Tag Archive for: Assignment Help Services

2024 Accounting help Assignment Help

Write a response to the following scenario Chen Inc purchases 1 000 shares of its own 2023

Write a response to the following scenario: Chen, Inc. purchases 1,000 shares of its own previously issued $5 per common stock for $12,000. Assuming the shares are held in the treasury, what effect does this transaction have on (a) net income, (b) total assets, (c) total paid-in capital, and (d) total stockholders’ equity? The treasury stock purchased in the above question was resold by Chen, Inc. for $15,000. What effect does this transaction have on (a) net income, (b) total assets, (c) total paid-in capital, and (d) total stockholders’ equity? Format your response consistent with APA guidelines.

2024 Financial Analysis of the 2011 10-K of Groupon, Inc., Assignment Help

Your annual report analysis is due at the end of Week 6 Obtain an annual report 2023

Your annual report analysis is due at the end of Week 6. Obtain an annual report from a corporation that is interesting to you. Using techniques thatyou have learned ofin the previous weeks, respond to the following questions: Who are the firmâs auditors? Do they provide a clean opinion on the financial statements? Have there been any subsequent events, errors and irregularities, illegal acts, or related-party transactions that have a material effect on the financial statements? Describe the trend in total assets and total liabilities for the years presented. What are the companyâs three largest assets for the most recent year presented? What are the companyâs three largest liabilities for the most recent year presented? What types of stock does the company have? How many outstanding shares are there for each type of stock for the most recent year presented? Does the company use the single-step income statement, multiple-step income statement, or a variation of both? Does the income statement contain any separately reported items, including discontinued operations or extraordinary items, in any year presented? If it does, describe the event that caused the item. (Hint: There should be a related footnote.) Describe the trend in net income over the years presented. Does the company have other comprehensive income? If yes, what is the nature of the transaction(s)? Does the company use the indirect or direct method of the cash flow statement? What is the trend in cash from operations for the years presented? What are thetwo largest items included in cash from investing activities?

2024 A+ Paper Assignment Help

Process Management In this writing assignment you will explore how organizations use business process management BPM Write a onepage 250 word 2023

Process Management In this writing assignment, you will explore how organizations use business process management (BPM). Write a onepage (250-word) paper explaining how organizations use business process management (BPM). Be sure to use at least one specific example from the CSU Online Library, and address the following in your paper: · 1. What is business process management (BPM)? 2. Why do processes need management? 3. What are BPM activities? APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed.

2024 Hovea Ltd has determined that its transport division has suffered an impairment loss of $52 000 for the year ended… Assignment Help

Hovea Ltd has determined that its transport division has suffered an impairment loss 2023

Hovea Ltd has determined that its transport division has suffered an impairment loss of $52 000 for the year ended 30 June 2013. At that date the carrying amount of the division’s assets were $ Receivables 31 000 Inventory 18 000 Land 150 000 Trucks (net) 250 000 Servicing Unit 50 000 Required Allocate the loss across the assets of the CGU in accordance with AASB 136, paragraph 104. Show all workings. (3 Marks)

2024 Assignment 2: Discussion of Ethical Issues in Research Assignment Help

An important ethical consideration for any research study involving human subjects is informed consent After 2023

An important ethical consideration for any research study involving human subjects is informed consent. After reviewing The Argosy University IRB handbook , consider the following vignette, which has been adapted from Corey, Corey, and Callanan (2007). Issues and ethics in the helping profession (7 th ed.). Belmont, CA : Brooks/Cole. Note: The vignette presented below is not specific to a particular discipline, but an education setting is used in order to provide context for the vignette. You can adopt this vignette to your particular discipline. For example, if you are in the Business programs, the participants may be clients or customers with which you work. If you are in the Psychology or Counseling programs, the participants may be clients you see in treatments. Ethical issues vignette: Anna is conducting a research study to evaluate the process and outcome of her intervention programs at the school where she teaches. She believes that in order to obtain valid data, she must keep the research participants in the dark in as many aspects as possible. Thus, she thinks it is important that the students she works with remain unaware of the hypotheses under investigation and that they are being studied. Although she agrees that some ethical issues may be raised by her failure to inform her participants, she believes that good research designs call for such procedures. She does not want to influence her students and thus bias the results. Anna states that since there are no negative consequences or risks involved with her research, her research practices are justified. In addition, she claims that since she is able to improve her educational techniques through this research, both her current and future students will benefit. Discussion questions: What are your thoughts about Anna’s rationale for not obtaining informed consent? If the value of the research seems to be greater than the risks involved to participants, do you think researchers are justified in not obtaining the informed consent of participants? Would Anna’s approach as described above meet Argosy University’s informed consent criteria? What advice would you give Anna about informed consent and how she should deal with her study participants? All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources. Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Provided thorough and thoughtful response to each of the four discussion questions about approach to informed consent. 12 Demonstrated an understanding of Argosy University’s informed consent policies. 12 Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 4 Total: 28

2024 Applied Concept Paper Assignment Help

WHAT S THE PURPOSE This paper is intended to demonstrate your understanding of 2023

WHAT’S THE PURPOSE? This paper is intended to demonstrate your understanding of certain key concepts and your critical thinking ability to relate them to the real business world. – Attached is the GRADING RUBRIC and CRITERIA – Also listed is the CONCEPTS needed to complete the paper – Also listed is a SAMPLE PAPER

2024 acc497 wk3 e-18 Assignment Help

acc 497 E1 18 The following is a list of terms related to managerial accounting 2023

acc 497 E1‑18 The following is a list of terms related to managerial accounting practices. Activity-based costing. Just-in-time inventory. Balanced scorecard. Value chain. Identify various managerial accounting practices. ( SO 8 ) Instructions Match each of the terms with the statement below that best describes the term. ____ A performance-measurement technique that attempts to consider and evaluate all aspects of performance using financial and nonfinancial measures in an integrated fashion. ____ The group of activities associated with providing a product or service. ____ An approach used to reduce the cost associated with handling and holding inventory by reducing the amount of inventory on hand. ____ A method used to allocate overhead to products based on each product’s use of the activities that cause the incurrence of the overhead cost.

2024 prelim International marketing report Assignment Help

Preliminary International Marketing Report You will be creating an international marketing report for an international 2023

Preliminary International Marketing Report You will be creating an international marketing report for an international brand/product. You will serve as a consultant to an international company breaking into the US market. Research and analyze at least two (2) current articles on an international brands’ effort to penetrate the U.S. market. Identify the relevant and applicable concepts and theories presented in the articles and compare and contrast these concepts and theories to those from the text and other sources into your analysis. Articles of unsuccessful branding efforts are equally note worthy and may be included in your analysis. Incorporate all information into a preliminary marketing report (approximately 10 pages). The marketing report should include research on the following regarding your selected home country and the entry to U.S. market. Directions: Select product and home country. Research current International marketing topics and issues. Identify the relevant and applicable concepts and theories for your client. These may include: market segmentation, target markets, cultural issues and barriers, packaging, product design elements and features, competition, market entry methods, legal issues, and ethical issues. Analyze relevant components of trade agreements between your company’s home country and the U.S. Analyze U.S. culture and provide data on laws, trade issues, economic issues and other relevant background information. State the rationale for the selection strategy for entering U.S. market Analyze the positioning of your company’s product in the U.S. Compare and contrast branding strategies for the U.S. market and make a recommendation for your client. Develop a conclusion and make a summary of recommendations. Include graphics where appropriate. Submit your assignment to the M3: Assignment 2 Dropbox by Wednesday, November 11, 2015 . Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Select product and home country. 16 Research current international marketing topics/issues such as the identification of concepts/theories and data on markets, ethical and legal issues, and all other relevant information. 24 Analyze relevant components of trade agreements between your company’s home country and the U.S. 20 Analyze U.S. culture and provide data on laws, trade issues, economic issues, and other relevant background information. 20 State the rationale for the selection strategy for entering U.S. market. 20 Analyze the positioning of your company’s product in the U.S. 20 Compare branding strategies for the U.S. market and make a recommendation for your client. 24 Develop a conclusion and make recommendations in a summary. Include graphics where appropriate. 16 Organization: Introduction, transitions, and conclusion. 12 Usage and Mechanics: Grammar, spelling, and sentence structur. 8 APA Elements: Attribution, paraphrasing, and quotations. 12 Style: Audience and word choice. 8 Total: 200

2024 Need TONIGHT (in a couple of hours), 360 words per bullet for ALEXIS (in bold), APA style for MKT/421 with… Assignment Help

Need TONIGHT in a couple of hours 360 words per bullet for ALEXIS 2023

Need TONIGHT (in a couple of hours), 360 words per bullet for ALEXIS (in bold), APA style for MKT/421 with references. We are doing it on SAMSUNG and creating a washer/dryer in one machine for the residential market. An overview of the organization (Cindy) A description of the product or service (Cindy) A SWOT analysis of the organization and offering (Alexis) A competitive analysis of the organization and offering using Porter’s five competitive forces model (Alexis) The criteria you will use to segment your market and select your target market including geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral factors (Emilio) A description of your target market (Emilio) Needs that cause your target market to buy including emotional and logical drivers (Adam) A written positioning statement that identifies: (Adam) Your target market The needs that drive purchase Your organization’s industry category How your organization solves the target’s needs Your organization’s competition What makes your organization different from its competition

2024 Problem Set 5 ECON 625 Assignment Help

Questions 1 through 5 refer to the following scenario Suppose three firms face the same total 2023

Questions 1 through 5 refer to the following scenario. Suppose three firms face the same total market demand for their product. This demand is: Price (P) Quantity (Q) $80 20,000 70 25,000 60 30,000 50 35,000 Suppose further that all three firms are selling their product for $60 and each has about one-third of the total market. What is the amount of total revenue each firm receives, in dollars? Now assume that one of the firms, in an attempt to gain market share at the expense of the others, drops its price to $50. The other two quickly follow suit. What is the amount of total revenue each firm now receives, in dollars, rounded to the nearest dollar? What impact has the price drop had on the revenue of each firm? Each firm has less revenue. Each firm has more revenue. The price-dropper has more revenue and the others have less. The price-dropper has less revenue and the others have more. If the firms had all raised their prices to $70 instead of lowering price, what would be the amount of total revenue each firm would have received, in dollars, rounded to the nearest dollar? Would the firms have been better off raising the price to $70, lowering to $50, or making no change? Raising to $70 Lowering to $50 Making no change (keeping price at $60) Questions 6 through 10 refer to the scenario that follows. A monopolistically competitive firm has the following short-run inverse demand, marginal revenue, and cost schedules for a particular product: P = $45 – $0.2Q MR = $45 – $0.4Q TC = $500 + $5Q MC = $5 What quantity would maximize profits for this firm? (Hint: Recall that profit maximizing is where MR = MC) At what price should this firm sell its product? What would be the amount of the firm’s total revenue at the quantity and price identified in the prior two questions? What would be the amount of the firm’s profit (positive number) or loss (negative number) at the quantity and price identified in questions 6 and 7? What do you think would happen in this market in the long run? New firms would enter. Some existing firms would leave. Some existing firms would stay but no new firms would enter. There is not enough information to make this determination. Questions 11 through 13 refer to the scenario that follows. An amusement park, whose customer set is made up of two markets, adult and children, has developed demand schedules as follows: Price ($) Quantity, Adults Quantity, Children 5 15 20 6 14 18 7 13 16 8 12 14 9 11 12 10 10 10 11 9 8 12 8 6 13 7 4 14 6 2 The marginal operating cost of each unit of quantity is $5. (Hint: Because marginal cost is a constant, so is average variable cost. Ignore fixed cost.) The owners of the amusement park want to maximize profits. Calculate the price, quantity, and profit for each segment if the amusement park charges a different price in each market. (Hint: calculate profit at each price in the adult market, then in the child market, and choose profit maximizing in each. Using a spreadsheet would make this task manageable.) Adult market price (in dollars): [a] Adult market quantity: [b] Adult market profit (in dollars): [c] Child market price (in dollars): [d] Child market quantity: [e] Child market profit (in dollars): [f] Total profit (adult + child, in dollars): [g] Calculate the price, quantity, and profit if the amusement park charges the same price in the two markets combined. (Hint: Add adult and child quantities together, and treat this total and the entire market quantity at each price.) Market price (in dollars): [a] Quantity (child + adult at this price): [b] Profit: [c] Is profit higher, lower, or the same when the market is split with different prices for adults and for children? Higher profit with split pricing Lower profit with split pricing Same profit with split pricing Cannot determine with the information available Questions 14 through 18 refer to the information that follows. Consider a small town that is served by two grocery stores, White and Gray. Each store must decide whether it will remain open on Sunday or whether it will close on that day. Monthly payoffs for each strategy pair are as shown in the table below. Which firm is the most profitable in this market? Gray (Profit is highest in every situation.) White Neither – they are equally profitable Neither – there is no profit made by either firm What is White’s dominant strategy? Open Sundays Closed Sundays There is no dominant strategy What is Gray’s dominant strategy? Open Sundays Closed Sundays There is no dominant strategy What will be the likely equilibrium outcome, assuming no additional information is available to either firm? Both open Sundays Both closed Sundays **White open Sundays, Gray closed Sundays White closed Sundays, Gray closed Sundays Is the position identified in question 17 the best possible outcome for both firms? Yes, the position identified in the previous question is the best outcome for both. No, it would be mutually advantageous to cooperate and choose a different outcome. Gray could do better, but White is already in the best position and would therefore need an incentive to cooperate. White could do better, but Gray is already in the best position and would therefore need an incentive to cooperate