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2024 Setting Goals Phase 1 IP REVISED Assignment Help


YOU MUST BE SET UP TO ACCEPT PAYPAL MASTERCARD OR PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO MY HOMEWORK POSTS. Setting Goals Phase 1 IP Deliverable Length: 10-15 PowerPoint slides (each slide should include 200-250 words each in the notes section) APA & -20% OV SCORE WITH INTEXT CITATIONS AND REFERENCES Based on your discussions with Michelle, you have developed a clear picture of the environmental issues that will affect the initial release of the new product. As you compile your notes, the phone rings. “Hello?” “Hi. This is Michelle. I want to touch base with you about your presentation to the board next week. Do you have any questions about the upcoming meeting?” “Thanks for calling,” you say. “You have good timing. I was just reviewing my notes and working on my PowerPoint presentation. I think I’ve covered the areas we discussed at our last meeting. Do you have something else that you want me to include?” “Oh, good,” says Michelle. “Yes, I’d like you to share 3 or 4 goals for the marketing project, too. Make sure these goals are specific as possible. You might want to lead with the goals, but I’ll leave that up to you. Naturally you’ll need to do some research to determine the types of goals that are relevant for a new product project like this. Be as specific as you can when outlining realistic expectations. “Okay,” you say as you jot down more notes. “Anything else?” “Just be sure to include your thoughts about whether we should develop a product that can be marketed world-wide. You know that is one of their main concerns. You’ll have about 30 minutes for your presentation. ” “Will do. Thanks for the information. I think about 10–15 slides should be about right for a 30-minute presentation.” The students should list and explain 3–4 goals that a company in this situation should set for itself. The explanations should be 2–3 sentences each, and they should include citations from the text and other sources. Each goal should be as specific as possible; for example, the goals might include—among other things—the following items: Sales in dollars or units Market share Customer awareness Profit Return on investment Customer satisfaction

2024 School-Based Efforts: A Plan to Support At-Risk Youth Assignment Help

R School Based Efforts A Plan to Support At Risk Youth This assignment is an opportunity 2023

R School-Based Efforts: A Plan to Support At-Risk Youth This assignment is an opportunity for you to apply what you learned from this week’s discussions in a relevant way based on your own preferred area of focus. In this assignment, you will look through the lens of a particular professional role that you either have related experience in or intend to take in an anticipated professional practice. The roles to select from relate to one or more professions that are integral to assisting children and families at risk. Assuming the role of the professional you have identified, your task in this assignment is to prepare a professional presentation for a diverse group of professionals, such as school principals or district administrators, social service providers or community outreach providers, medical professionals, and other related service providers. Using the information gleaned from the two discussions this week and the National Center for School Engagement website, as well as the three articles listed under Required Resources as supporting research, you will prepare a professional presentation with the purpose of informing participants of facts pertaining to youth at risk as it relates to student academic success. Additionally, your goal is to not only bring awareness to the forefront regarding truancy, parental involvement, special education and more, but to show the relationship each group of professionals has to the subject of academic success for students at risk—the role they play in contributing to that success. Moreover, the presentation offers an opportunity for the various professionals to collaborate in an effort to problem-solve or devise potential solutions to any of the specific areas identified as being problematic. Your presentation will be included in the Week Six Final Project and should include enhancements based on the feedback gained from its evaluation during Week Four. Create your assignment using the content and written communication instructions below. Use the Grading Rubric to review your assignment before submission to ensure you have met the distinguished performance for each of the components described below. For additional assistance, review the Week Four Instructor Guidance page and, if needed, contact the instructor for further clarifications using the Ask Your Instructor discussion. Additionally, this assignment will be added to your website. Content Instructions Use the presentation software of your choice or consider one of the recommendations in the Recommended Resources for Week Four. Submit your presentation for evaluation to the Week Four Assignment location and upload it as an attachment or link to your Students at Risk page in your website. Introduction (1 points): Create an introduction that states the role you have assumed, the audience your presentation is for, and the purpose of the presentation. Youth At Risk (3 points): Present at least eight indicators (examples) of youth at risk, such as those shared by SchoolEngagement.org, LDonline.org, those listed as Recommended Resources, or others discussed during Weeks One thru Four of this course, citing the National Center for School Engagement website and at least one additional scholarly source. Students with learning disabilities must be included as one of the eight indicators. Effects and Implications (2 point): Present seven-to-eight behaviors associated with being at-risk and three potential short- and long-term implications of these behaviors on a student’s ability to achieve academic success. Cite the National Center for School Engagement website and at least one additional scholarly source. Solutions – Create a Framework (2 points): Present three points related to the school’s role in establishing youth development philosophies, such as approaches for creating a positive school climate that encouraging positive relationships between adults and youth and professional to professional. Cite the National Center for School Engagement website and at least one additional scholarly source. Solutions: Integrating a Framework (2 points): Present what schools can do specifically to integrate the framework with staff, community, and parental support/involvement. Include a successful program, model, strategy, or approach to serve as an example of a potential solution. Cite the National Center for School Engagement website, the source of your example, and at least one additional scholarly source. Participant Activity (2 points): Construct an engaging activity that encourages the audience for the presentation to provide feedback regarding their own respective, potential role in supporting a school’s efforts to create and integrate a framework for students at risk, that encourages ideas for potential solutions, and states how participants will interact, collaborate, and share ideas to all in attendance. Slide Design (1 points): Seven-to-ten slides that use relevant graphics, sound, and/or animation that assist in presenting the overall main point. Slides have a consistent theme, format, and font that augment the readability of the presentation. Written Communication Instructions Syntax and Mechanics (1 point): Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains no errors and is very easy to understand. Source Requirement (1 points): Utilize at least two additional scholarly sources in addition to the National Center for School Engagement website and required articles. All sources on the references page need to be used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment

2024 Discussion 1 – 10 Hours From Now. Maximum Time Assignment Help

View the two you tube videos below that compare and contrast strategies of various grocery stores 2023

View the two you-tube videos below that compare and contrast strategies of various grocery stores (Whole Foods, Publix). After watching the videos, post a response comparing the strategies of the two grocery stores (make sure you classify each store under one of Porter’s strategies and explain why you chose the strategy classification). Your main response should be a minimum of 150 words and no more than 250 words. You will also need to post a 2 responses on at least two classmate’s response. Whole Foods CEO: My hits and misses Duration: (3:52) User: cnnmoney – Added: 1/20/11 YouTube URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_W1f_6cYBA4 The Publix Promise Duration: (4:58) User: theservicechannel – Added: 4/7/13 YouTube URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gF3hKYsPFn0

2024 Direct and Overhead Cost Variance Analysis Assignment Help

Swiss Chocolate s U S division is experiencing an increase in demand for the month of October 2023

Swiss Chocolate’s U.S. division is experiencing an increase in demand for the month of October due to the upcoming holiday season. The following fact pattern forms the basis for the static budget: Swiss Chocolate Manufacturing Company Variable costs total Fixed costs total Raw materials $ 200,000 Direct manufacturing labor $ 100,000 Indirect manufacturing labor $ 52,500 Factory insurance and utilities $ 31,500 Depreciation – machinery and factory $ 38,500 Repairs and maintenance – factory $ 14,000 Selling, marketing and distribution expenses $ 20,000 $ 40,000 General and administrative expenses $ 60,000 Variable cost and volume data Milk chocolate Raw materials = 0.25 lbs x $2.00/lb. $ 0.50 Direct labor = 0.025 hr x $10/hr. $ 0.25 Volume in units 400,000 Sales per unit are $2.65. Required: In good form, prepare the static budget operating income in contribution format. Suppose sales demand increases to 500,000 units for October. Prepare the flexible budget for October in contribution format. Compute and reconcile the sales volume variance. Indicate whether the variance is favorable or unfavorable. Presume the following: Total direct costs incurred for October Raw materials = 135,000 lbs. used $ 300,000 Direct labor = 12,000 hrs. incurred $ 112,600 Volume in units 515,000 Using the three-pronged method to present your calculations, compute the direct materials price variance, the direct materials efficiency variance, the labor price variance, and the labor efficiency variance. Indicate whether these are favorable or unfavorable. Appraise the outcome of the direct cost variance and give one possible explanation for each of the variances. Be sure that your explanation is interrelated and provides a complete picture of performance for the Swiss Chocolate Manufacturing Company for October.

2024 finance risk homework Assignment Help

Choose a Fortune 500 company and write a three to four page research paper in 2023

Choose a Fortune 500 company and write a three to four page research paper in which you discuss asset-liability management (ALM) In your own words describe what asset-liability management is and who is responsible for the five aspects of Asset-Liability Management: liquidity, interest rates, currency, funding of capital projects, and planning for profit and growth for the Fortune 500 company you have chosen? Describe how management for this organization is responsible for mitigating these risks, and give an example of a strategy that may be used to mitigate a specific risk. due tonight 7pm cstST, APA format & reference

2024 Grand Strategy Assignment Help

The Module 3 Case assignment requires that you use the various Grand Strategy selection 2023

The Module 3 Case assignment requires that you use the various Grand Strategy selection matrices to select the grand strategy (or strategies) that the Coca-Cola Company should follow. Case Assignment List the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the Coca-Cola Company that you identified in the Module 2 Case assignment. Review the SWOT Analysis Diagram (Slide 4 of the Grand Strategy Selection Matrices PowerPoint presentation). In which cell do you believe Coca-Cola Company belongs? Defend your answer. Next, using the Grand Strategy Selection Matrix (Slide 7), determine the grand strategy (or grand strategies) that should be pursued by Coca-Cola. Discuss the assumptions you have made in applying the Grand Strategy Selection Matrix (i.e., explain why you chose “overcome weaknesses” vs. “maximize strengths” and why you chose “internally-directed” vs. “externally directed”). Next, apply the Model of Grand Strategy Clusters (Slide 8) to the Coca-Cola Company. Discussion the assumptions you made in applying the Model of Grand Strategy Clusters to the Coca-Cola Company (i.e., rapid vs. slow growth; weak vs strong competitive position). Finally, apply the BCG Matrix (Slide 10) to Coca-Cola’s core strategic choices. Again, discuss your assumptions for choosing, e.g., high versus low market share). Is Coca-Cola a Dog, Cash Cow, Star, or Question Mark? Compare your results from the Grand Strategy Selection Matrix (Step 2) , the Model of Grand Strategy Clusters (Step 3), and the BCG Matrix (Step 4). How do your results compare? Conclude your written analysis by stating which grand strategy (or strategies) Coke should follow and why. Defend your answer! Assignment Expectations Your Case Assignment should be a minimum of 5-6 pages in length. You are required to use APA formatting and you are required to cite and reference your sources. Please make sure you review the assignment rubric prior to writing your assignment. Be sure to use section headings to organize your paper, for example: Introduction Coca-Cola Company SWOT Application of the Grand Strategy Selection Matrix Application of the Model of Grand Strategy Clusters Application of the BCG Matrix Comparison of Results The Grand Strategy Coca-Cola Should Choose Conclusion

2024 Need help with assignment original work only with referenes Assignment Help

In a three to four page paper excluding the title and reference pages reflect on an 2023

In a three- to four- page paper (excluding the title and reference pages), reflect on an important professional change that you have experienced. Compare your change story to one of the stories from the beginning of Chapter 1 of the text. Answer the following questions and support your thoughts with at least two scholarly sources. In your paper you must: Describe your change story and the one selected from Chapter 1 of the text. Discuss the common issues and lessons present in both stories. Identify and discuss the embedded lesson found in the four change stories of Chapter 1. Describe how you might use the lessons as a solutions template during future change strategies. Your paper should include in-text citations and references for at least two scholarly sources, in addition to the course text, and it should be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

2024 Research and analyze the Great Depression, and answer the following questions in a paper: What were the root causes/events that led to the Great Depression? 10 points What was the role of Keynesian economics in fighting the depression and was it effectiv Assignment Help

Research and analyze the Great Depression and answer the following questions in a paper What were the 2023

Research and analyze the Great Depression, and answer the following questions in a paper: What were the root causes/events that led to the Great Depression? 10 points What was the role of Keynesian economics in fighting the depression and was it effective? Why or why not? 3 points Are the conditions of the late 1920’s similar to those of recent years? 5 points Could a depression happen again? Why or why not? 2 points Note: Your assignment must be in expository essay form, comply with APA style formatting, be 3-7 pages long (not counting cover and references pages), and in MS Word.

2024 7860-U1D1 – Describe The Type Of Quantative Research, The Variables Investigated, What Is Meant By Scientific Merit, Ect. See Details Below. Assignment Help

Using the readings from the textbook and the article on quantitative methodology that you chose earlier in this unit provide 2023

Using the readings from the textbook and the article on quantitative methodology that you chose earlier in this unit, provide a summary of the article in which you do the following: Describe the type of quantitative research that was conducted: non-experimental, experimental, quasi-experimental; cross-sectional or longitudinal. Describe the variables investigated in the research and how they were measured. Describe what is meant by scientific merit and discuss ways in which it could have been improved in the article. List the persistent link for the article in your response. Use the persistent link guide in the Resources to learn how to locate this information in the library databases. Cite all sources in APA style and provide an APA-formatted reference list at the end of your post. Use your Leedy and Ormrod text to complete the following: Read Chapter 4, “Planning Your Research Project,” pages 74–115.

2024 Cost of Capital Problem Assignment Help

Use the following information to estimate the WACC for Teco The firm has 208 9 million shares of common stock outstanding 2023

Use the following information to estimate the WACC for Teco. The firm has 208.9 million shares of common stock outstanding with a current price of $15.89. The most recent dividend was $0.76 and analysts estimate that dividends will grow at 3% per year. The face value of debt is 3.75 billion. The average bond has a price of 105.5 with a coupon rate of 7%. Coupons are paid semiannually and the bond matures in 6 years. TECO’s effective tax rate is 32.6%. Answer: 5.78% I need the steps used to slove the problem. i need the answer within hour. Thank you