Tag Archive for: Assignment Help Services

2024 Accounting Assignment – IFRS/US GAAP Assignment Help

Your project will need to be submitted as one MSWord document If you use 2023

Your project will need to be submitted as one MSWord document. If you use Excel spreadsheets to answer the questions, please copy and paste them into your Word document. You can only submit ONE document for the Portfolio Project, so all of your work needs to be contained in that one document. Please make sure to clearly label your answers and use APA for formatting and style as required. The paper should be 8-10 pages in length. For each of the two parts, discuss and cite at least two credible outside sources other than the assigned textbook. PROBLEM The main focus of this course is to understand rules in International Accounting. One such focus is to understand the major differences in US GAAP and IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards). The portfolio project is divided into two parts; provide detailed responses to both parts of the project. Part I 1.Provide a detailed history of the convergence project between US GAAP and IFRS. 2. Discuss in detail the major differences between US GAAP and IFRS applications. 3. Provide a list of countries that have adopted IFRS and how cultural differences can impact interpretation of IFRS. Part II 1.Explain Transfer Pricing in detail. 2.Provide a detailed example of how Transfer Pricing can be used successfully by Multinational Corporations. 3.Please discuss in detail various methods of translating foreign currency financial statements.

2024 Creating The Marketing Plan Assignment Help

Can someone help me with my Course Project Creating the Marketing Plan BUSN319 I will attach the information below also 2023

Can someone help me with my Course Project: Creating the Marketing Plan (BUSN319). I will attach the information below, also the name of my bakary shop I want to market, it will be in word documents. So it will be three documents attached. I am going to need the Week 4: Draft Marketing Plan, by end of next week and and the Week 7: Final Marketing Plan by March 26, 2014. And I attached the outline too. Table of Contents Pages 1- Cover Page 2- Table of Contents 3- Executive Summary & Company Description 4- Mission Statement & Goals 5- Competitive Advantage 6- SWOT Analysis 7- SWOT-Continued 8- Industry & Consumer Analysis 9- Key Influences & Market/ Product Strategies 10-Market- product Strategies- continued, including chart. 11- Financial Projections 12- Financial Projections Continued 13-References BUSN319 MARKETING PLAN OUTLINE Class, I want your marketing plan to tell me an in depth story about your company. See comments below. A. Cover Page 1. Marketing Plan for Organization/Company name: 2. Proposed by: 3. Submitted to: 4. Date: B. Table of Contents Pages 1. .. Executive Summary …………………………………………………………………………………………. 1.0 .. Give me an overview of your marketing plan ( needed only in Week 7 ). 2. .. Company Description……………………………………………………………………………………….. 0.5 .. Tell me all about your company and exactly what you will be doing. 3. .. Strategic Focus and Plan…………………………………………………………………………………… 1.0 a. Mission/Vision Statements b. Goals – Give me two sets of goals – Financial and non-financial (should have numbers). c. Core Competency and Sustainable Competitive Advantage 4. .. Situation Analysis……………………………………………………………………………………………… 1.0 a. SWOT analysis · Internal S trengths and W eaknesses: Management, Offerings, Marketing, Personnel, Finance, Manufacturing, and Research and Development (R & D) Strengths – What makes your company strong? Weaknesses – What could weaken your company? · External O pportunities and T hreats: Consumer/Social, Economic, Technological, Competitive, and Legal/Regulatory Opportunities – What could make your company great? Threats – Who are what could kill your company? b. Industry Analysis How big is your industry? What are the high points? c. Competitor Analysis Tell me about your competition. Who is your competition? d. Company Analysis e. Customer Analysis Who are your customers? What do they like? 5. .. Market-Product Focus……………………………………………………………………………………….. 2.0 a. Marketing and Product Objectives What are your marketing and product objectives? b. Target Markets Who is your target? Where do they live? Who do they look like? c. Points of Difference d. Positioning How will you position your product in the market? 6. .. Marketing Program……………………………………………………………………………………………. 2.0 a. Product Strategy How will your product be placed in the market? Is it right for your market? b. Price Strategy I want to know the price of your products. I want you to explain why you chose your prices. Are they realistic? (i) Breakeven Analysis I want to see your breakeven numbers and formulas. I want you to choose three different prices. I would like to see graphs and charts. c. Promotion Strategy How will you promote your company? T.V., direct mail, social media? d. Place (Distribution) Strategy Where will you place your product in the market? 7. .. Financial Data and Projections…………………………………………………………………………… 1.0 a. Past Sales Revenues – You will have to create past sales revenues. There isn’t a wrong answer here. b. Five-Year Projections – I want you to formulate five years of numbers. Revenues, costs minus expenses. 8. .. Organizational Structure……………………………………………………………………………………. 0.5 .. Who is going to run your business? I want to see your structure. 9. .. Implementation…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1.0 .. How will you begin to start your business? What are the steps? Idea to reality. 10. .. Evaluation and Control………………………………………………………………………………………. 0.5 .. How will you monitor your successes and failure? How will you change your company if you see it is going down the tube? 11. References To be arranged in alphabetical order of authors’ last names and following the APA 6 th edition format only. Course Project: Creating the Marketing Plan Objectives Back to Top The Course Project gives students the opportunity to synthesize all of the concepts in the BUSN319 Marketing course by applying them to develop a comprehensive marketing plan for a new business, product, or service. Introduction Back to Top Product innovation and marketing are the only enduring competitive advantages that companies can use to survive and thrive in the marketplace. In the next 7 weeks, you are going to participate in designing and writing a marketing plan for a business, product, or service of your choosing. Your active participation in this project, first, is essential to building your understanding of marketing; secondly, you can use a well-written marketing plan to show prospective employers a sample of your work. A marketing plan is a guide for the marketing activities of an organization for a specified period of time, typically about 5 years. The plan can be used internally to guide the marketing activities or it can be used to communicate with external audiences to raise capital. There are important questions to keep in mind as you design your plan. 1. Is the marketing idea valid? 2. What is unique or distinctive about the product or service that separates it from substitutes and competitors? 3. Does a viable market exist for the product or service? 4. Are the financial projections sound? 5. Is the management team competent? 6. How will the investors get their money back with a return on their investments? In order to help you answer these questions and many others, the course provides the following items. · “Building an Effective Marketing Plan” as Appendix A on page 48 of your textbook (it includes an example of a marketing plan) · “Financial Aspects of Marketing” as Appendix B on page 368 of your textbook · A marketing plan outline located in Doc Sharing · A grading rubric for the marketing plan Guidelines Back to Top Your final marketing plan should be between 4,000 and 6,000 words and must follow all APA guidelines. In Week 1, you will submit a two-page description of your business, product, or service for instructor approval of your topic. In Week 4, you will submit a substantial draft of your marketing plan for instructor feedback. In Week 5, you will submit a breakeven analysis for your business, product, or service. Your completed marketing plan is due at the end of Week 7. Milestones Back to Top Week 1: Topic Proposal (10 points) You will select a topic for the Week 1 assignment, and thereafter, all related assignments (the draft in Week 4, the breakeven analysis in Week 5, and the final marketing plan in Week 7) MUST be on the same topic . You may not change your marketing plan topic without approval from your instructor. Your topic should be for a business, product, or service that you would like to start (no multilevel marketing structures, please) . Because this is an applied project and not a research paper, please do not select a corporation such as Starbucks or Coca-Cola as your topic. You are to apply the course concepts to this project. If you are interested in coffee restaurants, for example, you may wish to select your own cappuccino bar as your topic and then use information from companies like Starbucks or Seattle’s Best Coffee for ideas and competitive research as you work on your project. If you have questions about your topic, don’t hesitate to post them in the Q & A Forum this week. For Week 1, please write a two-page description of your company, product, or service. It should be a new business, product, or service. Discuss ownership and company structure. Describe the business, product, or service. Write your mission statement and include your marketing goals. Week 4: Draft Marketing Plan (100 points) At the end of Week 4, you will submit a substantial draft to your instructor for grading and feedback. Read Appendix A in the text. Be sure to download the Marketing Plan outline from Doc Sharing. It is recommended that you start work on your draft in Week 2 after your instructor has approved your topic. Use the Marketing Plan outline as a guide to the required content for your marketing plan. Complete as much as you are able in order to get a good start and an initial draft ready to submit at the end of Week 4. Week 5: Price Strategy/Breakeven Analysis (50 points) One of the most challenging decisions faced by marketers is setting the price for their products and services. In order to select the right price, you need to ensure that you’ll be able to cover your costs and meet customers’ needs at a price that they are willing to pay. You will need to perform a breakeven analysis to determine the best price. Chapters 13 and 14 outline six steps that organizations follow to set price. Follow these six steps (as listed on page 322 in the text) to set prices for your product or service and perform a breakeven analysis. Submit your price strategy/breakeven analysis via the Week 5 Dropbox for grading and feedback. Be sure to incorporate any feedback provided by your instructor into your final Week 7 Course Project. Week 7: Final Marketing Plan (230 points) Submit your completed Marketing Plan. It should include all sections listed in the marketing plan outline, which is in Doc Sharing. It should include headings for the various sections of the marketing plan. APA format should be used, and a bibliography is required. Be sure to list all references that you consult (both print media and online). See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information. Grading Rubrics Back to Top Week 1: Topic Proposal will be evaluated as follows. Category % Description Documentation, Formatting, and Editing 10% Quality work will include a title page, table of contents, proper citations, and a bibliography. Quality work will be free of any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. Sentences and paragraphs will be clear, concise, and factually correct. It must follow APA guidelines. Content 90% Quality work will meet the following requirements: Your topic should be for a business, product, or service that you would like to start (no multilevel marketing structures, please). . Because this is an applied project and not a research paper, please do not select a corporation such as Starbucks or Coca-Cola as your topic. You are to apply the course concepts to this project. So, if you are interested in coffee restaurants, for example, you may wish to select your own cappuccino bar as your topic (you can then use information from companies like Starbucks or Seattle’s Best Coffee for ideas and competitive research as you work on your course project in Weeks 2 through 7). Your proposal should be approximately two pages long. Total 100% A quality submission will meet or exceed all of the above requirements. Week 4: Draft Marketing Plan will be evaluated as follows. Category % Description Documentation and Formatting 5% Quality work will include a title page, abstract, proper citations, and a bibliography. Your final marketing plan should be between 4,000 and 6,000 words; your draft should be substantial—almost complete—and therefore approximately 3,000 to 5,000 words long. It must follow all APA guidelines. Organization and Cohesiveness 20% Quality work will use the marketing plan outline in Doc Sharing for its organization. The content will be properly subdivided into sections with headings. The executive summary is not required in your draft because the executive summary is usually the last part of the plan that is written; it summarizes the entire plan. Editing 5% Quality work will be free of any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. Sentences and paragraphs will be clear, concise, and factually correct. Content 70% Quality work will have significant scope and depth of research to support any statements. Relevant illustrations or examples are encouraged. Quality work will cover all the sections included in the marketing plan outline in Doc Sharing. The content presented must demonstrate an understanding of the material. Total 100% A quality submission will meet or exceed all of the above requirements. Week 5: Price Strategy/Breakeven Analysis will be evaluated as follows. Category % Description Documentation and Formatting 5% Quality work will include a title page, proper citations, and a bibliography. Your final marketing plan should be between 4,000 and 6,000 words. Organization and Cohesiveness 20% Quality work will be clearly organized to show the six steps in your pricing process and your assumptions, fixed costs summary, variable costs summary, and calculations for three prices (high, medium, and low). Editing 5% Quality work will be free of any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. Sentences and paragraphs will be clear, concise, and factually correct. Content 70% Quality work will demonstrate an understanding of the breakeven analysis concept and will show correct calculations. Completed calculations will appear in a graph or table. Conclusions from the breakeven analysis should be summarized with your rationale for the prices selected. The content presented must demonstrate an understanding of the material. Total 100% A quality submission will meet or exceed all of the above requirements. Week 7: Final Marketing Plan will be evaluated as follows. Category % Description Documentation and Formatting 5% Quality work will include a title page, table of contents, abstract, proper citations, and a bibliography in APA format. Organization and Cohesiveness 20% Quality work will use the marketing plan outline in Doc Sharing for its organization. The content will be properly subdivided into sections with headings and subheadings; it will include the breakeven analysis completed in Week 5 and incorporate feedback provided from your instructor on your Week 4 draft. You may choose to use some of the Building Your Marketing Plan exercises at the ends of the chapters in the text to guide you to develop some sections of your plan. The executive summary will summarize your plan and include the reasoning you employed in your analysis, as well as any outstanding conclusions you can reach about the marketing plan for your chosen product or service. Editing 5% Quality work will be free of any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. Sentences and paragraphs will be clear, concise, and factually correct. Content 70% Quality work will have significant scope and depth of research to support any statements. Relevant illustration or examples are encouraged. Quality work will cover all the sections included in the marketing plan outline in Doc Sharing. The content presented must demonstrate an understanding of the material. Total 100% A quality submission will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

2024 for tutor beth only Assignment Help

Ashford 6 Week 5 Assignment Marketing in a Global Economy Read 2023

Ashford 6: – Week 5 – Assignment Marketing in a Global Economy Read the article: ” Airbnb and the Unstoppable Rise of the Share Economy “. A recent trend in the consumer marketplace is the ability for a consumer to share their personal belongings, such as their homes/apartments, autos, tools, bicycles, and so forth. The shared economy has now become a multibillion dollar business. In a three- to four-page paper (not including the title and reference pages): Explain how this concept is disrupting our traditional economy. Describe whether the shared economy is creating new value for the consumer or if it is just replacing existing business. You must use at least three scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library, one of which must be peer reviewed, in addition to the textbook. Your paper must also be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment. please use headers in bold… Follow APA guidelines, especially when you make headers. First order headers are Bold and center aligned. Second ordered headers are bold and left aligned. See the example below I made for week two’s assignment in terms of possible headers.

2024 The Finance Industry and Financial Reports Assignment Help

Do Numbers Lie The Other Side of Financial Statement Analysis If you 2023

Do Numbers Lie? The Other Side of Financial Statement Analysis If you were to enter the banking industry you may find yourself approving or not approving loans. The following is a good example of a common event you may encounter. Company X is looking for a $100,000 to purchase new equipment. The finance manager for Company X recently presented financial reports. Upon further analysis of the statements you, the banker, noted some window dressing of the financial statement. In this case it seems Company X will delay payments to vendors in order to make their cash position look higher. Do you see this practice a matter of ethical and or legal concern? Do you think most all company’s “window dress” their data? Please explain your decision to approve or disapprove Company x’s loan. Need by 25 Sep 2015 by 1200 EST

2024 capstone 2 Assignment Help

Assignment 2 Internal Environmental Scan Organizational Assessment This section provides the opportunity to develop your course project 2023

Assignment 2: Internal Environmental Scan/Organizational Assessment This section provides the opportunity to develop your course project. Conducting an internal environmental scan or organizational assessment, provides the ability to put the strategy audit together. In this module, you will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the internal environment at your business unit or organization you are working with for this project, also known as an organizational assessment, and present your findings in a report. In your report, you should analyze the operating characteristics and assets of your business unit. The SWOT model is one of the most common business tools used during organizational assessment. Another is developing a balanced scorecard based on a prescribed or planned set of performance objectives that will be measured and evaluated regularly. In this assignment, based on the external environmental scan you conducted in M2: Assignment 2 and the internal environmental scan in this assignment, you will develop a SWOT analysis and a balanced strategic scorecard. Part I: Internal Environmental Scan (2–3 pages) The internal environmental scan or organizational assessment should include the following: Mission, vision, and values: Assess the organization’s understanding of the mission, vision, and values, and how they relate the business strategy. Is there consensus on the mission and vision of the organization? What are the shared values of the organization? What are the behaviors espoused by these values? Strategy clarification: Assess the organization’s understanding of the business strategy through the interview with a mid-level or senior manager. Assess his or her understanding and agreement of the business unit’s value proposition, market position, and competitive advantage. Cultural assessment: Explain the unwritten rules and shared values that govern behaviors in the organization. Do they act as enablers or blockers to the strategy? For example, is there a culture of information sharing and collaboration that enables the organization to respond quickly across structural boundaries to solve problems for customers? On the other hand, do groups not share important information through informal mechanisms, thus slowing response times? Value chain analysis: Identify the primary (direct) and support (indirect) activities that create and deliver your product or service to your customers. Assess each activity’s contribution to competitive advantage through cost or differentiation. Identify any areas where the business may be at a competitive disadvantage. Summary of findings: Using these different analyses, identify the organizational strengths and weaknesses as they relate to the business strategy. Organizational strengths are assets, capabilities, and resources that contribute directly to the organization’s strategic fit, differentiation, and competitive advantage relative to competing organizations. Organizational weaknesses are characteristics and capabilities (often lacking) that place the organization at a disadvantage relative to competitors. Part II: SWOT Analysis (1–2 pages) Your SWOT analysis should summarize the opportunities and threats from the external environmental scan with the strengths and weaknesses from your organizational assessment or internal environmental scan. Your output should include a matrix depicting strengths or weaknesses on the horizontal axis and opportunities or threats on the vertical axis. This matrix will reveal a set of strategy forces that can be used to assess the current strategy and identify important potential changes to the strategic direction of the company. In creating your SWOT analysis, look for natural pairings of internal and external factors that match internal resources and capabilities to the external environment. Internal strengths and external opportunities depicted in the upper-left quadrant on your matrix might form complementary pairs that suggest necessary strategic focus for the business unit to pursue opportunities that fit its competitive strengths. Conversely, internal weaknesses and external threats shown in the lower right quadrant of the matrix may combine to illustrate the need for a defensive strategy to avoid becoming highly susceptible to competitive threats. Your matrix should not simply be a collection of four lists compiled together in a matrix. Your analysis should combine factors and explain why specific strengths complement specific opportunities, and selected weaknesses are amplified by external threats. In addition to your matrix, provide a brief narrative that summarizes the main findings in your analysis and the implications for the current and projected strategy. Part III: Balanced Strategic Scorecard (1–2 pages) Use the balanced scorecard or another similar tool to recommend indicators and measurements that will tell you if the company is successful or unsuccessful in progressing toward your vision through execution of strategy. A balanced scorecard presents organizational performance on four primary groups of measures: Financial Customer (external stakeholder) Learning and growth Internal process You should develop a strategy scorecard that ties the performance of your business unit in these areas to its overall business strategy. The challenge you face is selecting two-to-three measures in each of the four areas that give a measurable and reliable indication of the business unit performance in the key activities that promote strategic fit, customer value, and sustained competitive advantage. Write an 5–7-page report in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M4_A2.doc. The paper should include a cover page, executive summary/abstract, table of contents, body of paper—proper headers (mission, vision, and values assessment; strategy clarification; cultural assessment; value chain analysis; summary of key findings; SWOT analysis; balanced strategic scorecard; and references). By Wednesday, October 28, 2015 , deliver your assignment to the M4: Assignment 2 Dropbox . Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Mission, vision, and values: Assess the organization’s understanding of the mission, vision, and values, and how they relate the business strategy. Is there consensus on the mission and vision of the organization? What are the shared values of the organization? What are the behaviors espoused by these values? 16 Strategy Clarification: Assess the organization’s understanding of the business strategy through an interview with a mid-level or senior manager. Assess his or her understanding and agreement of the business unit’s value proposition, market position, and competitive advantage. 16 Cultural Assessment: Explain the unwritten rules and shared values that govern behaviors in the organization. Do they act as enablers or blockers to the strategy? For example, is their culture of information sharing and collaboration that enables the organization to respond quickly across structural boundaries to solve problems for customers? Or do groups not share important information through informal mechanisms, thus slowing response times? 16 Value Chain Analysis: Identify the primary (direct) and support (indirect) activities that create and deliver your product and/or service to your customers. Assess each activity’s contribution to competitive advantage through cost or differentiation. Identify any areas where the business may be at a competitive disadvantage. 16 Findings: Using these different analyses, identify the organizational strengths and weaknesses as they relate to the business strategy. 20 Write using ethical scholarship and proper grammar and mechanics. 16 Total: 100

2024 preferred stock anaysis Assignment Help

Write a 250 to 350 word paper explaining why preferred stock is referred to as preferred and what 2023

Write a 250- to 350-word paper explaining why preferred stock is referred to as preferred and what some of the features added to preferred stock are that make it more attractive to investors. Would you select preferred stock or common stock as an investment? Why? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

2024 Two items are omitted from each of the following summaries of balance sheet Assignment Help

Two items are omitted from each of the following summaries of balance sheet and income statement 2023

Two items are omitted from each of the following summaries of balance sheet and income statement data for two proprietorships for the year 2014, Garba’s Goods and Zahra Enterprises. Determine the missing amounts. Garba’s Goods Zahra Enterprises Beginning of year: Total assets $110,000 $129,000 Total liabilities 85,000 $ (c) Total owner’s equity $ (a) 80,000 End of year: Total assets 160,000 180,000 Total liabilities 120,000 50,000 Total owner’s equity 40,000 130,000 Changes during year in owner’s equity: Additional investment $ (b) 25,000 Drawings 29,000 $ (d) Total revenues 215,000 100,000 Total expenses 175,000 60,000 Two items are omitted from each of the following summaries of balance sheet and income statement data for two proprietorships for the year 2014, Garba’s Goods and Zahra Enterprises. Determine the mis

2024 Principles of Marketing Assignment Help

Unit Assignments Unit I Research Project Marketing Plan In application of the concepts learned in this course you will 2023

Unit Assignments Unit I Research Project Marketing Plan In application of the concepts learned in this course, you will research an EXISTING publicly traded company compiling a comprehensive marketing plan for this company throughout the course. Note that this is NOT a hypothetical entrepreneurial venture but instead an existing publicly traded company, of your choice. Utilizing the CSU Online Library, you will research the various elements of the marketing plan as it relates to this company. In Unit I you will provide a Company Overview and a PEST Analysis. Company Overview This section will provide the reader with a general understanding of the company and product/service offered by the company creating the value proposition for the customer. You might include general information about the company and industry and product/service. Additional general information might include the size of company, location, NAISC code, mission/vision/objectives, or any other general information about the company. PEST Analysis The purpose of this section of the marketing plan is to describe how changes in the business environment will affect the company. This will be achieved by the use of the PEST Analysis, which attempts to review how changes in the political/legal environment will affect your company, how changes in the economic environment will affect the company, how changes in the socio-cultural environment will affect your company, and finally, how changes (advancements) in technology will affect your company. Your submission should be a minimum of two pages in length, double-spaced with a reference page and title page. References should include at least one additional, credible reference beyond the textbook. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and cited per APA guidelines. Include the use of subheadings (this week consider using Company Overview and PEST Analysis). To determine the company you would like to research you may want to do a general search for “existing publicly traded company” or “publicly traded company list”. If you have questions about what a publicly traded company is or if the company you have chosen will work for this assignment please reach out to your professor. If you need assistance with utilizing the CSU Online Library, please reach out to the CSU Online Library and a Librarian will assist you. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below

2024 after tax WACC= what % Assignment Help

Capital Co has a capital structure based on current market values that consists of 50 percent debt 10 percent preferred 2023

Capital Co. has a capital structure, based on current market values, that consists of 50 percent debt, 10 percent preferred stock, and 40 percent common stock. If the returns required by investors are 8 percent, 10 percent, and 15 percent for the debt, preferred stock, and common stock, respectively, what is Capital’s after-tax WACC? Assume that the firm’s marginal tax rate is 40 percent.


You have been asked to consider the question What is the most 2023

You have been asked to consider the question, “What is the most important issue or problem facing your generation.” Because we began the course with a search for issues, your first “report” should be an informative discourse on the issue you have selected. Please write a well-organized and enlightening essay which introduces the reader to your issue/topic. Your goal is to provide a general description of your issue which gives the basic outline of the issue, and brings the reader towards a contemplation of whatever complexities, elaborations, and refined and appropriately nuanced distinctions are necessary for really understanding your issue. A further agenda of your work might include an approach to these questions as well: Why is this an interesting or important topic? What is at stake for society at large with this issue – how and why will it matter in the future? What other important issues or topics is your issue connected with? What are the major problems or dilemmas associated with your issue? Again, this First Report does not have to contain any dazzling display of economic logic. For this particular work, you don’t have to describe in detail all the “economics” of your issue – that will come in your later writing. Your goal at this point is merely to describe your issue and to provoke an interest in the issue in the mind of the reader. Assume that your audience is a general public, and that, they are going to give you their attention in reading your somewhat lengthy essay. Imagine that your reader is perhaps a person who is looking at a magazine while waiting for their flight at an airport, or is reading an online article in a somewhat relaxed fashion; so that, they are pre-committed to actually reading flowing text which is not just bullet-pointed or overly truncated. Your Study Report should be approximately a 6-8 page typed work. 1.15-spaced lines in a 12 font, with 1-inch margins. use appropriate citation of outside sources as necessary, gathered in a bibliography at the end of the report, but these can be broadly referential.