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2024 Financial Management Project Assignment Help

For this project you need to access The Financial Times The Wall Street Journal Business 2023

For this project, you need to access The Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, or The Economist and identify articles that are based on developments or factors that are having impact on the financial markets, bond market, or the outlook for specific companies, industries, countries. Prepare a written report that is no more than three type- written pages that summarizes the articles that you reviewed , providing the appropriate citations of sources. Include in this report at least two paragraphs that discuss how the stock price of your project company has performed since the beginning of the semester . Highlight any unique events that may have impacted your company or its industry during the period. Please read the requirement carefully before and I need the project to be done within 48 hrs.

2024 Cost Assignment Help

4 5 pages Costing the Project The project is progressing well and you have now 2023

4 – 5 pages Costing the Project The project is progressing well, and you have now been asked if there is enough time and budget to create and distribute a new marketing mailing. This mailing will be focused on a new international marketplace, so the existing materials cannot be used as is. The materials will need to be translated (external resource), have different graphics applied, and use different colors. The cost for mailing internationally is twice the cost of the domestic mailing, and the volume is 200,000–250,000 addresses. A mailing list will be purchased for this mailing because it is a new market for the company. You need to determine the costs of this mailing (internal and external). You also need to determine the resource requirements and identify any conflicts. Jennifer and you have a working session later this week to pull together the information. In preparation for the meeting, create a worksheet (in Excel or another spreadsheet tool) that you can use to create the budget for the new mailing. Pre populate the worksheet with the components of the estimate, and provide directions to Jennifer in a procedures document (in Word) on how to create a three-point estimate for the resulting budget. Be sure to also include the internal costs. Also, create a schedule that identifies the deliverables, activities, and resources to produce this mailing. Using the project schedule you created as a group, identify the resources you will use and what conflicts that may form (in Word). Justify your choices. Please refer to the following multimedia course material(s): Unit 4: Cost Methods Unit 4: Project Estimation, Budgeting, Cost

2024 Discussion Assignment Help

Financial Statements For a publicly traded company what are the most important financial statements and 2023

Financial Statements: For a publicly traded company, what are the most important financial statements and why? Small Business: In a small business what accounting/financial statements would be most crucial to running your day to day business and why? Scenario: If your best friend came to you and said that their electronics business was doing poorly and you looked over their business and saw the information (in the scenario below), what would you advise him or her and explain why. Pose at least 2 substantive questions/comments to other teams and respond to other teams’ questions. Scenario: Your best friend works for an In-Home Health Provider Company (IHHPC) in Palm Beach County, Florida. Your friend comes to you and explains that the In-Home Health Provider Co. wants to expand the next year to Broward County and Miami County. Your friend explains the company is dealing with a cash flow problem and if it is not figured out over the next six months the IHHPC will not meet the asset requirement for the expansion loan. Revenue: 80% private pay patients. 10% Health insurance. 10% Long Term Care Insurance Policy Your friend explains this is how the IHHPC works. A patient would call in and request a nurse for eight hours, seven days a week, starting the next day. The company would send the nurse the next day, then bill the patient on a weekly cycle. The IHHPC would mail a statement to the patient at the end of the first week of service. By the time the patient would get around to writing a check, and mailing it back in to the IHHPC,, sometimes the company would not receive payment for six to eight weeks. The company would be paying the nurse weekly although not receiving payment for services yet. What would you advise him or her and explain why. 200 word apa with reference

2024 for katetutor only Assignment Help

Note This is the continuation of paper that you did to me I need 2023

Note: This is the continuation of paper that you did to me. I need 1-2 pages report on the instructions provided below. Must include headings before starting each new section. Must include 2 scholarly references in APA. Your answer must be 100% original. Instructions: Your selected company has recently implemented a customer relationship management (CRM) system. Study the key elements of the CRM technology and determine how the company can best use it to improve its customer retention. Make sure you support your choices with well-reasoned arguments and external sources. In your report, also include the following: · A customer database template with fields containing critical customer information from your key market segment. · A customer satisfaction survey containing ten questions about the segment’s experience with the company. · A description on how this customer data will be collected.

2024 business management Assignment Help

A firm is faced with the attractive situation in which it can obtain immediate delivery of an item 2023

A firm is faced with the attractive situation in which it can obtain immediate delivery of an item it stocks for retail sale. The firm has therefore not bothered to order the item in any systematic way. However, recently profits have been squeezed due to increasing competitive pressures, and the firm has retained a management consultant to study its inventory management. The consultant has determined that the various costs associated with making an order for the item stocked are approximately $70 per order. She has also determined that the costs of carrying the item in inventory amount to approximately $27 per unit per year (primarily direct storage costs and forgone profit on investment in inventory). Demand for the item is reasonably constant over time, and the forecast is for 16,500 units per year. When an order is placed for the item, the entire order is immediately delivered to the firm by the supplier. The firm operates 6 days a week plus a few Sundays or approximately 320 days per year. Determine the following: a. Optimal order quantity per order b. Total annual inventory costs c. Optimal number of orders to place per year d. Number of operating days between orders, based on the optimal ordering

2024 CIS 510 Week 10 Technical Paper|| Final Project Plan Solution A+ Assignment Help

CIS 510 Week 10 Technical Paper CIS 510 Week 10 Technical Paper 2023

CIS 510 Week 10 Technical Paper, CIS 510 Week 10 Technical Paper – Strayer Technical Paper: Final Project Plan Due Week 10 and worth 200 points Especially for You Jewelers is a small jewelry company in a college town. Over the last couple of years, it has experienced a tremendous increase in its business. However, its financial performance has not kept pace with its growth. The current system, which is partly manual and partly automated, doesn’t track accounts receivables sufficiently, and the company is finding it difficult to determine the reasons why the receivables are so high. The company runs frequent specials to attract customers but has no idea whether these efforts are profitable or if the benefit—if there is one—comes from associated sales. Especially for You Jewelers wants to increase repeat sales to its existing customers; thus, it needs to develop a customer database. It also wants to install a new direct sales and accounting system to help solve the outlined problems. The new direct sales and accounting system for Especially for You Jewelers will be an important element in the growth and success of the jewelry company. The direct sales portion must track every sale, be able to link to the inventory system for cost data, and provide a daily profit and loss report. The customer database must be able to produce purchase histories to assist management in preparing special mailings and special sales to existing customers. Detailed credit balances and aged accounts for each customer would help to solve the problem with the high balance of accounts receivables. Special notice letters and credit history reports would help management reduce accounts receivable. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: Suggest at least five (5) expected business benefits that Especially for You Jewelers company might derive from a new system. Provide a rationale for your suggestions. Propose at least five (5) system capabilities for the company. Provide a rationale for your proposals. Ascertain the three (3) possible scenarios in this new direct sales and accounting system. Using Microsoft Visio or an open source alternative such as Dia, develop an activity diagram for each scenario that you have identified. Note: The graphically depicted solution may not exceed one (1) page per diagram. Provide a narrative that gives an overview of your diagram. Using Microsoft Visio or an open source alternative such as Dia, complete a fully-developed use case description for each scenario identified. Note: The graphically depicted solution may not exceed one (1) page per diagram. Develop a system vision document for Especially for You Jewelers, detailing the overall vision or plan for the new direct sales and accounting system. A vision document generally contains: Introduction Business needs / requirements Product / solution overview Major features Scope and limitations Other needs Use at least three (3) quality resources outside of the suggested resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Analyze techniques for requirements determination, collection, and organization. Summarize effective communication techniques with various organizational stakeholders to collect information using a variety of techniques and to convey proposed solution characteristics to them. Analyze and present methods to initiate, specify, and prioritize information systems projects and determine various aspects of feasibility of these projects. Develop a solution to proposed business problem using structured systems analysis and design methods. Use technology and information resources to research issues in advanced systems analysis and design. Write clearly and concisely about advanced systems analysis and design using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.

2024 Cost of Debt and Equity Assignment Help

Cost of Debt and Equity The manager of Sensible Essentials conducted an excellent seminar explaining debt 2023

Cost of Debt and Equity The manager of Sensible Essentials conducted an excellent seminar explaining debt and equity financing and how firms should analyze their cost of capital. Nevertheless, the guidelines failed to fully demonstrate the essence of the cost of debt and equity, which is the required rate of return expected by suppliers of funds. You are the Genesis Energy accountant and have taken a class recently in financing. You agree to prepare a PowerPoint presentation of approximately 6–8 minutes using the examples and information below: Debt: Jones Industries borrows $600,000 for 10 years with an annual payment of $100,000. What is the expected interest rate (cost of debt)? Internal common stock: Jones Industries has a beta of 1.39. The risk-free rate as measured by the rate on short-term US Treasury bill is 3 percent, and the expected return on the overall market is 12 percent. Determine the expected rate of return on Jones’s stock (cost of equity). Here are the details: Jones Total Assets $2,000,000 Long- & short-term debt $600,000 Common internal stock equity $400,000 New common stock equity $1,000,000 Total liabilities & equity $2,000,000 Develop a 10–12-slide presentation in PowerPoint format Perform your calculations in an Excel spreadsheet. Cut and paste the calculations into your presentation. Include speaker’s notes to explain each point in detail. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. By October 26, 2015 , deliver your assignment. Assignment Grading Criteria Maximum Points Calculated the expected interest rate (cost of debt). 40 Calculated the expected rate of return on Jones’s stock (cost of equity). 40 Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 20 Total: 100

2024 A-Plus Writer Assignment Help

Discussion Thread Key Elements of a Supply Chain The success of any supply chain depends on the framework of 2023

Discussion Thread —Key Elements of a Supply Chain The success of any supply chain depends on the framework of the organization. The framework of an organization identifies strategic challenges that were critical to the organization’s existence in the past and are also critical to its future growth. In this assignment, you will examine the ways in which selection of a framework can affect the success or failure of the supply chain program. Most organizations use a single framework or a combination of frameworks to develop supply chains. Then respond to the following: What is a supply chain? What are some potential benefits of managing the supply chain? What are the key factors that help an organization decide what type of framework they should use to develop the supply chain? What would be the impact on the development process if an incorrect framework is used? Discuss your reasoning by providing examples. Describe the three types of value (supply) chain frameworks and explain which one you think is the best. If possible provide a visual illustration or representation. Why do think your chosen framework is best? Justify your explanation .

2024 Which Of The Following Sentences BEST Assignment Help

1 Which of the following sentences BEST describes how non store alternatives compete directly with retailers Points 1 a Non store 2023

1. Which of the following sentences BEST describes how non-store alternatives compete directly with retailers? (Points : 1) a. Non-store businesses also sell direct to consumers b. Wholesalers organize vertical market systems. c. Specialty superstores eliminate conflict from channel partners. Middlemen break bulk and assemble lots M d. 2. The two main goals of logistics are (Points : 1) a. To choose between a strategy that serves manufacturers/distributers and one that serves consumers B. To accommodate outbound physical distribution and reverse logistics. b. To maximize customer service while minimizing distribution cost. c. To get products to their end destination without breaking them, and in sufficient quantity. 3. What advantage does use of RFID tags bring to the logistics function of companies that adopt this technology? (Points : 1) a. The technology helps vertical market systems integrate their resources. b. The devices create flows of information without accompanying transaction records. c. The technology enables businesses to outsource shipping, transport, warehousing, and inventory control. d. The devices reduce or eliminate manual labor in capturing data related to individual items. 4. A drug store invests in an extended line of nutritional supplements and displays them around a staffed customer-service desk so that a trained nutritionist can help customers make decisions. Which of the following means of competitive differentiation does this example illustrate? (Points : 1) a. Increasing use of technology to improve communications. b. Emphasizing specialization and face-to-face transactions . c. Providing better support after the sale. d. Improving merchandise assortment to better reflect market demographics. 5. Which of the following sentences BEST reflects the fundamental concept of “price”? (Points : 1) a. A specified price that makes a profit for the seller must be attractive to a buyer. b. Adjustments that raise or lower the price to a buyer must be reflected in value to the seller. c. Customer has to make a sacrifice in money, time, and/or effort to get what they want to buy d. The buying exchange can be valued in rent, price, interest, fee, fares, or dues. 6. Which of the following factors can a manufacturer influence, in order to assure retail demand for their output? (Points : 1) a. The number of channel partners involved in the supply chain. b. The location of retailers in the market for that output. c. The reverse logistics required to optimize post-sale activity. d. The use of mass-market advertising to promote their output. 7. Four factors influence strategic planning for pricing decisions. Which list contains all four factors discussed in chapter 5? (Points : 1) a. Target market, competition, differentiation, and environment b. Environment, target market, costs, and differentiation c. Environment, target market, differentiation, and pricing strategy d. Costs, environment, target market, and value proposition 8. Retailers decide what items to stock and how much of each product to carry. Which of the following sentences explains the impact of a large merchandise assortment, deeply stocked? (Points : 1) a. It increases customer satisfaction, but decreases operating costs. b. It decreases operating costs, by increasing sales volume. c. It increases customer satisfaction, but raises operating costs . d. It increases operating costs, but risks customer satisfaction. 9. Which of the following BEST describes what physical distribution channel strategies (logistics) are concerned with? (Points : 1) a. Arranging for the flow of products from where they originate to where they are consumed. b. Balancing getting goods to the right place with fewest complaints and/or returns c. Distributing offerings in such a way that they attract the most customers to each channel d. Keeping the focus on channel partners at the lowest possible cost. 10. Which statement BEST describes the role of personal selling in the age of social media? (Points : 1 a. Personal selling is only appropriate for selling to organizations that do not use social media. b. Personal selling was once an effective means of reaching consumers, but now it is no longer relevant. c. Social media creates a channel for interaction between salespeople and consumers of the offerings they sell d. Social media facilitates relationships among customers and discourages relationships with sellers.

2024 Bethesda Mining Assignment Help

Bethesda Mining is a midsized coal mining company with 20 mines located in 2023

Bethesda Mining is a midsized coal mining company with 20 mines located in Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Kentucky. The company operates deep mines as well as strip mines. Most of the coal mined is sold under contract, with excess production sold on the spot market. The coal mining industry, especially high-sulfur coal operations such as Bethesda, has been hard-hit by environmental regulations. Recently, however, a combination of increased demand for coal and new pollution reduction technologies has led to an improved market demand for high-sulfur coal. Bethesda has just been approached by Mid-Ohio Electric Company with a request to supply coal for its electric generators for the next four years. Bethesda Mining does not have enough excess capacity at its existing mines to guarantee the contract. The company is considering opening a strip mine in Ohio on 5000 acres of land purchased 10 years ago for $6.4 million. Based on a recent appraisal, the company feels it could receive $8.3 million on an after-tax basis if it sold the land today. Strip mining is a process where the layers of topsoil above a coal vein are removed and the exposed coal is removed. Some time ago, the company would simply remove the coal and leave the land in an unusable condition. Changes in mining regulations now force a company to reclaim the land; that is, when the mining is completed, the land must be restored to near its original condition. The land can then be used for other purposes. Because it is currently operating at full capacity, Bethesda will need to purchase additional necessary equipment, which will cost $78 million. The equipment will be depreciated on a five-year MACRS schedule. The contract runs for only four years. At the time the coal from the site will be entirely mined. The company feels that the equipment can be sold for 57 percent of its initial purchase price. However, Bethesda plans to open another strip mine at that time and will use the equipment at the new mine. The contract calls for delivery of 472,000 tons of coal per year at a price of $62 per ton. Bethesda Mining feels that coal production will be 750,000 tons, 840,000 tons, 575,000 tons, and 610,000 tons, respectively, over the next four years. The excess production will be sold in the spot market at an average of $73 per ton. Variable costs amount to $27 per ton, and fixed costs are $4.1 million per year. The mine will require a net working capital investment of 6 percent of sales. The NWC will be built up in the year prior to the sales. Bethesda will be responsible for reclaiming the land at termination of the mining. This will occur in year 5.The company uses an outside company for reclamation will be $5.9 million. After the land is reclaimed, the company plans to donate the land to the state for use as a public park and recreation area. This will occur in year 6 and result in a charitable expense deduction of $8.1 million. Bethesda faces a 39 percent tax rate and has a 13 percent required return on new strip mine projects. Assume that a loss in any year will result in a tax credit. You have been approached by the president of the company with a request to analyze the project. Calculate the payback period, profitability index, net present value, and internal rate of return for the new strip mine. Why are these capital budgeting techniques useful in decision making? What do they calculate and what do the results mean? What is the relationship between the techniques? Should Bethesda Mining take the contract and open the mine?