Tag Archive for: Assignment Help Services

2024 Accounting Hw Assignment Help

It is the end of a reporting period Because there are more people than usual retiring this year your 2023

It is the end of a reporting period. Because there are more people than usual retiring this year, your manager has asked your accounting department to create 2 things: A process documentation detailing the different methods of preparing income statements, specific sections of the income statement, and how to handle the special types of income statement items Basic financial statements for your company Individual Portion: Visit the SEC’s Web site (http://idea.sec.gov/idea/searchidea/companysearch_idea.html). Select a company filing of your choice that contains a multiple-step income statement. Communicate your selection with your group (each of you should submit a different company). Submit the link to this filing as proof of your research. Prepare a process documentation that is prepared in a professional manner because it will be the desktop guide used by others in the event of your absence to prepare the financial statements for Music Warehouse. is in the form of a memorandum or as a numbered listing of items, depending on your individual preference. includes the following elements: a definition and description of the specific sections of the income statement a description of the different methods of preparing income statements an explanation of the conceptual guidelines for reporting income how to handle the special types of income statement items Please add your file. Your assignment will be graded in accordance with the following criteria. Click here to view the grading rubric. Group Portion: Using the information below, do the following: Prepare a multiple-step income statement for Music Warehouse. Prepare a statement of changes in stockholder’s equity for Music Warehouse. You may work together, or you may assign each group member a different financial statement or part of the assignment to work on. Music Warehouse Adjusted Trial Balance December 31, 2008 Debit Credit Cash $24,675 Accounts Receivable 5,625 Inventory 65,980 Land 93,000 Building 289,000 Accumulated Depreciation 75,000 Notes Payable 85,000 Accounts Payable 53,600 Interest Payable 4,750 Common Stock 10,000 Additional Paid-in Capital 120,000 Dividends 10,000 Retained Earnings 59,980 Sales 937,500 Sales Discounts 22,675 Cost of Goods Sold 723,000 Salaries 81,000 Utilities 8,900 Repairs & Maintenance 5,225 Telephone 2,850 Interest Expense 4,400 Depreciation Expense 9,500 $1,345,830 $1,345,830 The following is additional information needed for financial-statement preparation: Loss as a result of hurricane damage on the building: $17,000 (assume that the building is not located in an area that sustains frequent hurricane damage.) Loss because of the discontinuation of the cassette tape music segment: $26,875 Beginning of the year balance of common stock: $8,000 (assume that changes are related to issuance of common stock.) Beginning of the year balance of additional paid-in capital: $102,000 Effective income tax rate: 35%

2024 Manufacturing Overhead Assignment Help

Manufacturing Overhead Borealis Manufacturing has just completed a major change in its quality control QC process Previously products had 2023

Manufacturing Overhead Borealis Manufacturing has just completed a major change in its quality control (QC) process. Previously, products had been reviewed by QC inspectors at the end of each major process, and the company’s 10 QC inspectors were charged to the operation or job as direct labor. In an effort to improve efficiency and quality, a computerized video QC system was purchased for $250,000. The system consists of a minicomputer, fifteen video cameras, and other peripheral hardware and software. The new system uses cameras stationed by QC engineers at key points in the production process. Each time an operation changes or there is a new operation, the cameras are moved, and a new master picture is loaded into the computer by a QC engineer. The camera takes pictures of the units in process, and the computer compares them to the picture of a “good” unit. Any differences are sent to a QC engineer, who removes the bad units and discusses the flaws with the production supervisors. The new system has replaced the 10 QC inspectors with two QC engineers. The operating costs of the new QC system, including the salaries of the QC engineers, have been included as factory overhead in calculating the company’s plant-wide manufacturing-overhead rate, which is based on direct-labor dollars. The company’s president is confused. His vice president of production has told him how efficient the new system is. Yet there is a large increase in the overhead rate. The computation of the rate before and after automation is as follows: Before After Budgeted Manufacturing Overhead 1,900,000 2,100,000 Budgeted Direct Labor Cost 1,000,000 700,000 Budgeted Overhead Rate 190% 300% “Three hundred percent,” lamented the president. “How can we compete with such a high overhead rate?” Using the module readings and the Argosy University online library resources, research manufacturing overhead. Review the situation. Complete the following: Define “manufacturing overhead,” and: Cite three examples of typical costs that would be included in manufacturing overhead. Explain why companies develop predetermined overhead rates. Explain why the increase in the overhead rate should not have a negative financial impact on Borealis Manufacturing. Explain how Borealis Manufacturing could change its overhead application system to eliminate confusion over product costs. Describe how an activity-based costing system might benefit Borealis Manufacturing. Write a 3–4-pages paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. By September 5, 2015 , deliver your assignment to the M2: Assignment 2 Dropbox . Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Defined manufacturing overhead giving three examples of typical costs that would be included in manufacturing overhead. 16 Explained why companies develop predetermined overhead rates. 16 Explained why the increase in the overhead rate should not have a negative financial impact on Borealis Manufacturing. 16 Explained how Borealis Manufacturing could change its overhead application system to eliminate confusion over product costs. 20 Explained how an activity-based costing system might benefit Borealis Manufacturing. 16 Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 16 Total: 100

2024 managed care Assignment Help

Prepare a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation in which you summarize health care reform material Assume you are 2023

Prepare a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you summarize health care reform material.
Assume you are making a presentation to the board of directors concerning your investigation into the economic issue you submitted for your Health Care Reform Project assignments: (Managed Care) Have a minimum of 10 slides with extensive speaker notes, augmenting and expanding on the information presented in each slide.
Include the following in your presentation:
Describe the economic issue selected.
Identify methods and tools common to addressing economic challenges in the healthcare industry.
Discuss how the methods and tools identified relate to health care reform.
Determine the most effective method(s) and tool(s) that could be used to resolve the economic issue selected.
Identify various payment sources and mechanism used in the health care industry.
Determine which payment source(s) and mechanism(s) are the most effective to resolve the economic issue selected.
List the steps needed to implement your solution.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

2024 Revenue and Gross Margin Assignment Help

SMA PRO ONLY Revenue and Gross Margin For this discussion assume that 2023

SMA PRO ONLY Revenue and Gross Margin For this discussion, assume that you are an investor and considering the buyout of an existing publicly traded company. There are several areas you plan to focus on during your due diligence process in order to determine the organization’s potential as a long-term investment. Discuss the key factors you would evaluate on the statement of cash flows and what significance the income from operations line item has on your decision. In addition, discuss why the accounts receivable turnover rate and accounts payable turnover rate would be of interest in your decision making. Lastly, explain what meaningful insight you might obtain by reviewing the sales allowances and sales discounts amounts for this company.

2024 International Finance Assignment Help

Title MNC enters China Write an eight to ten 8 10 page paper in which 2023

Title: MNC enters China Write an eight to ten (8-10) page paper in which you: Summarize the business that you have chosen, and provide a two to three (2-3) paragraph justification as to why China would be a viable market for the selected business. Examine the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar and the Chinese Yuan for the last 24 months. Explain the major overall changes that have occurred and speculate on the key economic variables that most likely have influenced the exchange rate movements. Provide a rationale for your response. Analyze the major exchange rate risks associated with transaction and translation exposure within the Chinese market. Based on what you have gleaned from your analysis, predict the major changes that you believe will occur in the next 24 months. Justify your response. Recommend key steps that the chosen MNC could take in order to mitigate or eliminate exchange rate risk. Suggest one (1) method that the MNC in question could use with derivatives in order to mitigate, or eliminate such risks. Provide a rationale for your response. Recommend one (1) hedging technique geared toward managing the economic, transaction, and translation exposure in the Chinese market. Justify your response. Conduct a country risk assessment to ascertain whether or not management should support the proposal for your chosen MNC to enter into the Chinese market. Based on Geert Hofstede’s six (6) dimensions of culture, predict three (3) likely problems posed by the cultural differences between the chosen MNC’s culture and the Chinese culture. Provide a rationale for your response. Use at least six (6) quality references, with at least two (2) from peer reviewed journal articles.

2024 For Professor Jan: Innovation and Communication Presentation Assignment Help

Listed below are the names of some of the world s top technology related innovators They have 2023

Listed below are the names of some of the world’s top technology-related innovators. They have also been called leaders, entrepreneurs, disrupters, or good old-fashioned trouble-makers. They have gone against the odds, rattling stale industries to build new ones. Recognize their names? Not likely, though you may instantly recognize their product, technology, or scientific inventions, which have made headlines. However, their success would not be possible without the effective management of team members. For this assignment, you are required to choose two people from the list and create a PowerPoint presentation. First, choose two leaders from the list below: Caleb Chung Cory Booker Craig Venter Dan Olschwang Diane Greene Hjalmar Winbladh Jeremy Stoppelman Mark Gorton Russell Simmons Sunil Shaunak Now, respond to the following: Utilize your research and identify the methods these innovators or leaders are using to communicate through technology in an effort to remain relevant in their industries. Explain how technology has advanced each of their businesses, leading to growth. Determine if innovative products, such as Google X, iWatch, or the new Cardboard Bike, can be linked to transformational or transactional leadership. Defend your position. Self-managed teams are often used to hide inventions from public view. Utilizing your research, identify ways managers and project leaders working under constraints can accomplish this. Develop a 4–6-slide presentation in PowerPoint format. Include detailed speaker notes in your presentation. Utilize at least two scholarly sources (in addition to your textbook) to complete your research, referencing sources within the text and at the end in a reference list. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Make sure you write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship through accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Assignment Components Proficient Describe two leaders and their chosen businesses. [CO: 1, 6] The description of the two leaders chosen is clear and logical. There are many interesting facts included regarding the businesses. Reliable resources are utilized. Identify the methods these innovators or leaders are using to communicate through technology in an effort to remain relevant in their industries. [CO: 1, 3, 6] An accurate identification of the methods the innovators/leaders are using to communicate through technology in an effort to remain relevant is provided. Examples are included. Reliable resources are utilized. Explain how technology has advanced each of their businesses and led to growth. [CO: 1, 6] The explanation regarding how technology has advanced each of their businesses and led to growth is clear and accurate. Determine if innovative products, such as Google X, iWatch, or the new Cardboard Bike can be linked to transformational or transactional leadership. Defend your rationale. [CO: 1, 2, 6] An accurate determination of whether innovative products, such as Google X, iWatch, or the new Cardboard Bike can be linked to transformational or transactional leadership, is given. The rationale provided is logical and relevant. Examples and scholarly research are utilized. Identify ways managers and project leaders working under constraints can accomplish hiding inventions from the public. [CO: 1, 5, 6] The identification of ways managers and project leaders working under constraints can accomplish hiding inventions from the public is accurate. Logical examples are provided using scholarly resources. Academic Writing Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship through appropriate and accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e. APA); and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use of scholarly sources aligns with specified assignment requirements. [CO_O] Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship through appropriate and accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e. APA); and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use of scholarly sources aligned with specified assignment requirements.

2024 Business 330 Assignment Help

This needs to be on point as well as all questions anwsered as well as properly sited and referenced no exceptions 2023

This needs to be on point, as well as all questions anwsered as well as properly sited and referenced [no exceptions] A+ only. If done correctly I will assign anther assignment to the right person immediatly after completing first assignment . I will pay 5 per discussion, and 4 extra if you respond back to the class peers responds, in total of 10 or 14. The discussion doesn’t have to be 2, or 3 pages, but all the questions must be anwsered correctly. I do not pay for failed work, so only Professionals need to contact Required Text Read the following chapters in Principles of Marketing : Chapter 9: Managing the Marketing Effort Recommended Resources Multimedia Ruiz, R. (Producer). (2011). Marketing success [Video segment]. In Target: Inside the Bullseye. Available from Films on Demand database. Discussions To participate in the following discussions, go to this week’s Discussion link in the left navigation. Functions of Marketing Management Assume you are the Marketing Manager for Target or another brand. How would you apply the four functions of the marketing management process in your role? In your answer, identify how a marketing manager might realize when it is time to focus on one function or another. You must use the text and at least one additional scholarly source. Guided Response: If you select Target, you may use Video 9.1: Marketing Success as a source. Approach this discussion from the role of a Marketing Manager. Review several of your peers’ posts. Respond to at least two of your peers and provide recommendations to extend their thinking. Challenge your peers by asking a question that may cause them to reevaluate their explanations for the four functions of management. Provide examples that support your peers’ explanations. Marketing Plan Imagine you are consulting with a manager of a business that sells cleaning supplies to nursing homes. Your client wants to develop a marketing plan but has a small budget for marketing his business. How would you show your client the benefits of a marketing plan? If your client does not agree with your marketing strategy for his business, explain how you would respond and what approach you would use to convince the client the marketing plan can be successful. You must use the text and at least one additional scholarly source. Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your peers and provide recommendations to extend their thinking. Challenge your peers by asking a question that may cause them to reevaluate their explanation of the marketing plan. Assume the role of the client for at least one of your peers’ posts and present questions, as well as reasons the client may not accept the marketing plan based on what you have learned.

2024 2 Pages Assignment Help

Using the Problem Solving Application Case EMPLOYEE ATTITUDES AND TURNOVER ARE ISSUES AT 2023

Using the Problem-Solving Application Case “EMPLOYEE ATTITUDES AND TURNOVER ARE ISSUES AT YAHOO! from Chapter 2 (pp. 75-76) of your text, what do you see as the major problem in this situation? What are your recommendations for solving the problem? Cite concepts from the first two chapters of your text and other outside sources in your initial post. Text book : Organizational Behavior: A Practical, Problem-Solving Approach 2e (loose-leaf) (Kinicki/Fugate) McGraw-Hill (2017) ISBN: 9781259732645

2024 Econ Assignment Help

Assignment Dealing with Risk Asymmetric Information and Incentives Due Week 9 and worth 310 points Earlier in the 2023

Assignment: Dealing with Risk, Asymmetric Information, and Incentives Due Week 9 and worth 310 points Earlier in the quarter we discussed Southwest Airlines’ use of game theory to create new strategy (https://mindyourdecisions.com/blog/2013/03/05/southwest-airlines-boarding-and-game-theory/). Continue to research Southwest Airlines or a company of your choice and write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: Evaluate a company’s recent (with in the last year) actions dealing with risk and uncertainty. Offer advice for improving risk management. Examine an adverse selection problem your company is facing and recommend how it should minimize its negative impact on transactions. Determine the ways your company is dealing with the moral hazard problem and suggest best practices used in the industry to deal with it. Identify a principal-agent problem in your company and evaluate the tools it uses to align incentives and improve profitability. Examine the organizational structure of your company and suggests ways it can be changed to improve the overall profitability. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: One of your references regarding your should have been published within the last 6 months. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

2024 managmnet Assignment Help

Assignment 2 LASA 2 Evaluating a Supply Chain In this assignment you will develop an understanding of the supply chain 2023

Assignment 2: LASA 2—Evaluating a Supply Chain In this assignment, you will develop an understanding of the supply chain. You will provide your assessment of a supply chain in the form of an evaluation. This assignment is the second of the two LASA assignments you will complete in this course. Using the Argosy University online library resources and the Internet, research methods of evaluating supply chains. Select at least three (3) scholarly sources to support the information in your presentation. Description of LASA: In this assignment, you will evaluate a supply chain. Scenario: You are consulting for the same organization that you worked for in LASA 1. The organization has asked you to design a supply chain and implement a program to monitor its performance with respect to sustainability. They have also asked you to give recommendations for improving upon your plan as the organization grows. The chief executive officer (CEO) has asked you to present your design and recommendations in a PowerPoint presentation at a meeting with the executive management team. Instructions: Your presentation should include the following information: Evaluate the organization’s facilities with regard to capacity and location. Determine whether the organization has enough capacity and whether or not the facilities are strategically located. Conduct an inventory analysis of the firm. Evaluate the firm’s ERP system. Evaluate the firm’s inventory management systems. Identify the firm’s inventory costs. Determine the firm’s optimum order quantities. Identify the firm’s seasonality adjustments and reorder points. Describe the systems used to monitor the performance of the suppliers. Identify the key performance indicators (KPIs). Describe the firm’s risk management strategies. Identify the firm’s conflict management strategies. Recommend strategies, tools, etc. the organization can use to improve or expand upon the supply chain in the future. Identify any potential ethical issues that could have a negative impact on the organization and make recommendations to address them. In addition to the slides in the presentation, include a detailed outline in the speaker notes section explaining the content on each slide. Use at least three (3) scholarly sources to support the information in your presentation. Be sure to cite the sources for your information. Make sure your presentation adheres to the following Presentation Guidelines : Create a presentation that is professional and visually appealing. Include a combination of text and graphics. Do not write out your entire presentation on the slides. Use bullet points of keywords and short phrases instead of long sentences and paragraphs. Create your presentation (slides and Speaker Notes) using language that can be easily understood by the intended audience. Use APA formatting for your slides and Speaker Notes (outline). Develop a 10–15-slide presentation (including the title slide and reference slide) in PowerPoint format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A2.doc. By Monday, November 2, 2015 , deliver your assignment to the M5: Assignment 2 LASA 2 Dropbox . LASA 2 Grading Criteria and Rubric Assignment Components Proficient Max Points Evaluate the organization’s facilities with regard to capacity and location. Evaluation of the facilities is complete. Evaluation provides an overview of current problems regarding the capacity and location of the facilities. 24 Evaluate the firm’s ERP system. Evaluation of ERP system is complete. Explanation reflects working knowledge of the ERP system. 20 Evaluate the firm’s inventory management systems. Description of inventory management system is complete. Evaluation reflects working knowledge of inventory management systems. 24 Identify the firm’s inventory costs. Inventory costs identified are accurate for the type of firm being evaluated. 16 Determine the firm’s optimum order quantities. Discussion of firm’s optimum order quantities is accurate and logical. Response reflects understanding of inventory control. 20 Identify the firm’s seasonality adjustments and reorder points. Seasonality adjustments and reorder points are accurately identified. 16 Identify the key performance indicators (KPIs). Key performance indicators are accurately identified, reflecting working knowledge of how performance indicators are used in business. 24 Describe the firm’s risk management strategies. Risk management strategies identified are accurately described. 20 Identify the firm’s conflict management strategies. Conflict management strategies are accurately identified. 16 Recommend strategies, practices, and tools the organization can use to improve or expand upon the supply chain in the future. Recommendations for improvement or expansion of the supply chain are clear, ethical, and reflect a working knowledge of supply chain management. 28 Identify any potential ethical issues that could have a negative impact on the organization and make recommendations to address them. Potential ethical issues identified reflect a proficient understanding of ethics within the context of operations management. Recommendations reflect working knowledge of ethical issues related to operations management. 28 Presentation Components Organization (16) Usage and Mechanics(16) APA Elements (24) Style (8) Presentation is concise with a logical flow of thought; content includes clearly articulated key points that are free of major errors. Presentation is visually appealing and addresses audience considerations adequately. Use of scholarly sources aligns with specified assignment requirements. 64 Total 300