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2024 AB 224 Unit 4: Consumer Choice and Utility Maximization – Discussion Assignment Help

Topic 1 Discussion topic Diminishing Marginal Utility Pretend that you have just been surprised with a genuine e mail that says 2023

Topic 1 Discussion topic: Diminishing Marginal Utility Pretend that you have just been surprised with a genuine e-mail that says you have just been selected by your favorite pizza delivery company that every day for the next month you will receive your favorite pizza for lunch and another of that same favorite pizza for dinner, delivered to your home and ready to eat. Using the concept of diminishing marginal utility, discuss how excited you will be on the first day of your winning. What about your excitement on the 10th day? What about your excitement on the 30th day? Now, pretend that your favorite national brand gasoline company informs you that you have won as much as you want free gasoline, as much as you want, from any of their gas stations, anywhere in the country every day for a year. Using the concept of diminishing marginal utility, discuss how excited you will be on the first day of your winning. What about your excitement on the 10th day? What about your excitement on the 30th day? Again, considering the concept of utility, what makes these two scenarios different?

2024 The CEO expects you to be providing a number of various logistics reports and recommendations to her. She has asked you to prepare a chart on 1–2 pages of frequently used logistics techniques. To demonstrate your understanding of the breadth and depth of Assignment Help

Word or Excel spreadsheet Columns A C and rows 1 8 references APA 2023

Word or Excel spreadsheet: Columns A–C and rows 1–8 + references APA format Can not use wikipedia The CEO expects you to be providing a number of various logistics reports and recommendations to her. She has asked you to prepare a chart on 1–2 pages of frequently used logistics techniques. To demonstrate your understanding of the breadth and depth of the logistics function, research the following terms, and for each of the 8 terms, complete the following: Provide a definition, in your own terms, of frequently used logistics techniques. Give an example of a real company or industry that uses this logistics technique. What would the pros and cons be of using each technique listed below? Distribution center Public warehouse Third-party logistics Common carrier Dedicated private fleet Backhauls Deadheading Freight equalization Provide citations and references to support your information.

2024 PIn Assignment Help

FINAL PINTEREST WRITE UP Write a two page summary on the success of your board To help you with your 2023

FINAL PINTEREST WRITE-UP. Write a two-page summary on the success of your board. To help you with your write-up, I’ve included some points below to cover. FINAL WRITE-UP POINTS TO COVER (Please cover all points in detail.) 1. How many followers do you have? Explain. 2. Were your posts re-pinned? Explain. 3. Suggest a free tool that might attract more targeted users. A free tool is an app that is unique to your site. Assume you will have to hire programmers to develop this tool. For example, let’s say you have developed a food board entitled ‘healthy eating for college students”. You could design an app that identifies the healthy food options within walking distance of where the user is standing. 4. How competitive was your category on Pinterest? Identify and analyze competitive boards and discuss their traffic. Don’t be vague – provide numbers and comparisons to popular boards on Pinterest. 5. Discuss the effort to find and create content. What criteria did you use to chose existing content? Discuss the process of creating your own content. 6. Now that you understand Pinterest, what would you have done differently? 7. If you were a business, how many employees would be needed to keep this board active? What are the key job functions? 8. Use Craigslist or any popular job site. Find a job posting for a social media job opportunity that you might be able to apply to after taking this class. Include the ad in this assignment. Explain the ad, your skill set and why you might be a good fit. 9. Pinterest is starting to accept ads. What companies do you think might be interested in advertising on your board?

2024 week 4 & 5 Discussion question and Assignment 2 Assignment Help

Week 4 Discussion Question 1a From the e Activity examine how the Bernie Madoff organization was 2023

Week 4 Discussion Question 1a.From the e-Activity, examine how the Bernie Madoff organization was dismantled and give your opinion on whether you believe he was treated fairly during this process. 1b.Give your opinion on whether or not you believe the Securities and Exchange Commission failed in not detecting Bernie Madoff crime earlier. Support your answer. Week 5 discussion question 1a.The Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires the chief executive officer and the chief financial Officer of public companies to personally certify annual and quarterly SEC filings. These certifications require the CEOs and CFOs to take responsibility for their companies’ financial statements. From the e-Activity, assess the importance of the criminal certifications and the civil certifications, and determine whether or not such certifications will be effective in reducing and detecting fraud in corporations. 1b.Fraud may be prosecuted criminally or civilly. Anytime the legal issue at hand involves money or fraudulent activity, forensic accountants and fraud examiners can play an important role in the investigation. Compare and contrast the remedies available in the civil and criminal justice system, indicating which system is most effective. Week 4 Assignment 2: Cybercrimes and Computer Security Systems With the advent of computers, cybercrime and Internet frauds are increasing in frequency and in size. The trend is likely to continue. Cybercrimes are described as activities in which a computer or network of computers are an integral part of a crime. For this assignment, research the Internet or Strayer databases and identify an organization that was a victim of cybercrime. Write a four page paper in which you: 1. Based on your research, identify and assess the fraud that occurred in the organization, as well as the impact that the fraud had on the corporation’s investors and creditors. 2. Suggest how a financial forensic investigation could have detected fraud in the organization that you researched. Consider the risk factors, the elements of fraud, and the analysis of competing hypotheses. 3. Asses the economic losses that occurred at the organization you researched and recommend a plan of action for the company to restore any economic losses. 4. Compare and contrast accidental fraudsters and predators. Give your opinion on what type of fraudster(s) committed fraud at the organization you researched. Provide support for your rationale. 5. Evaluate how teamwork and leadership are effective tools for financial forensic investigations. Provide support for your evaluation. 6. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: · Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. · Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: · Examine different types of organizational illegal activities, including cybercrimes and the impact to the organization. · Use technology and information resources to research issues in forensic accounting. · Write clearly and concisely about forensic accounting issues using proper writing mechanics.

2024 Discussion Week 3 Assignment Help

Synergy is an often used word in business but as the popular press and the textbook suggest many efforts 2023

Synergy is an often-used word in business, but as the popular press and the textbook suggest, many efforts at diversification do not provide value to customers or shareholders. Based on your analysis of Harley-Davidson to date and its merger, describe how it has done or could do the following: Find economies of scope. Provide examples of specific actions Harley-Davidson’s managers could take to reduce expenses or share activities through horizontal relationships across brands. Find ways to achieve economies of scope by leveraging assets and capabilities across business units. Find ways to enhance market power by pooling and negotiating or vertical integration. Should be 2 to 3 paragraphs in length. By Saturday, November 7, 2015 DO NOT POST EARLY AND EMAIL ME PRIOR TO POSTING ***NO APA FORMAT NEEDED, NO TITLE PAGE NEEDED, NO HEADER NEEDED*** NO DOUBLE SPACING EITHER!

2024 WK4 #5 ESSAY EXAM Assignment Help

Week 4 Essay Exam Choose one of the following questions and write a 2 to 3 page response George 2023

Week 4 Essay Exam Choose one of the following questions and write a 2- to 3-page response: • George Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s Brave New World both implied that humans have become numbers and lose all sense of individuality. In essence, humans become automatons. Orwell and others also envisioned a “…new form of managerial industrialization in which man builds machines which act like men and develops men who act like machines, is conducive to an era of dehumanization and complete alienation, in which men are transformed into things and become appendices to the process of production and consumption.” (From the Afterward of George Orwell’s 1984 by Erich Fromm, page 325) With the continuing advancement in technology, how realistic is Fromm’s assessment? How do you experience this happening? Do you sometimes feel like an automaton? • Would introducing Conscious Capitalism and the idea of a triple bottom line that includes people, planet, and profits to your company be a hard sell? Why? Identify three objections a CEO might have toward adopting the four core principles of Conscious Capitalism. These form the basis for Mackey and Sisodia in Conscious Capitalism. • Take the Corporate Culture Ethics Audit on p. 192 of Business Ethics. Congratulations to you if the number of yes responses were greater than the no answers! If, however, the no answers exceeded the yes responses, how does this make you feel about your company? Do you feel there is anything you could do to change that culture? If so, what? • There are global common values shared across different cultures that are reflected in a variety of religions. Take a look at Buddhism. Is there anything that the U.S. Capitalism system might find useful in the Buddhist perspective that values equanimity, joy, loving-kindness, generosity, compassion, and protection of the environment? • Let’s assume you are a leader in your company and you aspire to be a visionary leader rather than an autocratic leader. What would be the obvious benefits to being a visionary leader for your company, its employees, its stakeholders and its shareholders? Identify someone you admire that you believe lives and leads as a visionary and describe what it is that she/he has done to earn this designation. Cite all sources used in your essay response. Format your essay response consistent with APA guidelines. Watch the “How Ethical Are You? Take the Ethics Guy’s Quiz on CNN” video [4:11]. Read the following sections of Business Ethics: • Ch. 5, “Ethical Decision Making” • Ch. 6, “Individual Factors: Moral Philosophies and Values” Read the following sections of Conscious Capitalism: • Ch. 13, ”The Qualities of Conscious Leaders” • Ch. 14, ”Becoming a Conscious Leader” Title: Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases Edition: 11th Authors: Ferrell, O. C., Fraedrich, J., & Ferrell, L. ISBN-13: 9781305500846 Title: Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business Authors: MacKay, J., & Sisodia, R. ISBN-13: 9781422144206

2024 Writing Assignment Assignment Help

A good synopsis encompasses an overview and synthesis of the key concepts themes and or issues in the readings and explication 2023

A good synopsis encompasses an overview and synthesis of the key concepts, themes and/or issues in the readings and explication of those key concepts and/or issues. Logical presentation of the concepts and/or issues is expected. Each synopsis should end with some implications/applications for policy and practice at a local, state or national context. Basically, the structure should consist of an overview paragraph that embraces all the themes and concepts in the readings. The subsequent paragraphs will expatiate on the identified themes and concepts (synthesis is key). There should be a concluding paragraph which summarizes your take on the readings and it should be followed by another paragraph-which is implications/applications to a local, state, national and/or international context(s). Two pages (single-space)

2024 Strayer Mkt Quiz 4 (A+++++ Solution) Assignment Help

Question Question 1 Questions such as How often would you buy this product and 2023

Question Question 1 Questions such as “How often would you buy this product?” and “Which features are of little or no interest to you?” are often proposed during a) concept testing. b) product development. c) screening. d) idea generation. e) test marketing. 6 out of 6 points Correct Question 2 The main characteristic of a ____ is that customers are satisfied to the point that they use a service repeatedly over a period of time. a) service relationship b) professional marketer c) high-contact service d) heterogeneous service e) client-based relationship 6 out of 6 points Correct Question 3 Three major ways in which marketers engage in product differentiation are a) product quality, product design and features, and product support services. b) product quality, product support services, and packaging. c) product support services, product design and features, and product positioning. d) product positioning, product quality, and product management. e) product positioning, product design and features, and product promotion. 6 out of 6 points Correct Question 4 During which stage of new-product development does the firm consider profitability? a) Idea generation b) Testing c) Business analysis d) Product development e) Compatibility research 6 out of 6 points Correct Question 5 The degree to which the price of a product enhances a customer’s satisfaction with the purchase experience and with the product after the purchase is part of their a) response. b) reference. c) interpretation. d) price satisfaction. e) price-consciousness. 6 out of 6 points Correct Question 6 What do all of the following have in common: tuition, fee, premium, retainer, dues? a) They all must be paid in cash. b) They are forms of exchange similar to, but not identical with, money. c) They are forms of exchange similar to, but not identical with, barter. d) They are different terms for the concept of price. e) They have nothing in common. 6 out of 6 points Correct Question 7 When marketers emphasize price as an issue and match or beat the prices of other companies, they are using a) price competition. b) nonprice competition. c) comparative pricing strategies. d) demand-based pricing. e) supply-based pricing. 6 out of 6 points Correct Question 8 What a price means or what it communicates to customers is called a) reference. b) response. c) interpretation. d) internalization. e) signaling. 6 out of 6 points Correct Question 9 When a company prices one item in a line low with the intention of selling a higher-priced item in the same line, it is using a. bait pricing. b. a price leader. c. penetration pricing. d. price lining. d. captive pricing. 6 out of 6 points Correct Question 10 A firm establishes which of the following pricing objectives to maintain or increase its product’s sales in relation to total industry sales? a. Cash flow b. Sales potential c. Product quality d. Market share d. Status quo 6 out of 6 points Correct Question 11 Price leaders, comparison discounting, and special-event pricing are applications of a. psychological pricing. b. professional pricing. c. product-line pricing. d. bait-and-switch. e. promotional pricing. 6 out of 6 points Correct Question 12 A product that has more features than those of its competition, or that is perceived to be of higher quality, warrants using which type of pricing strategy? a. Custom pricing b. Special-event pricing c. Premium pricing d. Price lining e. Bait pricing 6 out of 6 points Correct Question 13 Many companies use more than one marketing channel to distribute their products to the same target market, a tactic called a) multiple channeling. b) strategic channel alliance. c) intensive distribution. d) dual distribution. e) market splitting. 0 out of 6 points correct Question 14 What is the most expensive physical distribution function? a) Warehousing b) Order processing c) Inventory management d) Transportation e) Materials handling 6 out of 6 points Correct Question 15 Because of the significant investment many companies have in the products they sell to customers, they must develop and maintain adequate varieties of products to meet their customers’ needs. This is called a) just-in-time. b) order processing. c) inventory management. d) merchandise stocking. e) logistical management. 0 out of 6 points correct Question 16 The contracting of physical distribution tasks to third parties who do not have managerial authority within the marketing channel is known as a) illegal. b) logistics. c) warehousing. d) wholesaling. e) outsourcing. 6 out of 6 points Correct Question 17 Merchant wholesalers who specialize in just a few functions and pass others along to other intermediaries or customers are called a) limited-service wholesalers. b) wholesale service specialists. c) general-line wholesalers. d) specialty-line wholesalers. e) specialty-service wholesalers. 6 out of 6 points Correct Question 18 Which of the following is a full-service merchant wholesaler? a) Cash-and-carry wholesaler b) General merchandise wholesaler c) Drop shipper d) Mail-order wholesaler e) Truck wholesaler 6 out of 6 points Correct Question 19 An agent that receives goods on consignment from local sellers and negotiates sales in large, central markets is called a commission merchant. sales branch agent. selling agent. manufacturers’ agent. broker-agent. Question 20 If a store has areas for men’s apparel, women’s apparel, housewares, cosmetics, and jewelry and competes mostly on the basis of service, it is a(n) off-price retailer department store. discount store. superstore. supermarket. 6 out of 6 points Correct

2024 FIN571 Foundations of Corporate Finance WEEK 5 DQ Assignment Help

Why are returns on the stock market used as a benchmark in measuring systematic risk What 2023

Why are returns on the stock market used as a benchmark in measuring systematic risk? What is the relationship between the variance and the standard deviation. How does the company you work for identify capital projects? Does executive management generate the ideas or are front-line employees engaged in the process? What are the differences between capital projects that are independent, mutually exclusive, and contingent? Why are capital investments considered the most important decisions made by a firm’s management? Why do we care about incremental cash flows at the firm level when we evaluate a project? Why is D&A first subtracted and then added back in FCF calculations?

2024 Wawa Company Overview Assignment Help

Please see attached document and add a brief company overview of Wawa The company overview 2023

Please see attached document and add a brief company overview of Wawa. The company overview in your business plan will include the following sections: Company overview (or company summary): This is where you’ll briefly sum everything up. Company history: Provide the back story, including date of founding, and who was involved. Management team: Details about who runs the company, and other key roles. Legal structure and ownership: How you’ve decided to structure your company, and who owns what percentage of it. Locations and facilities: Details on your workspaces or plans to acquire them. Mission statement: A concise statement of the guiding principles of your company. Now that we’ve set the groundwork on what should generally be included in this chapter of a business plan, let’s break it out section by section for more detailed information: Company overview This is the meet and greet section of your business plan. If you were to eloquently write down your elevator pitch, you could put it in this section. Keep this brief, as you’re going to be expanding on what you say here in the next few sections. Company history This is the “Once upon a time…” of your business plan. The company history section will start out with when your business was founded and who was involved, and will go into a little of the backstory. This section is going to vary depending on who this business plan is being presented to and what stage your company is in. Is this an internal plan? Historical data may not be essential. Is this a plan to seek funding? In that case, investors will want to know your backstory, and this section will allow you to provide some context for your business plan. Include how the company started, how it grew and changes made along the way. What led you to this point? If you are an existing business seeking funding for expansion or a new project, the company history section is going to be pretty significant. You’ll want to make it clear that you have a strong track record of successful projects, weathering the tough times, and making good business decisions. Who did you decide to partner with? Have you launched new products over time? Made improvements to facilities or services? Streamlined operations? If this is a business plan for a startup, you won’t have a company history per se, but you could use the company history section to give a concise description of how the founder or founders decided to start this venture. What was the “light bulb” moment? Who was involved? Management team The management team section of your business plan is your opportunity to paint a picture of your team and showcase their finest attributes. Again, for internal use, this may not be applicable, though you could use it to highlight new employees being brought in or existing employees that are taking on some new leadership responsibilities. If you’re a startup or looking to expand, there may be team members you know you’re lacking. In that case, mention those roles, and what your plans are to fill those holes. Include which people might currently be taking on multiple responsibilities or sharing duties. If you plan to present your plan to a bank or other potential investors, this is critical data. Who are the leaders in your company? What qualifies them for their positions and inspires confidence? Be sure to include details about yourself, usually at the beginning. Work experience, past successes, MBAs, and other degrees can be referenced for each person. You want to showcase everyone in their best light, remembering that investors invest in people first and ideas second . Legal structure and ownership Related to the management team, you may want to include a separate section outlining the legal structure and ownership of your organization. The legal structure of your business is important data for any funding source to have. Are you an LLC ? A C-corp ? An S-corp ? A sole proprietor ? In a partnership ? This will also affect how you file your taxes. The ownership structure of your business is going to be important data to include. Who owns what percentage of your business? Banks and investors will want this information to be clearly spelled out. Locations and facilities Use this section to describe where you’re going to do business. Are you going to be purchasing a building for manufacturing? A storefront? Do you already have a great space? Explain the circumstances of your use of any space mentioned in this section. Include whether you own or lease, and what the pertinent terms of that lease are if you have one. Make it clear what the long-term plan is for any space that you have, or what your needs will be for a future facility. If you have a home office, include that here as well. Mission statement Be as succinct as possible when crafting your mission statement . What idea can you distill into one or two sentences that conveys the primary mission of your company? This might be something you want to create with your management team if you have one, so it conveys a shared long-term vision.