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2024 Cover Letter PowerPoint Assignment Help

See Attachment Using TeamworkOnline www teamworkonline com or the NCAA Market http ncaamarket ncaa org jobs search for an entry level job that you 2023

See Attachment Using TeamworkOnline (www.teamworkonline.com) or the NCAA Market (http://ncaamarket.ncaa.org/jobs), search for an entry-level job that you are not only interested in, but also qualified for. Write a cover letter applying for this job, using the principles in the Cover Letter PowerPoint posted in Module 4. A letters convince me to give you an in-person interview. B letters convince me to give you a phone interview. C letters are my back-up phone interviews. D letters don’t get an interview. F letters have mistakes and use the word “I” more than seven times.

2024 What statistical analysis can be done to see the effect of both age and gender on time spent completing homework? Assignment Help

Optional Activity Data Set Student Gender Age 2023

Optional Activity Data Set Student Gender Age Years of Work Time Spent on the Experience the Homework Jenny F 35 11 2.5 Sandy F 52 6 4 Linda F 47 25 3 Lilly F 25 7 2 Nichole F 43 5 4.5 Sally F 60 30 3.5 Lisa F 38 2 4 Brook F 22 4 1.5 John M 23 5 2 Dave M 32 14 2.5 Shawn M 54 31 5 Kurt M 29 7 3 Brandon M 36 18 4.5 Brian M 42 26 3.5 Use the Activity Data Set to list the various statistical tests that can be used to compare the groups based on gender or age. Answer the following question: • What statistical analysis can be done to see the effect of both age and gender on time spent completing homework? Justify your answer, remembering the sample size and data type.

2024 bus 508 week 6 Human Resource Strategy Assignment 2-1 Assignment Help

Week 6 Assignment 2 Submit Here Students please view the Submit a Clickable Rubric 2023

Week 6 Assignment 2 – Submit Here Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center. Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center. Assignment 2: Human Resource Strategy Due Week 6 and worth 200 points Use the Internet to research the Best Places to Work ( http://www.greatplacetowork.com/ ). Select two companies from two different industries on the Fortune 100 list. Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: Compare and contrast the two (2) industries you have identified in terms of size, products, services, customers, economic and regulatory environment. Describe the mission, vision, values and core business practices of each of the companies you selected. Determine from your research, at least two (2) HR strategies the company uses to ensure they acquire the needed talent to support their mission, vision, values, and core business practices. Provide support for your findings. Suggest at least two (2) HR strategies that could promote a competitive advantage for each company within their industry. Provide a rationale for your position. Use at least four (4) academic quality resources in this assignment. Note : Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Evaluate the different forms of business ownership to determine the optimal structure in different scenarios and the process for a business start-up. Integrate the core human resource management functions and considerations into viable recommendations to meet the organization’s operating requirements. Use technology and information resources to research issues in contemporary business. Write clearly and concisely about contemporary business using proper writing mechanics.

2024 Self-Reflection: Motivation Assignment Help


JOB TITLE HOSPICE HOME NURSE PLEASE INCLUDE IN-TEXT CITATIONS AS WELL AS REF PAGE INTRO AND CONCLUSION…. THANKS Write a 700- to 950-word self-reflection on what would motivate you to work more innovatively. Detail how your current employer can change strategies within the organization to promote your internal motivation and innovation. Discuss what motivates you in general to be innovative. Be creative, innovative, and entrepreneurial in your self-assessment. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

2024 Go to www.cnbc.com and explore the video tab, by using the key term, interest rates. Assignment Help

Go to www cnbc com and explore the video tab by using the key term 2023

Go to www.cnbc.com and explore the video tab, by using the key term, interest rates . Watch at least two videos you find, list the videos you viewed, and provide a summary of the type of information that the video contained and how it relates to this unit. This week’s unit was about Financial Planning, and The Financial System, Corporate Governance, Interest, and the Financial Crisis of 2008. Approx. 150 words but no minimum word count APA format. due in just 4 1/2 hours do not offer handshake if you ccannot complete in time

2024 Business Assignment Assignment Help

part1 Resources cited Describe how each of the following differ with respect to the three common forms of 2023

part1: (Resources cited) Describe how each of the following differ with respect to the three common forms of business ownership, (Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, and Incorporation): Decision making Raising money for start-up Distribution of profits (or losses!) Taxation Part2 You have decided to open your own business, a store selling used textbooks to local college students. In order to get started, you decide to investigate your local Small Business Development Center, (SBDC), and find that it is located at the College of DuPage! Access the College of DuPage SBDC web site, and explain how this site would help guide you through the process of starting your business. (Hint: Click on the “Business” link on COD’s home page). (Minimum 250 words).

2024 Module 05 Ethics Project – Presentation Assignment Help

This week your assignment is going to be pieced together You have created a 2023

This week, your assignment is going to be pieced together. You have created a business, identified trending issues, identified possible other ethical issues and done your best to get all of your employees on board. All that is left is the presentation itself. For your submission this week you are asked to put together a PowerPoint presentation for your employees with accompanying/corresponding presenter notes for your reader. The PowerPoint slide presentation itself will include what is ethically expected of your employees on a day to day basis, all identified trending issues from Module 02, and all identified possible issues from Module 03 and guidance on what actions employees should be taking in these ethical dilemmas. Given the fact that you are not presenting this PowerPoint and because a PowerPoint cannot present itself, you are asked to include accompanying “reader/presenter” notes in the notes section below each slide. These are the key notes that describe, explain and teach what the slide is trying to convey. Please note that a PowerPoint is not generally wordy and paragraphs should not be included on a slide. The slide itself is used as a visual for the audience and the notes section, which would be read by the presenter, is where the substance comes in. Keep in mind it is HR’s job to expose all dilemmas that may plague their company or employees and adequately educate all employees so these concerns are not encountered in the workplace. Your PowerPoint must be creative and a minimum of 10 slides not including the introduction or the reference slide. Submit your completed assignment to the drop box below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

2024 M2_A1 Assignment Help

Assignment 1 Discussion Job Costing Value You seemed to develop significant interest with your talk 2023

Assignment 1: Discussion— Job Costing Value You seemed to develop significant interest with your talk on the future of cost accounting. Your boss has heard about the excellent presentation and you are hopeful that your early retirement will take place. A call for help has come in and with new hope you rise to answer the bell. Harmony Organs has found that their profits have shrunk. They manufacture and install pipe organs world-wide. They have many parts that are custom made for each instrument. In addition, a major part of the expenses are for packing, shipping and installation. Norma Faye Raye, the daughter of the CFO, Linda Kaye Raye was in your presentation and came downstairs after the online club meeting excited about activity-based costing (ABC). Linda Kaye thinks that this could be a key change to get costs under control. You are requested to elaborate on the value that job costing would bring to the company. The top managers have always wanted to see the profitability of each contract for the jobs they take. Discuss the advantages and benefits of job costing. Explain how job costing works. Include how job costing handles direct and indirect costs? In addition to the above, introduce the company to activity-based costing. Explain how activity-based costing is different from job costing. Give examples of each costing approach and how they can be applied to different industries. Use the Argosy online library to locate at least one resource that will support your answer. Write your initial response in 3–4 paragraphs. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. By Saturday, September 26, 2015 , post your response to the appropriate Discussion Area . Through Wednesday, September 30, 2015 , review and comment on at least two peers’ responses. Comment on how your classmates would address differing views. Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Initial Discussion Response 16 Discussion Participation 16 Writing Craftsmanship and Ethical Scholarship 8 Total: 40

2024 Multiple Questions Answers Assignment Help

Q uestion 1 A major way marketers create positive and distinct images is 2023

Q uestion 1 A major way marketers create positive and distinct images is through: A. marketing plans. B. hiring marketing personnel. C. marketing communications. D. funding charities. Question 2 An important goal of marketing communications is to build a relationship with the organization’s: A. employees. B. technological team. C. channel members. D. research and development channel. Question 3 __________ is an activity or material that offers customers, sales personnel, or resellers a direct inducement for purchasing a product. A. Sales promotion B. Promoting a company C. Selling goods D. None of the above Question 4 A non paid form of non personal communication about the organization and its products that is transmitted through a mass medium in the form of a news story is referred to as: A. advertising. B. newsletters. C. publicity. D. None of the above

2024 Promotion and Competitive Advantage Assignment Help

Marketing Plan This week you will continue your comprehensive marketing plan researching 2023

Marketing Plan This week you will continue your comprehensive marketing plan researching the SAME company that you researched in previous units. Again, utilizing the Online Library, you will research the various elements of the marketing plan as it relates to this company. In Unit VI you will provide a comprehensive discussion of the promotion strategies of your company. Promotion This section will provide a comprehensive look at the promotional strategies of your organization. Begin with a look at the promotional objectives or themes used by your company. From there, review the promotional mix, this should include a preliminary discussion of the importance of IMC to your company. Promotion methods such as personal selling mass selling (advertising and publicity) and sales promotion should all be addressed in detail. Competitive Advantage Competitive advantage is an important goal of every company, so address whether your company has a competitive advantage WITH RESPECT TO PROMOTION. The idea is to discuss whether your company has a competitive advantage with respect to how they promote their products. Again, this section should only discuss whether your company has a competitive advantage with respect to promotion (product, price and place are discussed in other sections). Once you have stated your position, remember to include your rationale. BBA 3201, Principles of Marketing 5 Your submission should be a minimum of two pages in length, double-spaced with a reference page and title page. References should include at least one additional, credible reference beyond the textbook. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and cited per APA guidelines. Include the use of subheadings (this week consider Promotion and Competitive Advantage in Promotion). Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.