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2024 Comp xm Assignment Help

I have a Capsim CompXm exam that I need help with There are 2023

I have a Capsim CompXm exam that I need help with. There are five rounds in total for simulations along with quiz questions for each round. Total points are out of 1000. I do need to be on the 900 points range. Would someone please offer help for a reasonable price? only need to to last 3 rounds.

2024 Please Help With My Economics Assignment Assignment Help

Final Examination Cumulative up to Ch 9 1 White Mountain Ski Resort 2023

Final Examination (Cumulative up to Ch. 9) 1. White Mountain Ski Resort (WMSR) has the following demand equations for its customers. [Connecting the final exam with the first mid-term exam in terms of price elasticity concept] The demand equation for the resort is as follow with MC of $10. Q = 1,000 – 30P with corresponding P = 33.33 – 0.033Q with MR = 33.33 – 0.067Q What price should WMSR charge? What is the operating profit, Q x (P – V) ignoring fixed cost for simplicity. Note that V = MC in this case, being linear. You are a new manager of WMSR and learned that your customer consists of local skier as well as out of town skier. Can you do better than the former manager given this new information about your customers? Here just state how and why you could do better before you crunch number. You took Economic Analysis course in your MBA degree and you found out that: The demand equation for Out of Town Skiers is Qo = 500 -10P with corresponding P = 50 – 0.1Q with MR = 50 – 0.2Q The demand equation for local skiers is Ql = 500 – 20P with corresponding P = 25 – 0.05Q with MR = 25 – 0.1Q. VC = MC is still $10 for both skiers. What are the respective prices you are going to charge for local and out of town skiers? How many local and out of town skiers would you get with your new pricing strategy? Compare your new operating profit with that of your former manager and analyze why your strategy is better than that of your former manager as much in detail as you can? Here you need to analyze the numbers you got in (c) and explain why operating profit is greater than that of your former manager. As a promotion for out of town skiers, WMSR decided to offer free skiing for first day if they stay more than one night at the resort hotel on its premise. What is the maximum number of skiers the company can expect if they are going to waive $10 marginal cost as incentive, i.e., MC = 0? Do not consider the extra lodging revenue. What would be the price to charge if the maximum number shows up? Suppose only one half of the maximum number of out-of-towners showed up. What is the price to charge? Compare the price to charge for the maximum and the price to charge for one half of the maximum. What can you say about those one half customers in view of the price difference? What could WMSR do with this information in the future in dealing with those one half customers? What could be your one recommendation which will the benefit WMSR? Compute operating profit of this promotional free skiing for one half of the maximum customers? Is this a smart strategy even if only one half showed up? This question is akin to’ martine’ pricing of Broadway Show in NYC at discount during day time. Do not consider the extra revenue for one more night stay considered in order to focus on the impact of the promotional strategy only. Compare the operating profit of the two cases, the maximum number and only the half of the maximum number. Should WMSR be disappointed with the fact that only one half of the maximum number of customer showed up? Here you compare the operating profit of the maximum and only one half of the maximum. Was the fact that only one half of the maximum number showed up a boon to the resort or not in spite of the initial disappointment? Explain why. 2. A firm has the following demand and cost equation for a product. [from #7 Chapter 9] Q = 200 – 5P; P = 40 – 0.2Q and MR = 40 – 0.4Q TC = 400 + 4Q a. What are price, quantity and profit for this company? b. Suppose the original demand shifted to Q = 100 – 5P. If it is a firm under monopolistic competition, what might have happened to this firm in this monopolistic market for such a shift in view? c. What should the firm do in the face of a new demand equation in the short run and why? Provide a computational basis for your answer. d. What kind of strategies should the firm to consider for the long run, assuming that the firm did not do much after the shift in (b)? e. Now, Q = 400 – 10P with P = 40 – 0.1Q with the corresponding MR = 40 – 0.2Q & cost equation, TC = 400 + 2Q as a result of operating in a Global Economy. Explain the differences between in demand and cost equations. f. What are price, quantity and profit for this company as a result of operating in global economy? g. How did operating in a global open economy change the situation in terms of price, quantity and profit? h. Now summarize the differences in three cases, (a), (b) and (c) and explain the impact of global economy in this company. i. How does this case contrast with the negative impact of “outsourcing” in 1x. and 1y. in Exam #1? j. It is sometimes said that a firm has to be “lucky” first and then “good.” Explain what is meant by this statement. k. Review the case history of Pepsi’ v Coke at the beginning of my lecture note of S and D of Chapters 3 & 4 from Module One. In answering this question, consider why Pepsi was lucky in the first place and was good, which helped Pepsi survive during the depression of the 1930’s, after two bankruptcy filings. Google the history of Pepsi v. Coke during the 1930’s And then explain the rationale of Pepsi’ strategy, which not only helped Pepsi survive and became a major competitor to Coke. 3. A firm in an oligopolistic industry has identified two sets of demand curve. If the firm is the only one that changes price (i.e., other firms do not follow), its demand curve takes the form: Q = 82 – 8P (1) with MR = 10.25 – 0.25Q. If it is expected that competitors will follow the price action of the firm, the demand curve is of the form: Q = 44 – 3P (2) with MR = 14.66 – 0.66Q [from #3 Chapter 9 HW] Find the price and the quantity at the intersection of two demand curves with a kink. Identify the portions of the two demand curves, with “L shaped curve with a “kink” opening up above and the portion of the other two demand curves with “reverse L shaped curve with a “kink” opening up below. Discuss the difference in implication behind the portions of two demand curves, one with “L shape” above and the other with “reverse L shape” below. Explain which one is considered to be “optimistic” and which one, “pessimistic” and why? Calculate the range of marginal revenue curves on the vertical portion of the MR curves at Q where the kink is. Suppose that there are two firms within this range under this oligopoly: one with higher MC but with lower fixed cost and other with lower MC but with higher fixed cost, similar to Prob. #1 above. But both MC’s are within the range of marginal revenue on the vertical portion of the MR. Would they charge the same or different prices at the kink? Why or why not? What would happen to the price and the quantity implied above if the production cost for the whole industry increases due to a tighter environmental restriction? How would your answer in (e) change if the cost increase, which still falls within the vertical range of MR curves, was only for one oligopolistic firm in the industry? And why? What does this kink demand curve example try to teach us in view of the questions asked so far? 4. Ace and Baumont Corporations make and sell electrical equipment. Both have to decide whether or not to discount. The payoff matrix of “Discount” and “Not to Discount” expressed in terms of profit (+) or loss (-) for each firm is given below for each combination of strategies. Read my lecture note on game theory Baumont Corporation No Discount Discount No Discount ($10mil, $10mil) (-$4mil, $16mil) Ace Corporation Discount ($16mil, -$4mil) (4mil, $4mil) In the above matrix, the first number is for Ace and the second, for Baumont respectively. a. What are the optimum strategy for each, the resulting profit/loss for each and why? b. Is there any other strategy better than the one they took in (a), which makes each firm better off as opposed to the strategy taken? If there is, why did they not take it? c. How would you compare this case to the so called “prisoner’s dilemma” case? Explain it clearly. d. How would you compare this case to the so called “Nash Equilibrium”? Explain the difference between this case and Nash Equilibrium clearly. You may need to Google for Nash Equilibrium. e. Does it matter whether this is one-shot deal or meant to be a situation in which each corporation faces continuously for some time? Why or why not? f. Suppose that the profits for “discount strategy” for both Ace and Baumont are reduced to $8 millions from the current profit of $16 million respectively. The revised payoff matrix is shown below. Baumont Corporation No Discount Discount No Discount ($10mil, $10mil) (-$4mil, $8mil) Ace Corporation Discount ($8mil, – $4mil) ($4mil, $4mil) What would be the optimum strategy for each and why? g. What fundamental changes took place in the revised matrix above, which made the situation quite different from the original payoff matrix at the beginning? Please be succinct and to the point in your explanation. h. How does such a corporation as General Electric use the concept involved in the revised payoff matrix above in its marketing strategy? Be specific in your explanation.

2024 Fair Shares Assignment Help

There is an example problem just like this one in the book 2023

There is an example problem just like this one in the book. So, it’s a good idea to read the book before starting this assignment. The question is not asking about what you think is fair until the very end. The rest should be done by following the example. http://media.pearsoncmg.com/cmg/pmmg_mml_shared/mathstats_html_ebooks/PirnotMathAllAround4e/index.html In this module, we are also learning about apportionment. Some students struggle with knowing how to find a modified divisor. You can always start with the standard divisor. If your apportionment is too large, you need smaller quotas and a larger modified divisor. If your apportionment is too small, you need a smaller modified divisor. How much larger/smaller should this be than the standard divisor? It should be “a little” larger/smaller. Increase or decrease by small amounts until you achieve the desired outcome. This could take some trial and error, so be patient. There is no magic formula to arriving at this answer any sooner. The Center City Anuraphilic (frog lovers) society has fallen on hard times. Abraham, Bobby and Charlene are the only remaining members and each feels equally entitled to take possession of the society’s collection of live rare tropical frogs. The decision is made to use the method of sealed bids and fair shares to decide who will take possession of the entire collection and how much will be paid in compensation to the other members. Abraham unseals his estimate of the value of the collection at $12,000.00. Bobby’s estimate of the value of the collection is $6,000.00. Charlene values the collection at $9,000.00. Who receives the collection of frogs? What is each person’s fair share of the monetary value of the collection? Why is the monetary amount of each fair share different? How much money is owed to each of the two people who do not “win” the collection of frogs? In your opinion how “Fair” is the process described above? Now pretending for a moment that you like frogs, we will insert you into the situation under special circumstances. Despite (or perhaps because of) your love of all things amphibious, you currently lack the funds to pay each of the others their probable fair share. You will not receive the collection, but wish to receive as much money as possible. You have no knowledge of the amounts in each of the sealed bids, but strongly suspect that Abraham will bid between $10,000.00 and $12,000.00. Given that you cannot afford to “win” the process, describe how you will go about deciding what to put down for your own estimate of the value of the collection.

2024 finance homework Assignment Help

please show all work Before there was Paris Hilton there was Consuelo Vanderbilt Balsan a Gilded Age heiress 2023

please show all work. “Before there was Paris Hilton, there was Consuelo Vanderbilt Balsan – a Gilded Age heiress and socialite, re-nowned for her beauty and wealth. Now Ms. Balsan’s onetime Hamptons home is slated to hit the market priced at $28 million with Tim Davis of the Corcoran Group. Located on Ox Pasture Road in Southampton, the shingle-style home was built around 1900 and is known as “Gardenside” or “Cara-Mia”. Ms. Balsan, the great-granddaughter of railroad magnate Cornelius Vanderbilt, owned the house until her death in 1964. According to public records, the estate is owned by Robert G. Goldstein, executive vice president and president of global gaming operations at Las Vegas Sands Corp, and his wife Sheryl, who purchased the house in 2007 for $17.4 million.” (The Wall Street Journal, August 1, 2014, M2) Calculate the annual compound growth rate of the house price during the period when the house was owned by Robert G. Goldstein (since 2007). (Round the number of years to the whole number). Please show your work. Assume that the growth rate you calculated in question #1 remains the same for the next 20 years. Calculate the price of the house in 20 years. Please show your work. Assume the growth rate that you calculated in #1 prevailed since 1900. Calculate the price of the house in 1900. Please show your work. Assume the growth rate that you calculated in #1 prevailed since 1900. Which price was paid for the house in 1964? Please show your work. You were using the time value of money concept to answer the question #3. Think about the time line for that problem. What is the time point 0 in that problem? Please explain your answer.

2024 Operational Process Flow Assignment Help

Operational Process Flow Process improvement requires the analysis of processes and of 2023

Operational Process Flow Process improvement requires the analysis of processes and of data. In this Assignment, you will develop a process flow for an operational activity that takes place in your organization , whether or not you work in the field of health care. To prepare for this Assignment: Read the articles and watch the videos on process mapping and critical path. Identify an operational activity within your organization, or an organization with which you are familiar. These activities could include business planning, staff training initiatives, changes in case management, etc. The Assignment: Using what you have learned about process mapping in this week’s resources, create a process mapping flowchart to measure operational data of the activity using Microsoft PowerPoint or Microsoft Visio. Identify the important measurements within your process, which provide operational data. Then, based on the process map you have created, list and describe these measurements and the critical path within your process, utilizing any additional process improvement tools necessary. Your completed Assignment should include the flowchart, a description of process measurements, the critical path analysis, and a 1- to 2-page summary. Resources McLaughlin, D. B., & Olson, J. R. (2012). Health care operations management (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. · Chapter 7, “Statistical Thinking and Statistical Problem Solving” (pp. 165–200) · Chapter 11, “Process Improvement and Patient Flow” (pp. 287–316) https://class.waldenu.edu/bbcswebdav/institution/USW1/201750_27/MS_MMHA/MMHA_6700_WC/readings/USW1_MMHA_6700_Week09_Barrett.pdf https://class.waldenu.edu/bbcswebdav/institution/USW1/201750_27/MS_MMHA/MMHA_6700_WC/readings/USW1_MMHA_6700_Week09_Nordlander.pdf Zhong, X., Williams, M., Li, J., Kraft, S. A., & Sleeth, J. S. (2014, August). Primary care redesign: A simulation study at a pediatric clinic. Paper presented at the meeting of IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Taipei, Taiwan https://www.moresteam.com/toolbox/process-flow-chart.cfm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6KVR80B7Dc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2miUEt81nI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JENOhSXzi2U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJwKZuQUb7g My organization https://www.serco.com/na/sector-expertise/citizen-services/case-management; call center with marketplace. Health care insurance

2024 Powerpoint 9-12 Slides Assignment Help

In this assignment you will present what you have learned about leadership and 2023

In this assignment, you will present what you have learned about leadership and management from this course. Combine your research from Assignment 1 and Assignment 2 into a PowerPoint presentation that focuses on best practices in organizational leadership. Your presentation should highlight at least two (2) different business leaders and describe their business and philosophy. Your presentation should also include examples of leadership characteristics, traits, and behaviors of the chosen leaders. Your presentation should be detailed enough that it could provide new leaders with strategies to help them develop their own leadership and management styles. In addition to your textbook, review the following optional articles and videos that detail creating a PowerPoint presentation for this assignment: “Create your first PowerPoint 2013 presentation” by Microsoft, located at http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/support/create-your-first-powerpoint-2013-presentation-RZ102925085.aspx?CTT=5&origin=HA102809627 “Top Ten Slide Tips” by Garr Reynolds, located at http://www.garrreynolds.com/preso-tips/design/ “Top 10 Best Practices When Using PowerPoint for Presentations” (22 min 57 s). Video Source: DNN Corp. (2012, April 9). Top 10 Best Practices When Using PowerPoint for Presentations [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtygW25vj_I Create a nine to twelve (9-12) slide presentation in which you: Develop a PowerPoint presentation in which you focus on overall best practices in organizational leadership. Choose two (2) different business leaders that you learned about from the previous two assignments, and describe two to three (2-3) fundamental aspects of each of their most important business philosophies. Provide one to two (1-2) examples of the application of such philosophies to support your response. Identify three to four (3-4) characteristics, three to four (3-4) traits, and three to four (3-4) behaviors that have made each of them successful leaders. Provide both a title slide (see the formatting requirements below) and an introductory slide to your presentation. Provide a summary slide that addresses key points of your presentation. Develop narration for each of the slides. Use the speaker’s notes section of the slides to indicate what you would say if you were actually presenting in front of an audience. Select three to four (3-4) relevant images, photographs, or graphs to focus your audience’s attention during your presentation. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Format the PowerPoint presentation with headings on each slide and three to four (3-4) relevant graphics (photographs, graphs, clip art, etc.), ensuring that the presentation is visually appealing and readable from 18 feet away. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a title slide containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The title slide is not included in the required slide length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Explain the principal theories of leadership and motivation, and describe the fundamental considerations in managing and motivating individual and group behavior. Describe control systems that can improve a firm’s operations and facilitate change. Use technology and information resources to research issues in management concepts. Write clearly and concisely about management concepts using proper writing mechanics.

2024 ACC 562 Week 4 Assignment 2 – North Face Assignment Help

ACC 562 Week 4 Assignment 2 North Face Read the case study titled North Face prior 2023

ACC 562 Week 4 Assignment 2 – North Face Read the case study titled “North Face” prior to doing this assignment. Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you: The SEC sanctioned Richard Fiedelman for failing to document the changes that his subordinates had made in 1997 North Face work papers and for failing to exercise due professional care. Explain the SEC’s rationale in making each of these allegations. Take a position on the severity of the SEC’s punishment of Richard Fiedelman of a three-year suspension on being involved in the audits of SEC clients. Support your position. Assume that you are an audit manager in a public accounting firm. The engagement partner asks you to modify client work papers after the financial statements and opinion has been issued. Determine what you would do in this situation. Provide your rationale. Evaluate the practice of “materiality” used by public accounting firms and how accounting firms should address it with clients. North Face’s management teams were criticized for strategic blunders that they made over the course of the company’s history. Discuss whether auditors have a responsibility to assess the quality of the key decisions made by client executives. Defend your answer. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment.

2024 MGMT 422 :A Manufacturing Company Is Thinking Of Launching A New Product Assignment Help

A manufacturing company is thinking of launching a new product The company expects to sell 950 000 of 2023

A manufacturing company is thinking of launching a new product. The company expects to sell $950,000 of the new product in the first year and $1,500,000 each year thereafter. Direct costs including labor and materials will be 45% of sales. Indirect incremental costs are estimated at $95,000 a year. The project requires a new plant that will cost a total of $1,500,000, which will be a depreciated straight line over the next 5 years. The new line will also require an additional net investment in inventory and receivables in the amount of $200,000. Assume there is no need for additional investment in building the land for the project. The firm’s marginal tax rate is 35%, and its cost of capital is 10%. To receive full credit on this assignment, please show all work, including formulae and calculations used to arrive at financial values.

2024 Principals Of Finance Project Assignment Help

Resubmitting because the tutor I selected flaked on me without a reason The assignment consist of three parts Attached 2023

Resubmitting because the tutor I selected flaked on me without a reason. The assignment consist of three parts. Attached are the instructions. Please follow the instructions step by step in order to complete the assignments. Part one and three instructions are attached. I really need someone that has time to follow instructions step by step and NOT do a rush job.

2024 Management And Organisation Theory Assignment Help

Step 1 Write an Introduction paragraph Create the Introduction Paragraph A well written management plan begins with 2023

Step 1: Write an Introduction paragraph Create the Introduction Paragraph A well written management plan begins with a statement of the company’s goals for the project. This Introductory paragraph is the first paragraph of the plan and will be used to describe to the reader the intent of the paper. This intent should be understood prior to reading the remainder of the paper so the reader will understand the intent of the information. Step 2: Organization Structure Identify and discuss the current organizational structure; Develop the organizational chart providing detailed information on the levels of the chart, the role and responsibilities of the position. Explain the rationale behind the construction; Discuss the part of the organizational chart for the new division. Explain the rationale behind the construction and explain why each part of the structure is critical to the success of the organization; Discuss the position and role of the person responsible for local testing explaining why his or her testing will have a critical impact on the success of the new product line. Step 3: Organizational Culture Identify and discuss the current organizational culture; Identify and discuss the cultural complexities that Biotech will need to monitor and potentially address; Explain whether local nationals should be used in management roles or whether Biotech employees should be transferred to the new location discussing the cultural complexities that need to be considered; Step 4: Breakdown of Products and Services Discuss the product(s) that Biotech will release in the first launch of the new division; Discuss how the production of the products align with Biotech’s mission in terms of being sustainable, green and human-friendly. Step 5: Communication Plan Create a communication plan that clearly identifies the communications objectives (results Biotech wants to achieve and purpose of the plan, defines key audiences, identifies media channels, and establishes a timeline and a way to evaluation effectiveness of plan. Step 6: Review the Paper Read the paper to ensure all required elements are present. Use the grading rubric to ensure that you gain the most points possible for this assignment. Proofread the paper for spelling and grammatical issues, and third person writing. Read the paper aloud as a first measure; Use the spell and grammar check in Word as a second measure; Have someone who has excellent English skills proof the paper; Consider submitting the memo to the Effective Writing Center (EWC). The EWC will provide 4-6 areas that may need improvement. Step 7: Submit the paper in the Assignment Folder (The assignment submitted to the Assignment Folder will be considered the student’s final product and therefore ready for grading by the instructor. It is incumbent upon the student to verify the assignment is the correct submission. No exceptions will be considered by the instructor). How to Set Up the Paper Create a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document that is single-spaced, with double spaces between paragraphs. Use 12-point font. The final product will be 4-6 pages in length excluding the title page and reference page. Write clearly and concisely. Do not exceed 6 pages. Completing the Analysis In order to complete this Business Analysis, you will want to first read the module, Learn How to Support What You Write, as this assignment requires you to use the course readings and research to support what you write. Also, Read and use the grading rubric while completing the problem set to ensure all requirements are met that will lead to the highest possible grade. Third person writing is required. Third person means that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second person writing). If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this link: http://www.quickanddirtytips.com/education/grammar/first-second-and-third-person . Contractions are not used in business writing, so do not use them. Paraphrase and do not use direct quotation marks. Paraphrase means you do not use more than four consecutive words from a source document. Instead put a passage from a source document into your own words and attribute the passage to the source document. Not using direct quotation marks means that there should be no passages with quotation marks and instead the source material is paraphrased as stated above. Note that a reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa.  You may not use more than four consecutive words from a source document, as doing so would require direct quotation marks. Changing words from a passage does not exclude the passage from having quotation marks. If more than four consecutive words are used from source documents, this material will not be included in the grade and could lead to allegations of academic dishonesty. You are expected to use the case scenarios and weekly course material to develop the analysis and support the reasoning. There should be a robust use of the course material along with thorough analysis of potential location information. Material used from a source document must be cited and referenced. A reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa. Changing words from a passage does not exclude the passage from having quotation marks. If more than four consecutive words are used from source documents, this material will not be included in the grade and could lead to allegations of academic dishonesty. Use in-text citations and provide a reference list that contains the reference associated with each in-text citation. You may not use books in completing this problem set unless part of the course material. Also, do not use a dictionary or Wikipedia. Provide the page or paragraph number in every in-text citation presented. If the eBook does not have pages, provide the chapter title and topic heading. If using a video, provide the minutes and second of the cited material. Self-Plagiarism: Self-plagiarism is the act of reusing significant, identical or nearly identical portions of one’s own work. You cannot re-use any portion of a paper or other graded work that was submitted to another class even if you are retaking this course. You also will not reuse any portion of previously submitted work in this class. A zero will be assigned to the assignment if self-plagiarized. Faculty do not have the discretion to accept self-plagiarized work.