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2024 Week6 Dis Ques. 535 Assignment Help

Transaction and Translation Exposure Please respond to the following 1 PARAGRAPH From the case study determine whether Blades is subject 2023

Transaction and Translation Exposure” Please respond to the following: 1 PARAGRAPH From the case study, determine whether Blades is subject to transaction, translation, or economic exposure. Provide one (1) example of the type of exposure that supports your answer. Justify your response. Blades, Case Study Assessment of Exchange Rate Exposure Blades, Inc., is currently exporting roller blades to Thailand and importing certain components needed to manufacture roller blades from that country. Under a fixed contractual agreement, Blades’ primary customer in Thailand has committed itself to purchase 180,000 pairs of roller blades annually at a fixed price of 4,594 Thai baht (THB) per pair. Blades is importing rubber and plastic components from various suppliers in Thailand at a cost of approximately THB2,871 per pair, although the exact price (in baht) depends on current market prices. Blades imports materials sufficient to manufacture 72,000 pairs of roller blades from Thailand each year. The decision to import materials from Thailand was reached because rubber and plastic components needed to manufacture Blades’ products are inexpensive, yet of high quality, in Thailand. Blades has also conducted business with a Japanese supplier in the past. Although Blades’ analysis indicates that the Japanese components are of a lower quality than the Thai components, Blades has occasionally imported components from Japan when the prices were low enough. Currently, Ben Holt, Blades’ chief financial officer (CFO), is considering importing components from Japan more frequently. Specifically, he would like to reduce Blades’ baht exposure by taking advantage of the recently high correlation between the baht and the yen. Since Blades has net inflows denominated in baht and would have outflows denominated in yen, its net transaction exposure would be reduced if these two currencies were highly correlated. If Blades decides to import components from Japan, it would probably import materials sufficient to manufacture 1,700 pairs of roller blades annually at a price of 7,440 yen per pair. Holt is also contemplating further expansion into foreign countries. Although he would eventually like to establish a subsidiary or acquire an existing business overseas, his immediate focus is on increasing Blades’ foreign sales. Holt’s primary reason for this plan is that the profit margin from Blades’ imports and exports exceeds 25 percent, while the profit margin from Blades’ domestic production is below 15 percent. Consequently, he believes that further foreign expansion will be beneficial to the company’s future. Though Blades’ current exporting and importing practices have been profitable, Holt is contemplating extending Blades’ trade relationships to countries in different regions of the world. One reason for this decision is that various Thai roller blade manufacturers have recently established subsidiaries in the United States. Furthermore, various Thai roller blade manufacturers have recently targeted the U.S. market by advertising their products over the Internet. As a result of this increased competition from Thailand, Blades is uncertain whether its primary customer in Thailand will renew the current commitment to purchase a fixed number of roller blades annually. The current agreement will terminate in three years. Another reason for engaging in transactions with other, non-Asian countries is that the Thai baht has depreciated substantially recently, which has somewhat reduced Blades’ profit margins. The sale of roller blades to other countries with more stable currencies may increase Blades’ profit margins. While Blades will continue exporting to Thailand under the current agreement for the next 2 years, it may also export roller blades to Jogs, Ltd., a British retailer. Preliminary negotiations indicate that Jogs would be willing to commit itself to purchase 200,000 pairs of Speedos, Blades’ primary product, for a fixed price of £80 per pair. Holt is aware that further expansion would increase Blades’ exposure to exchange rate fluctuations, but he believes that Blades can supplement its profit margins by expanding. He is vaguely familiar with the different types of exchange rate exposure but has asked you, a financial analyst at Blades, Inc., to help him assess how the contemplated changes would affect Blades’ financial position. Among other concerns, Holt is aware that recent economic problems in the region have had an effect on Thailand and on other Asian countries. Although the correlation between Asian currencies such as the Japanese yen and the Thai baht is generally not very high and very unstable, these recent problems have increased the correlation among most Asian currencies. In contrast, the correlation between the British pound and the Asian currencies is quite low. To aid you in your analysis, Holt has provided you with the following data: CURRENCY EXPECTED EXCHANGE RATE RANGE OF POSSIBLE EXCHANGE RATES British pound $1.50 $1.47 to $1.53 Japanese yen $ .0083 $.0079 to $.0087 Thai baht $ .024 $.020 to $.028 From the case study, recommend whether or not Blades should import components from Japan in order to reduce its transaction exposure in the long run. Provide a rationale to support your response

2024 Video: Modernizing Inventory Management Assignment Help

This video explores the technological tools Cole Hardware uses to simplify its daily routines 2023

This video explores the technological tools Cole Hardware uses to simplify its daily routines and reporting. After watching this video, explain how Cole Hardware used technology to manage inventory, and identify at least two (2) benefits of the use of this technology by the company. Modernizing Inventory Management – YouTube https://youtu.be/1d0O8MAMyAM

2024 Assignment 2: Discussion—Informal Fallacies Assignment Help

Assignment 2 Discussion Informal Fallacies In this assignment you will compose three original examples 2023

Assignment 2: Discussion—Informal Fallacies In this assignment, you will compose three original examples of informal fallacy arguments. This assignment allows you to examine common fallacies in everyday reasoning. Start by reading the article “ Fallacies of Logic: Argumentation Cons ” found in the Argosy University Online Library. Shapiro, I. D. (2007). Fallacies of logic: Argumentation cons. et Cetera, 64 (1), 75 – 86. Retrieved from http://www.thecampuscommon.com/library/ezproxy/ticketdemocs.asp? sch=auo&turl=http://search.proquest.com/docview/204105839 Using the types of arguments listed in this article or in the module readings, respond to the following: Draft two original fallacies. Do not identify the fallacies, allow your peers to determine what fallacy your example represents. Next, using the Internet, respond to the following: Research a third informal fallacy not already covered in the readings. Identify and define the fallacy. For example, appeal to tradition, false dichotomy, etc. Explain why this type of fallacy is a bad way of reasoning. Construct an original fallacy argument of that type. Provide a citation for your source. Ensure that you apply APA standards to the citation of sources. Support your statements with examples and scholarly references. Write your initial response in 200–300 words.

2024 General Assignment Help

Assignment 1 Auditors and Regulatory Oversight Project Description The Securities and Exchange Commission SEC regulates public companies 2023

Assignment 1 Auditors and Regulatory Oversight Project Description: The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulates public companies. The SEC has found that some of these companies have violated GAAP by using creative accounting practices to mislead investors and creditors regarding the health of their company. Research a recent accounting scandal within the last five (5) years where the SEC accused public companies of accounting irregularities. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you: Analyze the audit report that the CPA firm issued. Ascertain the legal liability to third parties who relied on financial statements under both common and federal securities laws. Justify your response. Speculate on which statement of generally acceptable auditing standards (GAAS) that the company violated in performing the audit. Compare the responsibility of both management and the auditor for financial reporting, and give your opinion as to which party should have the greater burden. Defend your position. Analyze the sanctions available under SOX, and recommend the key action(s) that the PCAOB should take in order to hold management or the audit firm accountable for the accounting irregularities. Provide a rationale for your response. Use at least two (2) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

2024 Gaining Control Over Another Company – How do you come out on top? Assignment Help

Assume that you are the CEO of one of the selected companies You are responsible for gaining control over 2023

Assume that you are the CEO of one of the selected companies. You are responsible for gaining control over the other company. You have three (3) choices, either of which you believe that the Board of Directors will support. Choice 1: Your company acquires 35% of the voting stock of the target company. Choice 2: Your company acquires 51% of the voting stock of the target company. Choice 3: Your company acquires 100% of the voting stock of the target company. Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you: Provide a brief background introduction on both the company that you are working for and the company that you are responsible for gaining control over. Specify the overall manner in which the acquisition fits into your company’ strategic direction. Next, identify at least three (3) possible synergies that could occur as a result of the proposed acquisition. Select two (2) out of the three (3) choices provided in the above scenario, and analyze the key accounting requirements for each of the two (2) choices that you selected. Next, suggest one (1) strategy in which you would prepare the financial statements for your company after the acquisition under each of the two (2) choices. Select the choice that you consider to be the most advantageous to your company. Explain to the Board of Directors at least three (3) reasons why your selected choice is the most advantageous to the company. Assume two (2) years after the acquisition, your Board of Directors wants to offer the shares back to the public in hopes of making a large profit. Assume that in each of the two (2) years your company and the target company have had exactly the same reported net income as they did in the year of acquisition. Determine the type of value, (e.g., cost of fair value) that you would use to report the subsidiary’s net asset in the subsidiary’s financial statements, which the company will distribute to the public with the public offering. Provide support for your rationale. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

2024 Grand Canyon BUS 352 Module 8 DQ (2015) Graded Assignment Help

BUS 352 Additional Topics Module 8 DQ 1 A market researcher is 2023

BUS-352 | Additional Topics Module 8 DQ 1 A market researcher is interested in knowing the type of training that works best for DVD users. Thirty consumers are randomly selected from a population of known DVD owners (i.e., users). Ten users are trained by giving them the DVD user’s manual and allowing them to read it. Another 10 users are trained from a 30 minute DVD user training video. Another 10 users are trained from a self-paced computer tutorial. The users are then timed in their ability to setup and program the DVD by performing a series of operations. Which statistical analysis technique should be used? What is the null hypothesis? Can the market researcher get an answer? Why or why not? Module 8 DQ 2 A client gives you a data set of 30 observed values that represent the number of gallons of gas that 30 individual Nissan Sentra owners purchased at the gas pump last month. Your client wants to know if the data set represents a normal distribution. Which statistical analysis technique should be used? What is the null hypothesis? Can an analysis be performed? Why or why not?

2024 how much for this assignment Assignment Help

Strategic and clear communication is critical to advancing your goals ideas and career Contrary to popular belief effective communication 2023

Strategic and clear communication is critical to advancing your goals, ideas, and career. Contrary to popular belief, effective communication is a learned behavior one can improve at any point in life. Skilled communicators are highly strategic and organized in their approach. They keep their desired outcomes in mind, use situation-appropriate communication styles, understand their audiences, and develop targeted messages. For this assignment, you will identify a topic that you would like to elicit buy-in from leadership, colleagues, clients, or other professional entities. You will then develop a strategic communication plan to assess and to guide your communication approach. Lastly, you will utilize your communication plan to draft a persuasive email that informs and requests attendance to a formal presentation on your topic. Keep in mind, assignment 1 and 2 are linked. You will deliver a professional presentation in week 7 based on this assignment and your strategic communication plan. Part 1: Identify your topic If you have a professional persuasive presentation pending, if you have delivered one you would like to improve, or if you have a presentation topic you want to deliver please consider using it for the course assignment. Historically, students have delivered their course presentations with great success. Below are topic suggestions: • Do you deserve a raise? • Would you be a great fit for the new position that just opened? • Do you see an amazing growth opportunity that you would like to investigate and/or lead a team in pursuing? • Does your project require additional funding or staff? Part 2: Strategic Communication Plan: 1-3 pages (may be formally written, or in outline, or chart form) Next, assess your audience and your communication approach to develop a targeted communication strategy to achieve your communication objective. Consider the following questions to guide the development of your strategic communication plan, persuasive email, and professional presentation: • Define your desired outcome(s). • Assess your audience. o Who will you be addressing? Who are the “key influencers”? o What do they know and expect? o What do they feel? o What will persuade them? (Apply both Munter and Cialdini) o Consider their possible DiSC styles and the impact of these styles. o What, if any, opposition do you expect and how will you address it? • Identify an appropriate communication style to use.

2024 Question Help Assignment Help

1 You observe the exchange rates from the following 4 currencies US EU UK and 2023

1) You observe the exchange rates from the following 4 currencies(US, EU, UK, and Japan): a. $1.19/€, $1.30/£, $0.0091/¥ b. €0.84/$, €1.09/£, €0.0076/¥ c. £0.77/$, £.91/€, £0.0055/¥ d. ¥110.27/$, ¥130.77/€, ¥183.26/£ Suppose that you incur 2% transaction costs. That is, if you attempt to convert one currency to another, you only get 98% of the quoted rate. So with €1, you can get .98*$1.19 = $1.17 There is an arbitrage opportunity in this market. Find it and describe each transaction you would take to exploit it. If a large amount of money went through this process, this would exert pressure on these exchange rates. For each transaction in your arbitrage strategy, explain how that transaction would impact currency values.

2024 HSA 515 Assignment 2: Organization And Management Of A Health Care Facility Assignment Help

Click the link above to submit your assignment Students please view the Submit a Clickable 2023

Click the link above to submit your assignment. Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center. Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center. Due Week 7 and worth 200 points Your duties at 21st Century Solutions Health Care Hospital require you to interface with many different professionals, including physicians, nurses, and allied professionals in various areas of health care. The facility also has a new information technology management center, which handles all professional staffing solutions within the hospital. As part of the management protocols, the hospital has tasked you with tracking professional certifications, tracking legal issues within the hospital, and providing detailed monthly reports on the general functionality of the health administration department. Note: You may create and / or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: Provide a detailed summary of your hospital’s organizational structure. Include a tabulated description of the levels of professionals within the organization. Describe the duties of each major head within the organization. Provide a detailed hypothetical mission and value statement for the hospital. Provide a rationale for the development of your particular mission and value statement. Outline a detailed feasibility plan for the hiring of nurses, physicians, and allied professionals. Provide a rationale for the chosen plan, and explain the main reasons why the plan in question would be suitable for use with different health care professionals. Justify the use of information technology to increase patient services. Provide a summative table of some pros and cons of using information technology in an era of networking and security breaches. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Identify managerial issues related to the health care industry. Identify a plan that addresses legal and ethical issues in a health care policy. Use technology and information resources to research issues in health care policy, law, and ethics. Write clearly and concisely about health care policy, law, and ethics using proper writing mechanics. Click here to view the grading rubric for this assignment.

2024 ops571 w6 dq Assignment Help

new due in 2 hours minimum 75 words each with reference ch20 1 What does 2023

new due in 2 hours minimum 75 words each with reference ch20 1. What does the text mean when it refers to these two events? Why is it important for operations to understand how these two forces play together? Dependent Events and Statistical Fluctuation 2. What are your key takeaways from this class? What topics were most beneficial? What ones were the most confusing?