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Write a two to three page analysis using the Case Study on pages 325 327 of your textbook Expatriate Management at AstraZeneca 2023

Write a two- to three-page analysis using the Case Study on pages 325-327 of your textbook, “Expatriate Management at AstraZeneca.” Your analysis should address the following questions: 1. Critically analyze AstraZeneca’s expatriate management practices. 2. According to the 2007 Expatriate Work/Life Balance Survey, 65% of expats report feeling the strain of managing the demands of work and home, leading to more anxieties at home and at the workplace. What steps can an organization take to mitigate this? 3. What decisions related to expatriates could organizations take to maximize the benefits to the company despite ongoing economic recessions? Do you think a company that paid more careful attention to selection could further boost their chances of success? Your case study analysis should follow APA guidelines for formatting of all resources, both in-text and as references. Your analysis should include a title page and should include a separate reference page. Remember to use the CSU Library to complete your research for this assignment. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below

2024 Here Assignment Help

First 5 Parts of assignmnt 1 As the consultant create an argument 2023

First 5 Parts of assignmnt 1. As the consultant, create an argument that you will present to the CEO that suggests accounting and financial management knowledge and skills will be essential to the company’s success and stability over the next five (5) years. Provide support for your argument. 2. Suggest to the CEO how the company’s stakeholders (investors, lenders, and employees) will use financial statement information and ratio calculations to make key determinations related to the financial condition and operational efficiency of the company. Provide support for your rationale. 3. Given the strategy to increase revenue during the five (5) year plan period, which will need to be achieved through expansion and capital expenditures, determine which capital budgeting ratio is appropriate for Durango to evaluate its proposals for capital expenditures, such as NPV, IRR, etc. Defend your position. 4. In order for the company to improve its operational efficiency, recommend which production departments should use process, job order, and activity-based costing—all three (3) of which must be implemented within Durango. Defend your choice for each department. 5. The CEO would like to consider outsourcing his manufacturing operations if labor can be supplied cheaper overseas than in the U.S. Create an argument either for or against outsourcing the manufacturing operation to a foreign country. Your argument should include key points that support your position. The key points should address economic and business management aspects related to outsourcing.

2024 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment: Long Term Strategies And Globalization Presentation Assignment Help

Purpose of Assignment This Learning Team assignment is designed to help students with 2023

Purpose of Assignment This Learning Team assignment is designed to help students with the following:Understand how globalization affects a company’s domestic and international strategic plans.Assess the effectiveness of various types of strategic alliance in the growth process of a global company.Understand the necessity for strategic innovation to create to long-term organizational sustainability in the global environment.Evaluate how organizational structures can facilitate company growth and control in the global environment. Recommended Resources Textbook Chapters 8, 9 and 10Appropriate and relevant business and academic Websites Assignment Requirements Create a 4 slide presentation that includes the following: Discussion of different organizational structures, how each can facilitate company growth and control in the global environment, and why a given company might choose one over the others. Involve your audience throughout the presentation by including planned interactions (e.g., audience questions/checkpoints, brief illustrative activities, etc.), and anticipated questions from the audience including planned Learning Team responses, as demonstrated within the presentation’s slide notes. Format the presentation according to 400-level APA standards. The slide count does not include the title and reference slides. Reminder : Individual points earned for this assignment will be, in part, based upon individual contribution, as assessed by the instructor

2024 ACC 557 Week 9 DQ 1 Cash Flow Reporting US GAAP and IFRS. Given the complexities related to preparing and interpreting the statement of cash flow Assignment Help

Cash Flow Reporting Please respond to the following Use the Internet or 2023

Cash Flow Reporting” Please respond to the following: Use the Internet or the Strayer Library to research the difference in the cash flow reporting requirements between US GAAP and IFRS. Given the complexities related to preparing and interpreting the statement of cash flow, evaluate the current requirement under GAAP and IFRS, indicating improvements that you would make to each method’s requirement to better serve the users of the information. Provide a rationale for your changes. Analyze the impact of erroneous classifications in the Operating Activities section of the statement of cash flows, detailing how the distortion can impact the decisions made by financial statement users. Suggest how these errors may be minimized.

2024 Financial Management Spring 2014 Assignment 4 The returns on a stock for the last 5 years have been 25%, 6%, -11%, 2%, and -20%. Assignment Help

Financial Management Spring 2014 Assignment 4 The returns on a stock for the 2023

Financial Management Spring 2014 Assignment 4 The returns on a stock for the last 5 years have been 25%, 6%, -11%, 2%, and -20%. Financial Management Spring 2014 Assignment 4 90 points 1. The returns on a stock for the last 5 years have been 25%, 6%, -11%, 2%, and -20%. a. Assuming that you purchased the stock for $31.50 five years ago and that all returns have come in the form of either capital gains or losses (i.e., there have been no dividends), what is the price of the stock today? (3 points) b. Compute the average (arithmetic) return. (3 points) c. Compute the geometric average return. (3 points) d. What is the yearly return standard deviation? (3 points) 2. The following describes the probability distribution of future returns for 2 stocks: State of the Economy High growth Low growth No growth Recession Probability .15 .20 .40 .25 Stock A return 30% 13% 6% -5% Stock B return 10% 8% 4% -2% The beta of stock A is 1.3 and the beta of stock B is 0.4. a. Compute the expected return and standard deviation for both stocks. (3 points) b. Compute the expected return, standard deviation, and beta of a portfolio consisting of 50% in stock A and 50% in stock B. (6 points) c. Which risk measure is more appropriate for determining a stock’s contribution to the riskiness of a well-diversified portfolio, its return standard deviation, or its beta? Clearly explain your reasoning (3 points) To answer Question 3, you need to download the spreadsheet with stock price data from the “assignment” section of lesson 7 in Angel. This file contains monthly stock prices, dividends, and stock split information for Advanced Micro Devices, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, and UnitedHealth Group for the period spanning from December 2008 through December 2013. For each company, there are 61 monthly closing prices, from which you will be able to calculate 60 months of stock returns. 3. Calculate the monthly returns for each of the stocks: a. Calculate the arithmetic average monthly return for each stock. (3 points) b. Calculate the geometric average monthly return for each stock. (3 points) c. Calculate the monthly return standard deviation for each stock. (3 points) d. Calculate the total percentage return (this would be what is referred to in the text as the holding period return) for each stock based on purchasing a share at the end of December 2008 and holding it through the end of December 2013. In your calculations assume that any dividends are reinvested immediately in the stock C540 – Spring 2014 1 rather than being stuffed under a mattress where they would earn no further returns. (3 points) e. If you constructed a portfolio at the end of December 2008 consisting of 50 shares of each of the stocks and held this portfolio through the end of December 2013 (once again, reinvesting all dividends), what would be the total percentage return (holding period return) on the portfolio? What would the portfolio’s geometric average monthly return be? (3 points) To answer questions 4 through 6, you will to access the tab labeled “stock return data for Q4-6” in the previously downloaded spreadsheet. The tab contains monthly stock returns for Polaris Industries (PII), Emmis Communications (EMMS), and Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), for the months from January 2009 through December 2013, along with monthly stock returns for the S&P Composite Index over the same period. 4. a. Using the returns on the S&P 500 Composite Index as the proxy for the overall stock market return, estimate a beta for each stock listed above in Excel. Report the betas and comment on your level of confidence in each of the beta estimates given the significance level (p-values) of the t-statistics for the beta estimates in the regression models. Clearly demonstrate your understanding of beta calculations and statistical estimates. (15 points) b. What beta estimates do you find at Yahoo Finance (the links below)? Why might the beta estimates from Yahoo Finance differ from the beta estimates that you calculated? (3 points) http://finance.yahoo.com/q/ks?s=PII http://finance.yahoo.com/q/ks?s=EMMS http://finance.yahoo.com/q/ks?s=JNJ 5. Which of the three stocks (PII, EMMS, and JNJ) has the most total risk if held in isolation? Clearly convey what measure you used to identify the amount of risk of a stock held in isolation. (3 points) 6. Which of the three stocks (PII, EMMS, and JNJ) has the most systematic risk? Clearly convey what measure you used to identify the amount of systematic risk. (3 points) C540 – Spring 2014 2 7. a. Based on the following beta estimates, what would be the portfolio beta for a portfolio invested as follows? (3 points) 2nd National Bank Chesapeake Energy Pentair Pegasus Sodastream Portfolio Weights 20% 15% 30% 15% 20% 100% Beta 0.5 0.6 0.9 0.5 1.6 b. Based on the Beta estimates in part a, a Treasury bond rate of 2.97% and an expected market risk premium of 7%, what would be the expected return on the portfolio described in part a (assuming the stocks are fairly priced based on the CAPM)? (3 points) 8. Vaughn Manufacturing (VM) has 720 bonds outstanding with a 5.75 percent coupon rate (semi-annual coupon payments) and 15 years left to maturity. The bonds sell for $927.50. VM’s common stock has a beta of 1.24. The 10-year Treasury-Bond rate is currently 2.75 percent, and historically, the market has earned 7% more per year than the 10-year Treasury rate. The firm has 147,000 shares of common stock outstanding at a market price of $21.50 a share (book value of $9 per share). There are 40,000 shares of preferred stock outstanding at a market price of $30 a share (book value of $40 per share). The preferred stock pays a $2.50 annual dividend. The company’s marginal tax rate is 38 percent. a. b. c. d. What is the after-tax cost of debt? (3 points) What is the cost of preferred stock? (3 points) What is the cost of common stock? (3 points) What is the weighted average cost of capital for Vaughn Manufacturing? (3 points) C540 – Spring 2014 3 9. SL Jones Corporation, an all equity-financed company, has traditionally employed a firm wide discount rate for capital budgeting purposes. However, its two divisions – publishing and entertainment, have different degrees of risk given by ßP = 1.0, ßE = 2.0, and the beta for the overall firm is 1.3. Use 6% as the risk-free rate and 12% as the expected return on the market. The firm is considering the following capital expenditures: Publishing Entertainment Proposed Project P1 P2 P3 Initial Investment $1M $3M $2M IRR .130 .121 .090 E1 E2 E3 $4M $6M $5M .160 .170 .140 a. Which projects would the firm accept if it uses the opportunity cost of capital for the entire company? (3 points) b. Which projects would it accept if it estimates cost of capital separately for each division? (3 points) c. If SL Jones Corporation only uses the cost of capital for the entire firm, what will happen to the riskiness of the firm, compared to using the appropriate divisional cost of capital? (3 points) C540 – Spring 2014

2024 E3-14B (Closing Entries) Assignment Help

E3 14B Closing Entries Presented below is information related to Crowe Corporation for the month of January 2014 Cost of 2023

E3-14B (Closing Entries) Presented below is information related to Crowe Corporation for the month of January 2014. Cost of goods sold $361,000 Salaries and Wages expense $201,000 Freight-out 22,500 Sales discounts 31,000 Insurance expense 12,000 Sales returns and allowances 21,500 Rent expense 32,000 Sales 812,000 Instructions Prepare the necessary closing entries.

2024 Business Ethics Assignment #5: Assignment Help

You must follow all instructions exactly and use the exact book for internal citation Business Ethics 2023

You must follow all instructions exactly and use the exact book for internal citation. Business Ethics Assignment #5: Ch. 9 Problem: ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS: You have put in a new computer security system. Despite the precautions, an unidentified company employee continues to violate the company non-disclosure agreement by posting proprietary information on a private blog. One of your IT employees, at home and without company authorization, discovers the blogger’s identity by hacking into the blog site’s ISP and then the blogger’s home computer, and shares the information with you. Issue: Whether you should use the information obtained by the hacker to discipline the blogger for violating the NDA. Write a 1 to 1 ½ page paper stating what you would do using either the relationship lens or the reputation lens. The majority of your paper should be describing how you came to your decision through the lens that you chose. Use Times New Roman, 12 pt font, and reference the book. Be sure to reference the book (Everyday Ethics, Making Wise Choices in a Complex World by Catharyn A. Baird ) Your paper should: 1) be 1 ½ pages in length 2) contain appropriate and correctly formatted internal citations 3) a reference or works cited page 4) have 1” margins 5) have Times New Roman 12 pt font You will lose a minimum of 20 points for incorrect internal citations and reference list. Be sure to check the Owl Purdue website for proper MLA or APA formatting.

2024 QNT 561 research paper Assignment Help

Write 3 pages paper using the scenario and two variables from the Business Research Project as 2023

Write 3 pages paper using the scenario and two variables from the Business Research Project (as given in the INPUT setion below) , in which the goal is to submit a random sampling plan in such detail that another researcher could replicate the method. Discuss the following: Population and size The target population and brief reasoning Sampling element which may be conducted through any of the following: Data mining Survey (If a survey is chosen, create a 5-10 question document), or Observation The sample size Method of random sampling which may include: Simple Stratified Systematic Cluster Calculate the sample size for the mean or sample or sample size for the proportion, using a 95% confidence level, estimated population standard deviation or estimate of the true population proportion, and a 5% margin of error. Place the calculation in the Appendix. Discuss how validity and reliability will be achieved. If applicable, explain how human subjects will be protected. Part 2: Data Collection Explain how the data will be physically collected. Explain where data will be stored and how it will be protected. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. INPUT SECTION: Research Objective The main study aim is to increase economic profits (profitability) by carrying out research and development to determine required environmentally friendly products for manufacture. Hypothesis statements 1. Sloge profitability is indirectly related to research and development. 2. Sloge productivity increases with increased employment of experts in the non-oil-based toys production department.

2024 Competitive Strategies and Government Policies Assignment Help

Explain the impact of current and expected government policies and regulations including taxes and regulations 2023

• Explain the impact of current and expected government policies and regulations, including taxes and regulations in place to address issues related to externalities • The effect of global competition on the decisions made by management with regards to change in labor demand, supply, relations with unions, and rules and regulations in your chosen industry The company is United Airlines Two slides for each bullet point (a total of 4). Notes is speaker notes section

2024 Statistics 200 Quiz 3 October 2015 A+ Assignment Help

Quiz 3 Statistics 200 October 2015 There are again 5 problems on this 2023

Quiz 3 Statistics 200 – October 2015 There are again 5 problems on this quiz. Again, it is not meant to be tricky or hard, but to ensure you are comfortable with the concepts in the assigned chapters. Please submit your quiz to your assignment folder. If you have issues submitting, please do not use email. Submit with your homework assignment and I will pick it up there. It has to be submitted into LEO for credit. Answer key will be posted on Tuesday. ______________________________________________________ Problem 1 Below are five (5) separate distributions. a- Calculate the Range b- Use the range to calculate the standard deviation c- Calculate the standard deviation (and show any difference) Problem 2 Two (2) students took the same statistics test. Convert their scores to percentiles and plot on a chart. You will need the z-table in the back of the text (or internet search). Math Test Results X = 73.0 s = 8.0 John scores 79 on the test Mary scored 68 on the test Problem 3 I have finished analyzing the data from a recent study. There are 25 subjects in the sample The mean of the sample is 75 The standard deviation is 4.7 Please answer the following: a- What is the standard error o the mean for these data? b- What are the 95% and 99% confidence intervals c- What is the probability of obtaining by chance the following: i – a mean less than 72 ii- a mean less than 74 iii- a mean greater than 76 iv- a mean greater than 78 Problem 4 Use the following information to write the correspondingnull and alternative hypothesis: a- A sample mean of 23 is statistically different from a population mean of 30 b- A sample mean of 56 is less than the population mean of 70 c- A sample mean of 75 is greater than the population mean of 70 Be sure to show the relationship! Not just words. Problem 5 I am back in the lab, collecting samples. The mean of the sample is 75 My associate wants to determine whether the sample meanstatistically greater than the population mean of 70. My associate set α = 0.05 Please provide responses to: a- The probability associated with a mean of 75 is p = 0.05Can my associate reject the null hypothesis? b- If the null hypothesis is a correct statement, what is the probability that the researcher will make the correct decision not to reject the null hypothesis?