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2024 Marketing Assignment Help

Based on Samsung Mobile Phones APA referencing required Marketing Mix o Process moments of truth 2023

Based on Samsung Mobile Phones APA referencing required Marketing Mix o Process – moments of truth? High or low level of involvement? o People – staff interactions with customers (inseparability, variability; level of involvement) Macro Environment o Political trends – laws, regulations, stability, government interventions, barriers to entry/exit etc.. – Core Concept of xiaomi Word count: 1000

2024 Mini Case Waldo Country Solution Assignment Help

MINI CASE Waldo County Waldo County the well known real estate developer worked long hours and he expected his staff 2023

MINI-CASE Waldo County Waldo County, the well-known real estate developer, worked long hours, and he expected his staff to do the same. So George Chavez was not surprised to receive a call from the boss just as George was about to leave for a long summer’s weekend. Mr. County’s success had been built on a remarkable instinct for a good site. He would exclaim “Location! Location! Location!” at some point in every planning meeting. Yet finance was not his strong suit. On this occasion he wanted George to go over the figures for a new $90 million outlet mall designed to intercept tourists heading downeast toward Maine. “First thing Monday will do just fine,” he said as he handed George the file. “I’ll be in my house in Bar Harbor if you need me.” George’s first task was to draw up a summary of the projected revenues and costs. The results are shown in Table 10.8. Note that the mall’s revenues would come from two sources: The company would charge retailers an annual rent for the space they occupied and in addition it would receive 5% of each store’s gross sales. Construction of the mall was likely to take three years. The construction costs could be depreciated straight-line over 15 years starting in year 3. As in the case of the company’s other developments, the mall would be built to the highest specifications and would not need to be rebuilt until year 17. The land was expected to retain its value, but could not be depreciated for tax purposes. Construction costs, revenues, operating and maintenance costs, and real estate taxes were all likely to rise in line with inflation, which was forecasted at 2% a year. The company’s tax rate was 35% and the cost of capital was 9% in nominal terms. George decided first to check that the project made financial sense. He then proposed to look at some of the things that might go wrong. His boss certainly had a nose for a good retail project, but he was not infallible. The Salome project had been a disaster because store sales had turned out to be 40% below forecast. What if that happened here? George wondered just how far sales could fall short of forecast before the project would be underwater. Inflation was another source of uncertainty. Some people were talking about a zero long-term inflation rate, but George also wondered what would happen if inflation jumped to, say, 10%. A third concern was possible construction cost overruns and delays due to required zoning changes and environmental approvals. George had seen cases of 25% construction cost overruns and delays up to 12 months between purchase of the land and the start of construction. He decided that he should examine the effect that this scenario would have on the project’s profitability. “Hey, this might be fun,” George exclaimed to Mr. Waldo’s secretary, Fifi, who was heading for Old Orchard Beach for the weekend. “I might even try Monte Carlo.” “Waldo went to Monte Carlo once,” Fifi replied. “Lost a bundle at the roulette table. I wouldn’t remind him. Just show him the bottom line. Will it make money or lose money? That’s the bottom line.” “OK, no Monte Carlo,” George agreed. But he realized that building a spreadsheet and running scenarios was not enough. He had to figure out how to summarize and present his results to Mr. County. QUESTIONS What is the project’s NPV, given the projections in Table 10.8? Conduct a sensitivity and a scenario analysis of the project. What do these analyses reveal about the project’s risks and potential value?

2024 Dis 4 & 5 Assignment Help

A Rotten Apple Watch the following 2013 Bloomberg s video Apple s Next Product Is a New Strategy Needed https www youtube com watch v glnTz5HD05U Based 2023

“A Rotten Apple?” Watch the following 2013 Bloomberg’s video: Apple’s Next Product: Is a New Strategy Needed? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glnTz5HD05U Based on the video, fast forward to current day and give your opinion on whether or not Apple’s product strategy should change given its current rate of success and potential competing companies (i.e. Samsung, etc.) operating within their market. Provide a rationale for your response. For reference, review the supplemental article titled, “Competitve Strategy”, which discusses Michael Porter’s Five Forces . “Smooth Operator” Elaborate your own definition of production operations management, including manufacturing and service operations. Then, assess the implication of technology in your definition. Lastly, appraise the impact of your previous responses to your Operations, Technology, and Management Plan development.

2024 Maverick Minds Assignment Help

Assignment 2 LASA Project Planning Developing the Project Plan and Determining Critical Path Using the District4WarehouseMove WBS xls 2023

Assignment 2: LASA – Project Planning – Developing the Project Plan and Determining Critical Path Using the District4WarehouseMove WBS.xls provided, create a project plan for the District 4 Warehouse Move project. Use the PDF document, Project Plan Check – District4Move , to check your work to be sure you have created your starting project plan correctly. ProjectLibre is required for this task. If you have not yet downloaded ProjectLibre, please click here and follow the directions to do so now. Note: you will need to insert a column to include your WBS codes, then you will need to sequence the tasks to show tasks by work package. Based upon the details in the WBS and the project case, determine which tasks need to be completed first and which tasks are dependent upon other tasks to be completed prior to starting. Using this information identify predecessors in your project plan’s predecessor column. Complete the predecessor column by entering the line number of tasks that must be completed in order for each task to start. This will create your project timeline. Using ProjectLibre’s Network or flow diagram view, determine the critical path for this project. In a MS Word document, list the activities that are on the critical path. Considering the risks identified in the risk table below, identify which risks would be most likely to increase your project timeline. Justify your responses. Submit both your completed project plan and your MS Word document. District 4 Production Warehouse Move Project – Risk Table 1 Permits are not received per the schedule 2 Finish work contractors walk off the job half way through 3 Framing and drywall contractors are running behind schedule and can only produce half their crew as scheduled 4 Work benches are poor quality and 1/3 will have to be rebuilt Submit your plan to M3: Assignment 2 Dropbox by Wednesday, September 2, 2015 . Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Correctly developed a project plan from the WBS provided 60 Completed the predecessor column correctly in the project plan based upon information in the case. 40 Correctly identified critical path activities 16 Correctly identified risks that would impact the project schedule 40 Used proper writing components such as, correct grammar, spelling, and word choice and cited all sources using correct APA style, etc.. 44 Total: 200

2024 Applied Managerial Finance Assignment Help

Weekly tasks or assignments Individual or Group Projects will be due by Monday and late 2023

Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time. Respond to the following scenario with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use research to reinforce your ideas. In anticipation of Mary’s request for comparative analysis, it will be useful at this time to do some research for the PowerPoint presentation you are working on for Apex. You know that you can obtain the financials of companies within the same sector or Standard Industry Code as Apex Printing (i.e., commercial printing), and that the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Standard Industry 2012 code for Apex Printing is presently 323111. Use Hoover’s Pro to search for the sector information. When you get to work the next day, you see an e-mail from Mary. Here’s the list of financial ratios you asked for. I need you to explain the computation of each and compute these for Apex Printing’s results for the financial statements you’re using for the PowerPoint presentation. Also, compare Apex’s 2-year trend results to that of other firms in the sector. Indicate how each of Apex’s ratios differ, and indicate whether the sector ratio or Apex’s ratio is indicative of better performance. Explain the computation for each of the following, and compute each for Apex: Current ratio (Long-term) debt to equity ratio Gross margin percentage Net profit margin percentage Return on equity percentage You pick up the phone hoping to catch her in the office. “Hello,” she says. “Did you get my list?” “Yes,” you say. “What’s the best way to give you this information?” “Put these comparisons in a table so the information is easy to look at,” she says. “Ideally, we would like to use this as part of an executive summary that we can share with the board of directors.” “Is there anything else?” you ask. “You’ll need to summarize your results in the final paragraph,” she says. “Indicate whether investors would find the financial analysis results of Apex competitive as compared to rivals in the sector.” Tim Russell stops in your office as you’re sending the memo. “How’s everything?” he asks. “Very good,” you say. After you fill him in on Mary’s e-mail, he sits down in the side chair at your desk and you ask, “What’s your opinion about the data?” “I’m confident that most of the data is trending positively,” he says. “However, we need to be transparent and indicate any negative trends as well.” To recap: Present your findings of the above data in a table. Add a paragraph summarizing your results, indicating whether investors would find the financial analysis results of Apex competitive as compared to rivals in the sector. Be sure to include both positive and negative trends in your analysis. http://breeze.careeredonline.com/hooversproctu 750 words APA format with reference

2024 BUS 401 (4) Assignment Help

THE SUBJECT OF THIS PAPER NEEDS TO BE APPLE INC The Final Project will involve applying the concepts learned 2023

*****************THE SUBJECT OF THIS PAPER NEEDS TO BE APPLE INC. The Final Project will involve applying the concepts learned in class to an analysis of a company using data from its annual report. Using the concepts from this course, you will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the company and write a report either recommending or not recommending purchase of the company stock. Research Tip: The “Mergent” database in the Ashford University Library contains company profiles and financial information for publicly traded companies and their competitors. To access this database enter the Ashford Library and select “Find Articles and More” in the top menu panel. Next, select “Databases A-Z” and go to section “M” for “Mergent”. For help with using Mergent, use Mergent Online Quick Tips. For help with reading an annual report access this handy guide from Money Chimp. The completed report should include: An introduction to the company, including background information. A complete and thorough financial statement review. Pro Forma financial statements (Balance Sheet and Income Statement) for the next fiscal year, assuming a 10 percent growth rate in sales and Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) for the next year. Complete ratio analysis for the last fiscal year using at least two ratios from each of the following categories: Liquidity Financial leverage Asset management Profitability Market value A calculation of Return on Equity (ROE) using the DuPont system. Assessment of management performance by calculating Economic Value Added (EVA). A synopsis of your findings, including your recommendations and rationale for whether or not to purchase stock from this company. This report should be eight to ten pages long (excluding title page and reference pages) using APA 6th edition formatting guidelines. Support your findings and recommendations with evidence from at least five scholarly resources, such as the textbook, industry reports, and articles from the Ashford University library. Writing the Final Paper The Final Paper: Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide. Must include a cover page that includes: Title of paper Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph. Must use at least five scholarly resources from the Ashford University Library. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the approved APA style guide. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

2024 DP 5 ACC Assignment Help

This week we are studying the Statement of Cash Flows Operating cash flow 2023

This week we are studying the Statement of Cash Flows. Operating cash flow represents the cash that flows in and out of the company on a day-to-day basis. For example, cash inflows come from collected revenues and cash outflows occur when the firm pays its normal day-to-day expenses. We, of course, would prefer to see a positive total on the Net Cash provided by Operating Activities, because it implies that cash inflows are greater than cash outflows. In your textbook, the author discusses 4 financial ratios associated with operating cash flows; please study these ratios. Remember that the denominator on the ratio Operating cash flow/Current maturities of long-term debt is being revised to current liabilities; therefore, we will report the ratio as Operating cash flow/Current liabilities This week I want you to find the Statement of Cash Flow for a firm of your choosing and report the cash flow ratios. Please report and discuss 3 years of ratios for the three ratios related to debt and dividends but only the current year’s cash flows per share. Show numerators and denominators for all ratios and then discuss their economic meaning. It is possible that your firm does not pay dividends (you will see dividends in the financing section of the Cash Flow Statement). The cash flow per share ratio is particularly challenging since most of the numbers in the statements are in thousands or millions (look at the top of the statement for a note) while the # of shares outstanding only for the current year (in Yahoo.Finance, under your firm’s page, look in “Key Statistics” and you will find the # of shares in the right column down about halfway on the page). You only have to report ONE YEAR on the cash flow per share.

2024 Finance Assignment Help

Your Investment and their Competition Write a 1250 1500 word paper In your paper include 2023

Your Investment and their Competition Write a 1250-1500 word paper. In your paper include the following: Choose a key competitor of the company you have been studying this term. Highlight key differences in performance between your organization and their key competitor in the following areas: 1.Stock structure 2.Capital structure 3.Dividend payout history 4.Key financial ratios 5.Beta 6.Risk Include a title page and 3-5 references. Only one reference may be from the internet (not Wikipedia). The other references must be from the Grantham University online library. Please adhere to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), (6th ed. 2nd printing) when writing and submitting assignments and papers. Grading Criteria Assignments Maximum Points  Meets or exceeds established assignment criteria 40 Demonstrates an understanding of lesson concepts 20 Clearly presents well-reasoned ideas and concepts 30 Uses proper mechanics, punctuation, sentence structure, and spelling 10 Total

2024 ACC 510 – Davenport University – Course Project Guide Assignment Help

Foundations of Accounting I Accounting Project Written by Karen Pitsch is a merchandising business Their account balances 2023

Foundations of Accounting I Accounting Project Written by: Karen Pitsch is a merchandising business. Their account balances as of November 30, 2012 (unless otherwise indicated), are as follows: 110 Cash $ 73,920 112 Accounts Receivable 34,250 113 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts 11,000 115 Merchandise Inventory 123,900 116 Prepaid Insurance 3,750 117 Store Supplies 2,850 123 Store Equipment 100,800 124 Accumulated Depreciation-Store Equipment 20,160 210 Accounts Payable 21,450 211 Salaries Payable 0 218 Interest Payable 0 220 Note Payable (Due 2017) 15,000 310 D. Williams, Capital (January 1, 2012) 73,260 311 D. Williams, Drawing 50,000 312 Income Summary 0 410 Sales 853,445 411 Sales Returns and Allowances 20,020 412 Sales Discounts 13,200 510 Cost of Merchandise Sold 414,575 520 Sales Salaries Expense 74,400 521 Advertising Expense  18,000 522 Depreciation Expense 0 523 Store Supplies Expense 0 529 Miscellaneous Selling Expense 2,800 530 Office Salaries Expense 40,500 531 Rent Expense 18,600 532 Insurance Expense 0 533 Bad Debt Expense 0 539 Miscellaneous Administrative Expense 1,650 550 Interest Expense 1,100 David’s Entertainment uses the perpetual inventory system and the First-in, First-out costing method. Transportation-in and purchase discounts should be added to the Inventory Control Sheet, but since this will complicate the computation of the First-in, First-out costing method, please ignore this step in the process. They also use the Allowance Method for bad debt. The Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Subsidiary Ledgers along with the Inventory Control Sheet should be updated as each transaction affects them (daily). David’s Entertainment sells four types of television entertainment units. The sale prices of each are: TV A: $3,500 TV B: $5,250 TV C: $6,125 PS D: $9,000 During December, the last month of the accounting year, the following transactions were completed: Dec. 1. Issued check number 2632 for the December rent, $2,600. 3. Purchased three TV C units on account from Prince Co., terms 2/10, n/30, FOB shipping point, $11,100. 4. Issued check number 2633 to pay the transportation changes on purchase of December 3, $400. (NOTE: Do not include shipping and purchase discounts to the Inventory Control sheet for this project.) 6. Sold four TV A and four TV B on account to Albert Co., invoice 891, terms 2/10, n/30, FOB shipping point. 10. Sold two projector systems for cash. 11. Purchased store supplies on account from Matt Co., terms n/30, $580. 13. Issued check to Prince Co. number 2634 for the full amount due, less discount allowed. 14. Issued credit memo for one TV A unit returned on sale of December 6. 15. Issued check number 2635 for advertising expense for last half of December, $1,500. 16. Received cash from Albert Co. for the full amount due (less return of December 14 and discount). 19. Issued check number 2636 to buy two TV C units, $7,600. 19. Issued check number 2637 for $6,100 to Joseph Co. on account. 20. Sold five TV C units on account to Cameron Co., invoice number 892, terms 1/10, n/30, FOB shipping point. 20. For the convenience of the customer, issued check number 2638 for shipping charges on sale of December 20, $700. 21. Received $12,250 cash from McKenzie Co. on account, no discount. 21. Purchased three projector systems on account from Elisha Co., terms 1/10, n/30, FOB destination, $15,600. 24. Received notification that Marie Co. has been granted bankruptcy with no amount of recovery. We are to write-off her amount due. (Note: See page 402 for entry required.) 25. Issued a debit memo for return of $5,200 because of a damaged projection system purchased on December 21, receiving credit from the seller. 26. Issued check number 2639 for refund of cash on sales made for cash, $600. (Customer was going to return goods until an allowance was arranged.) 27. Issued check number 2640 for sales salaries of $1,750 and office salaries of $950. 28. Purchased store equipment on account from Matt Co., terms n/30, FOB destination, $1,200. 29. Issued check number 2641 for store supplies, $470. 30. Sold four TV C units on account to Randall Co., invoice number 893, terms 2/10, n/30, FOB shipping point. 30. Received cash from sale of December 20, less discount, plus transportation paid on December 20. (Round calculations to the nearest dollar.) 30. Issued check number 2642 for purchase of December 21, less return of December 25 and discount. 30. Issued a debit memo for $300 of the purchase returned from December 28. Instructions: 1. Enter the balances of each of the accounts in the appropriate balance column of a four-column account (General Ledger). Write Balance in the item section, and place a check mark (x) in the Post Reference column. 2. Journalize the transactions in a sales journal, purchases journal, cash receipts journal, cash payments journal, or general journal as illustrated in chapter 7. Also post to the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Subsidiary ledgers and Inventory Control Sheet as needed. 3. Total each column on the special journals and prove the journal. 4. Post the totals of the account named columns and individually post the “other” columns as well to the General Ledger. 5. Prepare the Schedule of Accounts Receivable and the Schedule of Accounts Payable (their total amount must equal the amount in their controlling general ledger account). 6. Prepare the unadjusted trial balance on the worksheet. 7. Complete the worksheet for the year ended December 31, 2012, using the following adjustment data: a. Merchandise inventory on December 31 $90,800 b. Insurance expired during the year 1,250 c. Store supplies on hand on December 31 975 d. Depreciation for the current year needs to be calculated. The business uses the Straight-line method, the store equipment has a useful life of 10 years with no salvage value. (NOTE: the purchase and return will not be included as the dates of the transactions were after the 15 th of the month). e. Accrued salaries on December 31: Sales salaries $1,400 Office salaries 760 2,160 f. The note payable terms are at 8%, payment is not being made until Jan. 3, 2013. Interest must be recognized for one month. g. Net realizable value of Accounts Receivable is determined to be $27,950. 8. Prepare a multiple-step income statement, a statement of owner’s equity, and a classified balance sheet in good form. (Recommend review of “Current Liabilities” on pages 166 & 167 and “Current Maturities of Long-term Debt” on page 480.) 9. Journalize and post the adjusting entries. 10. Journalize and post the closing entries. Indicate closed accounts by inserting a line in both balance columns opposite the closing entry. 11. Prepare a post-closing trial balance.

2024 internal report 2 pages due in 3 hours Assignment Help

Prepare a 500 word internal report concerning the change that is occurring at Synergetic 2023

Prepare a 500 word internal report concerning the change that is occurring at Synergetic Solutions. Write an analysis of the issues involved in this simulation. In the analysis, include the following: Describe at least three internal and external forces of change for Synergetic Solutions. What factors does a leader in this organization need to consider to implement a change strategy successfully? Describe at least two change models the leader might employ. Evaluate the communication necessary to implement change using these models. What kinds of resistance might the leader expect to see in Synergetic Solutions? Identify and explain at least five kinds of resistance. What strategies might you employ to manage each of these areas of resistance? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.