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2024 ACC 491 Final Exam- Latest 2016 Assignment Help

1 Which of the following requires managing public companies to assess the adequacy of internal controls 2023

1. Which of the following requires managing public companies to assess the adequacy of internal controls over financial reporting and further requires auditors to audit management’s assessment of internal controls over financial reporting and the actual effectiveness of the system of internal controls? 2. When evaluating the planned level of substantive tests for each significant financial statement assertion, the auditor will consider the evidence obtained from all of the following EXCEPT 3. There are several paragraphs in the auditor’s standard report in internal control over financial reporting. Which paragraph defines internal control over financial reporting? 4. . Which of the following are independent private-sector standard-setting bodies? 5. Which of the following necessary controls would address a potential misstatement arising from a voucher being paid twice? 6. Which of the following assertions is NOT made by management in placing an item in the financial statements? 7. The risk that the auditor may unknowingly fail to appropriately modify his or her opinion on financial statements that are materially misstated is 8. In a normal audit, the relationship between the level of materiality used to plan the engagement and the level of materiality used to evaluate evidence is that 9. Which of the following is an INCORRECT quotation from the second field work standard? 10. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act is administered by the 11. Anyone identified to the auditor by name prior to the audit who is the principal recipient of the auditor’s report is a 12. Which of the following management responsibilities is NOT established under PCAOB standards? 13. The completeness assertion would be violated if 14. “A significant deficiency, or combination of significant deficiencies, that results in more than a remote likelihood that a material misstatement of the annual or interim financial statements will not be prevented or detected” is the definition of a 15. An inaccurate form of the audit risk model would show that 16. The Securities Act of 1933 is also known as the 17. The five management assertions outlined in generally accepted auditing standards include all of the following EXCEPT 18. In performing tests of details of balances, the auditor would obtain the bank statement directly from the bank, prepare the bank reconciliation, and verify all reconciling items and mathematical accuracy if detection risk was 19. When setting the level of materiality on a particular engagement, the auditor must consider 20. Before accepting an engagement, the auditor should evaluate whether other conditions exist that raise questions as to the prospective client’s auditability. Which of the following factors would be least likely to cause concern about an entity’s auditability? 21. Specific audit objectives are normally 22. If reported sales for 2010 erroneously include sales that occur in 2011, the assertion violated on the 2010 statements would be 23. What level of assurance does the reader of a private company financial statement receive on the company’s system of internal controls? 24. The risk that a material misstatement that could occur in an assertion will NOT be prevented or detected on a timely basis by the entity’s internal controls is 25. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of management’s philosophy and operating style? 26. Statements on auditing standards (SAS) are interpretations of what? 27. Auditor changes result from a variety of factors EXCEPT 28. The susceptibility of an assertion to a material misstatement, assuming there are no controls, is 29. In the audit risk model, audit sampling applies to 30. Audit sampling is involved whenever an auditor 31. Section 18 liability is relatively narrow in scope because it relates to a false or misleading statement in documents filed with the 32. The third phase of the audit involves performing audit tests. The primary purpose of this step is to obtain evidence about the 33. Which of the following is NOT one of the factors that make up the control environment? 34. Probability-proportional-to-size (PPS) sampling should NOT be used when 35. With respect to audit objectives, the term validity relates to which of the assertions below? 36. When providing audit services, the certified public accountant (CPA) is expected to be 37. Which of the following is NOT one of the four basic functions of every transaction? 38. In planning the audit, the auditor should assess materiality at two levels: 39. Which of the following is NOT an example of incompatible duties? 40. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) standards require the auditor to evaluate the effectiveness of the audit committee as part of understanding the control environment and monitoring. Which of the following is NOT a factor the auditor should consider in making this evaluation? 41. To emphasize the importance of integrity and ethical values among all personnel or an organization, the chief executive officer and other top managers should do all of the following EXCEPT 42. Internal auditors are primarily involved with

2024 quality Assignment Help

Quality at the Job Prepare a quality plan for your current organization 2023

Quality at the Job Prepare a quality plan for your current organization (or an organization where you would like to work.) Explain the process you used to research this organization’s quality plan. Discuss the following: Historical trends Future challenges Various definitional perspectives of quality, and Other issues discussed in this week’s theory such as the principles of TQ and infrastructure. For example, how has your job or future job’s perspective of quality and the practices used to implement change over the years? The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded: Write between 750 – 1,250 words (approximately 3 – 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below. Use font size 12 and 1” margins. Include cover page and reference page. At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing. No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references. Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement. Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style. References must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, CNN, online newspapers such as, The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc. Sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing

2024 Econ paper homework Assignment Help

Final Paper Pre Assignment 1 Read backgroun d Federal Reserve Brief 2 Review possible cities and decide 2023

Final Paper Pre-Assignment 1) Read backgroun d “Federal Reserve Brief” . 2) Review possible cities and decide on your city choice. • If you choose Detroit, you may want to narrow it down to a neighborhood, such as one from the following link: http://www.modeldmedia.com/cities/ Examples include (but are not limited to) Boston Edison, Corktown, Downtown, East Riverfront, East Side, Eastern Market, Grandmont Rosedale, Hamtramck, Highland Park, Jefferson East Corridor , Lafayette Park, Mexicantown, Midtown, Near East Side, New Center Area , Palmer Park, Southwest Detroit, The Villages, Woodbridge . • If you choose any other city in Michigan, you will probably be able to consider the entire city. 3) Find your references. • The library is a good place to start. The library has not only direct access to sources (including some paid subscriptions), but also recordings and documents about finding sources and using APA style. • For current information, you will likely use newspapers, news feeds, news sites, or news magazines. Be sure facts are obtained from legitimate sources and not from opinion pages, blogs, or biased websites. If in doubt, ask your instructor. One good method is to verify the sources that are listed, the credentials of the editor, and/or the credentials of the author. Articles without an author identified and without sources listed are suspect. • If you are in doubt about a source, check with the DU library or with your instructor. 4) Plan your paper. • You will need to include background facts and information from objective outside sources. • You will need to analyze the information you find in the context of important business considerations and economic theory. This will be your own work, with supporting references that identify business and economic theory. The theoretical support can be from your textbook and from class resources such as PowerPoints, video, and papers. Be sure to cite all sources. • Final check: Be sure that you have covered all of the major categories listed in the paper assignment. Assignment: Submit answers to the following questions at the Pre-assignment submission link. Questions: 1) The Federal Reserve Brief identifies several factors that influence business location decisions. Choose one of these factors and briefly summarize it here. Include an in-text citation identifying the Federal Reserve Brief and add a reference at the end in APA format. It does not need to be on a separate page, but it should be in the format you will use at the end of your Final Paper. 2) Which Michigan City will you report on? 3) List one secondary source you will use in your paper that is specific to your city.

2024 Assignment 1: Qualitative Research Manuscript Critique Assignment Help

In this module we expanded our knowledge about qualitative methodology By Saturday September 26 2023

In this module we expanded our knowledge about qualitative methodology. By Saturday, September 26, 2015 complete the following research manuscript critique for the Qualitative research manuscript you selected in Module 1. Provide feedback to at least two of your peers by Monday, September 28, 2015 . Manuscript Reference: Type of Study: Qualitative Research Topic: Purpose of the Study: Theoretical Framework: (Identify the theoretical/conceptual framework) Specific Research Questions/ Philosophical Underpinnings: Sample: Qualitative Research method design: case study, ethnography, phenomenology, document reviews, etc. Procedure/Paradigms: (How was the data collected? What was the sampling strategy used?) Variables/Concepts: What was examined in this research? Rigor: How was rigor assured? Discuss credibility, dependability, transferability and goodness as appropriate. Data collection/ analysis: Discuss data collection, analysis and saturation. Consent: What type of consent, if any, was obtained from the participants? All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources. Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Included research manuscript critique including: Type of study, topic, purpose, theoretical framework, philosophical underpinnings, and sample. 3 Identified the qualitative research design. 4 Discussed the procedure. 4 Identified the Variables/Concepts. 4 Discussed the rigor of the study. 6 Discussed data collection/analysis/saturation. 6 Discussed consent. 3 Responded in a significant manner to at least two postings. 6 Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Justified ideas and responses by using appropriate examples and references from texts, Web sites, and other references or personal experience. Followed APA rules for attributing sources. 4 Total: 40

2024 PROF. MACQUEEN ONLY Assignment Help

week 4 discussion quest 2 Assess the value of target marketing as an 2023

week 4 discussion quest. 2 Assess the value of target marketing as an effective health care marketing strategy. Appraise the degree to which vertical and traditional segmentation help marketing managers use target marketing strategies. Support your rationale with at least two (2) specific examples of target marketing within a health care organization with which you are familiar. Evaluate the impact of lateral segmentation in encouraging marketing managers to look broadly at markets in order to identify previously overlooked opportunities. Provide at least one (1) specific example of quality initiatives within a health care organization.

2024 Policies and Procedures in an Accounting System Assignment Help

Accountants are responsible for following standards conventions and rules in order to ensure ethical 2023

Accountants are responsible for following standards, conventions, and rules in order to ensure ethical reasoning in their day-to-day practices. However, the rules in the United States vary from those followed in other countries. Based on your readings for this week: Discuss the differences between GAAP and IFRS: What are implications of the differences in financial reporting? What are two advantages and two issues with each? With these thoughts in mind: Post an initial statement that expresses your thoughts on the differences between GAAP and IFRS. The length of your response(s) should be a minimum of 150 words. Resources: U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. (2009). How the SEC Protects Investors, Maintains Market Integrity, and Facilitates Capital Formation. Retrieved from http://www.sec.gov/about/whatwedo.shtml Financial Accounting Wiki Space. (2009). Concept Maps. Retrieved from http://financialaccounting.wikispaces.com/Concept+Maps Henry, D. (2008). A better way to keep the books? BusinessWeek, 4099 , 35.

2024 Ethics In Communication Essay Assignment Help

When communicating we constantly make decisions regarding what information to include and what information to exclude from our messages Communication 2023

When communicating, we constantly make decisions regarding what information to include and what information to exclude from our messages. Communication decisions have legal and ethical dimensions. Business communicators must consider the impact of their messages to ensure that receivers are not deceived. In this assignment, students will write about news or articles that focus on the subject of business ethics in communication. Students will demonstrate and reflect the impact and importance of ethics in communication. Students are required to write 6 pages in length, including a cover page, table of contents, and reference page. The paper must follow APA format and include appropriate headings and sub-headings and at least five scholarly citations (e.g., peer-reviewed articles, textbook, etc.). See the rubric for grading criteria. Suggested headings are listed below: Abstract Overview, Introduction, or Background Summary of news or articles Impact of Ethics in Communication Relevance of the content toward ethics and communication Consequences or impact to the subject, organization, and/or society Importance of Ethics in Business Discussion or Reflection Implication of lesson learned Conclusion References

2024 ACC 604 FINAL EXAM PART B Assignment Help

Pots and Pans Distributors Inc P P is the distribution company and subsidiary of Cookware Manufacturing Company P P buys its pots 2023

Pots and Pans Distributors, Inc. (P&P) is the distribution company and subsidiary of Cookware Manufacturing Company. P&P buys its pots and pans from Cookware, its parent company, and markets them through its three regional sales divisions in North America, Asia and Europe. John Greer, the president of P&P has just received the divisional income and product reports (attached), and is very disturbed by the very low (1%) profit margin of the company overall, especially the loss sustained by the European division. His request to Cookware to reduce transfer prices has been rejected. He comes to you, a consultant, for help and advice. Upon interviewing company personnel, you learn that P & P does not prepare operating budgets with which to plan and control future operations and measure the performance of its managers. Division managers are paid a fixed salary plus a bonus based upon increases in total sales revenue over the previous year. You also learn in your interviews that the equipment used by the European Division has no alternative use and no resale value. Required: Write your answers to all questions in Word, and for questions 2 through 6, show your calculations in a neat, orderly fashion. Be sure to indicate the question number with each answer. 1. After analyzing the Divisional Income Statement and the Product report, write a formal memo to P & P’s president in which you refer to specific percentage differences to identify possible causes for the poor performance of the European Division. Then, provide a bulleted listing of possible strategies to be considered with respect to product selling price, product-mix, planning and control, manager incentives, and specific cost-saving measures. (Be sure to review the facts carefully so that you address all those that are relevant.) 2. Based on its current contribution margin ratio, how much in ADDITIONAL sales must the European Division achieve in order to at least cover its fixed costs and break even? 3. How much in ADDITIONAL sales must it achieve in order to achieve a SEGMENT MARGIN of $25,000 4. If the European Division can increase its sales by 10%, what SEGMENT MARGIN will it achieve, assuming no change in contribution margin ratio or in fixed expenses? 5. If the European Division cannot make sufficient changes to eliminate losses and start showing a positive segment margin, should it be discontinued? Explain why or why not by showing the contribution margin that would be lost vs. the avoidable fixed costs that would be saved. 6. A Russian company has offered to buy 50,000 pans from the European Division at a special price of $3.50 each. No sales commission would be involved. Assuming Cookwear is unwilling to reduce its prices to P & P, should the European Division accept the offer? Explain why or why not. Attachments: final_exam_part_b.xlsx

2024 ECO365 Final Exam 2015 – Score 90% Assignment Help

1 The law of diminishing marginal productivity implies that the marginal product of a 2023

1. The law of diminishing marginal productivity implies that the marginal product of a variable input: Is constant Never declines Eventually declines Always declines 2. Suppose foreign shrimp prices drop by 32 percent and importers gain a 90 percent market share. From this information, what would economists strongly suspect about this industry? Foreign sellers probably are colluding on price to maximize profits. The large sales of foreigners indicate they are better strategic business bargainers than Americans are . Foreigners have a comparative advantage in shrimping. Americans have a comparative advantage in shrimping. 3. Suppose people freely choose to spend 40 percent of their income on health care, but then the government decides to tax 40 percent of that person’s income to provide the same level of coverage as before. What can be said about deadweight loss in each case? Taxing income results in deadweight loss, and purchasing health care on one’s own doesn’t result in deadweight loss. There is no difference because the total spending remains the same and the health care purchased remains the same. Taxing income results in less deadweight loss because government knows better what health care coverage is good for society. There is no difference between goods that are purchased in the market in either case. 4. In 1997, the federal government reinstated a 10 percent excise tax on airline tickets. The industry tried to pass on the full 10 percent ticket tax to consumers but was able to boost fares by only 4 percent. From this you can conclude that the: Demand for airline tickets is perfectly inelastic. Supply elasticity of airline tickets is less than infinity. Demand elasticity for airline tickets is greater than zero in absolute value. Supply of airline tickets is perfectly inelastic. 5. There are many restaurants in the city of Raleigh, each one offering food and services that differ from those of its competitors. There is also free entry of sellers into the market, and each seller serves a very small fraction of the total number of meals served each day. The restaurant industry in Raleigh is best characterized as: Monopolistically competitive. Perfectly competitive. An oligopoly. A pure monopoly. 6. Cartels are organizations that: Use predatory pricing to monopolize industries. Coordinate the output and pricing decisions of a group of firms. Keep markets contestable. Encourage price wars. 7. Alex is playing his music at full volume in his dorm room. The other people living on his floor found this to be a nuisance, but Alex doesn’t care. Alex’s music playing is an example of: Positive externality Pareto externality Negative externality Normative externality 8. Many call centers that provide telephone customer services for U.S. companies have been established in India, but few or none have been established in China. Why? China lacks the political infrastructure to support call centers. Chinese labor lacks the specific language skills needed to make call centers profitable in China. Indian labor costs are equal to Chinese labor costs. China is at a more advanced stage of economic development than India. 9. Mr. Woodward’s cabinet shop is experiencing rapid growth in sales. As sales have increased, Mr. Woodward has found it necessary to hire more workers. However, he has observed that doubling the number of workers has less than doubled his output. What is the likely explanation? The law of demand The law of supply The law of diminishing marginal productivity The law of diminishing marginal utility 10. Which of the following statements is true about a downward-sloping demand curve that is a straight line? The slope and elasticity are the same at all points. The slope and the elasticity fall as you move down the demand curve. The slope remains the same, but elasticity rises as you move down the demand curve. The slope remains the same, but elasticity falls as you move down the demand curve. 11. Microeconomics is the study of: unemployment a firm’s pricing policies business cycles inflation 12. For a monopolist, the price of a product: Is less than the marginal revenue. Equals the marginal revenue. Exceeds the marginal revenue . Equals the marginal cost. 13. Other things held constant in a competitive labor market, if workers negotiate a contract in which the employer agrees to pay an hourly of $17.85 while the market equilibrium hour rate is $16.50, the: Supply of labor will decrease until the equilibrium wage rate is $17.85. Quantity of workers demanded will exceed the quantity of workers supplied. Demand for labor will increase until the equilibrium wage rate is $17.85. Quantity of workers supplied will exceed the quantity of workers demanded. 14. When Ross Perot ran for president as a third party candidate in 1992, he argued that free trade with Mexico would result in massive job losses in the United States because Mexican wages were so low. Which of the following is the best explanation of why few economists agreed with Perot? Economists did not believe any jobs would be lost in the United States. Although economists believed that in some areas the United States would lose jobs, they expected the United States would gain jobs in other areas. Although economics predicted that unemployment would rise, the increased profits of corporations would raise stock prices enough to compensate for the lost jobs. Economics believed that the U.S. unemployment would rise. 15. A monopoly firm is different from a perfectly competitive firm in that: A monopolist’s demand curve is perfectly inelastic whereas a perfectly competitive firm’s demand curve is perfectly elastic. There are many substitutes for a monopolist’s product whereas there are no substitutes for a competitive firm’s product. A monopolist can influence market price whereas a perfectly competitive firm cannot. A competitive firm has a u-shaped average cost curve whereas a monopolist does not. 16. Microeconomics and macroeconomics are: Virtually identical, though one is much more difficult than the other. Not related because they are taught separately. Interrelated because both are often taught by the same instructors. Interrelated because what happens in the economy as a whole is based on individual decisions . 17. Strategic decision making is most important in: Competitive markets. Monopolistic markets. Oligopolistic markets. Monopolistically competitive markets. 18. A reduction in the supply of labor will cause wages to: Increase and employment to increase. Decrease and employment to increase. Decrease and employment to decrease. Increase and employment to decrease. 19. The best example of positive externality is: Pollution Roller coaster rides Alcoholic beverages Education 20. Price elasticity of demand is the: Percentage change in price of that good divided by the percentage change in the quantity of that good demanded. Change in the quantity of a good demanded divided by the change in the price of that good. Change in the price of a good divided by the change in the quantity of that good demanded. Percentage change in quantity of a good demanded divided by the percentage change in the price of that good . 21. Graphically, a change in price causes: both supply and demand to shift. the supply curve to shift. a movement along a given supply curve, not a shift. the demand curve to shift. 22. Suppose OPEC announces it will increase production. Using supply and demand analysis to predict the effect of increased production on equilibrium price and quantity, the first step is to show the: supply curve shifting to the left. supply curve shifting to the right. demand curve shifting to the right. demand curve shifting to the left. 23. The DeBeers company is a profit-maximizing monopolist that exercises monopoly power in the distribution of diamonds. If the company earns positive economic profits this year, the price of diamonds will: Be equal to the marginal cost of diamonds. Exceed the marginal cost of diamonds but equal to the average total cost of diamonds. Exceed both the marginal cost and the average total cost of diamonds. Be equal to the average total cost of diamonds. 24. The theory that quantity supplied and price are positively related, other things constant, is referred to as the law of: opportunity cost demand supply profit maximization 25. Oligopoly is probably the best market for technological change because: R esearch and development occurs only if government subsidizes such activity, and government tends to subsidize oligopolies. The typical oligopoly keeps price very close to average total cost because it fears the entry of new rivals if its profits are excessively high. The typical oligopoly lacks the funds to carry out research and development and therefore will use basic research from universities. The typical oligopoly has the funds to carry out research and development and believe that its competitors are innovating, which motivates it to conduct research and development. 26. In 2011, the Department of Justice sued AT&T to block its merger with the cell phone service provider T-Mobile. To defend itself against the charge, AT&T argued that the: Merger would improve and expand cellular service to consumers. Government had no authority to block mergers in the telephone industry. Combined company could raise prices, allowing it to survive in a rapidly changing market. Government had guaranteed it exclusive control of cell phone service. 27. Suppose that college tuition is higher this year than last and that more students are enrolled in college this year than last year. Based on this information, we can best conclude that: the law of demand is invalid. the demand for a college education is positively sloped. this situation has nothing to do with the law of demand. despite the increase in price, quantity demanded rose due to some other factors changing. 28. At one time, sea lions were depleting the stock of steelhead trout. One idea to scare sea lions away from the Washington coast was to launch fake killer whales, which are predators of sea lions. The cost of making the first whale is $16,000 ($5,000 for materials and $11,000 for the mold). The mold can be reused to make additional whales, and so additional whales cost $5,000 each. Based on these numbers, the production of fake killer whales exhibits: Decreasing returns to scale Increasing returns to scale Diminishing marginal product Constant returns to scale 29. A perfectly competitive firm facing a price of $50 decides to produce 500 widgets. Its marginal cost of producing the last widget is $50. If the firm’s goal is to maximize profit, it should: Shut down Continue producing 500 widgets Produce more widgets Produce fewer widgets 30. Using 100 workers and 10 machines, a firm can produce 10,000 units of output; using 250 workers and 25 machines, the firm produces 21,000 units of output. These facts are best explained by: Economies of scale Diseconomies of scale Economies of scope Diminishing marginal productivity

2024 MARKETING HOMEWORK 2 Assignment Help