Tag Archive for: Assignment Help Services

2024 I don’t even know where to start. Assignment Help

This assignment must be an individual assignment and cannot be a group project Select 2023

This assignment must be an individual assignment and cannot be a group project. Select any small to medium sized publically traded company and use the financial statements from these company (you can get these financial statements by going into Google finance, Yahoo finance, company’s annual statements, or some financial data bases in the library). You are a new accountant of this publically traded company. Your manager has asked you to analyze the company’s current financial position. Using the company’s most recent financial statements complete the following questions. Once you complete the calculations you will receive enough information to answer the questions and write your paper. Calculate and show work for each ratio: · Liquidity ratios o Current ratio o Acid-test, or quick, ratio o Receivables turnover o Inventory turnover · Profitability ratios o Asset turnover o Profit margin o Return on assets o Return on common stockholders’ equity · Solvency ratios o Debt to total assets o Times interest earned Write a 3-5 page paper and discuss the following: 1. Complete vertical and horizontal analysis for the 2 most recent annual reports. 2. Identify any areas if any that would cause concern in following US GAAP principles 3. How is this financial information useful to the management team in decision making? 4. Analyze the financial ratios and describe what they reveal about the company’s current financial position? 5. What does this financial information reveal about the company’s overall performance? 6. Based on the information available what recommendations would you have for continuous process improvements (i.e. investments in technology efficiencies, employee training, etc.) 7. As a publically traded company, what accounting ethical issues should the company consider?

2024 Yesterday’s Thinking and Organizational Disabilities Assignment Help

Yesterday s Thinking and Organizational Disabilities Continues Into Week 2 Week 1 After 158 years in business as a major 2023

Yesterday’s Thinking and Organizational Disabilities (Continues Into Week 2) Week 1 After 158 years in business as a major New York investment bank, Lehman Brothers collapsed in 2008. Investors had lost confidence after the company revealed enormous losses in its mortgage banking unit. Attempts to rescue the company failed, and it filed for bankruptcy. The economy was already distressed, but Lehman’s failure helped trigger the steep and prolonged decline that has been called the “Great Recession” (Davidson, 2012). How did poor results in one unit, mortgage banking, bring down a major, diversified bank? How did the collapse of one bank bring down the global economy? Lehman’s misfortune illustrates the interconnectedness of banking, which is a system, as well as how failures in the banking system can spread through a larger system, the economy. As Meadows states in Thinking in Systems , a “system is more than the sum of its parts” (2008, p. 12). As you review Peter Senge’s The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization , consider his premise that “today’s problems come from yesterday’s solutions” (2006, p. 57). Think back through your own work history to identify a situation that illustrates poor systems thinking. Consider whether managers were applying yesterday’s solutions to a current problem. Post by Day 7 (Week 1) the following: A brief description of an organization with which you are familiar and the example of poor systems thinking you observe An explanation of the core issues that you think led to this systems failure, including whether managers were using “yesterday’s thinking” An explanation of whether there might have been a different or better outcome if managers had understood the principle of the “parts of the whole fit together” (Justify your response.) General Guidance: Your initial Shared Practice Discussion post, due by Day 7 (Week 1) , will typically be 2–3 paragraphs in length as a general expectation/estimate. Refer to the rubric for the Week 1 Shared Practice Discussion for grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use the rubric to assess your work. Read a selection of the posts submitted by your colleagues. You will be required to respond to their posts by Day 3 of Week 2 . Look ahead to Week 2 now and start reading the assigned Learning Resources to begin drafting your responses.

2024 Roseau Company Assignment Help

Roseau Company is preparing its annual earnings per share amounts to be disclosed on its 2013 income 2023

Roseau Company is preparing its annual earnings per share amounts to be disclosed on its 2013 income statement. It has collected the following information at the end of 2013: 1. Net income: $120,400. Included in the net income is income from continuing operations of $130,400 and its extraordinary loss (net of income taxes) of $10,000. Corporate income tax rate: 30%. 2. Common stock outstanding on January 1,2013: 20,000 shares. 3. Common stock issuance during 2013: July 6, 4,000 shares; August 24, 3,000 shares. 4. Stock dividend: On October 19, 2013, the company declared a 10% stock dividend that resulted in 2,700 additional outstanding shares of common stock. 5. Common stock prices: 2013 average market price,$30 per share; 2013 ending market price, $27 per share. 6. 7% preferred stock outstanding on January 1, 2013: 1000 shares. Terms: $100 par, nonconvertible. Current dividends have been paid. No preferred stock issued during 2013. 7. 8% convertible preferred stock outstanding on January 1, 2013: 800 shares. the stock was issued in 2013 at $130 per share. Each $100 par preferred stock is currently convertible into 1.7 shares of common stock. Current dividends have been paid. To date, no preferred stock has been converted. 8. Bonds payable outstanding on January 1, 2013: $100,000 face value. These bonds were issued several years ago at 97 and pay annual interest of 9.6%. The discount is being amortized in the amount of $300 per year. Each $1,000 bond is currently convertible into 22 shares of common stock. To date, no bonds have been converted. 9. Compensatory share options outstanding: Key executives may currently acquire 3,000 shares of common stock at $20 per share. The options were granted in 2012. To date, none have been exercised. The unrecognized compensation cost (net of tax) related to the options is $4 per share. Required: 1. Compute the basic earnings per share. Show supporting calculations. 2. Compute the diluted earnings per share. Show supporting calculations. 3. Show how Roseau would report these earnings per share figures on its 2013 income statement. Include an explanatory note to the financial statements.

2024 ACC 307 Week 7 Assignment 1 – Should the U.S. Convert to a Zero Personal Income Tax Assignment Help

ACC 307 Week 7 Assignment 1 Should the U S Convert to a Zero Personal Income Tax 1 Analyze 2023

ACC 307 Week 7 Assignment 1 – Should the U.S. Convert to a Zero Personal Income Tax 1. Analyze the way in which the two (2) countries that you have researched provide services and benefits to its citizens without collecting personal income taxes. 2. For the countries that you have chosen, determine whether or not the U.S. could adopt their taxation model without reducing its total amount of revenue generated by collecting personal income taxes from individuals and business. Justify your response. 3. Create a proposal for where the revenue would be derived if the U.S. were to adopt a zero income tax model. In your response, provide specific recommendations concerning the following: 4. Suggest at least three (3) advantages and three (3) disadvantages of the U.S. adopting a zero income tax model. Provide a rationale for your response. 5. Speculate on the primary way in which the federal government could make up any shortfalls if it does not collect its targeted revenue from personal income taxes, and ascertain the most significant way in which the U.S. Department of the Treasury, through the IRS, can still adhere to its fiscal and monetary policies. Justify your response.

2024 Database Project PowerPoint Assignment Help

I have a database project it needs to create a PowerPoint only 2023

I have a database project it needs to create a PowerPoint only two slides first is the PROBLEM STATMENT and ENTITY RELATIONSHIPS DIAGRAM . You have to find a businus orgnization or any goverment department that you want to do the database on more info attached down below. Find the attachment and do the Overview of System Requirements according to the example proveded and do the Preliminary E/R Diagram and Database Design please write down the E/Q rule for each table relastionship. DUE TIME ZONE: 5hrs onec we agree to the handshake.

2024 Assignment Objectives Explain the need for effective project and team communications systems to keep stakeholders informed of project status. Describe the need to manage project scope throughout a project’s life cycle to provide closure to a properly exe Assignment Help

You have completed the project planning activities and are now ready to share the results with the project team 2023

You have completed the project planning activities and are now ready to share the results with the project team. You have scheduled a project kick-off meeting in two weeks and are now preparing your materials. 8-12 slides Using the Library, develop a 10 – 15 slide presentation that you will use for the kick-off meeting. In the presentation, identify the participants of the meeting, the objectives of the meeting, the meeting agenda, and the project’s objectives. Use the remaining slides to share key results from your project planning activities, such as the scope control system and the communication mechanisms that will be used. In the communication plan, identify the audiences that must be reached. For each audience, describe the communication mechanism, the frequency of communication, the format, other involved parties, and associated responsibilities. Be sure your presentation meets the standards for an effective presentation that you have learned in other courses. For more information on creating PowerPoint Presentations, please visit the PowerPoint Lab.

2024 A 150 word minimum answer and two short peer response. Assignment Help

Write a 150 word minimum answer to the following question Q Under absorption 2023

Write a 150 word minimum answer to the following question. Q. Under absorption costing, how is it possible to increase net operating income without increasing sales? _________________________________________ Write a 50 word minimum peer responses each to the two answers “can be agree or disagree and why”. 1. Absorption costing statements show how sales, cost of goods sold, and selling and administrative expenses make up the net operating income. You can increase net operating income without increasing sales by increasing the level of production without selling any goods. If production exceeds sales, the goods that are produced will be added to inventory until it is sold. In absorption costing, fixed manufacturing overhead is added to the product cost however, it is not recorded under cost of goods sold until the product is actually sold. It is deferred to the next month. This is the reason why net operating income can fluctuate from month to month without sales changing. Referencing the example in our book, the sales in January and February remain the same because because one unit of goods that were produced in February was not sold until March. This deferred the cost until March because it was not sold in the same month it was produced. 2. Under absorption costing, the costing will usually show higher net operation income than variable costing, when production exceeds sales, inventories increase and under production and under absorption costing part of the fixed manufacturing overhead cost of the current period is deferred in inventory to future periods. (Less expenses are recorded). In contrast, all of the fixed manufacturing overhead cost of the current period is immediately expensed under variable costing. Net operating income can be increased by increasing the level of production without any increase in sales. If production exceeds sales, units of product are added to inventory. These units carry a portion of the current period;s fixed manufacturing overhead costs into inventory account, reducing the current period’s reported ex penses and causing operating income to increase. If fixed manufacturing overhead cost is released from inventory levels must have decreased and therefor production must have been less then sales. If production and sales are equal, net operating income should be the same under absorption and variable costing. _________ Each answer MUST be answerd separately.

2024 To Dr. Clover (First Response Needed For Unit 2 Week 1) Assignment Help

What questions do you have about the overarching Unit 5 assignment Although not due until the end of 2023

What questions do you have about the overarching Unit 5 assignment? Although not due until the end of the class, it is important that you begin planning for this project early in the course. What are your initial thoughts about how you will approach this assignment? Explain . I would like to know about the introduction in the description. Where it says a Project Template is provided that allows you to organize your work in increments. Is there actually a template, and if so where is it, or is that just part of the description? The best way for me to approach this assignment is to first establish what is going to be my product or service. After knowing my product or service I will then use information and data from sources such as school library, intellipath, editorial board, and other websites for assistance on the assignment. Using the product you chose in Unit 1 discussion board, List two features of the product and assess how they transform into benefits for you; determine consumer behavior towards your product as compared to their current behavior towards your competitor’s product. Discuss how the product fits your lifestyle or psychographic. In the Unit 1 discussion board post the product I chose was recorded TV. The DVRs and video cassettes are both items I am most accustomed to. Being a sports fan, I have always recorded sports events on television. Back in the day when there were only video cassettes I can remember recording and I would have to use up a lot of video cassettes or record on the same one over and over. When the DVRs came out it made things a lot better for me. I could record as much as I wanted to with better quality. TiVo has always been a leader in recorded TV. There have been some competitors, but TiVo has remained standing because most of its competitors have gone out of business. I think getting recorded TV from cable and satellite providers is the best option. There’s no upfront cost for the DVRs and I feel this is convenient because it is part of your monthly bill. Based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, what level of need will your ‘improved’ product meet? Explain. Again, the product I chose was recorded TV. I thought that the 3D TVs are in the introduction phase equated to the DVRs, DVDs, and video cassettes. I also stated that some issues the 3D TVs have, being in the introduction phase, were it being expensive and technical issues such as unsuited glasses. The other three being in the stages they are in are still part of everyday life… more or less. The Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs five-stage model includes, Physiological needs, Safety needs, Love and belongingness needs, Esteem needs, and Self-actualization needs. If I was to choose the level of need that my improved product meets on this category it would be love and belongingness needs. I chose this stage because due to recorded TV being considered as entertainment, it is something that relates to everybody. The love and belongingness needs are defined as social and involves feelings of belongingness and the need for interpersonal relationships which motivates behavior. Or in other words being part of a group, family, or friends. Watching TV with others is a good way of experiencing this. Draft a mission statement for your product and set three (3) specific applicable marketing goals which you would like to meet in your marketing strategy. Mission statement for a recorded TV product: We are here to provide you with the highest quality programming and technology. In doing this we want to serve you with the most choices at the best value, making your life experience a little better. Marketing Goal: To be number one in customer satisfaction in the recorded TV industry To please customers or better their lives To sell more products than competitors and to make a profit doing so. https://simplypsychology.org/maslow.htm https://articles.bplans.com/writing-a-mission-statement/ https://www.cnet.com/topics/dvrs/best-dvrs/

2024 HSA 320 Week 4 Assignment 1 Assignment Help

Using the course readings articles and your personal experiences address the role of 2023

Using the course readings, articles, and your personal experiences, address the role of human resource management. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: Determine key roles that human resource management plays in the health care field. Evaluate three to five (3-5) functions of human resource management in terms of their level of support to the health care field, and then select which one you believe is the primary function in furthering the health care field. Analyze the role of human resource management in an organization’s strategic plan. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Appraise the aspects of managing human resources (HR) in health care organizations. Use technology and information resources to research issues in health care human resources management. Write clearly and concisely about health care human resources management using proper writing mechanics.

2024 For Dr.Loizeaux Only Assignment Help

4 6 Finding operating and free cash flows Consider the following balance sheets and selected data from the income statement 2023

4–6 Finding operating and free cash flows Consider the following balance sheets and selected data from the income statement of Keith Corporation. Keith Corporation Balance Sheets December 31 Assets 2015 2014 Cash $ 1,500 $ 1,000 Marketable securities 1,800 1,200 Accounts receivable 2,000 1,800 Inventories 2,900 2,800 Total current assets $ 8,200 $ 6,800 Gross fixed assets $29,500 $28,100 Less: Accumulated depreciation 14,700 13,100 Net fixed assets $14,800 $15,000 Total assets $23,000 $21,800 Liabilities and stockholders’ equity Accounts payable $ 1,600 $ 1,500 Notes payable 2,800 2,200 Accruals 200 300 Total current liabilities $ 4,600 $ 4,000 Long-term debt 5,000 5,000 Total liabilities $ 9,600 $ 9,000 Common stock $10,000 $10,000 Retained earnings 3,400 2,800 Total stockholders’ equity $13,400 $12,800 Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity $23,000 $21,800 Keith Corporation Income Statement Data (2015) Depreciation expense $1,600 Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) 2,700 Interest expense 367 Net profits after taxes 1,400 Tax rate 40% a. Calculate the firm’s net operating profit after taxes (NOPAT) for the year ended December 31, 2015, using Equation 4.1 . b. Calculate the firm’s operating cash flow ( OCF ) for the year ended December 31, 2015, using Equation 4.3 . c. Calculate the firm’s free cash flow ( FCF ) for the year ended December 31, 2015, using Equation 4.4 . d. Interpret, compare, and contrast your cash flow estimates in parts b and c . h ey doc this is a team assignment and I only have to cover bullet C. im going to attach the instructions again on aword doc. not sure how well this is going to show on this website.