Tag Archive for: Assignment Help Services

2024 Financial Analysis Project With Ongoing, Weekly Deadlines Assignment Help

I have an ongoing project for ACC498 which has weekly components of the overall project 2023

I have an ongoing project for ACC498 which has weekly components of the overall project due weekly. The next segment is 5 pages in the textbook “Analyzing and Understanding Annual Reports Workbook by Passard Dean”. My chosen company is Publix Supermarkets. I need the next 5 project workbook pages completed by 5/19, then the next 5 completed by 5/26, etc. They can be completed sooner if you like but the entire project does not need to be completed by 5/19. I will scan and upload the pages that need to be completed, I’ve included an excel worksheet which gives the overview of the items needed but this is NOT the work to be done- I will scan and upload the actual sheet shortly. This project is basically a comparison of the last 3 years of published data from Publix. I’m revising to include the 5 prior pages which I’ve already completed but in the interest of a complete, cohesive project, I’d like these pages to be done as well. I’ve attached the scanned copies of all the workbook pages but the project should be completed in word,no more than 10 pages, including cover and reference pages, 1″ margins, typed in 12 point font Arial or Times New Roman with appropriate charts and graphs (from excel) *If the entire project is completed by 5/25, I will pay an additional $25 bonus.*

2024 Part B Discussion: (300 Words) Assignment Help

DUE IN 8 10 HOURS Part B Discussion 300 words 2 Read at least two journal articles based on dividends 2023

****DUE IN 8-10 HOURS!! Part B Discussion: (300 words) 2. Read at least two journal articles based on dividends and their value in the market: a) See Attached one journal article: Fu, Y., and Blazenko, G. (2015) Returns for dividend-paying and non dividend paying firms, International Journal of Business and Finance Research, 9,2, pp.1-20. b) And one other journal article. You may supplement the above with other readings from valid sources (WSJ, Bloomberg, Yahoo Finance, etc.) After reading both articles: a) Summarize in your own words the conclusions from each article separately b) Write down what conclusion you draw from your readings about whether dividends matters. Note: Provide references page on which you cite all sources in APA.

2024 MKTG 610 week 1 SWOT analysis assignment Assignment Help

To determine the internal and external factors that must be considered in the development of a marketing strategy 2023

To determine the internal and external factors that must be considered in the development of a marketing strategy, evaluate their likely impact on the firm and generate possible competitive advantages for the development of a sound strategic and tactical direction. Expectations: Complete a full SWOT Analysis for the textbook Case – “Apple’s Winning Marketing Strategy” and use it to analyze and determine 3 Competitive Advantages that Apple could build upon. Begin with a complete SWOT matrix grid that specifies both Internal and External factors. It is expected that you research and provide meaningful data/information as it relates to external factors. Analyze the SWOT, matching strengths to opportunities and provide 3 Competitive Advantages that you feel are available for the company to build upon. Support your analysis. Tell the reader why these are the best options and be sure to have facts to support it. At this point, there is no need to “solve” the case or provide further recommendations. Format: The document should be in APA format, including properly formatted title page, and reference page. A minimum of 3 external sources beyond the textbook are required. 50 points

2024 April Week 3 Assignment Help

Unit 3 Discussion Board Unit Behavioral Economics Primary Task Response Within the Discussion Board area write 2023

Unit 3 – Discussion Board Unit: Behavioral Economics Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas: George Foreman was a professional boxer who made a comeback by endorsing grills. Foreman does not own the company that makes the grills, but he became the face of the brand. At first, people were not certain whether he was an expert on grills or fat-free cooking, but Foreman soon became thought of as the expert on this product and this type of cooking. Think of the concept of utility and how Foreman’s role as a celebrity endorser affects the marginal utility of these grill products. Some individuals may use a Foreman grill to grill beef. Please review this video: Gale: Biography in Context – Economist: Beef Prices Could Stay High (2 minutes) http://www.clipsyndicate.com/video/playlist/10833/5242860?cpt=8&title=cengage_broadcast&wpid=6424 Answer the following: How do people’s budget, income, and substitution effects fit in? How do you think this influences the demand curve for indoor grill products? Are these choices made rationally? Do you expect beef prices to increase next year? Why or why not? Unit 3 – Discussion Board Simulation Module 2: Managing Suppliers Unit: Resource Management Within the Discussion Board area, write 400-500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. There are many reasons why a company should pay attention to their reputation as it relates to their future vendor relations and product supply costs and availability. Complete the following: Discuss why it is important for organizations to manage their reputation by answering the following questions: What impact could a poor quality product have on a company? How does reputation help a company to be more competitive? How do you think a company can improve their vendor and customer relations? Summarize 3 examples of what goes into the reputation of a company. Be sure to include your references, and format your submission in APA format.


Review the following video http searchcenter intelecomonline net playClipDirect aspx id 4870EEC7664070BB9D6744FDA7325EE48937A8D6C2046957D894C3572333E0B94E4E0FADFA493E372EF9C0293DDF74D7 PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS BELOW THOROUGHLY PROPER SENTENCING GRAMMAR AND PRONUNICATIONS ANY OUTSIDE SOURCES THAT ARE 2023

Review the following video: http://searchcenter.intelecomonline.net/playClipDirect.aspx?id=4870EEC7664070BB9D6744FDA7325EE48937A8D6C2046957D894C3572333E0B94E4E0FADFA493E372EF9C0293DDF74D7 PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS BELOW THOROUGHLY…PROPER SENTENCING GRAMMAR AND PRONUNICATIONS…ANY OUTSIDE SOURCES THAT ARE USED MUST BE SCHOLARLY ARTICLES CITED IN APA FORM THROUGHOUT THE PAPER AND WITH AN REFERENCE PAGE… Critically reflect on the importance of capital budgeting. Why is this such a heated subject in many boardrooms? How does capital budgeting promote the financial health of an organization? How will you use the financial techniques you have learned this week to promote the financial health of your organization? This paper is due 10 hours from now no later…this is a two double spaced page paper…

2024 STR581 TRATEGIC PLANNING & IMPLEMENTATION WEEK 2 ASSIGNMENT Learning Team Sprint Retrospective Assignment Help

Provide a summary of your completed work for the week along with your completed projects for the week Weekly Sprint 2023

Provide a summary of your completed work for the week along with your completed projects for the week. Weekly Sprint Retrospective: The sprint weekly retrospectives for this course will play an important role in your overall learning. Provide a summary of what went well, what didn’t go well, and what you’ll do to improve in the next sprint.In addition reflect and identify your team learning experiences using the following four questions developed by Dietz-Uhler & Lanter (2009) and (2010) to frame your weekly reflections. Note: Do not provide a summary of individual reflections – your reflection should be a team effort of group learning. 1. “Identify one important concept, research finding, theory, or idea in strategy that you learned while completing this weeks work.” (Analyzing) 2. “Why do you believe that this concept, research finding, theory, or idea in strategy is important?” (Reflecting) 3. “Apply what you have learned from this activity to some aspect of your life or work.” (Relating) 4. “What question(s) have this weeks’ the activities raised for you? What are you still wondering about?” What actions will you take to research your questions to help provide clarity? (Questioning). References: Alexander, A. (2010). Using the four-question technique to enhance critical thinking in online discussions. MERLOT Journal of Online Leaning and Teaching. 6(2). Dietz-Uhler, B. & Lanter, J.R. (2009). Using the four-questions technique to enhance learning. Teaching of Psychology, 36, 38-41. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

2024 “Executive Compensation” Assignment Help

Use the Internet or the Strayer Library to research common components of 2023

Use the Internet or the Strayer Library to research common components of executive compensation plans. Next, examine these components and identify one (1) component that you deem essential to motivate executives to lead companies toward competitive advantage. Provide support as to why you chose that component. Popular press and media accounts generally suggest that executives are overpaid. Discuss two (2) principles underlying the argument in favor of high executive compensations and determine whether these principles are sound. Provide examples to support your response.

2024 Perfect Solution: Financial Planning Assignment 1 2 3 4 Assignment Help

FINANCIAL PLANNING ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS Financial Planning Assignment 1 Answer questions 1 5 of the Time 2023

FINANCIAL PLANNING ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS Financial Planning Assignment 1 Answer questions 1–5 of the Time Value of Money (TVM) Case Application in Chapter 2 of the course textbook. When completing the assignment, show all of your calculations along with explanations and provide complete and concise answers to the written portions of the assignment. Case Application TIME VALUE OF MONEY Richard e-mailed that he and Monica differed about the impact of his extra spending over the past 15 years. He calculated it at about $3,000 a year. He said the total cost of $45,000 was well within his capability to make up. Monica said the cost was much greater and asked that they compute it. They were offered an investment of $20,000 that would pay $70,000 in 20 years. They want to know if they should take it. Finally, there is an annuity that Richard could sign up for at work. It would cost $100,000 at age 65 and provide payments of $8,000 per year over his expected 17-year life span. He wants to know if it is attractive. The appropriate market rate of return on investments is 7 percent after tax. Case Application Questions Calculate what the $3,000-per-year deficit, had it been invested, would have amounted to at the end of the 15-year period. Explain to Richard what compounding is and how it affected the cumulative amount received in question 1. Calculate the return on the proposed $20,000 investment and indicate the factors entering into your recommendation to accept or reject it. Indicate the expected return on the annuity and whether it should be accepted or rejected. Construct an explanation of the time value of money for the financial plan using your answers to questions 1 through 4 in this part of the financial plan to help you communicate the time value information to Richard and Monica. Financial Planning Assignment 2 Answer questions 1–4 of the Nonfinancial Assets-Capital Expenditures Case Application and 1–4 of the Financial Investments Case Application in Chapters 8 and 9 respectively. When completing the assignment, show all of your calculations along with explanations and provide complete and concise answers to the written portions of the assignment. Case Application NONFINANCIAL ASSETS- CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Unlike Richard, Monica remained very concerned about their financial future. Specifically, she was fearful that the couple would nor have enough money to retire comfortably as they had expected. She asked whether she should postpone or eliminate one improvement on her house. She estimated that a new boiler with a useful life of eight years would cost $20,000 and would save $4,000 a year in heating bills. Monica wanted to know whether they should sell their home now and invest the proceeds. She estimated that marketable securities would provide a return of 5 percent after taxes. They thought the value of the house, now worth $300,000, would increase by 6 percent a year. A rental in a comparable apartment would cost $2,200 a month. Assume for purposes of this section only that Richard and Monica’s marginal tax bracket is 30 percent and other statistics include: Annual maintenance $3,000 Property taxes $5,000 Insurance $1,500 Case Application Questions Do we know yet whether Monica’s fears about retirement are justified? Do you have any preliminary opinion about this? Do you think she should consider a new boiler now? Complete the boiler problem and give your response. Calculate the projected return on the house for the next year and give your full recommendation. Finish the non financial investments section of the plan. Case Application FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS When it came to investments, Richard and Monica could agree on only one thing-that they would have a tough time reaching a decision on asset allocations and individual investments. Previously, Monica had deferred to Richard on investment matters. Given Richard’s large recent investment loss, however, Monica was much more forceful in expressing her feelings. She thought that a 40 percent stock, 60 percent bond allocation fit, particularly given the lower level of accumulated wealth they now had. Richard, on the other hand, wanted I 00 percent of the funds placed in stocks. He asked if it wasn’t true that stocks always did better than bonds over the longer term. He said that to reach their goals, they needed some aggressive investments. Monica interrupted, saying it was just that “stocks-had-no-long-term-risk” mentality Richard had that led to their investment losses. Richard then volunteered that there was an oil stock, “Energy Gulch,” a friend of his recommended that “couldn’t lose.” He wanted to place 20 percent of his money in it. Case Application Questions What do you think of the Richard and Monica argument? Using the asset allocation alternatives listed in this chapter as a guide, what should their asset allocation be? Why? What do you think of the Energy Gulch idea? Why? Select one mutual fund you find attractive and give the reasons why you chose it. Complete the investments section of the financial plan. Financial Planning Assignment 3 Answer questions 1–4 in Part 1 and 1–3 in Part 2 of the Retirement Planning Case Application in Chapter 12. When completing the assignment, show all of your calculations along with explanations and provide complete and concise answers to the written portions of the assignment. Case Application RETIREMENT PLANNING Part 1 At the retirement planning meeting held recently, Richard and Monica were in agreement that they were well short of the money they needed for retirement at Richard’s age 65. Monica said she was thingking of handling investments herself. Richard said he wanted to do it and thought that savings outside the pension given current lower tax rates for capital gains and dividends made sense. Case Application Questions What do you think of Monica’s idea of taking control of retirement investing? What is your opinion of Richard’s contention that saving outside the pension was best? What are their alternatives in covering the shortfall in annual retirement savings? What are you recommendations? Part 2 Brad and Barbara also attended the meeting. They said they were too young to start saving for retirement. Retirement seemed “hundreds of years” away and they wanted to have fun today. They would have plenty of time to save for retirement when they were in their 50s. Case Application Questions How do you feel about their beliefs? Describe the disadvantages of their approach. Suppose they wanted to have $1 million accumulated in 40 years. Indicate how much money would have to be saved each year if they started now. Assume that the money would be accumulated in personal accounts and earn 6 percent a year after taxes. Financial Planning Assignment 4 Complete the Retirement Capital Needs Analysis problems 18.2, 18.3, and 18.4 at the end of Chapter 18. When completing the assignment, show all of your calculations along with explanations and provide complete and concise answers to the written portions of the assignment. Problems 18.2 Eleanor needs $40,000 a year to live on in retirement net of the income she will receive. She will be retiring in 22 years and is funding for a 25-year retirement. The inflation rate is expected to be 3.5 percent a year and the after-tax return on her investments 6 percent. How much will the short fall amount to at the beginning of the retirement period? What lump sum will she need at the beginning of the retirement period? What is the required yearly savings? 18.3 Frank, age 28, wants to calculate his resources in real (inflation-adjusted) terms. Calculate the amount of resources made available by age 65 retirement if $18,000 a year is saved. Assume that outflows from ages 65 to 90 are at the rate of $27,000 a year. Tue projected inflation rate is 4 percent, and the anticipated investment return is 6 percent. How much in new savings will Frank have available at age 65 before subsequent withdrawals? How much will he have left at age 90? What is the present value of that sum at age 65? How much will he have to save per year to exactly meet his need? 18.4 The Smiths had $110,000 in savings at age 51. They had a desired retirement age of 65. They want to fund through age 92. Assume a 4 percent inflation rate and a 5 percent after-tax rate for investment both pre-and postretirement. They have household income of $140,000, which is increasing at the rate of inflation. Their expenditures including taxes are $125,000 a year. They estimate that in retirement they will receive $28,000 a year together in Social Security and Mr. Smith will receive a $12,000-a-year pension, both in today’s dollars. Their retirement expenditures would be $90,000 a year in today’s dollars. l. Calculate a. The lump sum needed at retirement. b. Current assets available at retirement. c. Yearly savings needed. d. The difference between needs and resources. 2. Analysis a. Is their retirement plan achievable as is? b) If not, what are the alternatives that could help reconcile needs and resources? c) What is your recommendation?

2024 Presentation And 2 Papers Of 525 Words Assignment Help

Signature Benchmark Assignments are designed to align with specific program student learning outcome s in your 2023

Signature/Benchmark Assignments are designed to align with specific program student learning outcome(s) in your program. Program Student Learning Outcomes are broad statements that describe what students should know and be able to do upon completion of their degree. Signature/Benchmark Assignments are graded with a grading guide or an automated rubric that allows the University to collect data that can be aggregated across a location or college/school and used for course/program improvements. Purpose of Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to allow students the opportunity to present a business idea supported by strong financial information. The student will be able to identify the possible challenges of doing business in a foreign country and how to approach them. Assignment Steps Resources: Microsoft® PowerPoint®, Signature Assignment: Financial Statement Analysis and Firm Performance Template Prepare a 16- to 18- slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation showing the details of a business you are interested in starting in a foreign country, and for which you need $300,000. The presentation should include the following information: Business name Executive summary Description of the foreign country Business description and structure Market and company analysis Marketing and sales operational plan How you plan to use the $300,000 Financial statements forecast (3 years) Business health assessment – using the following ratios: Liquidity ratios Solvency ratios Asset management ratios Profitability ratios Market value ratios Analyze and calculate the following scenarios in 525 words, including which one would you choose and why, and which financing option is best for your busines: Investor #1 decided to loan you the $300,000, paying all of the interest (8% per year) and principal in one lump sum at the end of 5 years. Investor #2 offers you the $300,000, paying interest at the rate of 8% per year for 4 years and then a final payment of interest and principal at the end of the 5th year. Discuss in 525 words the challenges and risks you may face in starting a business in a foreign country including the following: Cultural, business, and political risks. How you plan to avoid operational, transaction, and translation exposure. Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

2024 For Kim Woods Assignment Help

Your written assignment for this week will be based on the Worthington Industries Case 2023

Your written assignment for this week will be based on the Worthington Industries Case (Case 12-3) in the Anthony & Govindarajan text. In a 2+ page paper, please complete the following: As a consultant, Worthington Industries would like you to evaluate its management systems from the focal point of how they exceed their competitor’s performance. Please be succinct yet detailed with your viewpoints