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2024 Management Due sat 11 Assignment Help

Consider an organization for which you have worked Draw its organization chart and describe it 2023

Consider an organization for which you have worked. Draw its organization chart and describe it by using terms from Ch. 8 of Management. Write a 350-word paragraph describing your experience with the organization. Did you enjoy working there? Explain your response. Submit your paragraph and your organizational chart to your instructor. Format your paragraph consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

2024 Operations Management Assignment Help

Assignment 1 Operations Management Supply Chain Management Assignment Brief Prior to attempting 2023

Assignment 1 – Operations Management – (Supply Chain Management) Assignment Brief: Prior to attempting the assignment questions please read the attached material: · Welcome to Cruise International · Overview of Cruise International · Mission Statement which includes: Cruise Data • North American Passenger Capacity • Cruise Destination Data • Cruise Destination Data (Seasonalized) • Average Length of Cruise Data • Length of Cruise Demand Data • Average Capacity Utilization Quality Survey Data • Billing Errors Data • Guest Survey Data • Housekeeping Stateroom • Cleaning Data Housekeeping Work Sampling Data Hours Required to Accomplish Routine Maintenance Tasks Cost Reports Processing Time Chart · Departments · Guest’s Survey Form · Activities for Telemedicine System Implementation · Embarkation Process Guidelines for assignment 1. Ground your answer in relevant theory 2.Plagiarism and reproduction.(2%) 3.Make use of references, where appropriate – Use Harvard or APA referencing method. 4. Structural elements should include an introduction, main body, and a conclusion 5. Maximum word count: 2000 words 6. Type of assignment: Essay 7.Consult the attached documents in completing the work. CHAPTER 4: Supply Chain Management at Cruise International, Inc. Bob Bristol, your boss at Cruise International, Inc., just called to tell you that he was impressed with your progress thus far in familiarizing yourself with operations at CII-both the strategic details pertaining to its mission, competitive priorities, etc. and the specific details concerning its services and processes. He tells you that, with all the buzz about supply chain management (SCM) that you hear these days, CII is actively interested in exploring how different SCM concepts and techniques could be used in their operations. Maintaining an adequate, assured supply of a variety of mechanical equipment, entertainment equipment, retail merchandise, food products, and supplies for maintaining the ship is critical to CII. Meghan Willoughby, Chief Purser aboard the Friendly Seas I, has a couple of specific assignments that you will work on later. But for now, Meghan would like a concise research report for the top management team addressing SCM issues relevant to CII. “Leila Jensen liked your write-up on the CII service package and delivery system. Meghan Willoughby wants you to prepare a similar report addressing SCM issues relevant to CII. Senior Administrators at CII are actively involved in exploring how SCM concepts and techniques could be adopted in their operations. Prepare a concise report addressing the specific questions that Meghan has put together for you. I look forward to receiving your report, which I am sure will provide insight for SC applications at CII.” All of the following questions are to be attempted in the work. Provide a  comprehensive explanation of the essential concepts of SCM and explain to what extent SCM is applicable to a service operation such as CII. 2. Evaluate how partnering with some of the suppliers could benefit CII. What issues should CII consider when developing partnerships? 3. Purchasing, a major function in SCM, is critical in the cruise line industry. Critique the potential conflicts of interest or ethical issues facing the purchasing function.

2024 Assignment: Individual Reflection: Blueprint for Professional and Personal Growth –Your Future as a Manager, with Executive Summary of Class and Collaboration Skills Assignment Help

As you begin this assignment review the broad range of topics presented throughout the course related to managing people and 2023

As you begin this assignment, review the broad range of topics presented throughout the course related to managing people and fostering collaboration. Clearly, 8 weeks does not provide enough time to explore all the topics of this course as deeply as you might have liked. For this final Individual Reflection, select concepts or topics that resonated with you during this course and commit to learning more about them. To bring this commitment to life, identify concrete action items that will support your goal to deepen your personal learning experience in the coming year. Then, consider the following: What can you do now to integrate the experiences and insights you had in this course with your personal and professional development goals? What are the most important things you are taking from this course that will shape your future and enable you to make a positive difference? The Assignment All components of the assignment must be turned in as one document: The executive summary: Write an Executive Summary of the course (2–3 paragraphs) that addresses the following questions: Which content and assignments in this course improved your understanding of managing people and fostering collaboration within your organization (or one with which you are familiar)? What impact has your improved understanding had or (what do you anticipate it will have) on the value you will bring to your role within an organization? How have the content and assignments changed the way you think of the manager’s role within the organization and the way you will practice management and collaboration? How have the content and assignments shaped your goals now and how do you anticipate they will shape your goals in the future? How has the content in this course helped you appreciate the role that managers have in facilitating positive social change within an organization or more broadly? After considering what you have learned in the course, review the article by Christensen (2010). Then create a strategy for your professional and personal life that will enable you to be the person you described in “Your Sentence” in Week 3. As part of your strategy, be sure to include responses to the following questions: How can I be sure that I will be happy in my career and be the manager I aspire to be? How can I be sure that my relationships with my spouse/partner and my family become an enduring source of happiness? How can I be sure I will maintain my personal integrity, regardless of ethically challenging situations, or morally ambiguous situations? ( Hint : Most people consider themselves to be ethical and would not think they could violate their personal integrity. But what would you do if your employer asked you to perform a task or make a decision you are ethically uncomfortable with (but is not illegal), when failure to carry out such a task would risk your termination, your next promotion, or upcoming pay increase? What might you do if you discovered that a task or policy you carried out in good faith had unforeseen consequences you would feel the need to correct? Seriously reflect on how you will safeguard your own integrity, even when faced with an ethically ambiguous situation, potentially harsh personal consequences, or attempting to right a wrong you may have committed.) Your action plan: Write a detailed action plan for one new goal for professional and personal development (you will continue to build on the list of goals you started in your previous course). Include the following in your action plan: Your specific goal for professional and personal development with an explanation as to why you selected the goal. Be sure to provide concrete and specific examples of why the goal is important, the extent to which this goal enables you to be an agent for positive social change, the personal or professional value you expect from achieving each goal, and how the goal relates to the resources you reviewed in the course. At least two objectives for the goal you have identified. Provide a rationale that explains how your objectives support the goal. Guidance on Assignment Length: Your BPPG, including the Executive Summary (which should be 2–3 paragraphs in length and no more than one page single spaced), your strategy and action plan should be 3–6 pages total (1.5–3 pages total if single spaced). Refer to the Week 8 Individual Reflection Rubric for grading elements and criteria. Your instructor will use the rubric to assess your work. Submit by Day 7 of this Week. To submit your Assignment, do the following: Save your Assignment as a “.doc” file with the filename “WK8Assgn+last name+first initial.doc”. For example, Sally Ride’s filename would be “WK8AssgnRideS.doc”. To upload your Assignment, click on Assignments on the course navigation menu, and then click the “Assignment Turnitin – Week 8” link.

2024 KLP Corporation Assignment Help

KLP Corporation Assume all purchases are made in cash unless otherwise stated and that KLP has a 2023

KLP Corporation (Assume all purchases are made in cash unless otherwise stated and that KLP has a December 31 st fiscal year-end) KLP Corp. specializes in servicing and repairing diesel engines and restoring cars for clients. Kris, the CEO, began financing operations on January 1, 2013, with an initial personal investment of $250,000. The corporation immediately spent $30,000 cash on an initial deposit for a garage and office to base its operations, signing a $200,000 10-year 4% mortgage for the remainder of the payment. The mortgage is a special mortgage with interest payable on January 1 of each year and the entire principal due upon maturity (both the garage and office have a useful life of 30 years). KLP also used $75,000 of cash to purchase equipment that Kris estimated can be reused in repairs and restorations for up to 5 years, as well as $10,000 of garage supplies (oil, lubricant, auto parts) that are single-use in the ordinary course of repairs and restorations. The garage supplies were purchased on credit with a supplier that extended KLP terms that allow Kris to pay at the end of the three months. KLP purchased a computer for $2,300 as well as a $200 software system that helps him keep track of client service request, invoices and bookkeeping for the business—the computer is assessed to be usable for three years and the software relevant for the companies needs for two years. Finally, KLP Corp. prepaid $36,000 for a three-year insurance contract covering the business for common protections. All of these purchases took place during the month of January with KLP Corp. officially opening for business on February, 1 2013. During the first three months of business, February to April, KLP Corp. performed repairs amounting to $80,000 in sales and restorations for $5,000 in sales. $55,000 of these revenues were paid in cash with $30,000 paid for on credit by a local business who signed a contract to use KLP’s services on credit terms. These services used up $7,500 of garage supplies. KLP Corp. paid off the original order of garage supplies that it had purchased on credit and placed a second order for $25,000 of garage supplies that were shipped by the end of April. KLP Corp. signed a payable for these garage. On April 30, KLP Corp. spent $2,000 developing and filing the proper legal fees for a company trademark and placed a $24,000 cash prepayment for 12 months of advertising to increase sales. During the next eight months, KLP Corp. performed $280,000 of repairs and $15,000 of restorations. Again, $245,000 of these sales were paid in cash, while $50,000 were paid in credit by local businesses with credit agreements. KLP had collected $60,000 cash on these credit sales by the end of the year. Kris had $9,500 of garage supplies remaining after performing repairs and restorations over the eight months and paid off $22,000 of its outstanding payable. At the end of year, KLP assessed its bad debt expense at $4,500. KLP uses straight-line depreciation on all its fixed assets. No impairment was deemed necessary on its trademark. KLP Corp. faces a 40% marginal tax rate. On January 1, 2014, William, a financial broker, became Kris’ partner, investing $250,000 in the business. KLP expanded its garage by purchasing a neighboring garage bay for $50,000 cash and hiring employees to accommodate its expanding clientele. KLP also ordered $50,000 worth of garage supplies on credit with payment due at June 1, 2014. KLP did not renew its advertising contract, believing that it had established a name. KLP paid all taxes that were due from the prior fiscal year. By June 1, KLP’s sales had exceeded expectations with its repairs, registering $300,000 in repairs and $17,500 in restorations, using $45,000 of garage supplies. $250,000 of these were paid in cash and $67,500 paid on credit. KLP sold equipment originally purchased for $15,000 that had accumulated $4,000 of depreciation for $9,000 cash. KLP replaced the sold equipment with a $30,000 new machine on June 1 and made repairs to some preexisting equipment for $10,000. Also on this date, Kris and William reached a mutual decision to discontinue its flagging restorations segment of business. Again, KLP paid off its existing accounts payable and purchased another $30,000. KLP also established a new prepaid contract with a local company, agreeing to repairs its trucks over a period of one year for $150,000 paid on June 1, the contract entitles the customer to unlimited repairs over the period. Also on June 1, William invested $75,000 in debt securities and $40,000 in equity securities. William suggested KLP Corp. hold $50,000 of the debt securities as held to maturity and the remaining $25,000 debt securities as available for sale (all debt securities had a maturity of 20 years and were issued at par, indicating no premium or discount, both issues have a 3% stated rate payable January 1 of each year). The equity securities were all classified as trading securities. William correctly suggests the following journal entry for these securities: Trading Securities – Equity Securities 40,000 Available for Sale Securities – Debt Securities 25,000 Held-to-Maturity Securities – Debt Securities 50,000 Cash 115,000 In the final seven months of business, KLP performed $425,000 of repairs and $11,500 in restorations, all of these services were paid in cash and used up $25,000 of supplies. KLP paid off all outstanding supply contracts and collected $45,000 of its credit sales. It assessed its bad debt expense at $3,000 for the year. The additional garage space is being depreciated over 29 years (to match the useful life of the original space). The additional equipment purchased this year is expected to last only three years. KLP paid its employees $90,000 for their services and promised a $10,000 bonus on January 1, 2015. William and Kris withdrew $20,000 each at the end of the year. The available for sale securities had an unrealized net loss of $2,000 in value and the trading securities had an unrealized net gain of $4,500 in value, while its held-to-maturity securities had an unrealized net gain of $1,000. Its discontinued restorations segment has a net book value of $30,000 and had an assessed fair market value of $23,000 on December 31 and remains unsold (the drop in the fair market value relative to the book value is due to some of KLP’s equipment). William assessed that the discontinued division had revenues of $11,500 after the decision to discontinue and attributed 10% of all operating expenses to the operating of the discontinued division after the decision to discontinue. William provided the following entry to record the impairment of the division and the closure of the AFS loss account (since he realizes you, as their bookkeeper, have not had Intermediate II just yet!): Impairment Loss 7,000 Accumulated Depreciation-Equipment 3,000 Equipment 10,000 Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income 1,300 Deferred Tax Asset 700 Unrealized Holding Loss on Available for Sale 2,000 After some finagling by William, KLP Corp. faces an effective tax rate of 35%. Assignment #1 Provide journal entries, closing entries and adjusting entries for 2013 and 2014. (14 pts) Provide an unadjusted trial balance for 2013 and 2014. (4 pts) Describe any difference between recording KLP’s equipment and KLP’s supply accounts. Why is it important to make this distinction (address how these differences affect affect adjusting entry and financial statements)? (2 pts) Assignment #2 Provide a balance sheet for 12/31/13 and 12/31/14 and an income statement for the years 2013 and 2014. (16 pts) If KLP believed its new machinery, added in 2014, would bring in 70% of its revenue generating ability in the first year and 15% in the years thereafter, would you suggest straight-line depreciation? What alternatives are available? (hint: consider the matching principle and use it to explain your response) (4 pts) Assignment #3 Provide a statement of cash flows for 2013 and 2014. (20 pts)

2024 3 Survey’s Assignment Help

3 5 pages Times New Roman 12 point font size Double Spaced APA format Please complete the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire 2023

(3 – 5 pages, Times New Roman 12-point font size, Double-Spaced) APA format Please complete the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire – CLICK HERE and score it according to the instructions provided with the survey. The objective of this exercise is to help you identify the type of organizational commitment that you espouse relative to your current employer. In other words, what kinds of reasons (normative, affective or continuance) drive you to stay with your current employer. Please complete the Job Descriptive Index (JDI) – CLICK HERE and score it according to the instructions provided with the survey. The objective of this exercise is to help you assess your current level of job satisfaction overall (Job in General), and your satisfaction with the following facets of your job: people on your present job, work on the present job, pay, opportunities for promotion, and supervision. Please complete The Work Design Questionnaire – CLICK HERE and score it according to the instructions provided with the survey. There is a growing discussion on how to use job design/redesign to create enriched, intrinsically satisfying jobs; which in essence would enhance people’s interest in doing those jobs. The Job Characteristics Approach to Task Design describes five core job characteristics which influence three critical psychological states leading to several desirable personal and work outcomes. Please respond to the following questions: 1. What are your scores from taking the Organizational Commitment Questionnaire ? Which form of commitment emerged as the strongest driver of commitment for you? (which had the highest score?) Based on your results, what can your organization do to promote your organizational commitment? 2. What are your scores from taking the Job Descriptive Index ? Describe the hierarchy of your satisfaction scores from the various facets – for which facets do you have the most satisfaction and which facets do you have the least satisfaction? Based on your results, what can your organization do to increase your job satisfaction? 3. What are your scores from taking the Work Design Questionnaire ? To what extent does your current have the characteristics identified in the Job Characteristics model as leading to high intrinsic motivation? Based on your assessment and understanding the constraints you may have in your organization, suggest ways in which your job may be redesigned to increase intrinsic motivation.

2024 Can you help me with this assignment, the class is Management Communication with Technologies Assignment Help

Using APA Style The purpose of this short research paper is to ensure proper understanding and 2023

Using APA Style The purpose of this short research paper is to ensure proper understanding and application of APA style as required in all Ashford courses. Using the Ashford Online Library, develop an annotated bibliography on one of the following factors that has had a significant impact on business and management communication in the past decade: diversity globalization and outsourcing pace of life and work evolving workplace technologies influence of social media ethical challenges Your annotated bibliography requires at least six (6) peer-reviewed articles, full reference information, and a short paragraph description of the main findings. To receive maximum points, all of the following elements must be included in your paper: Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including the title page), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Must include a title page with the following: Title of paper Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. Must use at least six scholarly sources from the Ashford Online Library. One of the six sources may be the text. Must include at least one direct quote from one of the sources (see Guidelines for Quoting Sources ). Must include at least one summarized statement from one of the sources (see Guidelines for Summarizing Sources ). Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

2024 Macroeconomics Short Essay Assignment Help

Essay 1 European Financial Crisis What are the causes of the European financial crisis in a nutshell 2023

Essay #1: European Financial Crisis What are the causes of the European financial crisis in a nutshell? (190-200 words) Who is responsible for the crisis, and why? in the financial sector (100-110 words) in the government sector (100-110 words) What are your recommendations to fix it? (90-100 words) Essay #2: Green Energy What is “green energy?” Give five (5) examples. (150-160 words) What is “carbon footprint?” Give five (5) examples. (150-160 words) Please provide political points of view. (90-100 words) Please provide ideological points of view. (90-100 words) Make sure to leave 2 blank spaces between each answer. Essays must: Be between 480–520 words (Use Times New Roman 12pt.). Multiple forms of fonts will be subjected to scrutiny. Provide three (3) references with links (excluding the text), which should be placed at the end of the essay. Be your own wording Be submitted in the Blackboard’s submission box ( NOT AS AN ATTACHMENT ) Be submitted no earlier than 48 hours before the deadline Be independently researched Be completely free of grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors. One point will be deducted for each violation (please take it seriously) Be submitted attaching a Certificate of Authorship . Please note essays will not be graded without a certificate. I will submit suspicious essays (plagiarism) to Turnitin.com, and if there is a violation, the student will get an “F” for the course, minimum. Essays will only be available until the due date stated in the course calendar and cannot be made up.

2024 perfecto – Discussion Question 3 Assignment Help

Financial mangers make decisions today that will affect the firm in the 2023

Financial mangers make decisions today that will affect the firm in the future. The dollars used for investment expenditures made today are different from the cash flows to be realized in the future. What are these differences? What are some of the techniques that can be used to adjust for these differences?

2024 Case Analysis * Assignment Help

Read the attached case and analyze it according to the methodology Use the case questions which follow 2023

Read the attached case and analyze it according to the methodology. Use the case questions which follow. 1. What are the short term and long term issues in the case. 2. Does DataClear own a distinctive competitive advantage? Use DataClear’s Value Chain to help your thinking. 3. Examine the general and task environment for DataClear. What does it tell you? 4. Performa SWOT analysis on DataClear. Be sure to include Opportunity Analysis Framework for Entrepreneurs in Chapter 8 to help your thinking. What does it tell you? 5. What is DataClear’s present Business Level Strategy? What is its Corporate Strategy? 6. Assume Susan’s A team approach is chosen: do you agree with the choice to open offices in Londan and Tokyo? Why or why not? 7. Assumne team B’s approach is taken: do you agree with Benro as a JV partner? Why or why not? 8. What are Geg McNally’s alternatives? 9. What criteria whould Geg use to determine his final decision? 10. Use a decision matrix to make a decision for Greg McNally. Explain the decison. 11. How would you implement your choice? Double Spaced, 7-9 Pages. If you are not satisfied with the price, please don’t bid.

2024 MBA 6941 – Managing Project Teams (Project) Assignment Help

Scenario You are the project manager responsible for a new building construction in northern Virginia The building 2023

Scenario: You are the project manager responsible for a new building construction in northern Virginia. The building is worth $500,000 and will have five bedrooms, a kitchen, landscaping, and a two-car garage to be completed in two years. This was agreed upon in a firm fixed contract. During the execution (construction) of the building, you realize that the cost of materials have gone up by 10%, and your schedule is behind by 90 days due to delays from county inspections and permit processes. You also notice that if you continue with the current cost rate and schedule rate that the total cost to complete this house would be $600,000 and delivered three months late. Submit a three-page report explaining the reasons for these variances from your original project management plan and the proposed steps on how you are going to control the cost and schedule to achieve the contract threshold of $500,000 to be delivered in two years. Your plan must include the following: Address identifications of impacted activities with their cost and schedule attributes, remembering to account for contingencies. Address explanations of the roles your project management team will play during the execution of your project management plan and how they will help you to control the issues that are arising during the project. At the end of your essay, add a separate section entitled, “Reflections on My Learning.” In this stand-alone section, summarize what you have learned in doing the research, reading the textbook, and reading the written lessons in regard to project management and how it impacted your decisions in this essay. Refer to the execution and control process examples in the Handbook of project-based management: Leading Strategic change in organizations textbook, Chapter 17. Include at least one additional source to support your ideas, thoughts, and theories. Use APA format to document your sources in-text and in your “References” list at the end of the essay.