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2024 Accounting Assignment Help

Sammy Company is located in a county that assesses property for tax purposes on July 1 for the 2023

Sammy Company is located in a county that assesses property for tax purposes on July 1 for the period July 1–June 30. The tax rate is not determined until October 15, and the tax bills are mailed October 22 with payment due by December 31. For the prior fiscal year, the Sammy Company paid $22,500. The tax bill for the current fiscal year (July 1, 2014–June 30, 2015) is received on October 28, and property taxes have increased to$ 22,838. The company pays this amount on October 31. Complete the following: Record the monthly property tax accrual that is recorded in July 2014. Record the payment of the taxes on October 31. Record the monthly adjusting entry on October 31. According to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), discuss how current liabilities should be classified. Provide an example of each, and discuss how current liabilities are valued at the balance sheet.

2024 Use The NPV And IRR Approach Analysis Assignment Help

Galaxy Satellite Co is attempting to select the best group of independent projects competing for the 2023

Galaxy Satellite Co. is attempting to select the best group of independent projects competing for the firm’s fixed capital budget of $10,000,000. Any unused portion of this budget will earn less than its 20 percent cost of capital. A summary of key data about the proposed projects follows. Project PV of Inflows Initial Investment IRR A $3,050,000 $3,000,000 21% B $9,320,000 $9,000,000 25% C $1,060,000 $1,000,000 24% D $7,350,000 $7,000,000 23% Use the NPV approach to select the best group of projects. (Note that just the PV of inflows is given, you must subtract the initial investment to find the NPV.) Use the IRR approach to select the best group of projects. (Note that the discount rate or the cost of capital is 20%.) Which projects should the firm implement based on your analysis of both techniques and given the capital rationing amount? Write an email to your boss, Andy Fast, the CFO, explaining your rationale proving the choices based on the considerations of shareholder value and the maximum investment budget. Keep in mind that you are less concerned with using the whole budget than with maximizing the total return to Galaxy satellite. Double space Times New Roman font. #3 above should be 1-2 pages long, but can reference NPV and IRR tables embedded in the report. Use APA style table formatting.

2024 BUS 461 Final paper Assignment Help

Submit a six to eight page paper not including the title and reference pages 2023

Submit a six to eight-page paper (not including the title and reference pages) on one of the major topics listed below. Incorporate at least two related scholarly sources: Simulation modeling The paper must (a) identify the main issues in the chosen area, (b) apply and reference new learning to the chosen area, (c) build upon class activities or incidents that facilitated learning and understanding, and (d) present specific current and/or future applications and relevance to the workplace. The emphasis of the paper should be on modeling application, outcomes, and new learning. Writing the Final Paper The Final Paper: Must be six to eight double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide. Must include a cover page that includes: – Title of paper – Student’s name – Course name and number – Instructor’s name – Date submitted Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph. Must use at least two resources. Must use APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide to document all sources. Must include, on the final page, a Reference Page that is completed according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide.

2024 Marketing Week 3 Assignment Help

China and India have demonstrated trends toward Western style consumption over the last decade Given 2023

China and India have demonstrated trends toward Western-style consumption over the last decade. Given the emphasis on the youth market in the US over the last 60 years (since the baby boom), what can you suggest for marketers in these youth-oriented consumer economies (China and India)? Guided Response: Describe the products (goods and services) that interest these youth markets. Compare and contrast the micro- and macro-environmental forces that can influence the marketing strategies for these products (goods and services). Analyze the marketing strategies of these two countries and compare them with Western-based consumption marketers (e.g., US). What opportunity for U.S. companies might you foresee? Support your reasoning. This assignment is designed to assess your critical thinking, problem solving, and communication skills. Your paper will be graded for its clarity, relevance, coherence, logic, and depth. Your paper must be two to three pages in length (not including a cover page and reference page), and be formatted in APA style. Your paper must demonstrate that you understand international influence and micro-environmental and macro-environmental influences on marketing strategy. You must use your text and at least two additional scholarly sources.

2024 Accounting II Assignment Help

Unit 2 Discussion Board Primary Task Response Within the Discussion Board area write 300 400 words that respond to the 2023

Unit 2 – Discussion Board Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–400 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. In 300-400 words, define and discuss the following: Estimated and contingent liabilities The difference between gross and net take home pay The difference between employer payroll taxes and withholding deductions FICA FUTA and SUTA Unit 3 – Discussion Board Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–400 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.Discuss debt and equity financing.How are they different? What is the Time Value of Money and how does it relate to valuation of bonds? Discuss bonds at par, premium, and discounted What is the difference between the coupon rate and market rate? Unit 5 – Discussion Board Discuss the interrelationship of the cash flow statement to the other financial statements. In your discussion comment and explain operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities. What is the difference between an indirect and a direct cash flow statement? Which is GAAP? Deliverable Length: 300-400 words

2024 FOR WIZARD KIM Assignment Help

Successful Change Versus a Dismal Failure Using the Ashford University Library locate and discuss a scholarly article that describes 2023

Successful Change Versus a Dismal Failure Using the Ashford University Library, locate and discuss a scholarly article that describes a successful change initiative within an organization. Next, locate and discuss a scholarly article that describes a failed change initiative within an organization. Compare and contrast the implementation theories used for the change events discussed in the two articles. Provide a summation of what could have been done to make the failed initiative a success. Your paper should be three to four pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages). Your paper must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center, and it must include references and in-text citations for at least two scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library, in addition to the course text.

2024 ACC 350 Complete Class Quizzes ,Midterm and Final Exam Assignment Help

ACC 350 Complete Class Quizzes Midterm and Final Exam ACC 350 Week 2 Quiz 1 2023

ACC 350 Complete Class Quizzes ,Midterm and Final Exam ACC 350 Week 2 Quiz 1 ACC 350 Week 3 Quiz 2 ACC 350 Week 4 Quiz 3 ACC 350 Week 5 Midterm Exam ACC 350 Week 6 Quiz 4 ACC 350 Week 7 Quiz 5 ACC 350 Week 9 Quiz 6 ACC 350 Week 9 Quiz 7 ACC 350 Week 10 Quiz 8 ACC 350 Week 11 Midterm Exam

2024 According To The Following Graphic, X And Y Have: Assignment Help

Question1 According to the following graphic X and Y have Points 2 strong negative correlation virtually no correlation strong 2023

Question1. According to the following graphic, X and Y have: (Points : 2) strong negative correlation virtually no correlation strong positive correlation moderate negative correlation weak negative correlation Question 2.2. A cost accountant is developing a regression model to predict the total cost of producing a batch of printed circuit boards as a function of batch size (the number of boards produced in one lot or batch). The independent variable is: (Points : 2) batch size unit variable cost fixed cost total cost total variable cost Question 3.3. A cost accountant is developing a regression model to predict the total cost of producing a batch of printed circuit boards as a linear function of batch size (the number of boards produced in one lot or batch). The intercept of this model is the: (Points : 2) batch size unit variable cost fixed cost total cost total variable cost Question 4.4. If x and y in a regression model are totally unrelated: (Points : 2) the correlation coefficient would be -1 the coefficient of determination would be 0 the coefficient of determination would be 1 the SSE would be 0 the MSE would be 0s Question 5.5. A manager wishes to predict the annual cost (y) of an automobile based on the number of miles (x) driven. The following model was developed: y = 1,550 + 0.36x. If a car is driven 10,000 miles, the predicted cost is: (Points : 2) 2090 3850 7400 6950 5150 Question 6.6. A cost accountant is developing a regression model to predict the total cost of producing a batch of printed circuit boards as a linear function of batch size (the number of boards produced in one lot or batch), production plant (Kingsland, and Yorktown), and production shift (day and evening). In this model, “shift” is: (Points : 2) a response variable an independent variable a quantitative variable a dependent variable a constant Question 7.7. A multiple regression analysis produced the following tables: Predictor Coefficients Standard Error t Statistic p-value Intercept 616.6849 154.5534 3.990108 0.000947 x1 -3.33833 2.333548 -1.43058 0.170675 x2 1.780075 0.335605 5.30407 5.83E-05 Source df SS MS F p-value Regression 2 121783 60891.48 14.76117 0.000286 Residual 15 61876.68 4125.112 Total 17 183659.6 The regression equation for this analysis is: (Points : 2) y = 616.6849 + 3.33833 x 1 + 1.780075 x 2 y = 154.5535 – 1.43058 x 1 + 5.30407 x 2 y = 616.6849 – 3.33833 x 1 – 1.780075 x 2 y = 154.5535 + 2.333548 x 1 + 0.335605 x 2 y = 616.6849 – 3.33833 x 1 + 1.780075 x2 Question 8.8. A multiple regression analysis produced the following tables: Predictor Coefficients Standard Error t Statistic p-value Intercept 752.0833 336.3158 2.236241 0.042132 x1 11.87375 5.32047 2.031711 0.082493 x2 1.908183 0.662742 2.879226 0.01213 Source df SS MS F p-value Regression 2 203693.3 101846.7 6.745406 0.010884 Residual 12 181184.1 15098.67 Total 14 384877.4 These results indicate that: (Points : 2) none of the predictor variables are significant at the 5% level each predictor variable is significant at the 5% level x 1 is the only predictor variable significant at the 5% level x 2 is the only predictor variable significant at the 5% level the intercept is not significant at the 5% level Question 9.9. A real estate appraiser is developing a regression model to predict the market value of single family residential houses as a function of heated area, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, age of the house, and central heating (yes, no). The response variable in this model is: (Points : 2) heated area number of bedrooms market value central heating residential houses Question 10.10. In regression analysis, outliers may be identified by examining the: (Points : 2) coefficient of determination coefficient of correlation p-values for the partial coefficients residuals R-squared value

2024 FIN136, Spring 2013 Project: Constructing a Three-Stock Optimal Portfolio Project Overview You have ten stocks th Due Date May 3 2013 1 (note below) to choose from to construct a 3-asset optimal portfolio. Please: 1. Prepare a written report to Assignment Help

FIN136 Spring 2013 Project Constructing a Three Stock Optimal Portfolio Project Overview You have ten stocks 2023

FIN136, Spring 2013 Project: Constructing a Three-Stock Optimal Portfolio Project Overview You have ten stocks th Due Date May 3 2013 1 (note below) to choose from to construct a 3-asset optimal portfolio. Please: 1. Prepare a written report to recommend an optimal portfolio. 2. Present an Excel file with worksheet(s) to support your recommendation. must be submitted together on or before the project due date. Late submissions will not be accepted. Grading Written Report (50 points) The report shall be in a Memo format with 12ft-size and double spacing. A sample memo is attached at the end of this document. You can find the same copy at the end of the syllabus. The The written report and the Excel file text must not exceed 2 pages, including all figures, tables graphs and etc. The written report will be graded on clarity and effectiveness of the argument. You should clearly describe your portfolio, for example, the component stocks, portfolio asset allocations, and etc. You should justify your recommendation, for example, by explaining the rational of your choice of the stocks, by presenting the evidence such as the correlation coefficients among stocks, and portfolio’s expected performance and etc. When you state an opinion, make sure that you have convincing evidence and analysis to support your statement. We are going to use the ten contestant stocks the Investorplace.com has picked as the hopefuls to be the best buy-and-hold stock for Year 2013 – they are meant to be long-term investment (1 year for the contest) for people to buy and sit on them for the entire year. You can find more information on these stocks from the reading material “10 Experts Pick the 10 Best Stocks for 2013”. 1 The written report and the Excel file Excel worksheet (50 points) The Excel worksheet should be as detailed as possible to provide evidence support to your decision making process. Please submit only one Excel file – multiple worksheets are fine. The Excel worksheet will be graded on clarity and easiness to comprehend. It should contain sufficient relevant information for readers to make an informed assessment of the quality of the recommended optimal portfolio. Below is a list of the things suggested for you to include in the Excel work file. This list is not exhaustive. You are encouraged to add other relevant information as you see fit. 1. Historical price and return information of the stocks included in the portfolio. 2. Risk-free rate. 3. Summary statistics of the stocks, such as average return, variance, standard deviation, covariance and correlation. 4. Sharpe ratio of the portfolio. 5. Plot of the opportunity set of the portfolio. 6. Plot of the Capital Allocation Line 7. Identification of the minimum variance portfolio and optimal portfolio. Please make sure to explain the variables you use and clearly indicate the unit of measurement, frequency, time period of the data set involved. Automation feature – where readers can easily switch stocks and see the resulting portfolio performance – will receive extra credit. Page 2 of 2 To: FIN 136 students From: Subject: Memo format for the project report Date: The report submission date The purpose of this page is to illustrate the memo format expected for the project written report. No cover page is needed. Text should be 12ft-sized with double spacing. The report should not exceed 2 pages. You should submit the written report on or before the due date. Late submission will not

2024 M455 Assignment Help

There are a number of well known strategic planning models To bring your team up to speed on the evolution 2023

There are a number of well-known strategic planning models. To bring your team up to speed on the evolution of strategic planning itself, write a white paper of 1,200–1,500 words that addresses the following specific models of strategic planning: Michael Porter’s Five Forces Adrian Slywotzky’s Value Migration W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne’s Blue Ocean Strategy Using the Web resources provided and any others that you find, address the following in your white paper: Discuss the premise underlying each of the three models of strategic planning and the advantages that each brings to the process. Discuss how to apply or implement strategic planning using each of the methods. Discuss the pros and cons of each strategic planning method. Select 1 of the models, and respond to the following questions: What methods could be used to ensure continuous process improvement in the organization from a production and operations management perspective? From a business finance or accounting perspective, how would you analyze the business and measure the effectiveness of your strategy so that you can make the best decisions for the organization? As a leader, how would you help the organizational structure and culture adapt to the changes that would result from this strategy (e.g., how you would empower teams, resolve conflicts, and motivate employees to support the changes from this strategy)? From a marketing perspective, what effect will the strate