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2024 or professor2013 only Assignment Help

Each group will be assigned two three 2 3 countries upon which you will develop a 2023

Each group will be assigned two – three (2-3) countries upon which you will develop a Regional Overview Resource for an Australian organisation. Your client is considering establishing business in the international market but is uncertain about suitable countries and regions and possible industries. You will be providing that information to guide their decision-making. The resource will provide a summary and critical analysis of the business ‘Environment’ including relevant political, legal, economical, geographical and historical information which could influence management decisions. This includes discussing key industries in the countries and identifying possible business industry opportunities for your client. You will need to consider relevant relationships in the broader region and make connections to the Australian context, reflecting the client’s background. Finally, you will also need to explain key cultural differences between the assigned locations and the home culture (Australia) to prepare the client for differences in the workplace. Your resource can be developed using presentation software such as PowerPoint, Prezi or Powtoon or Movenote. Your resource should be engaging and include a narration to discuss your information. Links to relevant online tutorials for this software will be made through the [email protected] unit site. You will be required to use appropriate sources for you information and reference these using Endnotes (N.B. This is the referencing style, not the bibliographic software). Appropriate sources include the media, and government, business or industry websites. Each resource should be submitted Yammer and made available to your peers. Refer to the rubric on the Lear [email protected] unit site for the marking criteria. Group evaluations will contribute to 10% of the mark while the resource itself is worth 20%. If working alone, the resource will be worth 30%.

2024 04 Course Project – Project Time and Cost Management Assignment Help

Using the WBS for your project complete the attached Cost Estimate Work Sheet by 2023

Using the WBS for your project complete the attached Cost Estimate Work Sheet by including the best cost estimates available for each of the activities listed on the WBS. Also indicate whether the activity represents a recurring or non-recurring cost. Cost Estimate Worksheet Use the Cost Estimate Work Sheet from the previous step to complete the Initial Budget Worksheet by using the attached template. Initial Budget Worksheet In a paper that is a minimum of 3 pages long, based on your calculations what is the total budget for this project? According to this analysis, identify clearly and concisely at least three areas where you see potential cost savings. For each of these areas of opportunity using your understanding of the project, explain a potential change in plan to reduce costs in the project. When making recommendations for cost reductions how can you ensure these cost reductions are in the best interest of the company, i.e. you aren’t sacrificing quality in order to cut costs. Your submission should follow the essentials of APA (i.e., cover page, double-spaced, 12 pt. font, reference section at the end, in-text citations, etc.).

2024 Strategic Management and Business Policy Case Study Assignment Help

Research ONE of the following four companies Apple Google Coca Cola American Airlines Respond to the four writing prompts below 2023

Research ONE of the following four companies: Apple Google Coca Cola American Airlines Respond to the four writing prompts below. Your responses must include information from your course materials and from outside research, including at least two scholarly resources and at least two online sources. Create a case study summary of the company you have chosen including a general overview of the company and its external environment, a list of its current strategies and objectives, and a financial analysis of the company using ratio analysis. If the company continues with its present strategies and objectives, where will it be in five years? If you were the CEO of the company, what strategies would you recommend and why? Describe the competitive strategies used by the company’s main competitors. Which of these strategies are the most effective? How can your company combat these strategies? Support your answers. If you paraphrase or quote words or ideas from your course textbook or other resources, you should cite your sources using APA guidelines. Your case analysis should be at least eight pages in length One reference that must be used is: Wheelen, T. L., Hunger, J. D., Hoffman, A. N., & Bamford, C. E. (2015). Concepts in strategic management and business policy: Globalization, innovation, and sustainability (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

2024 Innovative Thinking in a Business Assignment Help

Innovative Thinking in a Business Theory Based Strategic Experiment Utilizing the same virtual organization from the 2023

Innovative Thinking in a Business: Theory-Based Strategic Experiment Utilizing the same virtual organization from the measurement and reward System, design a theory-based strategic experiment based on one of the following problems associated with the organization: Riordan Manufacturing One of Riordan Manufacturing’s largest customers purchases a number of different styles and types of a polycarbonate drinking bottle. The formulation for this particular bottle style contains Bisphenol A. Due to highly publicized, recent news stories concerning the safety of reusable plastic containers, Riordan’s customer has advised them that it will no longer be purchasing bottles containing Bisphenol A. Some time ago, the purchasing department found an attractive price on a bulk purchase of many of the components that went into the manufacture of the bottle. Around the same time, the operations department foresaw a period of unused plant capacity in the China plant. In order to keep the plant running at peak efficiency, they had the China plant do a number of production runs of the polycarbonate bottle in the most popular sizes and colors. No one saw an issue in producing the bottles without an existing purchase order given the customer’s history of purchasing large quantities of these bottles in the past. The bottles are currently being stored at the China plant, but the warehouse space will soon be needed for other orders. The bottles have not yet been scored with volume markings or the customer’s logo. What can Riordan Manufacturing do with the bottles? Riordan Manufacturing uses Huffman Trucking to ship their products all over the United States. With rising fuel costs, several trucking companies have gone out of business or have substantially raised their rates. Huffman Trucking has innovated a way to stay in business without having to raise their shipping rates for customers. In turn, Huffman has also picked up many new shipping contracts from other businesses. With the increased business at Huffman, Riordan Manufacturing has noticed a decrease in their timeliness and customer service. Several orders have been distributed or picked up late, adversely affecting functioning at Riordan. What can Riordan do to solve this problem? Keep in mind that Riordan and Huffman have a 5-year contract with little room for renegotiation and Huffman continues to have the most competitive shipping prices in the country. A majority of employees at the Pontiac branch of Riordan Manufacturing work at the production level. While the company expects a higher rate of employee turnover for those positions, they have recently seen a substantial increase in the turnover rate. In turn, production managers have had to increase their time spent interviewing and training new employees. This affects their time spent managing the day-to-day quality control, sales, and safety aspects of their positions. The managers have agreed that they must establish a way to better retain their production employees. What can they do? My part is the Legal department Create a 3 slide Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® presentation, with detailed slide notes, on your strategic experiment. Incorporate the following into your presentation: Present two innovative ways to solve the problem. Address the following six changes involved with theory-based planning in your process and presentation: Level of detail: Focus on the most critical market, technology, and unknown costs. Communication of expectations: Base your predictions on theory and include a description of the theory used to generate your predictions. Nature of predictions : Predict the trends, rather than the specific numbers. Frequency of strategic reviews : Set a strategic review schedule. Perspective in time: Consider the history of the organization when devising the experiment. Focus on long-term history, rather than just recent changes in the organization. Use information available through the virtual organization to gain insight on the historical background of the organization. Some examples of helpful documentation are a strategic plan, company history, employee handbook, sales plan, or internal memos. Nature of measures : focus on leading indicators Based on your theory-based planning, state what other factors need to be analyzed and what other steps must be completed to determine the best solution for the organization. Include three to four scholarly references. Legal department information Overview Lowell Bradford, Chief Legal Counsel, oversees all legal matters for Riordan Manufacturing. All contracts have to be approved by Mr. Bradford before they can be signed. Department heads forward all legal questions to Mr. Bradford who answers them from his personal knowledge and experience or after consulting with the attorneys at Litteral & Finkel, the law firm retained by Riordan Manufacturing. Mr. Bradford and Rick Ethridge handle all the company’s patent applications. Litigation, tax issues and real estate matters are referred to Litteral & Finkel, but closely supervised by Mr. Bradford. Per Mr. Bradford’s instructions, all communications between Litteral & Finkel pass through Mr. Bradford’s office. Litteral & Finkel have been representing Riordan Manufacturing since its inception. Dr. Riordan’s cousin was a partner in the firm and the close relationship between the two firms has continued even though Dr. Riordan’s cousin passed away eight years ago. Riordan Manufacturing pays Litteral & Finkel a monthly retainer to assure prompt response to any legal inquiries. If legal matters arise, legal fees are charged against the retainer. If the amount of the month’s legal fees exceeds the retainer, excess charges are billed to Riordan Manufacturing at the end of the month. Unused retainer amounts are not carried forward. Litteral & Finkel is a large international law firm that practices in all areas of the law. The firm has offices in a number of cities including: San Jose, CA Los Angeles, CA New York, NY Chicago, IL Atlanta, GA Detroit, MI Washington, D.C. Cleveland, OH Mexico City, Mexico London, United Kingdom Paris, France Geneva, Switzerland George Town, Grand Cayman Sydney, Australia Perth, Australia Dublin, Ireland Tokyo, Japan Seoul, South Korea Kuwait, Kuwait Doha, Qatar Moscow, Russia Litteral & Finkel has provided Riordan Manufacturing with legal services in the areas of tax law, real estate transactions, employment law, immigration matters, civil litigation, workers compensation, labor law, and customs regulations. With its vast resources, Litteral & Finkel can immediately provide a team of attorneys, paralegals and clerks to any legal issue that confronts Riordan Manufacturing. With its international network, it can send attorneys from its closest offices and within a few hours be on the scene to provide legal advice anywhere in the world. Corporate Governance Policies The Riordan Manufacturing Board of Directors carries the responsibility of overall management of business affairs of the Company in accordance with state corporation requirements, the Articles of Incorporation, and its By-Laws. The encompassing role of the board is to govern and manage the affairs of the Company for the benefit of shareholders. The Board endeavors to faithfully fulfill its obligations through oversight of quality management personnel who carry out the daily activities on behalf of the Board of Directors of Riordan. Selection of Board Criteria for Board Membership The Board shall maintain a Nominating Committee with responsibility to review the skills and characteristics of the members of the Board. Those attributes sought in retaining and adding members of the Board will include industry knowledge, financial literacy, availability to participate, and commitment to act in the capacity of a Board member of Riordan. Director Independence The Company shall engage a majority of Board members independent of current management of Riordan, as stipulated through standards set out by regulation. The Nominating Committee will review the relationship of each Director to the company on a regular basis. The Board will have the responsibility to select new members to its body. The Board, under the supervision of the Nominating Committee, will be responsible to recommend new members. New Board members will be provided with information concerning the Company and be given access to senior management in an effort to orient them to their new position on the Board. Board Leadership Roles Selection of Board Chairman and CEO The Board may designate as its Chief Executive Officer any current officer of the Company. The Chairman of the Board of Directors may be designated from any current seated member of the Board, including the Chief Executive Officer, if also a member of the Board of Directors. Board Composition and Performance Criteria Size of Board The size of the Board shall be no larger than necessary to manage the operations of the Company. The Board shall, from time to time, assess the number of Directors and overall size in relationship to Company operations and size. Assessing Board Performance The Nominating Committee shall assist the Board in carrying out a self-assessment of performance. The Nominating Committee, along with the Auditing Committee, shall compile performance reviews to present to the full Board for the purpose of evaluating overall performance and effectiveness of Board activities. Resignation or Removal A Director may, for personal or other reasons, such as a conflict of interest, submit his or her resignation to the Chairman of the Board. The full Board may accept or reject the tendered resignation based on the best interests of the Company. For just cause, the Board, assisted by the Nominating Committee, may request and/or vote on an approved request for removal of a Board member. Board Compensation Company Human Resources staff will provide an annual review of Corporate Board compensation. The report will provide the basis for proposed compensation of Board members, based on the recommendation of the Chairman of the Board Board Meeting Etiquette and Proceedings Board Member Attendance All Board members are expected to be present at a minimum of three quarters of the regularly scheduled meetings in a calendar year. Absences should be reported to the Board Secretary in advance, when possible, to allow the Board to disseminate Board business to the absentee member. Selection of Agenda Items The Chairman of the Board will establish the agenda, based on advance submission of requested items from other Board members or the Chief Executive Officer of the Company. Distribution of Board Materials Information pertaining to the agenda items for the upcoming Board meeting will be distributed to Board members, when feasible, three days prior to the Board meeting date. All reports, financial or otherwise, and any presentations should be included in the Board Meeting Package and distributed on behalf of the Board Secretary. Committee Matters and Membership Committees will be established to support overall Board operations. A minimum of the following committees will be established and maintained during the life of the Company: Executive, Auditing, and Nominating. Other committees may be created by recommendation of the Chairman of the Board and approval by the full Board. Committee Membership All committee members will be appointed by the Chairman of the Board with approval of the full Board. The Nominating Committee shall solicit membership from the full Board, based on desired participation of individual Board members. Committee Meeting Frequency and Participation Frequency of committee meetings, length, and agenda will be the responsibility of the Committee Chairman, as elected by the seated Committee membership. Committee members are expected to participate in committee meetings as often as possible. The Committee Chairman is responsible for distributing materials to committee members prior to the meeting date and reporting committee findings and recommendations to the full Company Board through the Chairman of the Board. Board Responsibility to Operations and Financial Activities The Board of Directors designates its authority to operate the Company to senior management and Company staff, passing to them the responsibility to carry out Board policies and report back activity. The Board of Directors holds the ultimate fiduciary responsibility of managing affairs through its designated senior managers, with the right to remove senior management when it is in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders. The daily activity of operations shall by governed by departments through the development of a Departmental Governance Plan.

2024 Assignment 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness Assignment Help

Assignment 1 Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness Choose one 1 public corporation in an industry with which you 2023

Assignment 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness Choose one (1) public corporation in an industry with which you are familiar. Research the company on its own Website, the public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission EDGAR database ( http://www.sec.gov/edgar.shtml ), in the University’s online databases, and any other sources you can find. The annual report will often provide insights that can help address some of these questions. Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: Assess how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched. Apply the industrial organization model and the resource-based model to determine how your corporation could earn above-average returns. Assess how the vision statement and mission statement of the corporation influence its overall success. Evaluate how each category of stakeholder impacts the overall success of this corporation. Use at least two (2) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

2024 ACC 564 Week 2 Assignment 1 – Information Needs for the AIS Assignment Help

ACC 564 Week 2 Assignment 1 Information Needs for the AIS In 1967 Russell 2023

ACC 564 Week 2 Assignment 1 – Information Needs for the AIS In 1967, Russell Ackoff presented a classical analysis of misinformation in management (Ackoff’s Management Misinformation Systems, Case 1-1, pg. 21 of the text). Now, you need to fast-forward to the present. After reading the case, craft your own version of misinformation in management by developing five (5) key incorrect assumptions that management makes about its accounting information systems. For this assignment, research the Internet or Strayer databases for information related to improper assumptions concerning accounting information systems. Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you: Based on your research, assess how corporate leaders may make improper assumptions related to accounting information systems and the related information. Indicate the most negative potential impacts on business operations related to these assumptions. Provide support for your rationale. Suggest three to four (3-4) ways in which organizational performance may be improved when information is properly managed within a business system. Provide support for your rationale. Evaluate the level of system security (i.e., high, medium, low) needed to ensure information integrity within automated business systems. Provide support for your evaluation. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

2024 auditor’s report paper Assignment Help

Note I need 2 3 pages paper on the following instructions Must address all sections properly and must give most description 2023

Note: I need 2-3 pages paper on the following instructions. Must address all sections properly and must give most description weight on section C. Must include 3-4 scholarly references in APA. Your answer must be 100% original. Instructions: The auditor’s report is the key to communicate the results of the audit process to information users. In response to the expectation for a more informative auditor’s report from various stakeholders, AUASB proposed the new audit standards on auditor’s report as the convergence to the international auditor reporting standards (IAASB 2014), to be effective December 2016. A. Why did AUASB (IAASB) propose the changes to auditor’s report? B. Compare the proposed Australian changes to the auditors’ report with the auditors’ report on a large listed FTSE100 company from the UK and a large listed FORTUNE100 company from the US. Present your comparison using a table or a figure/chart. (For part B, It should be comparison of particular example of company from one of FTSE100 UK and Fortune 100USA. For example, BP group, or Rio Tinto etc. Based on each country accepted new revised standard or new standard, but how they are result differently and what other issues still remains, compared. Also, example of revised or new standards, how they effects on each country’s auditors’ report on financial statement.) C. Critically comment on the likely impact of the changes to various stakeholders, e.g., the auditors, the shareholders, and other stakeholders. (For part C, It reveals about critical thinking according to these changes to auditors, the shareholders, and other stakeholders, directly and indirectly etc.) Suggested readings: · http://www.iaasb.org/new-auditors-report · http://www.auasb.gov.au/Work-In-Progress/Open-for-comment.aspx ·  Carson, E., Zhang, Y., and Fargher N., 2014, “Audit Reports in Australia 2005-2013: Preliminary Findings”, CPA Australia. Available at http://www.cpaaustralia.com.au/~/media/corporate/allfiles/document/professional-resources/auditing-assurance/audit-reports-in-australia.pdf The website www.annualrepot.com might be helpful to research the company’s audit report.

2024 ECO 365 week 4 Learning Team Reflection Summary Assignment Help

ECO 365 week 4 Learning Team Reflection Public Policy in Economics Discuss 2023

ECO 365 week 4 Learning Team Reflection Public Policy in Economics Discuss this week’s objectives with your team. Include the topics you feel comfortable with, any topics you struggled with, and how the topics relate to your field. Prepare a 350- to 1,050- word paper detailing the findings of your discussion.

2024 ACC 599 WEEK 2 DISCUSSION Assignment Help

Compensation and Lending Decisions Please respond to the following Compare and contrast compensation plans such as restricted stock and 2023

“Compensation and Lending Decisions” Please respond to the following: Compare and contrast compensation plans, such as restricted stock and stock appreciation rights, indicating the key differences with the accounting treatment. Determine the option that would have the least impact on a company’s earnings. Recommend the choice that is the most advantageous to an employee. Support your position with examples. Given the current regulatory environment for financial institutions, analyzing financial statement information is an important process and at the same time, the massive amount of information that creditors have to sort through can become unwieldy. Review the financial ratios in the text, and choose three or four that creditors would mostly likely use to make their lending decisions. Indicate a rationale for choosing each ratio. Discuss at least three ways that management might manipulate the financial data to guarantee that the lending decision will be made in its favor. Provide specific examples.

2024 FINC Disc Week 7 Assignment Help

Search and read the article How Financial Planners Can Add Value to the Estate Planning Process by Bruce Weininger 2023

Search and read the article: “How Financial Planners Can Add Value to the Estate Planning Process.” by Bruce Weininger. The article discusses ways that the planner can work with clients to build flexibility into the estate plan and the role the planner can play in implementation. 1 Full page – critically assess one of the key statements or main theses of the author, explain how the article and/or author supports your position or argument.