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2024 Multiple Questions Answers Assignment Help

Question 1 The method attempts to determine retail price by using product costs as a 2023

Question 1 The __________ method attempts to determine retail price by using product costs as a base. A. per-unit expenditure B. purchase pricing C. percentage-of-sales D. all-you-can-afford Question 2 Well-planned advertising programs usually make use of the __________ approach. A. marketing B. financial C. task D. None of the above Question 3 __________ are in the best position to act as the intermediaries through whom valuable information can be passed back and forth between buyers and producers. A. Marketing managers B. Customers C. Advertisers D. Salespeople Question 4 The process of locating potential customers is called: A. database building. B. planning sales calls. C. pre-selling. D. prospecting.

2024 620 Managerial Marketing Assignment Help

Braining Nordstrom After reading the article Conservative Nordstrom to sell trendy Topshop 2023

Braining Nordstrom After reading the article “Conservative Nordstrom to sell trendy Topshop fashions,” respond to the following: How does this partnership fit into Nordstrom’s current brand management strategy? Will it appeal to its target markets? How will it allow Nordstrom to differentiate itself from the competition? Is this a risky move for Nordstrom considering the downward sales trends for Topshop in the UK? Marketing Segmentation What are the different levels of market segmentation? Synthesize the segmentation strategies that manufacturers of personal computers should implement to attract both the Gen Y and baby boomer generation to increase their purchases of computers. Are there some examples of companies that have already done a good job of marketing across generations?

2024 MGMT495 IP Assignment Help

For your final assignment in this course you will prepare a complete Professional Portfolio and submit a final polished 2023

For your final assignment in this course, you will prepare a complete Professional Portfolio, and submit a final polished draft of the Final Research Project completed in the Phase 3 Individual Project.  Part 1 In a single Word document, prepare a professional portfolio that you would submit to a prospective employer that includes the following: •A title page •Table of contents •An official professional autobiography •A cover letter •A resume •A 500-word paper describing your career goals •A listing of awards and honors •Work samples from your professional career or from university courses •Letters of reference •Any other completed career resources that you would like to include  Your professional portfolio should be formatted consistently, professionally, and should be free of grammatical errors. As you are preparing your Professional Portfolio, you can use the following resources from CTU Career Services: •Information on Preparing a Resume •CTU Career Launcher Resume Sample •CTU Career Changer Resume Sample •CTU Career Advancer Resume Sample  Click here to download CTU Career Services Resources. Each student at Colorado Technical University has their own unique career needs. Whether you are just starting out on your chosen career path, advancing within your current career, or changing careers altogether, Career Services at CTU Online can assist you with your career planning and job search. They can help you identify the talents, skills, knowledge, and experience you could bring to a prospective employer, as well as help you to better understand your interests and how your personality type relates to work. They can also help you devise a career action plan, identify possible job opportunities, and provide feedback on how you can more effectively position yourself as a candidate for these opportunities. Contact CTU Career Services at 866-8136-1836 or careerservices@ctuonline.edu to connect with your dedicated career coach. CTU Career Services can also help you with the following: •Build your professional brand, establish your digital identity and social media presence. •Learn how to use LinkedIn® and other resources to develop your professional network. •Craft a resume that effectively promotes your qualifications and speaks to the needs of your target employer. •Enhance your interviewing skills by conducting mock interviews. •Network with employers through CTU Career Snapshots and CTU Employer Profile webinars. •Access potential career opportunities from employers who have posted available positions within CTU’s internal job board…and more!  Deliverable for part 1: A Word document of at least 10 pages that includes a full professional portfolio. Part 2 In the Phase 3 Individual Project, you used Bloomberg Businessweek B-School Connection resources, to research entrepreneurism and small businesses and create an executive business plan presentation of 15–20 slides. Review the feedback received on your Phase 3 assignment, and submit a final polished draft of your Final Research Project.  Deliverable length: Revised Final Research Project of 15–20 slides (excl. Title and Reference slides, min. 20 references); Speaker notes 200–250 words/slide, company or brand logo graphic, commercial.  Please submit your assignment. For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

2024 Healthcare Finance homework help! Assignment Help

you need to work on two main tasks The first task is Source of 2023

you need to work on two main tasks: The first task is: Source of Revenue: An Increase in the Medicare Patient Population The president of Gentiva Health Services is considering increasing her number of Medicare patients served next year. However, to do so she must begin to use RNs for client visits, which Medicare reimburses at $45 per visit. An RN costs $35 per hour versus the current cost of $15 for an LPN or nurse’s aide. The president believes she can increase her patient visits by 15% by accepting Medicare patients. She is also aware that if she increases her Medicare patients, the company’s administrative costs will increase by approximately $10,000 per year because of the claims file complexity. Using the Gentiva Health Services Statement of Income http://finance.yahoo.com/q/is?s=GTIV , use the following volumes for your calculations: Volume for the year: Flexible budget: 6,000 visits Static budget: 5,945 visits Actual budget: 5,889 visits Prepare a two-page report that addresses the following: How many more visits will the company generate if it accepts Medicare patients? What would be the estimated profit or loss associated with the Medicare service line? Would you recommend that Gentiva Health Services increase its number of Medicare patients served? Why or why not? The second task is: Business Plan Review the quarterly report and develop a business plan for the organization for its upcoming financial year. Be sure to include the following in your organized business plan: Organization segment Marketing segment Financial segment Projected cash flow statement Projected income statement Projected balance sheet Feel free to take liberties with information needed that is not available in the report. You may find the quarterly report at http://finance.yahoo.com/news/gentiva-health-services-reports-third-221500117.html Include all required tasks for this assignment in a Word document. Include all citiations in text and include references in APA format

2024 Programing C a child’s selection game Assignment Help

Implement a child s selection game In the standard version of this game a group of children gather in the circle 2023

Implement a child’s selection game. In the standard version of this game a group of children gather in the circle and begin a rhyme. Each word of the rhyme is chanted in turn by 1 person in the circle. The last person is out of the game, and the rhyme is restarted from the next person. Eventually, 1 person is left and he or she is the lucky individual who gets selected. Your application should read the total number (or names) of players and the words of the rhyme from the keyboard. The intermediate output are numbers (or names) of players called by each word of a rhyme, players that get removed from the circle after each round, and updated lists of players. The final output is the number (or name) of one remaining (selected) player. Interesting links related to this game: http://www.cut-the-knot.org/recurrence/flavius.shtml http://webspace.ship.edu/deensley/mathdl/Joseph.html Details of implementation. Use an array of strings rhyme for storing list of words in the rhyme and circular doubly linked list (of integers or strings) for storing players. Create files CircLinkedList.h and CircLinkedList.c with declarations and implementations of the following functions. Header file CircLinkedList.h should also contain definitions of types: Node (structure with fields data, next, and prev), NodePtr, LinkedList (structure with fields head and tail) and LinkedListPtr. • LinkedListPtr initLinkedList() /*allocates dynamic memory for the linked list, initializes its head and tail to NULL */ • void insertTail(LinkedListPtr list, int data) /*inserts a new node containing data after the last node, but if the list is empty – as the head of a linked list */ • void display(LinkedListPtr list, NodePtr start) /*displays all the data in a circular doubly linked list, starting from a start node*/ • void removeNode(LinkedListPtr list, NodePtr nodeToDelete) /*removes a node from a circular doubly linked list Create application file CountingGame.c containing the following functions • NodePtr sayRhyme(char rhyme[MaxNumWords][MaxWordSize], int numWords, LinkedListPtr list, NodePtr startingPlayer) /*simulates one round of the game: ➢ output the player starting a rhyme ➢ for each word in the rhyme print out the player and the word that he says ➢ output the player which is to be removed (the one who says the last word) and the next one in a list – the new starting player (store the pointers to the nodes containing these players) ➢ remove the player from the list (calling removeNode) ➢ print out the updated list of players (calling display) ➢ return the pointer to the node storing the new starting player */ Sample output of sayRhyme: Starting this round from Player 1 Player 1 says “eeny”, Player 2 says “meeny”, Player 3 says “miny”, Player 1 says “moe” Player 1 is removed Starting the next round from Player 2 (next after Player 1). Remaining players: 2,3. • int main(int argc, char argv[]) creates and displays an array of words in a rhyme (inputted by a user) and a list of players, then simulates playing the game repeatedly calling sayRhyme in a loop until it has just 1 player (startingPlayer ->next== startingPlayer), which is then announced a winner of the game */

2024 The Gibson Company Assignment Help

The Gibson Company is a United States US firm that is considering a joint venture with Brasilia 2023

The Gibson Company is a United States (US) firm that is considering a joint venture with Brasilia, DF, a Brazilian firm that grows and processes coffee beans. Gibson has a patent for a new coffee processing method. This intellectual property is motivating Gibson to expand beyond importing coffee to engaging in a joint venture to process the coffee. Gibson will invest $8 million in the proposed joint venture project, which will help to finance Brasilia ‘s production using the newly patented process. The Brazilian government has guaranteed that the after-tax profits (denominated in Reals, the Brazilian currency) can be converted to US dollars at the current exchange rate and sent to the Gibson Company each year. Current exchange rates can be found at http://www.oanda.com. For each of the first five years, 60 percent of the total profits will be distributed to Brasilia, while the remaining 40 percent will be converted to dollars to be sent to Gibson. The income tax rate for the joint venture will be 10%. However, the Brazilian government is considering raising the income tax rate to 30%. At the present time, the Brazilian government doe not impose a separate income tax on profits sent out of the country. However, the Brazilian government is considering imposing an additional 10 percent income tax on profits distributed to a foreign company. Assume that there are no other forms of tax. After considering the taxes paid in Brazil, assume an additional seven percent tax imposed by the US government on profits received by Gibson Company. The expected total profits resulting from the joint venture per year are as follows: Year Total Profits from Joint Venture (in BRL) 1 40 million 2 60 million 3 70 million 4 90 million 5 120 million Gibson’s average cost of debt is 6 percent before taxes. Its average cost of equity is 9 percent. Assume that Gibson’s US income tax rate is 10 percent. Gibson’s capital structure is 70 percent debt and 30 percent equity. Gibson adds between 2 and 5 percentage points to its cost of capital when deriving its required rate of return on international joint ventures. Gibson plans to account for country and other risks within its cash flow estimates. Gibson is concerned about country risk in the following two forms: (1) Will the Brazilian government increase the corporate income tax rate from 10 percent to 30 percent (20 percent probability)? If this occurs, Gibson will receive additional tax credits on its US taxes, resulting in no US taxes on the profits from this joint venture. (2) Will the Brazilian government impose a separate income tax of 10 percent on the profits distributed to foreign companies such as Gibson (20 percent probability)? If this occurs, Gibson will not receive additional tax credits, and the company will still be subject to US tax on the profits from this joint venture. Assume that the two types of country risk are mutually exclusive. If it does anything, the Brazilian government will only implement one of these changes in its tax policies (i.e., the increase in the basic income tax on the profits of the joint venture or the additional income tax on profits distributed to foreign companies). The Brazilian government may also choose to leave things as they are. Assignment 1. Determine Gibson’s cost of capital and required rate of return for the joint venture in Brazil. 2. Determine the discrete probability distribution of Gibson’s Net Present Value for this joint venture and calculate the Expected Net Present Value. 3. Would you recommend that Gibson participate in the joint venture? Explain. 4. What do you think would be the key underlying factor that would have the most influence on the profits earned in Brazil as a result of the joint venture? 5. Under what circumstances might Gibson shift to more equity financing when considering joint ventures like this? What is the minimum required return that would still make this investment worthwhile? 6. When Gibson was assessing this proposed joint venture, some of the managers in the company recommended that it borrow the Brazilian currency rather than using US dollars to obtain some of the necessary capital for the initial investment. They suggested that such a strategy could reduce Gibson’s exchange rate risk. Do you agree? Explain. 7. Discuss the benefits of the joint venture from the perspective of Brasilia. What is the maximum amount of money Brasilia should invest?

2024 You have just been appointed the new Federal Reserve Chairman, congratulations! Assignment Help

You have just been appointed the new Federal Reserve Chairman congratulations What four monetary issues will 2023

You have just been appointed the new Federal Reserve Chairman, congratulations! What four monetary issues will you address and what will your actions be? 1. You have just been appointed the new Federal Reserve Chairman, congratulations! What four monetary issues will you address and what will your actions be? 2. Is fractional reserve banking good or bad in your opinion? 3. Should the Federal Reserve be independent or dependent of the government in your opinion? Additional Requirements Min Pages: 4 Max Pages: 6 Level of Detail: Only answer needed Other Requirements: Please help me with the work. same as last time. can’t be copy from others. thank you very much.

2024 accounting Assignment Help

Drexon Corp which follows U S GAAP uses the direct method to report its cash flows The CFO is assessing 2023

Drexon Corp., which follows U.S. GAAP, uses the direct method to report its cash flows. The CFO is assessing the impact on cash flows of 12 events during the fiscal year. Specify which category each event falls under (under the direct method) and note whether it increases cash, decreases cash, or has no impact on cash: # Event 1 Accrued liabilities increase from $245,000 to $250,000. 2 Accounts payable decreases from $400,000 to $385,000. 3 Dividends of $6,500 are received from a stock classified as available for sale. 4 40,000 new shares of stock are issued near the close of the fiscal year. 5 Accounts receivable decreases from $620,000 to $610,000. 6 A gain of $8,200 is booked on the sale of an asset. 7 An interest payment of $85,000 is made on a new debt issuance. 8 Drexon purchases a trading security which it classifies as non¬current. 9 Dividends of $12,000 are paid on Drexon company stock. 10 Depreciation and amortization expense totaling $50,000 is booked. 11 Drexon purchases 60% of a subsidiary company. 12 Capital expenditures of $35,000 are made for equipment used in day to day operations.

2024 Penn Foster Exam 06168501 Assignment Help

1 The work in process inventory account of a manufacturing company shows a balance of 2023

1. The work-in-process inventory account of a manufacturing company shows a balance of $3,000 at the end of an accounting period. The job-cost sheets of the two incomplete jobs show charges of $500 and $300 for direct materials, and charges of $400 and $600 for direct labor. From this information, it appears that the company is using a predetermined overhead rate as a percentage of direct labor costs. What percentage is the rate? 2. The break-even point in dollar sales for Rice Company is $480,000 and the company’s contribution margin ratio is 40%. If Rice Company desires a profit of $84,000, how much would sales have to total? 3. Williams Company’s direct labor cost is 25% of its conversion cost. If the manufacturing overhead for the last period was $45,000 and the direct material cost was $25,000, how much is the direct labor cost? 4. Grading Company’s cash and cash equivalents consist of cash and marketable securities. Last year, the company’s cash account decreased by $16,000 and its marketable securities account increased by $22,000. Cash provided by operating activities was $24,000. Net cash used for financing activities was $20,000. Based on this information, was the net cash flow from investing activities on the statement of cash flows a net increase or decrease? By how much? 5. Gladstone Footwear Corporation’s flexible budget cost formula for supplies, a variable cost, is $2.82 per unit of output. The company’s flexible budget performance report for last month showed an $8,140 unfavorable spending variance for supplies. During that month, 21,250 units were produced. Budgeted activities for the month had been 20,900 units. What is the actual cost per unit for indirect materials? 6. Lyons Company consists of two divisions, A and B. Lyons Company reported a contribution margin of $60,000 for Division A, and had a contribution margin ratio of 30% in Division B, when sales in Division B were $240,000. Net operating income for the company was $22,000 and traceable fixed expenses were $45,000. How much were Lyons Company’s common fixed expenses? 7. Atlantic Company produces a single product. For the most recent year, the company’s net operating income computed by the absorption costing method was $7,800, and its net operating income computed by the variable costing method was $10,500. The company’s unit product cost was $15 under variable costing and $24 under absorption costing. If the ending inventory consisted of 1,460 units, how many units must have been in the beginning inventory? 8. Black Company uses the weighted-average method in its process costing system. The company’s ending work-in-process inventory consists of 6,000 units, 75% complete with respect to materials and 50% complete with respect to labor and overhead. If the total dollar value of the inventory is $80,000 and the cost per equivalent unit for labor and overhead is $6.00, what is the cost per equivalent unit for materials? 9. At Overland Company, maintenance cost is exclusively a variable cost that varies directly with machine-hours. The performance report for July showed that actual maintenance costs totaled $11,315 and that the associated rate variance was $146 unfavorable. If 7,300 machine-hours were actually worked during July, what is the budgeted maintenance cost per machine-hour? 10. The cost of goods sold in a retail store totaled $650,000. Fixed selling and administrative expenses totaled $115,000 and variable selling and administrative expenses were $420,000. If the store’s contribution margin totaled $590,000, how much were the sales? 11. Denny Corporation is considering replacing a technologically obsolete machine with a new state-of the-art numerically controlled machine. The new machine would cost $600,000 and would have a 10year useful life. Unfortunately, the new machine would have no salvage value. The new machine would cost $20,000 per year to operate and maintain, but would save $125,000 per year in labor and other costs. The old machine can be sold now for scrap for $50,000. What percentage is the simple rate of return on the new machine rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent? (Ignore income taxes in this problem.) 12. Lounsberry Inc. regularly uses material O55P and currently has in stock 375 liters of the material, for which it paid $2,700 several weeks ago. If this were to be sold as is on the open market as surplus material, it would fetch $6.35 per liter. New stock of the material can be purchased on the open market for $7.20 per liter, but it must be purchased in lots of 1,000 liters. You’ve been asked to determine the relevant cost of 900 liters of the material to be used in a job for a customer. What is the relevant cost of the 900 liters of material O55P? 13. Harwichport Company has a current ratio of 3.0 and an acid test ratio of 2.8. Current assets equal $210,000, of which $5,000 consists of prepaid expenses. The remainder of current assets consists of cash, accounts receivable, marketable securities, and inventory. What is the amount of Harwichport Company’s inventory? 14. Tolla Company is estimating the following sales for the first 6 months of next year: January: $350,000 February: $300,000 March: $320,000 April: $410,000 May: $450,000 June: $470,000 Sales at Tolla are normally collected as 70% in the month of sale, 25% in the month following the sale, and the remaining 5% being uncollectable. Also, customers paying in the month of sale are given a 2% discount. How much cash should Tolla expect to collect during the month of April? 15. Trauscht Corporation has provided the following data from its activity-based costing system: Activity Cost Pool Total Cost Total Activity Assembly $ 704,880 44,000 machine-hours Processing orders $ 91,428 1,900 orders Inspection $ 117,546 1,950 inspection-hours The company makes 360 units of product P23F a year, requiring a total of 725 machine-hours, 85 orders, and 45 inspection-hours per year. The product’s direct materials cost is $42.30 per unit and its direct labor cost is $14.55 per unit. The product sells for $132.10 per unit. According to the activity-based costing system, what is the product margin for product P23F? 16. Williams Company’s direct labor cost is 30% of its conversion cost. If the manufacturing overhead for the last period was $59,500 and the direct materials cost was $37,000, what is the direct labor cost? 17. In a recent period, 13,000 units were produced, and there was a favorable labor efficiency variance of $23,000. If 40,000 labor-hours were worked and the standard wage rate was $13 per labor-hour, what would be the standard hours allowed per unit of output? 18. The balance in White Company’s work-in-process inventory account was $15,000 on August 1 and $18,000 on August 31. The company incurred $30,000 in direct labor cost during August and requisitioned $25,000 in raw materials (all direct materials). If the sum of the debits to the manufacturing overhead account total $28,000 for the month, and if the sum of the credits totaled $30,000, then was Finished Goods debited or credited? By how much? 19. A company has provided the following data: Sales 4,000 units Sales price $80 per unit Variable cost $50 per unit Fixed cost $30,000 If the dollar contribution margin per unit is increased by 10%, total fixed cost is decreased by 15%, and all other factors remain the same, will net operating income increase or decrease? By how much? 20. For the current year, Paxman Company incurred $175,000 in actual manufacturing overhead cost. The manufacturing overhead account showed that overhead was overapplied in the amount of $9,000 for the year. If the predetermined overhead rate was $8.00 per direct labor-hour, how many hours were worked during the year?

2024 Discussions Assignment Help

DQ 1 Customer Relationship Management CRM Activity Context This discussion helps you develop 2023

DQ 1 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Activity Context This discussion helps you develop the skills to master the following course competencies: Integrate fundamental principles and applications of marketing to address business problems. Develop innovative and sustainable solutions to strategic marketing challenges. Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business profession. This discussion helps you develop the skills to master the following objectives: Gain a fundamental understanding of customer relationship management (CRM). Assess how technology adds value to the marketing process, including understanding market decision support systems and customer relationship management (CRM) strategies. Activity Instructions CRM is referred to as an “enabler of great marketing.” In what specific ways does CRM enable great marketing? That is, what can a marketing manager do better because their firm effectively practices CRM? Use at least one resource (cited in APA format) to support your ideas. DQ 2 Marketing Research Process This discussion helps you develop the skills to master the following course competencies: Integrate fundamental principles and applications of marketing to address business problems. Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business profession. This discussion helps you develop the skills to master the following objective: Effectively communicate results of marketing related assessments, analyses, and other activities to business stockholders. Activity Instructions Briefly discuss the marketing research process. How can a firm leverage its marketing information systems (MIS) to yield the greatest value for its research efforts? Your discussion should cover the six steps of the marketing research process. Response Guidelines Cover research methodology and some of the electronic sources that are now available to the marketer. Note : Your feedback to other learners is expected to prompt and sustain robust discussion threads. Shape your contributions to your peers by using critical thinking techniques such as: Analysis. Interpretation. Compare and contrast.