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2024 Financial Accounting Module 09 Quiz Assignment Help

1 The ability of one partner to enter into a contract binding all other partners is termed 2023

1. The ability of one partner to enter into a contract binding all other partners is termed: 2. As a part of the initial investment, a partner contributes office equipment that had a cost of $20,000 and accumulated depreciation of $12,500. If the partners agree on a valuation of $9,000 for the equipment, what amount should be debited to the office equipment account? 3. Lee and Stills are partners who share income in the ratio of 2:1 and who have capital balances of $65,000 and $35,000 respectively. If Mor, with the consent of Stills, acquired ½ of Lee’s interest for $40,000 for what amount would Mor’s capital account be credited? 4. Chip and Dale agree to form a partnership. Chip is to contribute $50,000 in assets and to devote ½ time to the partnership. Dale is to contribute $20,000 and to devote full time to the partnership. How will Chip and Dale split the net income/loss? 5. Henry and Thomas share gains and losses in the ratio of 2:1. After selling all assets for cash and paying all liabilities, the cash account has $12,000 in it. The capital accounts were as follows: Henry $10,000; Thomas $2,000. How much of the $12,000 cash would Henry receive? 6. Which of the following is not true about a partnership? 7. On which financial statement is each partner’s capital account? 8. The partner’s Capital account is what type of account and what is the Capital account’s normal balance? 9. Which of the following is not true for a corporation? 10. In a sole proprietorship the Drawing account is similar to what account in a corporation?

2024 Financial Management Minicase Assignment Help

Read through the minicase carefully and answer all the questions in each part using word having 2023

Read through the minicase carefully, and answer all the questions in each part, using word, having all the formulas and show the work clearly. THIS IS A FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT HOMEWORK AND NEED SPECIFIC FINANCIAL KNOWLEDGE, DO NOT ACCEPT THE HOMEWORK IF YOU ARE NOT GOOD AT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT!!!! I DON’T WANT TO WASTE TIME!

2024 3 Assignment Help

Cost Volume Profit Analysis can plan many different roles in the overall management decision making process Consider the following problems 2023

Cost Volume Profit Analysis can plan many different roles in the overall management decision making process. Consider the following problems related to cost accounting and in a Word document, provide at least a 2-paragraph response to each one. Be sure to proofread your work prior to submitting to the drop box. Describe cost volume profit analysis and how management can use it in more than just financial analysis. Explain the main differences between operating income and net income overall for a business. Explain and provide the calculation for how to derive the following: contribution margin, contribution margin per unit, and contribution margin percentage. Describe what sensitivity analysis is and how it could be used by management to determine the proper course to take for decisions that need to be made for the firm. How might a company with multiple products derive its breakeven point? What are some of the challenges in determining this?

2024 Calculating Financial Ratios Assignment Help

Calculating Financial Ratios Vital to any ratio analysis are the steps of gathering financial data and selecting and calculating 2023

Calculating Financial Ratios Vital to any ratio analysis are the steps of gathering financial data and selecting and calculating relevant ratios. This assignment provides you with an opportunity to do just that. Task: Download a company’s balance sheet and income statement from one of the many sites where financials are available, such as Zacks Investment Research or MarketWatch . Choose five financial ratios, one from each of the five categories described in Chapter 3 of Brigham and Ehrhardt (i.e., liquidity, asset management, financial leverage, profitability, and market value) and look at them over a three-year period. Put your findings in a table with the years across the top (horizontal axis) and the ratios along the side (vertical axis). What do the findings tell you about the financial health of the company? How does your selected company compare to the industry? Calculate each ratio using the information from the balance sheet and income statement. Write a 2–3-page paper that reports your findings. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Submission Details: By , October 3, 2015 , save your report as M1_A3_lastname_firstinitial.doc and upload to the M1: Assignment 3 Dropbox . Assignment 3 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Correctly calculated each of the selected five financial ratios over a 3-year period in tabular format. 8 Provided an overview of the industry and an in-depth analysis of what the ratios told them about the financial health of the company in relation to competitors. 8 Discussed major trends in the industry and provided recommendations as to how their selected company could improve their competitive positioning and improve their financial position. 8 Demonstrated an understanding of trend analysis, industry analysis, and benchmarking, and provided at least 3 academic references. Concisely analyzed findings in an organized, cogent, and clear manner. 8 Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 8 Total: 40

2024 The Pros and Cons of Investing in a Convertible Bond Assignment Help

1 If the bonds were not convertible what would they be worth 2 Since the 2023

1. If the bonds were not convertible, what would they be worth? 2. Since the bonds are convertible, what is their stock value? 3. If the value of the stock rose to $15, what would happen to the value of the bonds? 4. If the price of the stock declined to $5, what would happen to the value of the bonds? 5. If the money were invested in the nonconvertible bonds and the price of the stock changed, what would happen to the value of the bonds? 6. If the price of the stock rose, would the Roussels have to exchange the bonds for the stock? 7. If Mrs. Roussel changed her mind, could she get the principal back? 8. If the company were to fail, what would happen to the bonds? 9. Would buying the bonds be preferable to putting the money in the firm’s stock? 10. Would buying the bonds be preferable to putting the money in a certificate of deposit in a federally insured commercial bank? 11. What are the federal income tax implications of owning convertible bonds? Would putting the bonds in the children’s names result in any tax savings? Given the nature of Mrs. Roussel’s questions, do you believe that the money should be invested in convertible bonds? MINI CASE Many of your clients own small to medium-sized private businesses. One of your clients, Maurice Roussel, is planning to finance the education of his two children, ages 10 and 12. Currently, neither child has any assets, so Roussel is considering investing a modest amount in convertible bonds in their names with his wife, Lili, as custodian. Lili Roussel has doubts because she does not believe that it is wise to risk their hard-earned money on risky investments. Mr. Roussel believes that the money to be transferred is small enough to risk. Besides, he is fascinated with the convertible bonds issued by UT&T, a large company with a good, if not superior, credit rating.

2024 Management Information Systems Project Assignment Help

Individual Project by serving your local community Many class projects involve case studies or simulations involving fictional companies 2023

Individual Project by serving your local community Many class projects involve case studies or simulations involving fictional companies or organizations. To create a database for a fictional company, students would face hypothetical problems, but a student would not have the experience of dealing with real people or the real-world problems of an organization. In this service learning based project, you are expected to identify a local small business (for example, a grocery store) in your community, and apply your knowledge about IT and business to analyze the role of IT for this business, and develop an IT Plan for it. The plan would specify (at a high level) the key IT applications that the business should focus on, the underlying infrastructure technologies necessary to support these applications, how to go about achieving this (e.g., sequencing the introduction of major applications), whether services should be delivered via in-house resources or outsources, etc. Explain how the IT plan is consistent with (and whether it suggests changes to) the business needs, financial resources, competitive position etc. You can assume that you are hired by a local small business company as an IT consultant. You are given 500-10,000 dollars to improve or setup its information systems. What is your Information System plan for the company? A useful way to structure your research and project results is the following. 1. Introduce the context: the small business company introduction, its products, markets, and mission. 2. Discuss the problems with its current information processing abilities – analyze whether it is inadequate in satisfying computing requirements, misaligned with firm strategy, not cost effective etc. 3. Develop and justify your proposed IT strategy. What new technologies should be introduced? What applications would they support, and who would use them to do what differently? 4. Summary. The report of the project will be at least 4 pages (Double Space) excluding references, summary, and title page. All references and sources must be listed. Deadline: 6 hours

2024 Need a good grade on assignment Assignment Help

Instructional Objectives for this activity Distinguish between computer classifications software types and generations 2023

Instructional Objectives for this activity: Distinguish between computer classifications, software types, and generations of computer languages You conclude this week’s work by considering the different classifications of computers and software types, as well as the versions, or generations, of computer languages that have directed these types. Conduct thorough research on each computer classification discussed in this chapter in order to write your paper. In addition, address the following points: Explain the computer classification of each operating system (OS). Describe the software types. Identify the generations of computer languages used. Reflect on how the software types and computer languages have evolved over time, and what this has meant for the use of these operating systems. Include a table in your paper that compares the programming languages according to criteria of your choice, as evaluated in your paper. Use this table to support the assertions in your paper. Assignment should be three to four pages in length. For citation guidelines, please refer to the table in the APA Style section of the syllabus. Save your document with a file name that includes your name, course code, section number, and title. (For example: JaneSmith ISM5026-12 Week 2.docx) If you are not using Microsoft Word, save your document with the .rtf file extension (Rich Text Format). Submit this document to the Week 2: Individual Work basket in the Dropbox.

2024 Answer The Following 7 Questions With A Minimum 100 Words Each Response Assignment Help

Jeff Bezos the founder of Amazon com said A brand for a company 2023

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon.com said, “A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.” Think about the brands that you admire. How do they align with what Jeff Bezos says about brands? Is it necessary to focus on hard things or can a positive brand reputation emerge from just doing things well in general? Scientists have proven that every decision contains some emotional component even if we do not recognize it. This is because people are not able to make even the simplest choices if the part of the brain that controls emotions has been damaged. Knowing this, what could be some of the implications for marketers when they develop marketing communications to influence buyer behavior? Think about your own media habits. How have your habits changed in the last few years when you are looking for news and entertainment? Why is that? Researchers argue that social media gives a misleading view of how much people like products and services because people tend to follow what a group does because they do not want to be isolated. How valid do you think this concern is and what does this mean for marketers? Select a recent ad from any medium that you think is an especially effective piece of marketing communication. Include a link to where others can view the ad. What is it about the ad you have selected that makes you believe it is effective? What makes it work for you? What are some strategies that an American company could use to minimize negative reactions to their products in other countries where there are some anti-American feelings? Because there is no absolute guarantee that an IMC program will work even when all parts are tested ahead of time, how much effort should be devoted to evaluating the program before it is launched?

2024 During 2017, Its First Year Of Operations As A Delivery Service, Flounder Corp. Entered Into The Following Transactions. Assignment Help

Exercise 3 3 During 2017 its first year of operations as a delivery service Flounder Corp entered into the following transactions 2023

Exercise 3-3 During 2017, its first year of operations as a delivery service, Flounder Corp. entered into the following transactions. 1. Issued shares of common stock to investors in exchange for $137,000 in cash. 2. Borrowed $55,000 by issuing bonds. 3. Purchased delivery trucks for $63,000 cash. 4. Received $18,000 from customers for services performed. 5. Purchased supplies for $6,600 on account. 6. Paid rent of $5,900. 7. Performed services on account for $10,700. 8. Paid salaries of $26,700. 9. Paid a dividend of $11,500 to shareholders. Using the following tabular analysis, show the effect of each transaction on the accounting equation. Put explanations for changes to Stockholders’ Equity in the far right column. (If a transaction causes a decrease in Assets, Liabilities or Stockholders’ Equity, place a negative sign (or parentheses) in front of the amount entered for the particular Asset, Liability or Equity item that was reduced, see Illustration 3-3 for example.) Assets = Liabilities + Stockholders’ Equity Cash + Accounts Receivable + Supplies + Equipment = Accounts Payable + Bonds Payable + Common Stock + Retained Earnings Revenues – Expenses – Dividends (1) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) $ $ $ $ = $ $ $ $ $ $

2024 HCA/205 Assignment Help

Our nation is built on a free market system The delivery of health care is no exception The 2023

Our nation is built on a free-market system. The delivery of health care is no exception. The United States spends more per capita than others in the world without quality outcomes. It has been stated that the United States is behind in the efficient and timely delivery of care as well as that it is the responsibility of all stakeholders to find a resolution to the inefficiencies of the current health care system. Therefore, it is the responsibility of all stakeholders to ensure the delivery of quality health care in the most effective and efficient manner. This week you will review the simulation titled, Cost, Quality and Access for Trevor , in Chapter 1.1 of your course textbook. Once you have completed reviewing each of the simulations, Examine the concerns and issues within each simulation coming from each of the following stakeholder perspectives: patient family health care professionals. Determine what could have been done differently to address the issues identified in all the options in relation to cost, quality, and access.