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2024 Assignment: Discussion—Differences Between Value And Returns Assignment Help

Overview Economic Practices for Managers This course addresses the fundamental economic principles of decision making 2023

Overview Economic Practices for Managers This course addresses the fundamental economic principles of decision making, including opportunity costs, factors of production, and competitive and comparative advantage. Risk and uncertainty are also analyzed. In addition, students would apply sustainable business principles in a rapidly changing economic and social environment. The course approaches these topics from the perspective of a practicing manager. Module Readings Complete the following readings early in the module: Module overview From your course textbook, Managerial economics: Economic tools for today’s decision makers , read the following chapters: Introduction The Firm and Its Goals Supply and Demand Demand Elasticity Assigned Reading: From the Argosy University online library resources, read: Cascio, W. F. (2006). The economic impact of employee behaviors on organizational performance. California Management Review , 48 (4), 41–59. (EBSCO AN: 22004552) http://libproxy.edmc.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=22004552&site=ehost-live Lawler, E. E., III, & Toole, E. (Eds.). America at work: Choices and challenges . Gordonsville, VA: Palgrave Macmillan. Retrieved from http://www.thecampuscommon.com/library/ezproxy/ticketdemocs.asp?sch=auo&turl=http://site.ebrary.com.libproxy.edmc.edu/lib/argosy/detail.action?docID=10150440 Module In Brief: introduces the basic economic theories and principles that drive a company’s day-to-day business decisions. You will also be familiarized with the basic economic problem of a business. This module also describes the concepts of demand, supply, and elasticity and how their relationship helps predict market outcomes. You will learn how demand and supply determine the prices of all the goods and services in a market-driven economy. Module Overview: Consider the last major sporting event that you watched on television. What did you give up to watch this show—the option of dining out with your friends or spending time with your family? Let us extend this example to other stakeholders. Think of how competing teams would have traveled to the event. Probably, they chartered a flight. What was their gain? How did the airline decide whether or not to accept the charter? We all make economic decisions every day of our lives. Economics is the science of making effective choices or decisions by examining the available alternatives This module introduces the basic concepts of economics that will help you analyze and evaluate various alternatives and make effective day-to-day business decisions. To begin with, you will learn about the basic economic problem that a society faces. You will then apply this knowledge to analyze the problem and make decisions in the context of your business. Basic Economic Problem The basic economic problem in any society is how to allocate resources among individuals to meet their demands for what they want to consume. While the individuals’ needs are unlimited, the resources available to a society are limited. To address this problem, societies take into account the production, the sale, and the consumption of goods and services, and compare alternative ways of using the limited resources. Each society, therefore, must find answers to these three basic questions to satisfactorily run the economy: What goods and services to produce? How to produce them? For whom to produce them? In the context of your business, these questions will help you analyze the operations within your company from an economic perspective and make decisions on how to make the best use of your company’s scarce resources. It will help you decide what goods and services should be produced and which ones you must forgo, which needs should be satisfied, and how much of the limited resources will be used to satisfy those needs. Assignment: Discussion—Differences between Value and Returns Evaluating the benefit an opportunity can provide is complex. When measuring an economic benefit, you must look at the real return, the nominal return, and the overall value. In many cases, a project might generate a negative return in the short term but may be of value in the long term. You may take on a project for its business, knowing that the project is a losing proposition but will compensate for this loss by bringing in a new project later that will generate a positive return, or future value. This assignment will illustrate this concept. Firms need to distinguish between value creation and the returns they obtain from their investments. Tasks: Locate an article from the Internet or the Argosy University online library resources that deals with firms distinguishing between value creation and the returns they obtain from their investments. You can consult sources such as the Wall Street Journal , Financial Times , Bloomberg Markets , the Economist , US News and World Report , and other publications for conducting this research. On the basis of the selected article, address the following questions: What are some of the strategies that firms engage in to create value? What is the difference between adding value in the value chain and creating returns for shareholders? Why does adding value to the firm and creating returns for shareholders in the short run and long run matter? Submission Details: By Friday October 12, 2018 , in a minimum of 500 words , post your responses to this Discussion Area . Cite the sources used to formulate your opinion. While responding, think about the activities performed by a firm that would generate value and how this value can be used to generate returns for the firm. Write your initial response in 300–500 words. turned-in on time, Grading criteria followed All assignment qualifications addressed correctly, Grading Criteria followed, Include Question followed by the answer Reference Page Included Cover page Included, Paragraphs Indented, Running-head included, main heading should be centered; all new paragraphs should be indented; paper should be right ragged,  not right justified; references, should always go on a standalone page. abstracts are not usually indented; acronyms should be spelled out when using them for the first time, for example HR. references as listed are APA standard.  When you submit your papers through turnitin.com, your overall similarity index score should not be exceedingly high, with  ten to fifteen percent being the maximum, Please make sure your APA formatting of citations. I have provided the APA resource cite for you. https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01, Please work on using literature within the span of the last 5 years, keep in mind there should not be any one, two, or three sentence paragraphs Your response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Do the following when responding: Read your answers. Provide substantive comments by contributing new, relevant information from course readings, Web sites, or other sources; building on the remarks or questions; or sharing practical examples of key concepts from your professional or personal experiences Respond to feedback on your posting and provide feedback to ideas. Make sure your writing is clear, concise, and organized; demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Grading Criteria: Quality of initial posting, including fulfillment of assignment instructions Reference to supporting readings and other materials Language and grammar

2024 Product Purchases and the Economy Assignment Help

MATERIALS Week 1 Khan Academy Videos You ve been debating on making a purchase for yourself 2023

MATERIALS: Week 1 Khan Academy Videos You’ve been debating on making a purchase for yourself. This is a product you’ve wanted for a while, but one that requires budgeting because you will be making monthly payments. Select a product in which the demand for the product is clearly affected by the strength or weakness of the overall economy such as new homes, cars, appliances, smart phones, etc. I have selected purchasing a new vehicle. Write a 1,050-to-1.400-word paper in which you address the following: Identify and define two economic indicators that reflect the strength of the economy (e.g. real GDP, unemployment rate, inflation rate, interest rate, housing starts, etc.). With these economic indicators in mind, how has the eonomy affected the demand for and supply of your selected product over the last 2 years? What was the impact on the supply of the product and the impact on the demand for the product? Explain the impact on the price of the product and your decision on whether or not to buy the product. Include responses to the following: How might you apply what you learned about supply and demand to your work place or your understanding of the product you are considering purchasing? How do the concepts of macroeconomics help you understand the factors that affect shifts in supply and demand on the price of the product? Cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources not incuding your textbook.

2024 Research papers Assignment Help

Each student group is required to work independently The due date of the research 2023

Each student group is required to work independently. The due date of the research paper is November 7, 2013. Sources should be acknowledged in a bibliography Requirements: Font 12 Pages: 7 Space : 2 It’s 4 th year research paper work. Want it to be done properly. Topic : “Increased legal regulations in corporate governance will result in fewer audit failures” Intro What are role played by Self regulatory(governance) bodies . Also discuss there enforcement What are the role played by Legal framework . Discuss it’s enforcement . Ethical issue in self governance Conclusion how legal regulation will lead to fewe r audit failure.

2024 ECO 550 WEEK 11 DISCUSSION Assignment Help

Transfer It Please respond to the following Propose two 2 applications of 2023

“Transfer It” Please respond to the following: Propose two (2) applications of the knowledge that you have learned in this course to your current or a future position. Provide a rationale for your response. Create a list of three (3) best practices to follow in the field of managerial economics and globalization. Provide a rationale for your response

2024 discussion 5 Assignment Help

Read the article The Ethics Of Big Data Based on 2023

Read the article, “ The Ethics Of Big Data ”. Based on the content presented in the article, describe the microeconomic principles being used, in other words what is the impact for demand? List the different types of market structures that big data benefits the least and benefits the most. While data collection may benefit the business community, discuss the potential concerns for consumers that arise with the proliferation of big data. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts Article follows:. The rapid ascent of data mining in corporate America has garnered lots of media attention lately and not always in a flattering way. As companies seek to capture data about consumer habits, privacy concerns have flared. Every time you click on a website, post on social media, use a mobile app and comment via email or to call centers, your data is collected for future use. This has many consumers concerned, not just about targeted marketing but about what can be inferred about them every time they “like” something on Facebook or post a snarky tweet on Twitter TWTR +0.00% . Data gathering is not going away. Every business sector now collects data of one form or another, and the future marketplace will have even more computing power at their fingertips to mine customer behavior. But, experts say, companies can collect and analyze confidential data in a way that doesn’t alarm their customers or compromise privacy. All it takes is a little planning and for More is not necessarily better Just because a company can collect all kinds of personal information on consumers, it doesn’t mean they should use it, says Bill Schmarzo, chief technology officer for EMC Global Services. Schmarzo says companies risk annoying consumers when using data collected about an individual to tailor messaging and offers. “I think the biggest concerns are related to organizations using my personal identifiable data, usage and storage against me,” says Schmarzo. “But the bigger concerns are related to unsanctioned organizations using my data and inferences about my interests, passions, affiliations and associations for borderline uses about my political, religious, sexual, etc. preferences.” Part of the problem, Schmarzo says, is that companies often pursue a “more is better” philosophy. Therein lies the trouble. Tracking customer preferences and purchases can reveal all kinds of private information, like illnesses, financial problems, even pregnancy, the latter of which created an embarrassing incident for Target in 2012, when it sent coupons to a teenager for baby products by analyzing her shopping patterns. The girl’s father complained, only to find out that his daughter was expecting a baby̶–something he discovered only because of Target TGT -1.32% custom advertising technology. “Unfortunately, the [news] stories always seem to have occurred first and then [companies] figure out how to act,” Schmarzo says. Target learned the hard way because the information was used without considering the customer’s age, which tarnished the retailer’s image. “The minute you use the information you mined to your benefit and not your consumers’, then they’ll bolt.” Long before a marketing plan based on big data is in place, companies should decide what information would be helpful and limit themselves to just that. Schmarzo advises companies to use the “What Would Mom Do?” test when it comes to analyzing data. “Companies clearly have to be responsible beforehand,” Schmarzo says. “Think ahead of the information you want to tease out and be sure you know what you are looking for.” Aggregate rather than pinpoint One way companies can harness this power while heeding privacy worries is to aggregate their data, says Hui Xiong, associate professor of management science and information systems at Rutgers Business School, New Jersey. Companies can create algorithms that identify patterns but protect individual identities. According to Xiong, if the data shows 50 people following a particular shopping pattern, stop there and act on that data rather than mining further and potentially exposing individual behavior. “Things are getting very interesting,” Xiong says. “ Google GOOG -1.00% , Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft MSFT -2.38% take the most private information and also have the most responsibility.” Because they understand data so well, companies like Google typically have the strongest parameters in place for analyzing and protecting the data they collect, he says. Those companies also understand that data is money so they are hiring the best talent in data science to perform their analyses. When analyzing collected data, data scientists should be very careful revealing their findings, Xiong says. The professor believes big data collection in itself is pure technology; the ethics come into the analysis through scientists and company directives. “In my opinion, the government should have proper regulations about how and what kind of data should be collected,” Xiong says. “Also the industry should have some standards for the use of big data.” However, many traditional retailers haven’t grasped the potential of data mining yet, he says, so they haven’t put the necessary safeguards in place to protect consumers. They don’t put as much importance on the data they collect as they do on the merchandise in their stores, which he views as a mistake. Xiong says gradually companies will become aware of the importance of data and will hire talent to maintain the storage, maintenance and protection of the data they collect, but there’s a learning curve. “I believe whomever owns the company’s brand and reputation needs to own this trust and ethics issue, which probably has to start with the CEO,” Schmarzo says. “It must be a corporate conviction and belief that consumer trust is priority number one. It can’t just be important to the marketing folks and lawyers.” Ellen Rooney Martin is a former reporter for Adweek where she broke news about McDonald’s product launches and ad deals for Target. She has worked as freelancer for the Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times and a variety of magazines.

2024 Understanding the Numbers for Better Decisions Assignment Help

Assignment 4 Understanding the Numbers for Better Decisions It is the management s responsibility to maximize shareholder wealth as it is 2023

Assignment 4: Understanding the Numbers for Better Decisions It is the management’s responsibility to maximize shareholder wealth as it is based on the organization’s future cash flows. To accomplish this, managers have to understand how to use financial statements for analysis. In this assignment, you will explain the importance of the statements to the financial reporting process and management decisions. Tasks: Locate the financial statements of a publicly-traded company of your choice by visiting the organization’s Web site or the investor section of the following Web site: U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission http://www.sec.gov/ . Review the information presented in the financial statements of the company you selected. Using the company you selected, calculate one ratio for a three-year period from each category located at http://www.netmba.com/finance/financial/ratios/ . Describe what the trends you see might mean for your company. Compare your company’s ratios with those of the industry it is in. Analyze the financial reporting information and the financial health of the company with the help of the calculated ratios. Describe the information you did not see in the financial statements or the notes to the financial statements. Write a 2–3-page research paper. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Submission Details: By Wednesday, October 7, 2015 , save your report as M1_A4_lastname_firstinitial.doc and upload to the M1: Assignment 4 Dropbox . For example, if your name is John Smith, your document will be named SmithJ_M1_A4.doc. Assignment 4 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Effectively analyzed and then reported the findings relative to the financial statements and the financial health of the organization. 44 Appropriate financial ratios have been selected and computed. 24 Articulated key points in a clear, logical, and professional manner, with supporting evidence wherever required. 12 Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 20 Total: 100

2024 800 word paper… (BUSINESS) Assignment Help

Resources The University Library or the Electronic Reserve Readings Identify a business research 2023

Resources: The University Library or the Electronic Reserve Readings Identify a business research project in your own business or locate a business research article in the library. This project should be one that you perceive to be conducted in an ethical manner. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you create a set of ethical research guidelines for the research: Summarize the business research project or article. What unethical research practices should be avoided in this project? Which particular parties involved in the research could face injury? What injuries could occur? How could unethical behavior in this research affect the organization, the individual, and society? How could the unethical behavior be monitored or resolved if found to be occurring? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Paper must be on uploaded paper only ( Ethical Failures in Sport Business:) None plagerized must use uploaded artical only with references. must be completed with in 8 hours of hand shake…

2024 What’s around corner Assignment Help

The Week s Slide contribution should consist of a one to three page document double 2023

The Week’s Slide contribution should consist of a one to three page document, double spaced with headers consisting of the slide’s separate questions with a discussion that answers each of the questions: What’s Around the Corner? What scares you most in the year ahead—what one or two things could a competitor do to nail you? What new products or technologies could your competitors launch that might change the game? What M&A deals would knock you off your feet?

2024 Power Generation Can Be Both Monopolistic Competition Or An Oligopoly In The U.S. We As A Nation Discuss Reduction Of Carbon Constant. Replacement Mentioned Often Is Renewable Energy. Many Small Companies Working On Basically The Same Directions Vying For Assignment Help

Your assignments for the term contain several research papers based on a provided article 2023

Your assignments for the term contain several research papers based on a provided article or series of articles that mirrors a concept we will study for that week. Your weekly assignment page poses the question that I want you to research and offer an economically supported answer to. In other words, I want you to give me your conclusion based on the facts that you deem important. Power generation can be both Monopolistic competition or an oligopoly in the U.S. We as a nation discuss reduction of carbon constant. Replacement mentioned often is renewable energy. Many small companies working on basically the same directions vying for Federal dollars and fossil fuel producers lobby the government to slow down. Both spend millions to advertise their approaches. While decisions about the future are being debated, we have an opportunity to reduce carbon with incentive and procedures. A carbon tax and a cap and trade idea. I have provided articled on both to get you started. Do a little research, decide which you would recommend and why? GUIDELINES: 1) Length of the paper is limited to no less than two and no more than four pages so keep your arguments concise. Title page and references are not deemed as counting toward the two to four page requirements. 2) You are to use APA formatting, that is the paper should be typed, double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5″ x 11″) with 1″ margins on all sides. You should use 10-12 pt. Times New Roman font or a similar font for readability. 3) Your paper should include four major sections: the Title Page , Abstract , Main Body , and References .

2024 Marketing Plan Develop An 8-10 Page Marketing Plan For A Sports Enterprise (e.g. Professional, School, Or Community Program). You Can Select… Assignment Help

Marketing Plan Develop an 8 10 page marketing plan for a sports enterprise e g professional school or 2023

Marketing Plan Develop an 8-10 page marketing plan for a sports enterprise (e.g. professional, school, or community program). You can select a particular “real” enterprise or use a fictitious one. You will take the position of the manager and develop a plan that you will implement through your employees and/or contractors. You will make sure this program is feasible when assessing it from a senior management perspective. Focus of the Marketing Plan The plan will address the following: Construct an overview of internal and external contingencies, describing at least two internal and three external contingencies and how they impact the sports marketing plan. Justify market selection decisions including the psychological and sociological factors as influences. Include targeting and positioning of the product(s). Generate a Sports Marketing Mix for your organization to address the promotion mix of advertising, public relations, sales promotion, and pricing. Create a plan for the marketing process. Within that plan include a control phase and an implementation strategy. Any unique issues should also be addressed in this section, including the impact on facilities and any specific departments or segments of the organization impacted by the plan. Writing the Marketing Plan The Marketing Plan: Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide. Must include four scholarly sources, in addition to the course text, using them in the development and writing of the assignment response. Must include a cover page that includes: – Student’s name – Course name and number – Title of paper – Instructor’s name