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2024 week6 DD Assignment Help

an explanation of one benefit and one limitation of using asset mapping in 2023

an explanation of one benefit and one limitation of using asset mapping in community health assessment. Provide a specific example of when you might use asset mapping and explain why. Then, explain one benefit and one limitation for the use of geographic information systems (GIS) mapping. Provide a specific example of when you might use GIS and explain why.

2024 Week 4 Assignment Help

In Module 01 you prepared a few of the regular monthly entries for Ed Now Big Ed s Motorcycle Shop 2023

In Module 01, you prepared a few of the regular monthly entries for Ed. Now, Big Ed’s Motorcycle Shop is nearing the fiscal year-end. You have been asked to prepare the adjusting and closing entries to prepare the accounting records for year-end. use attachedment for Big Ed’s trial balance to begin preparing your adjusting and closing entries: Following is the information you will need to make your adjusting entries: Office equipment has a life of five years with no residual value. Store equipment has a life of five years with no residual value. Shop equipment has a life of ten years with no residual value (assume new equipment was purchased Jan. 1. ) A physical inventory of Merchandise Inventory, Parts revealed an actual balance of $97,000. A physical inventory of Merchandise Inventory, Motorcycles revealed that the balance was accurate. Office supplies in the amount of $1,500 were used throughout the year. Salaries should be accrued as follows: Sales – $3,000 Service – $5,000 Office – $1,500 Insurance in the amount of $1,200 was used throughout the year. Interest on the Note Payable is 8% (assume new note was taken out on Jan. 1. ) Once you have completed the adjusting entries, prepare your closing entries.

2024 Symbols and Culture Assignment Help

Organizational symbols and culture reveal and communicate the attitudes beliefs and norms of what is acceptable behavior what 2023

Organizational symbols and culture reveal and communicate the attitudes, beliefs, and norms of what is acceptable behavior, what is valued, and, in general, how things are accomplished and work within the organization. Effective leaders and managers understand the importance of organizational culture and how it can lead to achieving goals. After thorough assessment, the organizational culture should be changed in terms of attitudes and beliefs that impede the organization from achieving its mission and strengthened or blended with new attitudes to build a more effective culture. For this Assignment, you examine the culture of a selected organization and determine its strengths and weaknesses. Consider whether the following applies to the organization when doing your analysis: Symbols—graphics, myths, vision, values, heroes, heroines, stories, fairy tales, ritual, ceremony, metaphor, humor, play, any other aspects that you found in your reading not listed here Culture—induction as a member, diversity (or not), lead by command (or not), a specialized language unique to the organization, a particular metaphor in action (e.g., theater or as a temple), norms, attitudes and beliefs, or any other aspects that you found in your reading that are not listed here The Assignment (5 pages): Without using the name of the organization where you work or have worked (or, if none is available to you, use a company in the news or draw from a case study), answer the following. Describe the culture of the organization and how the symbols convey the culture. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the organization from a cultural perspective. Explain what could be changed with the culture of the organization, pertaining to the weaknesses you identified and suggest ways of accomplishing the change. If the culture is one you would like sustained, what needs to be in place to assure its perpetuation even when top managers change? Note: Include proper APA citations and 5 references.

2024 Exercise 31,32 Assignment Help

Use MS Word to complete Questions to be Graded Exercises 31 and 32 in 2023

Use MS Word to complete “Questions to be Graded: Exercises 31 and 32” in Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice . Submit your work in SPSS by copying the output and pasting into the Word document. In addition to the SPSS output, please include explanations of the results where appropriate.

2024 Process of Identification Definition Assignment Help

Review the World Health Organization s WHO definition of health Why is the definition of health important to 2023

Review the World Health Organization’s (WHO) definition of health Why is the definition of health important to health policy? Define the term “target population” as it relates to health policy. How do societal influences impact the identification and definition process of policy? Research a healthcare organization and highlight how their policies align or misalign with the WHO’s definition of health. The paper Must be 4 to 6 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style Must include a separate title page with the following: Title of paper Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted Must use at least four scholarly sources in addition to the course text.

2024 Ashford BUS 640 Week 4 DQ 1 Assignment Help

Strategic Behavior Oligopolies An interesting example of strategic behavior comes from a 1997 article about Microsoft s investment in Apple New 2023

Strategic Behavior Oligopolies An interesting example of strategic behavior comes from a 1997 article about Microsoft’s investment in Apple (New Straits Times, 1997). The article is included in the Required Readings list. Facing tough anti-trust scrutiny from government agencies, Microsoft provided financial support to Apple in order to ensure Apple’s survival and, therefore, to ensure that competitiveness in the industry remains. Moreover, the partnership with Apple provided an additional market for Microsoft’s products – the MS Office and the IE products were to be bundled with the MAC OS as one of the conditions for this financing. Discuss this case in the context of market structure and strategic behavior. What market structure do these firms operate in? Why did Microsoft need to preserve competitiveness in the industry? What was Microsoft afraid of in the event that Apple did not survive? Guided Response: In 300 words or more, please, provide your response to the above discussion question. Further, do you think Microsoft regrets taking action in light of Apple’s performance today? Respond substantively to at least two of your classmates’ postings. Substantive responses use theory, research, and experience or examples to support ideas and further the class knowledge on the discussion topic.

2024 Journaling Your Experience With Doctoral Persistence Assignment Help

Doctoral persistence relates to a student s continued progression toward completing a doctoral degree Bair 1999 Researchers studying this topic 2023

Doctoral persistence relates to a student’s continued progression toward completing a doctoral degree (Bair, 1999). Researchers studying this topic have found that approximately half of all students who begin a doctoral program, fail to complete their terminal degree. As doctoral business students, this topic should be of interest to you, as each of you has the desire to complete your Doctor of Business of Administration (DBA) degree. During this course you will learn how to draw from multiple sources to research and analyze qualitative data. For this assignment, consider any experience or knowledge you have with respect to doctoral persistence. As this is a journal assignment, there is no need to draw from other sources or cite. For your writing respond to the following: What is your experience with doctoral persistence? From your experience, what do you think is required to succeed in a doctoral business program?

2024 A+ Answers Of The Following Questions Assignment Help

1 The use of unit level measures to assign support costs is more likely to A Undercost 2023

1. The use of unit-level measures to assign support costs is more likely to: A. Undercost high-volume products B. Undercost specialty low-volume products C. Undercost complex products D. Both (b) and (c) are correct 2. Misleading product cost numbers are MOST likely the result of misallocating: A. Direct material costs B. Direct manufacturing labor costs C. Support cost D. All of the above are correct 3. Undercosting a particular product may result in: A. Loss of market share for the product B. Lower profits for the product C. Operating inefficiencies D. Understating total costs of all the products 1. It is important that the product costs reflect as much of the diversity and complexity of the manufacturing process so that: a. Product costs will reflect their relative consumption of resources b. Better information related to resource constraints can be captured and communicated c. There is less likelihood of cost distortions d. All of the above are correct 2. Which of the following is a sign that an ABC system may be useful? a. There are small amounts of support costs b. Products make diverse demands on resources because of differences in volume, process steps, batch size, or complexity c . Products a company is less suited to produce and sell show small profits d. Operations throughout the plant are fairly similar 3. Units of production are most appropriate as a support cost assignment base when: A. It is a service department B. Only one product is manufactured C. Direct labor costs are low D. Factories produce a complex and varied mix of products 1. Designing an activity-based cost system includes: A. Classifying as many costs as indirect costs as is feasible B. Creating as many cost pools as possible C. Identifying the activities performed by the plant’s resources D. Seeking a broader focus rather than detail 2. The following information applies to Questions 11 through 13 Merriman Company provides the following ABC costing information: Activities Total Costs Activity-cost drivers Account inquiry hours $500,000 10,000 hours Account billing lines $250,000 5,000,000 lines Account verification acct. $100,000 50,000 accounts Correspondence letters $50,000 5,000 letters Total costs $900,000 The above activities are used by Departments A and B as follows: Department A Department B Account inquiry hours 1,000 hours 3,000 hours Account billing lines 200,000 lines 300,000 lines Account verification acct. 10,000 accounts 8,000 accounts Correspondence letters 1,000 letters 1,500 letters How much of the account inquiry costs will be assigned to Department A? A. $10,000 B. $50,000 C. $150,000 D. $500,000 3. How much of account verification costs will be assigned to Department A? A. $20,000 B. $50,000 C. $80,000 D. $100,000 1. How much of the account billing costs will be assigned to Department B? A. $15,000 B. $25,000 C. $30,000 D. $50,000 2. The following information applies to Questions 2 through 3. Zappo Skate Corporation manufacturers two models of skate boards: a standard and a deluxe model. The following activity and cost information has been complied. Product # of setups # of components # of total direct labor hours Standard ; 20 10 375 Deluxe 30 15 225 Overhead costs $25,000 $35,000 Assume a traditional costing system applies the $60,000 of overhead costs based on direct labor hours. What is the total amount of overhead costs assigned to the standard model? A. $20,000 B. $22,500 C. $25,000 $35,250 3. Number of setups and number of components are identified as activity-cost drivers for overhead costs. Assuming an activity-based costing system is used, what is the total amount of overhead costs assigned to the standard model? A. $10,000 B. $14,500 C. $24,500 D. $30,000 1. If products are alike, then for costing purposes: A. A simple costing system will yield accurate cost numbers B. An activity-based costing system should be used C. Multiple unit-level cost rates should be used D. Varying demands will be placed on resources 2. With traditional costing systems, products manufactured in small batches and in small annual volumes may be ______________ because batch-related and product-sustaining costs are assigned using unit-related cost drivers. A. Overcosted B. Undercosted C. Fairly costed D. Ignored 3. Under traditional costing systems, selling and administrative costs have been largely ignored because they: a. Are hard to quantify except at exorbitant cost of measurement b. Have been negligible in amount relative to total costs now that they are growing in amount c. In the past they are not inventoriable for financial reporting purposes under GAAP d . Relate to a varied mix of products

2024 Assignment 2: You Are A Consultant! Assignment Help


****AMERICAN ENGLISH SPEAKING TUTORS ONLY**** ****AMERICAN ENGLISH SPEAKING TUTORS ONLY**** ****AMERICAN ENGLISH SPEAKING TUTORS ONLY**** Imagine that you are a leadership teamwork consultant. The new manager of a company has hired you to create a new theme for the company’s teamwork training. You will be working with nine (9) other team members. Your client, the new manager, has always coached individual members of a team in the past, but now the manager has less time and has hired you to help with the training. The executive management believes that the purpose of coaching or training is to work with the entire team at the same time. You will work with the team from the beginning to define a new theme for training. Brainstorm to devise the type of theme that you would like to use for the company’s new teamwork training. Consider the manner in which you would direct the team members to develop this training and the roles that you would assign the different members of the team. Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you: Suggest two (2) key ways in which the proposed teamwork project would affect organizational performance. Recommend where the company should set limits on spending and on using company assets for socially responsible projects. Predict the main effect that socially responsible projects could have on the company’s overall bottom line. Propose two (2) approaches geared toward introducing the topic of ethics or ethical behavior in the teamwork training project. Examine two (2) aspects of teamwork training that change a person into a transformational leader. Justify your response. Predict your possible reaction to a team member’s suggestion of another theme that does not relate in any way to the theme that you have proposed. Provide a rationale for your response. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Examine how leadership influences organizational performance. Analyze the link between business ethics, social responsibility, and organizational performance. Determine key leadership qualities that contribute to leadership effectiveness. Write clearly and concisely about leadership strategies using proper writing mechanics. Use technology and information resources to research issues in leadership strategies. ****AMERICAN ENGLISH SPEAKING TUTORS ONLY**** ****AMERICAN ENGLISH SPEAKING TUTORS ONLY**** ****AMERICAN ENGLISH SPEAKING TUTORS ONLY****

2024 Assignment 2: Internal Environmental Scan/Organizational Assessment (Mcdonalds Company) Assignment Help

This section provides the opportunity to develop your course project Conducting an 2023

This section provides the opportunity to develop your course project. Conducting an internal environmental scan or organizational assessment, provides the ability to put the strategy audit together. In this module, you will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the internal environment at your business unit or organization you are working with for this project, also known as an organizational assessment, and present your findings in a report. In your report, you should analyze the operating characteristics and assets of your business unit. The SWOT model is one of the most common business tools used during organizational assessment. Another is developing a balanced scorecard based on a prescribed or planned set of performance objectives that will be measured and evaluated regularly. In this assignment, based on the external environmental scan you conducted in M2: Assignment 2 and the internal environmental scan in this assignment, you will develop a SWOT analysis and a balanced strategic scorecard. Part I: Internal Environmental Scan (2–3 pages) The internal environmental scan or organizational assessment should include the following: Mission, vision, and values: Assess the organization’s understanding of the mission, vision, and values, and how they relate the business strategy. Is there consensus on the mission and vision of the organization? What are the shared values of the organization? What are the behaviors espoused by these values? Strategy clarification: Assess the organization’s understanding of the business strategy through the interview with a mid-level or senior manager. Assess his or her understanding and agreement of the business unit’s value proposition, market position, and competitive advantage. Cultural assessment: Explain the unwritten rules and shared values that govern behaviors in the organization. Do they act as enablers or blockers to the strategy? For example, is there a culture of information sharing and collaboration that enables the organization to respond quickly across structural boundaries to solve problems for customers? On the other hand, do groups not share important information through informal mechanisms, thus slowing response times? Value chain analysis: Identify the primary (direct) and support (indirect) activities that create and deliver your product or service to your customers. Assess each activity’s contribution to competitive advantage through cost or differentiation. Identify any areas where the business may be at a competitive disadvantage. Summary of findings: Using these different analyses, identify the organizational strengths and weaknesses as they relate to the business strategy. Organizational strengths are assets, capabilities, and resources that contribute directly to the organization’s strategic fit, differentiation, and competitive advantage relative to competing organizations. Organizational weaknesses are characteristics and capabilities (often lacking) that place the organization at a disadvantage relative to competitors. Part II: SWOT Analysis (1–2 pages) Your SWOT analysis should summarize the opportunities and threats from the external environmental scan with the strengths and weaknesses from your organizational assessment or internal environmental scan. Your output should include a matrix depicting strengths or weaknesses on the horizontal axis and opportunities or threats on the vertical axis. This matrix will reveal a set of strategy forces that can be used to assess the current strategy and identify important potential changes to the strategic direction of the company. In creating your SWOT analysis, look for natural pairings of internal and external factors that match internal resources and capabilities to the external environment. Internal strengths and external opportunities depicted in the upper-left quadrant on your matrix might form complementary pairs that suggest necessary strategic focus for the business unit to pursue opportunities that fit its competitive strengths. Conversely, internal weaknesses and external threats shown in the lower right quadrant of the matrix may combine to illustrate the need for a defensive strategy to avoid becoming highly susceptible to competitive threats. Your matrix should not simply be a collection of four lists compiled together in a matrix. Your analysis should combine factors and explain why specific strengths complement specific opportunities, and selected weaknesses are amplified by external threats. In addition to your matrix, provide a brief narrative that summarizes the main findings in your analysis and the implications for the current and projected strategy. Part III: Balanced Strategic Scorecard (1–2 pages) Use the balanced scorecard or another similar tool to recommend indicators and measurements that will tell you if the company is successful or unsuccessful in progressing toward your vision through execution of strategy. A balanced scorecard presents organizational performance on four primary groups of measures: Financial Customer (external stakeholder) Learning and growth Internal process You should develop a strategy scorecard that ties the performance of your business unit in these areas to its overall business strategy. The challenge you face is selecting two-to-three measures in each of the four areas that give a measurable and reliable indication of the business unit performance in the key activities that promote strategic fit, customer value, and sustained competitive advantage. Write an 5–7-page report in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M4_A2.doc. The paper should include a cover page, executive summary/abstract, table of contents, body of paper—proper headers (mission, vision, and values assessment; strategy clarification; cultural assessment; value chain analysis; summary of key findings; SWOT analysis; balanced strategic scorecard; and references).