes numerous errors. Requires some effort to understand. Writing quality: The paper is poorly written and is difficult to understand.

2024 Test Bank Genetics And Genomics For Nursing 1st Edition Kenner Assignment Help

Test Bank Genetics and Genomics for Nursing 1st Edition Kenner Kenner Genetics and Genomics for Nursing 1 E Chapter 2 2023

Test Bank Genetics and Genomics for Nursing 1st Edition Kenner Kenner Genetics and Genomics for Nursing , 1/E Chapter 2 Question 1 Type: FIB The hospital nurse educator developing a presentation on genetic and genomic competencies should plan to include ______ competencies. Standard Text: Correct Answer: 27 Rationale : There are 27 competencies described in the ANA monograph that should be discussed in thispresentation. Global Rationale: Cognitive Level: Applying Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance Client Need Sub: Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Planning Learning Outcome: 2-1: Outline basic concepts of genetics and genomics in nursing practice. Question 2 Type: MCSA The nurse is considering applying for a position on a unit where many of the clients are affected by genetic anomalies. What is the nurse’s most important consideration before pursuing this position? Does the nurse want to have children in the future? Will the salary be sufficient compensation for the stress of working on this unit? Will the nurse’s safety be considered? What are the nurse’s basic feelings about working with clients who have genetic anomalies? Correct Answer: 4 Rationale 1 : There is no reason to believe that working with clients who have genetic anomalies would affect thenurse’s capacity to have healthy children in the future. Rationale 2 : While adequacy of compensation is always a consideration, there is no indication that it is a morecritical issue in this situation. Rationale 3 : Safety is always a consideration, but there is no indication that it is a more critical issue in thissituation. Kenner, Genetics and Genomics for Nursing , 1/E Test Bank Copyright 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc. Rationale 4 : Just as in any other situation, the nurse must recognize personal attitudes and values related to thecare of the clients served by the unit. Global Rationale: Cognitive Level: Analyzing Client Need: Safe Effective Care Environment Client Need Sub: Management of Care Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Assessment Learning Outcome: 2-1: Outline basic concepts of genetics and genomics in nursing practice. Question 3 Type: MCMA A client from Brazil is referred to the genetics clinic after experiencing a third spontaneous abortion. What nursing actions are required of the nurse providing education for this client? Note: Credit will be given only if all correct choices and no incorrect choices are selected. Standard Text: Select all that apply. Make certain all the resource materials are written in Spanish. Assess the client’s literacy level prior to providing written materials. Avoid eye contact when talking with the client. Talk with the client about why she is seeking treatment. Include verbal discussion of websites the client can access for additional information. Correct Answer: 2,4 Rationale 1 : There is no indication that Spanish is the language this client speaks. Rationale 2 : The nurse should provide materials the client can read and understand. Rationale 3 : The nurse should assess the client’s comfort with eye contact before automatically using thisapproach. Rationale 4 : The nurse must assess the client’s situation, including her response to the abortions and what shehopes to gain by seeking treatment. This discussion may help to identify cultural and religious factors that will help the nurse tailor education. Rationale 5 : The nurse should assess the client’s education, literacy, and resources prior to offering websiteinformation. The client may be computer literate with easy access to a computer, or she may have no resources. In either case, a written list of websites is preferable to a verbal list. Kenner, Genetics and Genomics for Nursing , 1/E Test Bank Copyright 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc. Global Rationale: Cognitive Level: Analyzing Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance Client Need Sub: Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Implementation Learning Outcome: 2-1: Outline basic concepts of genetics and genomics in nursing practice. Question 4 Type: FIB In order to practice at a level demonstrating competency, the nurse should ask family history questions that go back at least _____ generations. Standard Text: Correct Answer: 3 Rationale : The registered nurse who meets the genetic and genomic competency in assessment demonstrates theability to elicit a minimum of three-generation family health history information. Global Rationale: Cognitive Level: Applying Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance Client Need Sub: Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Assessment Learning Outcome: 2-1: Outline basic concepts of genetics and genomics in nursing practice. Question 5 Type: MCSA The nurse who wishes to demonstrate competency in genetics and genomics should adopt which strategy? Advocacy for identical services for every ethnic group Identification of information sources useful in keeping current on genetics and genomics issues Use of standardized educational information forms for all clients Support of mandatory genetic testing of all clients admitted for diseases with genetic links Correct Answer: 2 Rationale 1 : The competent nurse will advocate for genetic- and genomic-based services that are specific andequitable. Kenner, Genetics and Genomics for Nursing , 1/E Test Bank Copyright 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc. Rationale 2 : The nurse who is competent must work to stay informed on current issues and research in geneticsand genomics. Rationale 3 : The competent nurse will recognize the need for personalization of information based on ethnic,cultural, religious, legal, fiscal, and societal issues related to genetics and genomics. Rationale 4 : The truly competent nurse understands that the client has a right to refuse such testing, despite theperceived potential benefit. Global Rationale: Cognitive Level: Analyzing Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance Client Need Sub: Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Implementation Learning Outcome: 2-1: Outline basic concepts of genetics and genomics in nursing practice. Question 6 Type: MCMA A nurse recording the family history of a newborn identifies that many people in the mother’s line and the father’s line have died from cancer. What information should the nurse provide for these parents? Note: Credit will be given only if all correct choices and no incorrect choices are selected. Standard Text: Select all that apply. “Unfortunately, there is little you can do to change the effects of genetics.” “You should be certain that your child is not exposed to secondhand smoke.” “You need to have your child screened every six months for cancer development.” “As your baby grows older, be sure to offer a well-balanced diet.” “Your child should be started on immune-enhancing medications at an early age.” Correct Answer: 2,4 Rationale 1 : While genetics cannot be changed, there are many strategies to change or modify their effects. Rationale 2 : Because exposure to secondhand smoke is associated with the development of some cancers, theseparents should actively prevent their child’s exposure. Rationale 3 : Having a newborn screened every six months is not necessary. Suggesting this level of concern maycause undue anxiety in the parents. Kenner, Genetics and Genomics for Nursing , 1/E Test Bank Copyright 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc. Rationale 4 : Obesity is a risk factor for the development of many diseases, including some cancers. Rationale 5 : There are no “immune-enhancing” medications that prevent cancer. Global Rationale: Cognitive Level: Analyzing Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance Client Need Sub: Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Implementation Learning Outcome: 2-3: Identify intervention strategies that promote health and/or prevent disease in geneticallyhigh-risk populations. Question 7 Type: MCSA A client is advised to undergo genetic testing. The client says, “How will I afford to pay for this?” Which nursing response is best? “I’m sure your insurance company will cover it. Most of them do.” “We will work with your insurance company to explain why you need genetic testing.” “Genetic studies are not very expensive now.” “Payment will be an issue between you and your insurance company.” Correct Answer: 2 Rationale 1 : Genetic testing is not covered by many insurance companies. Rationale 2 : The health care provider who is competent in genetics and genomics understands the problems ofreimbursement and payment. One of the nursing competencies is collaborating with insurance providers/payers to facilitate reimbursement. Rationale 3 : Genetic studies can be very expensive. Rationale 4 : The nurse competent in genetics and genomics will collaborate with insurance companies andpayers. Global Rationale: Cognitive Level: Applying Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance Client Need Sub: Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Implementation Learning Outcome: 2-1: Outline basic concepts of genetics and genomics in nursing practice. Kenner, Genetics and Genomics for Nursing , 1/E Test Bank Copyright 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc. Question 8 Type: MCSA A public health nurse wishes to improve his ability to integrate genetics and genomics into his practice. To strengthen his foundation knowledge he should choose which college course? Cellular biology Organic chemistry Introduction to sociology Trigonometry Correct Answer: 1 Rationale 1 : A foundation in cellular biology is necessary for a basic understanding of genetics and genomics. Rationale 2 : It is not necessary to have coursework in organic chemistry to understand genetics and genomics. Rationale 3 : An introduction to sociology course is not likely to contain sufficient information about genetics andgenomics. Rationale 4 : Coursework in trigonometry is not a prerequisite to understanding genetics and genomics. Global Rationale: Cognitive Level: Applying Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance Client Need Sub: Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Planning Learning Outcome: 2-2: Identify differences in the knowledge base and skills needed to incorporate basicconcepts in genetics and genomics into every type of nursing practice. Question 9 Type: MCMA Which factors would the nurse identify as a determinant of health? Note: Credit will be given only if all correct choices and no incorrect choices are selected. Standard Text: Select all that apply. The client’s grandfather and father each had myocardial infarctions before the age of 50. The client purchases groceries at a chain grocery store. Kenner, Genetics and Genomics for Nursing , 1/E Test Bank Copyright 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc. The client lives in a state where many people are obese. Noise from a train interrupts the client’s sleep several times each night. The client has joined a group at work with the goal of losing 10 pounds over the next 6 months. Correct Answer: 1,4,5 Rationale 1 : One of the risk factors for coronary artery disease is a family history of the disorder. This is adeterminant of health. Rationale 2 : Where groceries are purchased is not a determinant of health. What is purchased is a determinant ofhealth. Rationale 3 : Living in a state where many people are obese does not determine the client’s health. Rationale 4 : Interrupted sleep from an environmental factor is a determinant of health. Rationale 5 : This is behavioral determinant of health. The client has adopted a behavior to improve health. Global Rationale: Cognitive Level: Analyzing Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance Client Need Sub: Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Assessment Learning Outcome: 2-2: Identify differences in the knowledge base and skills needed to incorporate basicconcepts in genetics and genomics into every type of nursing practice. Question 10 Type: MCSA The nurse educator presented a program on genetics and genomics in health care to nurses and other personnel in several health care organizations. After a few weeks, the nurse wishes to evaluate its effectiveness. Who would give the nurse the best picture of the program’s effects? Clients who were cared for after the presentation Chief financial officer Quality assurance director Infection control officer Correct Answer: 3 Rationale 1 : Clients are not likely to have information about the global effectiveness of a program. Rationale 2 : The chief financial officer’s focus does not include monitoring or evaluating such programs. Kenner, Genetics and Genomics for Nursing , 1/E Test Bank Copyright 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc. Rationale 3 : The purpose of quality assurance is to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of health care systemsand/or programs. Rationale 4 : The infection control officer’s focus does not include monitoring or evaluating such programs. Global Rationale: Cognitive Level: Applying Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance Client Need Sub: Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Evaluation Learning Outcome: 2-2: Identify differences in the knowledge base and skills needed to incorporate basicconcepts in genetics and genomics into every type of nursing practice. Question 11 Type: MCMA The nurse is writing a grant to fund technologies needed for a state-of-the-art genetics/genomics clinic. Which technologies are necessary for this endeavor? Note: Credit will be given only if all correct choices and no incorrect choices are selected. Standard Text: Select all that apply. Genetic testing Organ transplantation Genetic bio-banking Genetic screening Genomic bio-banking Correct Answer: 1,3,4,5 Rationale 1 : The clinic should be able to perform genetic testing. Rationale 2 : The clinic does not need technology for organ transplantation. Rationale 3 : A state-of-the-art clinic should have facilities for genetic bio-banking. Rationale 4 : This clinic should have the technology needed for genetic screening. Rationale 5 : A state-of-the-art clinic should have the technology necessary for genomic bio-banking. Global Rationale: Kenner, Genetics and Genomics for Nursing , 1/E Test Bank Copyright 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc. Cognitive Level: Applying Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance Client Need Sub: Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Planning Learning Outcome: 2-2: Identify differences in the knowledge base and skills needed to incorporate basicconcepts in genetics and genomics into every type of nursing practice. Question 12 Type: MCSA Which statement by a nurse indicates the most competence in genetic referral activities? “I am not certain if there are any genetics clinics in this area.” “I will get you the telephone number of a genetics clinic.” “If I call the genetics clinic I may be able to get you an earlier appointment.” “You should probably find a genetics clinic for follow-up care.” Correct Answer: 3 Rationale 1 : To be competent, the nurse must be aware of local or even regional care availability. Rationale 2 : Simply giving the telephone number to the client is not a good example of a referral. Rationale 3 : The nurse should facilitate the referral. Rationale 4 : The nurse has not facilitated referral for this client. In fact, the statement sounds like the nurse’sopinion, not a referral. Global Rationale: Cognitive Level: Analyzing Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance Client Need Sub: Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Implementation Learning Outcome: 2-3: Identify intervention strategies that promote health and/or prevent disease in geneticallyhigh-risk populations. Question 13 Type: MCSA A client has been identified as having a strong family history of breast cancer. The health care team recommends genetic testing. The client says, “I am not going to have the testing.” Which nursing response is best? “You should get this done. Think about your children.” Kenner, Genetics and Genomics for Nursing , 1/E Test Bank Copyright 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc. “OK, if that is what you want.” “Do you understand the implications of not being tested?” “If I were you, I would have the testing done.” Correct Answer: 3 Rationale 1 : Using guilt (“think about your children”) is not an appropriate intervention. Rationale 2 : The nurse should advocate for the client’s wishes but must first determine that the client is fullyinformed regarding this decision. Rationale 3 : The nurse should be certain the client understands the implications of this decision and then shouldsupport the decision. Rationale 4 : The nurse should not impose personal beliefs on the client. Global Rationale: Cognitive Level: Analyzing Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance Client Need Sub: Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Implementation Learning Outcome: 2-3: Identify intervention strategies that promote health and/or prevent disease in geneticallyhigh-risk populations. Question 14 Type: MCSA A hospital has elected to sponsor genetics and genomics education sessions for nurses. Which comment by a nurse would indicate to the manager an understanding of the purpose of this education? “I think we should send the nurses who work in obstetrics first.” “So many diseases have a genetic component.” “I’m an emergency department nurse. I don’t see the point.” “I work in the newborn nursery, so I need to go to the first session.” Correct Answer: 2 Rationale 1 : There is no indication that the nurses who work in obstetrics need this education more or sooner thanother nurses. Rationale 2 : This nurse understands that the need for genetics/genomics education is not limited to any particularspecialty. Kenner, Genetics and Genomics for Nursing , 1/E Test Bank Copyright 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc. Rationale 3 : Nurses who work in the emergency department care for clients with genetic tendencies to disease. Rationale 4 : Nurses of all specialties should receive this education. There is no indication that newborn nurserynurses should have priority. Global Rationale: Cognitive Level: Applying Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance Client Need Sub: Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Evaluation Learning Outcome: 2-1: Outline basic concepts of genetics and genomics in nursing practice. Question 15 Type: MCSA The nurse executive of a major health care organization would like for all nurses working in the organization to master the essential competencies of genetic/genomic care. What is the best strategy for this nurse to institute? Require that all nurses pass a written examination on the competencies. Have managers ask questions about genetics in all employment interviews. Work with the human resources department to include competencies as part of the job description. Tell nurse managers to emphasize the genetic competencies in annual performance reviews. Correct Answer: 3 Rationale 1 : This is not the best strategy. Nurses may know the competencies but not practice them. Rationale 2 : This strategy may help to identify those with some competence before employment, but is not thebest offered. Rationale 3 : This is a beginning towards the goal. The executive should also work to provide education to nursesand demonstrate the competencies in clinical practice. Rationale 4 : A nonspecific instruction to “emphasize these competencies” does not provide good direction to thenurse managers, who may also have little education in genetics/genomics. It is also difficult to base performance reviews on competencies unless they have been added to the job description. Global Rationale: Cognitive Level: Applying Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance Client Need Sub: Nursing/Integrated Concepts: Nursing Process: Implementation Learning Outcome: 2-1: Outline basic concepts of genetics and genomics in nursing practice. Kenner, Genetics and Genomics for Nursing , 1/E Test Bank Copyright 2013 by Pearson Education, Inc.