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2024 A+ Answers Of The Following Questions Assignment Help

1 When should acute blood loss anemia following surgery be coded as a complication 2023

1) When should acute blood loss anemia following surgery be coded as a complication of the surgery? a) Whenever there’s a large amount of blood loss following a surgery. b) When the physician states that the large amount of blood loss is due to the surgery and causing the anemia c) When anemia follows surgery and hemoglobin levels are elevated beyond the normal range d) Never. Anemia is never considered a complication; instead , it’s considered a disease or disorder. 2) Which of the following should be used as a guideline when coding diabetes as uncontrolled versus controlled? a) Blood glucose levels outside of the normal range as documented in the patient’s medical record b) Physician documentation stating uncontrolled or controlled c) The need for daily insulin injections d) Any of the above 3) When coding infectious and parasitic diseases, a) a second code is assigned to indicate the causative organism b) fourth digits or additional codes may indicate the causative organism(s). c) code categories 041-079 as principal, with a fourth digit indicating the causative organism. d) optional E codes are used to indicate the causative organism. Question: You want to go to Europe 5 years from now, and you can save $3,100 per year, beginning one year from today. You plan to deposit the funds in a mutual fund which you expect to return 8.5% per year. Under these conditions, how much will you have just after you make the 5th deposit, 5 years from now? Instructions Identify by number the accounting assumption, principle, or constraint that describes each situation below. Do not use a number more than once. a. Is the rationale for why plant assets are not reported at liquidation value. (Do not use the cost principle.) b. Indicates that personal and business record-keeping should be separately maintained. c. Ensures that all relevant financial information is reported. d. Assumes that the dollar is the “measuring stick” used to report on financial performance. e. Requires that accounting standards be followed for all significant items. f. Separates financial information into time periods for reporting purposes. g. Requires recognition of expenses in the same period as related revenues. h. Indicates that fair value changes subsequent to purchase are not recorded in the accounts 1 Economic entity assumption 2. Expense recognition principle 3. Monetary unit assumption 4. Periodicity assumption 5. Cost principle 6. Materiality constraint 7. Full disclose principle 8. Going concern principle 9. Revenue recognition 10. Cost Constraint Question 1 How long is the typical default keep alive timer for TCP? A. 10 milliseconds B. 1 second C. 5 minutes D.2 hours Question 2 What is the primary reason that large packets may not be more efficient in routing IP networks? A. The TCP connection overhead required from hop-to-hop B. The additional overhead associated with a larger bandwidth connection C. The additional latency due to the store-and-forward nature of the IP router D. The additional processing time associated with the cut-through nature of the IP router Question 3 What additional parameter is typically used to protect against wrapped sequence numbers on high-bandwidth connections? A. timestamp B.DF C. keep alive D.TTL Question 1 What does OID stand for? A. Ordered Information Director B. Organized Identifying Data C. Object IDentifier D. Object Instance Data Question 2 What is the typical port for an SNMP agent to use for managers to connect to? A. 1812 B. 80 C. 22 D. 161 Question 3 Which of the following are notifications generated by the snmp agent on a router, rather than information requested by an snmp manager? A. get B. get-bulk C. get-next D. trap

2024 Legal And Ethical Leadership And Management Assignment Help

Mathis Inc is a designer and manufacturer of women s clothing and specializes 2023

Mathis, Inc. is a designer and manufacturer of women’s clothing and specializes in high-end women’s winter fashions. Normandale, a retailer, sells high-end products in malls throughout the country. With Mathis’s high costs, Normandale is unable to make a profit from the sale of Mathis’s products. Countess Lori-Ann (CLA) is a Mathis competitor. Normandale sends photographs and samples of the Mathis line to CLA and instructs them to make an identical line at a lower price. Mathis labels are easily discernable in the photographs and the samples have the Mathis label attached. CLA copies the Mathis line for Normandale. CLA sells the clothing to Normandale at a low price allowing Normandale to sell the products for a total gross profit of nearly $3 million, an increase of nearly 50% over its sale of Mathis products. Mathis discovers that Normandale is selling counterfeit products, and sends several cease-and-desist letters to them—to no avail. Mathis then sues Normandale alleging Normandale has engaged in illegal conduct. Normandale counters that it did nothing wrong. Research business law in regard to protection of intellectual property using your textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet. Based on the facts of the case and research, write an analytical paper. In the paper, respond to the following questions: Was it ethical for Normandale to sell the alleged knock-off products at a lower price? Explain. What federal or state laws protect owners of intellectual property? How do they apply here? Explain. What damages, if any, has Mathis suffered because of Normandale’s conduct? Explain. What are the differing views on the social responsibility of corporations like Normandale? What ethical code could Normandale implement to prevent similar incidents in the future? Do the owners of Normandale have personal liability to Mathis for damages? Explain. Do the owners of Normandale have personal criminal liability for their conduct and that of the business? Explain. Write a five-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards for writing style to your work.

2024 MGT420 – Final Exam Assignment Help

Some of the key aspects of include attitudes toward change presence or absence of fear degree of openness fairness 2023

Some of the key aspects of __________ include attitudes toward change; presence or absence of fear; degree of openness, fairness, and trust; and employee behavior at all levels. 2 A term used to characterize the relationship between suppliers and customers when a high degree of linkages and interdependencies exist is __________. While Deming is best known for his emphasis on the management of a system for improving quality, his thinking was based on the use of __________ to continually improve. The supplier development program developed by a Chrysler/Ford/General Motors supplier requirement task force was called: Strategic plan __________ answers the question of what is to be contained in the strategic plan. Quality experts agree that quality can be assured only during the: Which one of the following is an industry not eligible for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award? How many winners of the MBNQA can there be each year? · [removed] __________ refers to the propensity for a product to perform consistently over its useful life. 10 Which of the following is the most traditional definition of quality? · [removed] 11 __________ refers to the efficiency with which a product achieves its intended purpose. 12 A tool used by many firms to differentiate and discriminate among suppliers is called: 13 __________ refers to narrowing down the list of approved suppliers for a single component to just one supplier. 14 Which Baldrige criterion requires the applicant to outline what his or her firm is doing in the area of corporate citizenship? · [removed] 15 Business cases, process mapping, voice of the customer, change management, and problem/objective statements are used in the ______ Six Sigma process. 16 _________ allows customers and customers to tie their systems together to enhance planning, and purchasing, and coordination. · [removed] 17 Many companies perform lengthy inspections of their suppliers that involve long-term visits and evaluations. Their programs are often called: 18 Which Baldrige criterion focuses on how a firm assesses the relative importance of product or service functions? 19 At the center of the Quality System model is: 20 __________ was widely accepted as the world’s preeminent authority on quality management prior to his death on December 24, 1993 because of his influence on Japanese and American industry 21 Which of the following is not one of the primary activities in the value chain? 22 The major theoretical contribution of Kaoru Ishikawa was: 23 The auditing portion of a supplier development program is referred to as a: 24 Which of the following is not one of the support activities in the value chain? 25 Which of the following is not an example of a strategic content variable? 26 The three spheres of quality are: 27 According to a free-market model competition among suppliers: 28 External validation measures of quality programs such as the Baldrige criteria and ISO 9001:2000 are referred to as: 29 __________ is the process by which a leader influences a group to move toward the attainment of superordinate goals. 30 __________ refers to the norms and beliefs that lead to decision-making patterns and actions in an organization. 31 One of the difficulties in satisfying customer requirements is that in a dynamic environment, customer needs are: 32 A firm’s understanding of the customers, their needs, and their wants is referred to as: 33 __________ goals are those goals that pertain to achieving a higher end that benefits not just the individual, but the group. 34 There are two broad categories of quality costs, namely: 35 The model of reactive customer-driven quality shows: 36 ___________ is the capital that fuels outstanding quality results. 37 Your author indicates that although statistical inspection is an important approach to improving quality, it is inherently: 38 __________ represents a proactive approach to satisfying customer needs that is based on gathering data about our customers to learn their needs and preferences and then providing products and services that satisfy customers.

2024 500 Words Writing Assignment . Due In 4 Hours Assignment Help

Writing Assignment 2 Economics in the Media Price Gouging Stossel in the Classroom YouTube uploaded December 21 2009 2023

Writing Assignment #2: Economics in the Media “Price Gouging—Stossel in the Classroom,” YouTube, uploaded December 21, 2009 (John Stossel was on the ABC at that time.) You are to watch an ABC news clip about price gauging. This video focusing on price gouging after Hurricane Katrina, a Mississippi law against price gouging is in stark contrast with prominent economists arguing that price gouging is good. https://youtu.be/R6ojYtKazgQ (链接到外部网站。) 链接到外部网站。 Price Gouging — Stossel In The Classroom 0:52 / 4:29

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最小化视频 After natural disasters, some businesses raise prices. Some people buy several generators, and then drive hundreds of miles and sell those generators for twice the price. Is that evil in your opinion? Please provide your opinion by writing up your response and upload on to Canvas. Keep in mind that we are learning on how to use positive economics to analyze an economic problem. Make sure that your answers use economic concepts learned so far to support your opinion. Note: Economics in the Media: John Stossel (John Frank Stossel is an American consumer television personality, author, and libertarian pundit. In October 2009, Stossel left his long-time employment at ABC News to join the Fox Business Channel and Fox News Channel)

2024 M3 Assignment 2: An Effective Training Evaluation Plan Assignment Help

Instructions In the online lectures in Module 3 and your textbook readings Training 2023

Instructions: In the online lectures in Module 3 and your textbook readings (“Training and Development”, Leadership”, and “Motivation, Job Satisfaction, and Job Involvement”) you learned about the importance of training your employees. However, training is only effective when employees can retain the information and incorporate what they learn to improve their job performance. You have just learned that your company is looking for ways to cut back expenses. One of the cost cutting measures being considered is to terminate the training department, as the company considers this an expense and they do not believe training is contributing to the profitability of the company. As the head of the training department it is your job to defend the value of the department. You realize that well trained employees perform their jobs more efficiently and consequently can contribute to higher productivity and profits for the company. One way to show the value of training is to have tools that will allow a manager to track the performance of an employee both before and after they have received training. Report Write a report that will be shared with senior management on why training is a very important part of the company’s overall financial success. Discuss the advantages of having well-trained employees. Evaluation Tool Using what you have learned about transfer training and the evaluation of training programs create an evaluation tool which can be used to evaluate how effective any given employee training program is in terms of: Increasing the level of transfer of knowledge (knowledge retention) Monitoring the effectiveness of the skill performance in the job performance improvement Include common attributes in your evaluation tool which could be applicable to most employees at the organization such as: employees showing concern for saving the company money or consistently turning in error free work. Your training tool should contain a minimum of 10 evaluation criteria. Your training evaluation tool must be included with your report defending the value of the training department. You know that your report will be shared with senior level managers and eventually to the board of directors. However, you are uncertain whether or not you will be allowed to present your work at a later time or in a different manner. Therefore it is important that your report is well written and professional. Report Details The report should be 5-7 pages in length and include: Executive Summary highlighting all the factors in the scenario. Justification of the importance of retaining the training department in the company and explanation of how the training department is important to the overall success of the company. Training Evaluation Tool to evaluate knowledge retention and job performance improvement (10 criteria minimum). Explanation of how the evaluation tool will be implemented. Describe how the evaluation tool will help evaluate the level of transfer of knowledge and skill performance for current training programs as well as, monitor and improve planning for future training effectiveness. Summary and conclusion of tool’s effectiveness. Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum Points Executive Summary highlighting the scenario. (24) Justify why a training department is an important part of a company’s overall success, structure and culture. Discuss the advantages of having well-trained employees. (28) Create an Evaluation Tool to evaluate the effectiveness of a training program. Tool should evaluate knowledge transfer and performance of skills (10 question minimum). (32) Explain how the tool will be implemented at the company. (24) Describe how the evaluation tool will help evaluate knowledge transfer and skill performance of current training programs and monitor/ improve planning for future training effectiveness. (28) Write a Summary and Conclusion that highlights the tool’s effectiveness. (20) Writing Components (20% of LASA 1 grade) Organization (12 points): Introduction, Thesis, Transitions, and Conclusion. Usage and Mechanics (12 points): Grammar, Spelling, and Sentence structure. APA Elements (16 points): Attribution, Paraphrasing, and Quotations. Style (4 points): Audience, and Word Choice. (44) Total:200

2024 Project Management Plan for the Training Project Assignment Help

Project Management Plan for the Training Project Assume that you were assigned the Project 2023

Project Management Plan for the Training Project Assume that you were assigned the Project Manager role in March for implementing off-site training for five members of the Product Innovation team. The training must be completed by the end of May. R&D Consulting Firm has been awarded the contract to conduct the training at its training facility in Chicago, but the innovation team’s home office is in Atlanta. So far, only funding for the consulting firm’s training fees has been approved. To ensure that the training goes smoothly and to manage the project activities and all the resources involved, develop a high-level project schedule using MS Project. In your schedule, identify the milestones and assign durations to tasks. Be sure to assign the resources and identify task dependencies. The project should have an Initiation phase, a Planning phase, and an Execution phase.

2024 BUS 599 WEEK 4 DISCUSSION Assignment Help

A Rotten Apple Please respond to the following Watch the following 2013 Bloomberg s video Watch Video Apple s Next 2023

A Rotten Apple?” Please respond to the following: Watch the following 2013 Bloomberg’s video Watch Video Apple’s Next Products: Is a New Strategy Needed? Duration: (4:23) YouTube URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glnTz5HD05U Based on the video, fast forward to current day and give your opinion on whether or not Apple’s product strategy should change given its current rate of success and potential competing companies (i.e. Samsung, etc.) operating within their market. Provide a rationale for your response. For reference, review the supplemental article on Michael Porter’s Five Forces .

2024 Write a 2-page analysis responding to the following questions: What did the collective effort accomplish that an individual could not? In what ways does group involvement cause these movements to be sustainable or have long-lasting impact? Assignment Help

For every historical figure known for making significant if not revolutionary shifts 2023

For every historical figure known for making significant, if not revolutionary, shifts in society, there were many people working in support of addressing the same social issue. It is a disservice to the person and his or her peer activists to ignore the many individual contributions that result in and depend on social change. Having a good understanding of the history of social movements is essential to creating social change today. For this assignment, you explore an example of social change from history and consider the individual and collective roles involved. To prepare for this Assignment: Read Loeb’s reflection on Rosa Parks (2010, p. 1) in the Learning Resources for an example of individual versus collective efforts to promote social change. Use the Walden Library to research and locate an article on one of the following social movements: African American civil rights, Chicano movement, American Indian or ”Red Power” movement, women’s rights, LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) rights, or disability rights. As you review selected resources, look for both direct and indirect references to the human resources required to transform this issue into a movement. The Assignment: Write a 2-page analysis responding to the following questions: What did the collective effort accomplish that an individual could not? In what ways does group involvement cause these movements to be sustainable or have long-lasting impact? Include one reference from your selected resources on a social movement and two references from this week’s Learning Resources using proper APA citation. In order to receive full credit, all assignments are due on time. Should you encounter an unanticipated and uncontrollable life event that may prevent you from meeting an assignment deadline, contact the Instructor immediately to request an extension. Your Instructor’s contact information is in the Contact the Instructor area in the left navigation bar. For a full description of the late policy, please refer to the “Policies on Late Assignments” section of your Syllabus.

2024 ECO 365 Week 4 Discussion Question 1 Assignment Help

ECO 365 Week 4 Discussion Question 1 What is an externality Provide 2023

ECO 365 Week 4 Discussion Question 1 What is an externality? Provide at least three examples. How does one of the examples you provided affect the market outcome? What is the role of government in addressing the implications of an externality you provided as an example? Is it possible that a government’s solution to a market failure would worsen the failure? Explain your answer.

2024 International Business Assignment Help

Hi everyone I am looking for a person to do all my assignments and written 2023

Hi everyone! I am looking for a person to do all my assignments and written discussions for this online class. It includes 5 assignments and 9 discussions. The first 2 assignments are very easy only 3-4 pages. The class will end at the end of December, but tasks has to be completed every week. It has to be free from plagiarism original work.