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2024 Stats homework 10 problems and final 20 problems Assignment Help

guaranteed A Assignment 1 MyLabs Final Exam By Tuesday October 6 2015 please complete the final 2023

guaranteed A Assignment 1: MyLabs Final Exam By Tuesday, October 6, 2015 , please complete the final exam. You may save your work and return to it as often as needed. However, you are only permitted one attempt for each question; you cannot ask for a similar problem, and there are no tutorial buttons available. Be sure to show your work when directed to do so; points will be deducted unless step-by-step work is shown, and partial credit cannot be awarded unless your reasoning is clear. When you are done, select the “Submit” button to send your work to the facilitator. Once you submit your work, you cannot make any further changes. No revisions will be accepted on this assignment. Your instructor will need a few days to grade your work. Click here to access your MyLabs Final Exam for this week. Note: Several problems on this assignment require that you show your work. A new window will pop up on these questions; please be sure that your web browser’s pop-up blocker is off, so you can complete these questions. If necessary, you can manually invoke this window by clicking the “Show Work” button on the right-hand side of the question screen. Also, several questions have more than one part; be sure to press “Enter” after answering each individual part. There are two types of questions: short answer and essay. Your course instructor will need a few days to grade the short answer and essay-style questions. Be sure to show your work on all questions; points will be deducted unless work is shown, and partial credit cannot be awarded unless your reasoning is clear. No revisions will be accepted on this assignment. Numerical answers should be stated to the specified number of decimal places. Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Valid solutions and correct answers. 300 AND Assignment 2: MyLabs Homework By Saturday, October 3, 2015 , please complete the homework assignment for this week. If you’re uncertain how to solve a problem, you may ask for hints, a solved example, or the relevant section of the textbook. After you enter your answer, click “Check Answer”; you must do this in order to receive credit. If you miss a problem, you may try again with a similar problem; if you get it right, you will still receive credit for that problem. You may save your work and return to it as often as needed. You may continue working on this assignment until you have a perfect score; but you must finish your assignment by the due date in order to avoid a late penalty. Once you submit your work, you cannot make any further changes. Click here to access your MyLabs Homework for this week. Note: Several questions have more than one part; be sure to press “Enter” after answering each individual part. Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Valid solutions and correct answers. 60 Total: 60

2024 Rey writer only. no one else apply Assignment Help

Assignment 1 LASA 2 Compliance Policies You are going to develop 2023

Assignment 1: LASA 2 – Compliance Policies You are going to develop a compliance policy covering the FMLA, ERISA and employee’s right to privacy for the Beta Technology compliance policy manual. Use the Argosy University online library resources and US government Web sites to research the FMLA, ERISA and employee privacy and locate the text of the applicable provisions. Write the compliance manual sections, including the following: FMLA Summarize the main legal requirements related to the FMLA in no more than one page. Provide guidelines for employees to follow for requesting leave, including notice requirements, certification, benefits, and returning to work. ERISA Summarize the main points of ERISA in no more than a page. Explain the important amendments, including the following, in a paragraph each: Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Newborns’ and Mothers’ Health Protection Act The Mental Health Parity Act The Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act Explain consequences of violations. Discuss the implications of the law for employee privacy. Note: The discussion of privacy under ERISA is separate from other privacy issues covered in Part 3. Employee Privacy Explain Beta’s policy for privacy related to employee records, work areas and equipment, electronic monitoring and off-work activities. Use statutes, regulations, case law, and examples to explain the legal provisions. Be sure to use scholarly references and primary legal resources (the actual text of the law) to construct this policy. Write a 6–8-page section of the compliance manual in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A1.doc. By Monday, September 28, 2015 , deliver your assignment to the M5: Assignment 1 Dropbox . Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Summarized the main legal requirements related to the FMLA, using statutes, regulations, case law, and examples. 24 Provided appropriate guidelines for the compliance manual for employees to follow when requesting leave, including notice requirements, certification, benefits, and returning to work. 44 Summarized the main points of ERISA, using statutes, regulations, case law, and examples to explain the legal provisions. 20 Explained the five amendments: COBRA, HIPAA, Newborns’ and Mothers’ Health Protection Act, Mental Health Privacy Act, Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act. 60 Explained consequences of ERISA violations and discussed implications of the law for employee privacy under ERISA. 20 Provided a privacy policy that included employee records, work areas and equipment, electronic monitoring, and off-work activities. Used scholarly references and primary legal resources to construct the policy. 68 Organization (16 points) Usage and mechanics (16 points) APA elements (24 points) Style (8) 64 Total: 300

2024 Leadership And Management Assignment Help

Prepare a 700 to 1 050 word paper outlining key concepts of leadership Include the following in your paper Describe at least 2023

Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper outlining key concepts of leadership. Include the following in your paper: Describe at least three different types of behavioral leadership approaches. Select a prominent leader and identify their dominant leadership style. Provide examples to justify your selection. Explain the two Situational Leadership Approaches (the Fiedler contingency leadership model and the path-goal leadership model). Analyze their potential advantages over the behavioral leadership approaches. Explore the uses of Transformational Leadership, including the idea that the best leaders are both transactional and transformational. Assess the four key behaviors of transformational leaders for inspiring employees. Use APA formatting to complete your paper.

2024 Need Help….!!! Assignment Help

Note Write 2 3 pages paper on the following Instructions Must include 2 3 references in APA 2023

Note: Write 2-3 pages paper on the following Instructions. Must include 2-3 references in APA. Must address each and every thing in the instructions properly. Please use headings before describing each new section. Your Answer must be 100% original. There are many differences with the measurement of assets between IFRS and U.S. GAAP. For each of the following topics, please describe how it would be handled with both sets of standards, and provide a minimum of 2 examples of issues surrounding the first time adoption of IFRS: · Inventories (IAS 2) o Expense recognition o Restructuring o Costs included in inventory · Property, plant, and equipment (IAS 16) o Cost elements o Cost measurements o Depreciation (component) · Investments (IAS 40) o Fair value model (FVM) versus cost model · Borrowing costs (IAS 23) · Intangible assets (IAS 38)

2024 MGT 450 Week 1 Develop a Mission Statement. Get an A++. Assignment Help

Develop a Mission Statement Select an organization or department of your choice Your task is to develop a 2023

Develop a Mission Statement. Select an organization or department of your choice. Your task is to develop a mission statement. The mission statement describes the purpose of the organization (i.e., why the business exists). Develop and submit a one- to two-page paper (excluding title page and references) that establishes a mission statement and its meaning to the department or organization. As outlined in the “Mission Statements” article (My Strategic Plan, n.d.), here are some things to consider when it comes to developing a mission statement: a. Is the mission statement focused on satisfying customer needs rather than being focused on the product? b. Does the mission statement clearly communicate purpose to customers? c. Does the mission statement explain how the organization closes the gap between customer needs and the products or services offered? d. Does the mission statement explain a customer centered philosophy? e. Does the mission statement match the current market conditions/needs? f. Does the mission statement reflect the company’s strengths? g. Is the mission statement motivating? h. Is the mission statement realistic? i. Is the mission statement detailed, brief, concentrated and remarkable? j. Is our mission statement clear and easily understood?

2024 Unit 9 Auditing Journal Assignment Help

Services Provided without Verification Provide an original and substantive response to the questions posed 2023

Services Provided without Verification Provide an original and substantive response to the questions posed in your Journal in a minimum of 200 words. After reading and discussing how important it is for auditors to gather evidence to back up client claims, you are now introduced to accounting services where it is unnecessary to verify management’s information. In providing these compilations, how comfortable would you be in preparing financial statements based on data that you are not going to verify? What concerns would you have signing off on these compilations as a CPA? Because you are not performing audit services on the compilations, how do you know if information you are given is true? What types of questions could you ask your client that would fall within the realm of compilations without crossing the line into auditing?

2024 BTM8106 Week 5 Assignment Help

Week 5 Quasi Experimental Designs Part I Answer the following questions 1 Jackson 2012 2023

Week 5 Quasi-Experimental Designs Part I – Answer the following questions: 1. Jackson (2012), even-numbered chapter exercises, p 360. 2. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of quasi-experiments? What is the fundamental weakness of a quasi-experimental design? Why is it a weakness? Does its weakness always matter? 3. If you randomly assign participants to groups, can you assume the groups are equivalent at the beginning of the study? At the end? Why or why not? If you cannot assume equivalence at either end, what can you do? Please explain. 4. Explain and give examples of how the particular outcomes of a study can suggest if a particular threat is likely to have been present. 5. Describe each of the following types of designs, explain its logic, and why the design does or does not address the selection threats discussed in Chapter 7 of Trochim and Donnelly (2006): a. Non-equivalent control group pretest only b. Non-equivalent control group pretest/posttest c. Cross-sectional d. Regression-Discontinuity 6. Why are quasi-experimental designs used more often than experimental designs? 7. One conclusion you might reach (hint) after completing the readings for this assignment is that there are no bad designs, only bad design choices (and implementations). State a research question for which a single-group post-test only design can yield relatively unambiguous findings. Part II – Answer the following questions: 1. What research question(s) does the study address? 2. What is Goldberg’s rationale for the study? Was the study designed to contribute to theory? Do the results of the study contribute to theory? For both questions: If so, how? If not, why not? 3. What constructs does the study address? How are they operationalized? 4. What are the independent and dependent variables in the study? 5. Name the type of design the researchers used. 6. What internal and external validity threats did the researchers address in their design? How did they address them? Are there threats they did not address? If so how does the failure to address the threats affect the researchers’ interpretations of their findings? Are Goldberg’s conclusions convincing? Why or why not?

2024 ECON 545 – Final Exam – Detailed Solution 93928 Assignment Help

TCO A Suppose you are hired to manage a small manufacturing facility that produces Widgets a You know from 2023

TCO A) Suppose you are hired to manage a small manufacturing facility that produces Widgets. (a.) You know from data collected on the Widget Market that market demand has recently decreased and market supply has recently increased. As manager of the facility, what decisions should you make regarding production levels and pricing for your Widget facility? Remember that supply and demand are about the market supply and market demand, which is bigger than your own company. You are being given data on supply and demand for the whole market, and are being asked what effect that has on you as a small part of that market. (b.) Now, suppose that following the supply and demand changes in (a), a substitute good goes down in price, and your costs of production decrease. What new decisions will you make regarding production levels and pricing for your Widget facility? (TCO B) Here is some data on the demand for marshmallows: Price Quantity $10 1100 $ 8 1300 $ 6 1700 $ 4 2300 $ 2 3100 (a.) Is demand elastic or inelastic in the $6-$8 price range? How do you know? (b.) If the table represents the demand faced by a monopoly firm, then what is that firm’s marginal revenue as it increases output from 1700 units to 2300 units? Show all work. TCO C) You have been hired to manage a small manufacturing facility which has cost and production data given in the table below. Total Total Workers Labor Cost Output Revenue 1 $500 100 $700 2 1000 280 1150 3 1500 440 1440 4 2000 540 1570 5 2500 600 1670 6 3000 630 1710 7 3500 640 1730 (a.) What is the marginal product of the second worker? (b.) What is the marginal revenue product of the fourth worker? (c.) What is the marginal cost of the first worker? (d.) Based on your knowledge of marginal analysis, how many workers should you hire? Explain you answer. TCO C) Answer the next questions on the basis of the following cost data for a firm in pure competition: OUTPUT —— TFC ———- TVC 0 $100.00 0.00 1 100.00 70.00 2 100.00 120.00 3 100.00 150.00 4 100.00 220.00 5 100.00 300.00 6 100.00 390.00 (a.) Refer to the above data. If the product price is $75, at its optimal output, will the firm realize an economic profit, break even, or incur an economic loss? How much will the profit or loss be? Show all calculations. (b.) Refer to the above data. If the product price is $100, at its optimal output, will the firm realize an economic profit, break even, or incur an economic loss? How much will the profit or loss be? Show all calculations. (TCO D) A software producer has fixed costs of $18,000 per month and her Total Variable Costs (TVC) as a function of output Q are given below: Q TVC Price 1,000 $15,000  $25 2,000 20,000 24 3,000 30,000 23 4,000 50,000 22 5,000 80,000 20 (a.) If software can only be produced in the quantities above, what should be the production level if the producer operates in a monopolistic competitive market where the price of software at each possible quantity is also listed above? Why? (Show all work). (b.) What should be the production level if fixed costs rose to $48,000 per month? Explain. (TCO F) (a.) Suppose nominal GDP in 1999 was $100 billion and in 2001 it was $260 billion. The general price index in 1999 was 100, and in 2001 it was 180. Between 1999 and 2001, the real GDP rose by what percent? (b.) Use the following scenario to answer questions (b1) and (b2). In a given year in the United States, the total number of residents is 230 million, the number of residents under the age of 16 is 38 million, the number of institutionalized adults is 15 million, the number of adults who are not looking for work is 27 million, and the number of unemployed is 12 million. (b1.) Refer to the data in the above Scenario. What is the size of the labor force in the United States for the given year? (b2.) Refer to the data in the above Scenario. What is the unemployment rate in the United States for the given year? (TCO G and H) (a.) What are the arguments for and against the use of fiscal policy to fight inflation, lower unemployment, and raise GDP (Keynesian and Monetarist)? (b.) Any change in the economy’s total expenditures would be expected to translate into a change in GDP that was larger than the initial change in spending. This phenomenon is known as the multiplier effect. Explain how the multiplier effect works. (c.) You are told that 80 cents out of every extra dollar pumped into the economy goes toward consumption (as opposed to saving). Estimate the GDP impact of a positive change in government spending that equals $10 billion. (TCO G) (a.) Third National Bank is fully loaned up with reserves of $20,000 and demand deposits equal to $100,000. The reserve ratio is 20%. Households deposit $5,000 in currency into the bank. How much excess reserves does the bank now have, and what is the maximum amount of new money that can be created in the banking system as a result of this deposit? Show all work. (b.) What is the discount rate in the banking system, and explain how the Fed manipulates this rate in order to achieve macroeconomic objectives. TCO E and I) Let the exchange rate be defined as the number of dollars per British pound. Assume there is a decrease in U.S. interest rates relative to that of Britain. (a.) Would this event cause the demand for the dollar to increase or decrease relative to the demand for the pound? Why? (b.) Has the dollar appreciated or depreciated in value relative to the pound? (c.) Does this change in the value of the dollar make imports cheaper or more expensive for Americans? Are American exports cheaper or more expensive for importers of U.S. goods in Great Britain? Illustrate by showing the price of a U.S. cell phone in Britain, before and after the change in the exchange rate. (d.) If you had a business exporting goods to Britain, and U.S. interest rates fell as they have in this example, would you plan to expand production or cut back? Why? v

2024 Eco short Answers Assignment Help

1 Firm A is in a competitive industry and faces higher costs 2023

1. Firm A is in a competitive industry and faces higher costs of production. As a result consumers end up paying higher prices, why? 2. Why would a perfectly competitive firm shut down in the short-run if price is lower than average variable cost but will continue to produce if price is below average total cost but above average variable cost 3. Why is the marginal revenue curve for a perfectly competitive firm the same as the demand curve? I need answers in an hour!

2024 Post Due Assignment Help

In Chapter 2 you learned about the concept of opportunity cost and the Section 2 1 2023

In Chapter 2, you learned about the concept of opportunity cost, and the Section 2.1 review video demonstrated this concept. In your initial post, respond to the following: Describe various opportunity costs of attending a four-year college (assuming a full-time schedule). Given these opportunity costs, why do people choose a four-year college experience?