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2024 Questions To Answer Assignment Help

Make sure you mark which answer goes to which question Also check the file it has 2 2023

Make sure you mark which answer goes to which question. Also check the file it has 2 more questions to answer !!! chapter 7 – online DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. Is there more stress today than in past generations? What evidence is available concerning this question? 2. Discuss the following statement: Employers should be expected to provide stress-free work environments. 3. Do you use any stress prevention methods that are not discussed in the chapter? If so, what are they? This are different questions: 1. Define stress, distress, and strain. Provide a separate example for each. 2. List and describe two (of four) approaches to understanding stress. 3. Describe how each of these two approaches adds something new to our understanding of stress. 4. List and describe two additional approaches to understanding stress. 5. Describe how each of these two additional approaches adds something new to our understanding of stress. 6. List three demands of each of the following types: a. task and b. role c. interpersonal and d. physical. 7. (a) What is a nonwork demand? Define it. (b) Give three (3) separate examples of nonwork demands. Give specific examples. 8. (a) How do nonwork demands affect an individual? (b) How do these nonwork demands affect the individual’s organization? 9. (a) Describe the major medical consequences of distress. (b) Describe the major behavioral consequences of distress. (c) Describe the major psychological consequences of distress. 10. (a) Why should organizations be concerned about employee stress at work? (b) What are the costs of distress to organizations? 11. (a) Identify one to three preventive stress management strategies that you think are the best to use in the work environment. Why have you chosen them? (b) How should the effectiveness of these strategies be evaluated?

2024 Problem 6 & 7 Business Management Assignment Help

Problem 6 Based on the data provided in the table below is this new forecasting technique biased If 2023

Problem 6 – Based on the data provided in the table below is this new forecasting technique biased? If so how is it biased? Calculate tracking signal values. Is there any evidence this New Forecast should not be used? Actual New Period Demand Forecast 1 630 810 2 765 700 3 770 700 4 860 705 5 910 740 6 740 810 7 750 820 8 815 1000 9 1250 850 10 1360 1285 11 1430 1450 12 The owner of a small mill-working plant that builds cabinets is developing his aggregate plan for the next year. The relevant cost data and forecast for the next 4 quarters is provided below. The company currently has 12 employees and works one 8 hour shift each day with 2 paid 15 minute breaks. Assume each quarter has 65 working days, and that it currently has no units in stock. Use this information and the information from the table to answer the questions below. Costs Forecast Other Data Holding Cost/Unit/Quarter $25.00 Qtr 1 1500 Labor Hours/Unit 4.5 Hiring Cost $2,500.00 Qtr 2 1200 Beginning Inventory 0 Layoff Cost $3,500.00 Qtr 3 2100 Subcontract Cost $135.00 Qtr 4 1650 Avg. Labor Cost/Hour $18.00 Overtime Labor Cost/Hour $27.00 Part I 1) If the company used a chase demand startegy and rounded any fractional number of employees to the nearest whole number, how many employees would be used in each quarter? 2) If the company used a level capacity strategy and rounded any fractional number of employees to the nearest whole number, how many employees would be used? Period 1 2 3 4 Forecast 1500 1200 2100 1650 Hours Req. Workers Req. Workers Used Part II Assume the company wants to use a Level Capacity Strategy with 14 employees (Round the Production in each period to the nearest whole number). In any period where on-hand inventory and production do not meet demand the company would supplement with overtime production. Use the table below to calculate the total costs associated with using this plan. Q3) What would the overtime production cost be for this plan? Q4) What would theTotal Cost be for this plan? Level Capacity Aggregate Plan Period 1 2 3 4 Forecast 1500 1200 2100 1650 Workers Used 14 14 14 14 Hire/(Fire) Production Production – Forecast Beginning Inventory Ending Inventory Average Inventory Overtime Production Total Cost Hiring Cost Firing Cost Reg. Output O.T. Subcontract Inventory Backorder Total Cost: Total Cost For Plan 1200 850

2024 Equivalent Units Assignment Help

Purpose of Assignment The materials covered this week distinguish between the different costing methods and 2023

Purpose of Assignment The materials covered this week distinguish between the different costing methods and provides needed tools for decision making. This case study focuses on determining equivalent units in a production business setting. Assignment Steps Resources: Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), U.S. Securities and Exchange Committee (SEC) Tutorial help on Excel® can be found on the Microsoft® Office website. There are also additional tutorials via the web offering support for Office products. Scenario: Davis Skaros has recently been promoted to production manager. He has just started to receive various managerial reports, including the production cost report you prepared. It showed his department had 2,000 equivalent units in ending inventory. His department has had a history of not keeping enough inventory on hand to meet demand. He has come to you, very angry, and wants to know why you credited him with only 2,000 units when he knows he had at least twice that many on hand. Prepare a maximum 700-word informal memo and explain to Mr. Skaros why his production cost report showed only 2,000 equivalent units in ending inventory. Using a professional tone, explain to him clearly why your report is accurate. Format This is a MEMO, not a paper. APA is not needed EXCEPT for citations and references. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

2024 Deliverable 6 – Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Information Gathering & Decision Making Assignment Help

Competency Select appropriate software platforms for sales management and customer relationship management CRM Scenario Information You are the regional sales 2023

Competency Select appropriate software platforms for sales management and customer relationship management (CRM). Scenario Information You are the regional sales manager for International Herb Express (IHE) which is a large, US-based spice & herbs supplier. IHE sells to other businesses that purchase bulk spices and spice blends for use in their end products. The primary customers are baking and soup mix corporations that sell to other businesses, for example, bakeries, restaurants, other food-service, and regional grocery chains. IHE is launching a new spice blend that reflects a more diverse cultural & ethnic flavor profile than IHE’s traditional offerings. The abridged marketing strategy for this new spice blend is to target both current customers, but also to reach new customers that are target regions with higher ethnic diversity and/or the more adventurous “foodies” market. The marketing efforts will focus on taste testing, sampling, and on-site promotion. IHE is launching this marketing plan to help create a product offering that is not as commodity-driven (as most spices and herbs are the same quality no matter where they are purchased) and can potentially offer higher profit margins. It is important to note that spices and other ingredients are raw goods and traded as commodities. The raw price for these goods changes on a day-to-day basis. Pricing is based on classic supply and demand, though nature is a key contributor to the supply–extreme weather as well as health of crops have a direct impact on the supply chain and access to the raw goods. Instructions The Board of Directors has decided that the sales and marketing organization at IHE desperately needs an upgrade in managing customer relationship information. This information includes basic data on customers, but also important facts that can be useful to marketing, manufacturing, and logistics. You have been selected to represent the sales force’s needs as part of a team of stakeholders that will meet to create a recommendation to the Board of Directors on a CRM approach. The recommendation will include the top-3 CRM companies to be considered to work with IHE. To prepare for your role on the team, you are going to research and explore existing CRM companies to evaluate information to share at the first meeting. You will want to be prepared to discuss details, so you have decided to create: The steps to select and implement the right CRM system Including the expected timing of the various steps A list of CRM system needs and wants for the sales force to be effective A table that compares the 3 companies on the list of needs and wants you identified A supporting document to explain the previous steps to further clarify and rationalize the choices made These tasks can be prepared as either PowerPoint slides, Word, or Excel documents that would be useful to the assembled stakeholder team to discuss CRM.

2024 Operations management w2 Assignment Assignment Help

THIS PAPER IS DUE ON 10 26 2015 by 8 00 p m 14 hours from now the SOONER THE 2023

THIS PAPER IS DUE ON 10/26/2015 by 8:00 p.m. 14 hours from now the SOONER THE BETTER NO PLAGIARISM MUST BE WRITTEN WITH PROPER GRAMMAR PRONUNCIATIONS AND WRITING…ALL LETTERS MUST BE ANSWERED THOROUGHLY… ANY OUTSIDE SOURCES MUST BE PROPERLY CITED IN APA FORM THROUGHOUT THE PAPER AND WITH AN REFERENCE PAGE….ALL SOURCES MUST BE FROM SCHOLARLY ARTICLES… Read the “Memorial Hospital” case study in Chapter 4 of your text. In a three- DOUBLE SPACED PAGE paper, respond to the guided response below. Discuss ways that a hospital might measure quality. Be sure to explain your reasoning. Explain the potential costs and failures of quality for Memorial Hospital and discuss how each can be measured. Discuss ideas or techniques from TQM that Janice could use to help Memorial focus on providing quality health care. Analyze the methods Memorial could use to assess the quality of health care it is providing. Your paper should be in paragraph form (avoid the use of bullet points) and supported with the concepts outlined in your text and additional scholarly sources Submit your three- DOUBLE SPACED PAGE paper (not including the title and reference pages). Your paper must be formatted according to APA styleand must cite at least FOUR scholarly sources.

2024 topic selection Assignment Help

Project Students will focus on learning about and developing their own online information based business Students are 2023

Project Students will focus on learning about and developing their own online information-based business. Students are not required to bring any products of their own into the business development process. Each student is required to produce information about a particular niche area of interest. This information is posted on a web site and a blog created by the student. All work is done individually. No group work is required or allowed. These information-based web pages and blog posts form the basis of the online business. Traffic to these businesses is created and monitored using search engine registrations, ezine database article submissions, inbound lines (links to the students webpages from other online sources), niche related outbound links (links from the students web pages to other web pages related to the same area of interest), page counters and analytics. A student’s online business is established on the Internet and accessible using normal search engine procedures. Student then attempt to make their business profitable through a monetization process. This monetization process includes: posting advertisements on their web pages, promoting physical products available through affiliate relationships, asking for donations, promoting physical products created using CafePress, and promoting the sale of ebooks created by the student. The project is divided into four milestones with measureable deliverables. Comprehensive and clear expectations will be distributed in class as the term progresses. Assignment 1 – Topic Selection Most people who are just starting out in creating an online business make the mistake of looking for a product first, and a market second. To boost your chances of success, start with a market. The trick is to find a group of people who are searching for a solution to a problem but not finding many results. They must be looking for a solution to a problem in a topic area that you know about or you are interested in learning about. The internet makes this kind of market research easy. 1. 1. Visit online forums to see what questions people ask and what problems they are trying to solve. 2. 2. Do keyword research to find keywords that a lot of people are searching, but for which not many sites are competing. 3. 3. Check out your potential competitors by visiting their sites and taking note of what they are doing to fill the demand. Then you can use what you have learned and create a product for a market that already exists – and do it better than the competition! This deliverable is worth 5% of your overall class mark. The deliverable for this assignment will be 1 – 2 pages long (plus title page and appendices) and will be submitted to ACORN on Thursday September 17 th , 2015 . The main deliverable will be an executive summary of what your research has found. The details of your research will be supplied in the appendices. The rubric provides details on what is expected. Remember: you are developing an information based business. No product should be required to make your business financially successful. The rubric for the deliverable is as follows: Section Description Mark Topic In your executive summary, provide 1 – 2 paragraphs to explain your topic for your online business and why you are interested in this topic area. 20% Market Research Show that you have a market by providing the following: · Run a google search on keywords related to your topic. Provide a screenshot of the search in the appendices. · Provide a screenshot of 5 of the urls found to show that they have a question that isn’t being answered. · Summarize the information you have found in your executive summary. 25% Keyword Research Show the viability of the keywords. · Log into adwords.google.com and run the keyword planner for the keywords in the market research. · Provide a screenshot of the summary report from adwords along with screenshots of the top 5 ad groups. · Summarize the information you have found in your executive summary. 25% Potential Competitors Show that your potential competitors are not providing the information that your potential market is looking for. · Identify 5 of your potential competitors from the google search that you did as part of your market research. Provide a screenshot (or screenshots) of their urls in the google search. · NOTE: since it is difficult to prove a negative, provide an explanation in your executive summary as to why these competitors are not meeting market demand. 25% Spelling and Grammar 5%

2024 FOR LADY HAWKINS ONLY Assignment Help

Auditing Auditors have come into a department as part of a company wide audit prior to issuing an audit 2023

Auditing Auditors have come into a department as part of a company-wide audit prior to issuing an audit opinion for the company’s financial reports. In a one- to two- page paper (not including the title and reference pages), explain what the staff should expect the auditors to do. Be sure to include the requirements of the Sarbanes Oxley Act in your explanation. Your paper must be formatted according to APA style, and it must include citations and references for the text and at least two scholarly sources

2024 Managerial Finance 6 Disc 2 Assignment Help


PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS BELOW THOROUGHLY…MUST USE PROPER PRONUNICATIONS GRAMMAR AND WRITING…ANY OUTSIDE SOURCES MUST BE SCHOLARLY ARTICLES, MUST BE IN CITED PROPERLY IN APA FORMAT AND HAVE AN REFERENCE PAGE ALSO THIS PAPER MUST BE 400 WORD COUNT.. THIS PAPER IS DUE TODAY 10/08/2015….8 HOURS FROM NOW THE SOONER THE BETTER,,,NO PLAGIARISM….MUST BE ORIGINAL WRITING SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY… Ratio analysis is a common technique in financial analysis. One of your colleagues states that a thorough ratio analysis is all that is needed in considering the financial health of a company. Although you agree that ratio analysis is a helpful guide, there may be some potential pitfalls in ratio analysis. ANSWER THE TWO FOLLOWING QUESTIONS BELOW THOROUGHLY 1. Discuss at least three potential issues in utilizing ratio analysis that you would share with your colleague. 2. In addition, calculate a liquidity, profitability, and efficiency ratio from your Week Six company to demonstrate your observations.

2024 Assignment Assignment Help

Reaching a balance between too much reporting and too little can be 2023

Reaching a balance between too much reporting and too little can be tricky for a systems analyst. Let’s discuss the challenges associated with user reporting needs. Please respond to all of the following prompts: Some systems analysts argue, “Give users what they ask for. If they want lots of reports and reams of data, then that is what you should provide. Otherwise, they will feel that you are trying to tell them how to do their jobs.” Others say, “Systems analysts should let users know what information can be obtained from the system. If you listen to users, you’ll never get anywhere because they really don’t know what they want and don’t understand information systems.” What do you think of these arguments? Please provide 3-4 paragraphs of dialogue in orginal content.

2024 principles of marketing Assignment Help

Choose a water park or other vacation destination Create a hypothetical marketing campaign that uses what you ve learned about 2023

Choose a water park or other vacation destination. Create a hypothetical marketing campaign that uses what you’ve learned about the CRM approach. Describe how you might apply insights about developing long-lasting relationships with customers to retain or reactivate past visitors. You must use the text and at least one additional scholarly source.