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2024 Topic 2 Locate A Product Offered By A Manufacturer Using A Dual Distribution Approach. Are There Differences Between The Consumers Targeted By Each Channel? How Do The Purchase Experiences Differ? In The End, Why Would A Customer Buy Directly From A Manu Assignment Help

Topic 2 Locate a product offered by a manufacturer using a dual distribution approach 2023

Topic 2 Locate a product offered by a manufacturer using a dual distribution approach. Are there differences between the consumers targeted by each channel? How do the purchase experiences differ? In the end, why would a customer buy directly from a manufacturer if the prices are higher? Visit the Cents Off website: http://www.centsoff.com/ and browse the available coupons and read the FAQs. What are the benefits of the Cents Off service for advertisers and consumers? If you were a manufacturer that issues coupons, what factors would favor using the Cents Off website for distribution rather than the traditional Sunday newspaper insert? 450 – 500 words minimum for each Topic. Two (2) references are required beyond the text book. Be sure to cite and source in APA format.

2024 Microeconomics and the Law of Supply and Demand Assignment Help

Write a 1 050 to 1 400 word paper summarizing the content of the simulation Please see the attached simulation You must include 2023

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper summarizing the content of the simulation. Please see the attached simulation. You must include a detailed introduction and conclusion. Identify two microeconomics and two macroeconomics principles or concepts from the simulation/video. Explain why you have categorized these selected principles or concepts as microeconomics or macroeconomics. Identify at least one shift of the supply curve and one shift of the demand curve in the simulation/video. Explain what causes the shifts, and how each shift affects the price, quantity, and decision making. Include responses to the following: How might you apply what you learned about supply and demand from the simulation/video to your workplace or your understanding of a real-world product with which you are familiar? How do the concepts of microeconomics help you understand the factors that affect shifts in supply and demand on equilibrium price and quantity? How do the concepts of macroeconomics help you understand the factors that affect shifts in supply and demand on the equilibrium price and quantity? How does the price elasticity of demand affect a consumer’s purchasing and the firm’s pricing strategy as it relates to the simulation/video? This is the book we are using in class – Colander, D. (2013). Economics (9th ed). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Cite a minimum of 3 peer reviewed sources.

2024 Procedures For Compliance Plans-R4 Assignment Help

In a 4 page paper describe the procedures for each of the two compliance plans Break each procedure 2023

In a 4-page paper, describe the procedures for each of the two compliance plans. Break each procedure section into 2 pages each. Remember to support your procedures for each of two plans with a total of three research sources (1-2 per procedure), cited at the end in APA format. Write your procedures in a way that all employees will understand at a large medical facility where you are the Compliance Officer. COMPLIANCE PLANS: · The lack of clinical staff washing their hands between patients represents key issues in compliance with standard hygiene procedures. · Secondly, employees not being knowledgeable in the use of fire extinguishers pose a key issue in compliance since they would be unable to effectively handle fires at the workplace.

2024 Your organization (you can represent any organization, McDonalds, Starbucks, ESPN, etc.) has asked you to create a training presentation on ethics and compliance to be presented next week. Referencing the Hagel article, the Gonzales-Padron textbook, and a Assignment Help

From a managerial ethics perspective and considering some of the areas that 2023

From a managerial ethics perspective and considering some of the areas that were brought up in Week Two, Discussion 1, consider the following statement by Hagel (2015): The demand for greater transparency from consumers and stakeholders across the world has pushed the areas of ethics and compliance up the corporate list of priorities in recent years. In addition, the risk to reputation and potential damage that can be done if evidence of unethical practice is discovered have increased significantly with the advent of social media.(para. 2) In addition, consider the legislation that was brought up in Chapter 4 of the textbook. Your organization (you can represent any organization, McDonalds, Starbucks, ESPN, etc.) has asked you to create a training presentation on ethics and compliance to be presented next week. Referencing the Hagel article, the Gonzales-Padron textbook, and at least two other journal articles, present an outline for your training as a response to this thread.

2024 word paper comparing two juvenile diversion Assignment Help

Write a 1 050 word paper comparing two juvenile diversion intervention or prevention programs operating in the state 2023

Write a 1,050-word paper comparing two juvenile diversion, intervention, or prevention programs operating in the state of Maryland. Address the following in the paper: -How do the programs work to reduce juvenile crime? Base this on an analysis of the relationship between program premise and goals and one or more major causes of juvenile delinquent behavior. -What are the programs’ major goals, objectives, and core beliefs? -Who are the key participants in these programs? -What services do they provide to youths? -Identify which program of the two is more effective at reducing juvenile crime and why.

2024 LD4 Assignment Help

The purpose of the Discussion Board is to allow students to learn 2023

The purpose of the Discussion Board is to allow students to learn through sharing ideas and experiences as they relate to course content and the DB question. Because it is not possible to engage in two-way dialogue after a conversation has ended, no posts to the DB will be accepted after the end of each unit. A proposal has been accepted by the management, and the project launch was successful. Choose an appropriate communication format, and in your own words, answer the following question about communication for your Discussion Board post: What stylistic, wording, and/or oral delivery strategies should be used in the client presentation? Discuss the delivery methods you would use during the client presentation. Respond to 2 of your fellow classmates with a reply of at least 100 words. What did you learn from your classmate”s posting? What additional questions do you have after reading the posting? What clarification do you need regarding the posting? What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates” postings? In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board and comment on other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings. For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

2024 Financial Management Assignment Help

Your class project will be an exciting project You will build your OWN company A 2023

Your class project will be an exciting project. You will build your OWN company. A company of your dreams. I have been consulting for a number of years. People do not start paying attention to “Finance stuff” until they open a business. However, that is really the wrong time to learn how to financially architect a company. So this project will come as close to reality as possible. The more serious you take this project, the better equipped you will be to run your company or someone else’s. What is your passion? What is your dream company? More importantly, how much profit will it generate? How much cash will you need to start your company? Will enough money be generated to take care of you and your family? Whatever company you want to start, you must be able to identify 3 public companies that can act as BENCHMARKS. You will extract so much information from these companies that you will be able to build a very precise financial company. Not convinced yet? This is exactly how I am building my brother’s printing company that is currently seeking bank financing. More on that when we start our classes. Your final class project will need to be submitted. However, based upon previous students’ time tracking, you will need to invest anywhere from 2-3 hours to complete this project. Project Management and time management are very serious in this class. Those are 2 of the most important critical competencies company look for in new hires. Need more convincing? Let’s look at Apple. They innvovate a new product. They get the planet excited. Then they communicate the RELEASE DATE. For the next 18 months (assuming 18 month timeline), people’s careers will be in the balance based on their ability to HIT that release date. Want to earn high six-figure salaries? Do NOT let another day go by without becoming a MASTER at project and time management. Here are your mini-release dates: #1 decide on your startup company. Identify 3 public companies that will be your financial benchmarks. #2 – download benchmark PDF template and start building your benchmark shell. Oh, BTW, you will get very good at Excel in this class 🙂 #3 – you should be completed your 3 financial benchmarks. you should be reviewing the template for Industry Overview. #4 – you should be completed your Industry Overview. you should be reviewing the 5 Year Projection template. #5 – you should be completed your 5 Year Projection template. It is during this class you must bring in FINAL questions and challenges. #6 – you must submit to me your completed Class Project. Additionally, you should be prepared to do a 6-10 minute presentation to class. Some Guidance for your Class Presentation Ordinarily, I do not allow students to do any type of Powerpoint presentations. But I am rethinking that strategy. Before you develop your presentation, I want you to watch 3 episodes of SHARK TANK. And ask these questions to yourself: 1. How well do they know their market? 2. How well do they know their competition? 3. How well do they know their target audience? 4. What is their selling price? What is their markup? How much are their direct costs? What are their primary cost components? 5. What kind of funding do they need? How much equity? How much debt? 6. Do they know their NUMBERS? Here is how I am grading your presentation. This is what a SOLID A+ looks like: 1. Information presented is thorough, complete, organized and professional looking. 2. You demonstrate a high working knowledge level of the industry. 3. You know your benchmarks and key ratios — backwards and forwards. 4. Your demonstrate a DEEP INSIGHT of your 5 Year Projections and what it all means. 5. At the end of your presentation, your classmates (the sharks) will decide if they want to invest in YOUR company. Hmmm .. that sounds interesting right. I like it. Great idea Rich 🙂 Each student will be given $100,000 of virtual dollars. At the end of each presentation, students will be asked if they want to invest in your company. Top 3 companies (with largest capital contributions) get bonus points. Top 3 students that generate the highest IRRs will get bonus points. If FINANCE is the art and science of managing money — then LEARNING should be one part experiential and one part entertainment. I wish I was in this class! Oh right – I am the teacher …. STEP #1: Complete Benchmarks (25%). ONLY LOAD PDF DOCS. Attached Files: NEW 7830 May.June 2017 — REVISED EXAMPLES — for BENCHMARK.pdf ( 344.42 KB ) YOU ARE EXPECTED TO BUILD THIS SPREADSHEET FROM SCRATCH. IF IT COMES TO MY ATTENTION THAT YOU HAVE USED A SOFTWARE PROGRAM (OR ANY OTHER MEANS) TO CONVERT MY PDF DOCUMENT INTO AN EXCEL DOCUMENT, YOU WILL RECEIVE A ZERO FOR THE ENTIRE ASSIGNMENT. IT IS JUST NOT WORTH IT. Step by step guidance as follows: 1. Select your company based on your “passion.” 2. Select PRIMARY competitive benchmark. Should be US public company. 3. Go to Yahoo Finance. 4. Download Income Statement and Balance Sheet Data for current 3 years into Excel worksheet. 5. Click on COMPETETORS link on Yahoo Finance to see the competitors to your PRIMARY company benchmark. 6. Download 2 other competitor benchmarks to Excel worksheet. 7. Now start BUILDING your excel shell. 8. Work on Income Statement first. Ratios here are a function (denominator) of Total Revenue (Sales). 9. Next work on Balance Sheet. Ratios should be a function of Total Assets. 10. Make sure that your NET INCOME totals and TOT ASSETS totals match totals on Yahoo Finance. 11. Now start building your RATIO equations. 12. Review my EXAMPLE. Make sure you can figure out the Numerator and Denominator for EACH metric. 13. Now – complete your RATIO equations. 14. Once you have completed ONE YEAR, just copy and paste to the other 2 years. 15. You should REPLICATE Quad Graphics worksheet FIRST. This is perhaps the best idea here! 16. When you complete your first company, cut and paste this shell into 2 more tabs. 17. REMEMBER – it is a clear VIOLATION of academic policy for sharing your excel spreadsheet with students. The penalty is ZERO for both parties for this assignment. 18. Your goal should be complete 95% of your 3 benchmarks. STEP #3: Complete 5 Year Projections (25%). ONLY LOAD PDF DOCS. Attached Files: NEW 7830 May.June 2017 — REVISED EX for 5 YR PROJ.pdf ( 334.165 KB ) YOU ARE EXPECTED TO BUILD THIS SPREADSHEET FROM SCRATCH. IF IT COMES TO MY ATTENTION THAT YOU HAVE USED A SOFTWARE PROGRAM (OR ANY OTHER MEANS) TO CONVERT MY PDF DOCUMENT INTO AN EXCEL DOCUMENT, YOU WILL RECEIVE A ZERO FOR THE ENTIRE ASSIGNMENT. IT IS JUST NOT WORTH IT. Step-by-step guidance: 1. Build excel shell. Creat e all line item descriptions first. 2. Import (manually) key ratios from your benchmarks for your two best companies. 3. You select 2 best companies by seeing which ratios align best with each other. 4. CAUTION: make sure when you are dealing with numbers in THOUSANDS vs WHOLE DOLLARS. 5. INCOME STATEMENT SECTION . You will have 2 deviations from your Benchmarks. Your Interest Expense Ratio will come from an estimate you create from the CURRENT DEBT section. And you are to use a FIXED 30% for taxes. 6. Revenue per Employee will allow you to estimate the number of people you can afford to hire. 7. DIVIDEND SECTION. You are to use the FIXED dividend payout ratios that I have in my spreadsheet. Starts at 30% and ends at 70% in year 5. The residual (CUM RETAINED EARNINGS) becomes the number that goes into the Equity section of your Balance Sheet. 8. REMEMBER: your company ratios for the entire spreadsheet are a SIMPLE AVERAGE of your 2 benchmark companies. 9. ASSETS SECTION. Now you can build your Assets using the benchmark ratios. Cash becomes the “plug” so that A = L+E. See calculation section right below total assets. 10. LIABS+EQUITY SECTION . Continue to build your Liabs /Equity accounts from your benchmark ratios. Your Capital Ratio which is the % of total equity will determine how much your investors will need to contribute to start your business. 11. CURRENT DEBT SECTION. You will need to use the PMT excel function to calculate your Loan Payment. It is easy to use. 12. TARGET RETURN SECTION. Keep your target return at 20%. You calculate your DISCOUNT RATES for each year just like we did when we were playing “Shark Tank.” Your equity stake % becomes the % of company that will be owned by your investors. You take the invested capital / total PV of the company. 13. IRR SECTION . Remember to ONLY use the Net Income of the 5 years BEFORE any present value calculations. You should be able to see that on my model. Use the IRR function in excel. You should be able to validate the calculation with your HP12c using the CFo a nd CFj functions. EFFICIENCY IS ALL ABOUT DOING THINGS FAST. EFFECTIVE IS ALL ABOUT DOING THINGS RIGHT. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO STUDENTS WHO ARE EXCEL NOVICES TO FIRST BUILD YOUR WORKSHEET USING MY NUMBERS IN THE EXAMPLE. WHEN YOU HAVE REPLICATED MY NUMBERS, YOU CAN JUST DROP YOUR NUMBERS IN WITH CONFIDENCE. STEP #4: Prepare your Class Presentation (25%). Dear Class – I am NOT providing a template for your Class Presentation. The primary reason is to remove a project burden from you. However – you are expected to provide a professional presentation of your company. Pretend that you are on SHARK TANK and we are your investors. You decide if you want to have talking notes. It is NOT acceptable for you to READ aloud your talking notes. You would be kicked off Shark Tank if you did that, right? Here is my presentation guidance: 1. Total presentation should be 3-5 minutes. It will be timed. 2. You will need to confidently and credibly answer questions from the “investors.” In your presentation, you must discuss (include) the following: 1. Earnings per Share. Assume that you have 50,000 shares outstanding. 2. Dividend Yield. 3. Dividend Payout Ratio. 4. IRR. 5. Payback — how many months does it take to recoup your capital contribution through dividends. 6. Net Income Margin and how that compares to large companies in general. 7. Revenue Growth. 8. Use Dividend Growth Rate Model to estimate your STOCK PRICE in Year 1 and in Year 5. Talk about its potential for capital appreciation. Use your revenue growth for the dividend growth. Assume the Required Rate of Return is 25%. 9. Explain your primary strategy to differentiate yourself from your competition. 10. How many employees can you hire in year 1 and in year 5. 11. What is your Debt %. Equity %. How does that compare to large companies. 12. Return on Assets? How will you improve it? 13. Return on Equity? 14. What is your Working Capital in Years 1, 3 and 5? Working Capital = Current Assets – Current Liabs. How will you improve that over time? 15. Total Asset Turnover. What is it in years 1,3 and 5? How will you improve it over time?

2024 PP Proj VIII Assignment Help

Management Certification Access the Project Management Institute s home page at www pmi org Review the qualifications necessary 2023

Management Certification Access the Project Management Institute’s home page at www.pmi.org. Review the qualifications necessary to earn certification as a Program Management Professional, Project Management Professional, and Certified Associate in Project Management. Use an Internet search engine to search for project management practice tests, and take at least one practice exam on the Internet. Use Microsoft Word to answer the following: What exam(s) did you take, and how well did you do on the exam(s)? Describe the value of a project management certification in your professional life. What are the next steps in your path to become a project manager? Your discussion should be at least 500 words in length. One website to reference is http://free.pm-exam-simulator.com/.

2024 M5-Assignment 1: Discussion—RAEW Analysis Assignment Help

There are a variety of tools available for organizations to use to 2023

There are a variety of tools available for organizations to use to assess process. In this assignment you will learn how to apply a tool to a process situation. RAEW is an acronym for responsibility, authority, expertise, and work. Responsibility denotes ownership, authority involves decision making, expertise involves skill or knowledge, and work is the task assigned either to a group or an individual. Analyzing a process using the RAEW tool can help identify structural misalignments that impede strategy execution. These misalignments include the following: Authority with no responsibility Responsibility with no authority Responsibility with no expertise These misalignments can impede strategy execution by slowing decision-making, disempowering teams when there is responsibility without authority, or depriving processes of key skills when there is responsibility without expertise. Using the module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research the RAEW analysis technique. Based on your research, respond to the following: Select an important process in your business unit that is performing poorly and perform a simple RAEW analysis. What is the process you analyzed? How is it performing poorly? Can you find any structural misalignments using the RAEW tool? Describe the misalignment and the consequences of it. How would you fix this misalignment? Write your initial response in approximately 300 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. By Saturday, October 31, 2015 , post your response to the appropriate Discussion Area . Through Wednesday, November 4, 2015 review and comment on at least two peers’ responses. Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Initial response: Was insightful, original, accurate, and timely. Was substantive and demonstrated advanced understanding of concepts. Compiled/synthesized theories and concepts drawn from a variety of sources to support statements and conclusions. 16 Discussion response and participation: Responded to a minimum of two peers in a timely manner. Offered points of view supported by research. Asked challenging questions that promoted the discussion. Drew relationships between one or more points in the discussion. 16 Writing: Wrote in a clear, concise, formal, and organized manner. Responses were error free. Information from sources, where applicable, was paraphrased appropriately and accurately cited. 8 Total: 40

2024 Prepare a power point presentation to present your swot analysis to the class. If you know how to add voice, or if you would like to provide your slides with animations, transitions, etc. feel free to do so; however; please keep things professional. Ple Assignment Help

Prepare a power point presentation to present your swot analysis to the class If you know how to add 2023

Prepare a power point presentation to present your swot analysis to the class. If you know how to add voice, or if you would like to provide your slides with animations, transitions, etc. feel free to do so; however; please keep things professional. Please remember the 7×7 golden rule: no more than 7 words on a bulleted type line/no more than 7 lines on one slide. The presentation must be at least 6 slides long not including your title page and ending page. At least 7 slides