Tag Archive for: Assignment Help Services

2024 Homework Assignment Help

A Let G be the set of the fifth roots of unity 1 Use de Moivre s formula to verify 2023

A. Let G be the set of the fifth roots of unity. 1. Use de Moivre’s formula to verify that the fifth roots of unity form a group under complex multiplication, showing all work. 2. Prove that G is isomorphic to Z5 under addition by doing the following: a. State each step of the proof. b. Justify each of your steps of the proof. B. Let F be a field. Let S and T be subfields of F. 1. Use the definitions of a field and a subfield to prove that S ∩ T is a field, showing all work

2024 ops571 ind w1 Assignment Help

new due Sunday Complete the Process Design Matrix Write an executive summary identifying appropriate design approaches for a 2023

new due Sunday Complete the Process Design Matrix. Write an executive summary identifying appropriate design approaches for a selected product and service. Pick one service with which you are familiar. Complete three to five line items such as production line, self-service, or personal attention approach, on the Process Design Matrix. Pick one product with which you are familiar. Complete three to five line items such as Job shop, batch, assembly line, or continuous flow approach, on the Process Design Matrix. Required Elements: No more than 700 words Consistent with APA format

2024 Help with Business Plan Assignment Help

Tasks My paper has to be about a kids online boutique clothing store Prepare a business plan in 2023

Tasks: My paper has to be about a kids online boutique clothing store Prepare a business plan in a Microsoft Word document with an accompanying Microsoft PowerPoint presentation containing the key points of your plan to serve as a presentation to a group of potential investors. The business plan should focus on a specific project or initiative to be implemented in the business areas covered by your respective MS program of study. The Microsoft Word document (official plan) should have a minimum of 12 pages, and the presentation should be of 12–15 slides. The business plan for this initiative should include the following: Cover page Table of contents Executive summary: The executive summary should not be more than two pages and should include the following information: Name of the venture Business idea Target market Type of organization Marketing and sales strategy Key success factors Short-and long-term business goals Management skills and resources Ownership Sources and uses of funds Summary of the financial projections Mission, vision, and culture Company description Opportunity or feasibility analysis Marketing strategy and plan Simplified financial analysis and projections Management and operations (including legal, risk, human resource management [HRM], ethics, etc.) Note that you can use any business plan template as an aid for preparing the final document. At a minimum, the plan/presentation must include: Executive summary Mission, vision, and culture Company description Opportunity or feasibility analysis Marketing strategy and plan Simplified financial analysis and projections Management and operations (including legal, risk, human resource management [HRM], ethics, etc.) Make sure to expand as necessary to ensure your audience can have a full understanding of your proposed plan.

2024 MKT 571 Week 1 QUIZ (18/18 – All correct .Quaranteed) Assignment Help

Your answers 18 18 100 Submitted on May 20 2015 9 42 AM Correct 2023

Your answers : 18/18 (100%) Submitted on May 20, 2015, 9:42 AM Correct answer question 1 Wabash Bank would like to understand if there is a relationship between the advertising or promotion it does and the number of new customers the bank gets each quarter. What type of research is this an example of? Causal Exploratory Secondary Qualitative Correct answer question 2 Which of the following is correct about marketing management? It focuses mostly on monitoring the profitability of a company’s products and services. It occurs when at least one party to a potential exchange thinks about the means of achieving desired responses from other parties. It is defined as the field that deals with planning and managing a business at the highest level of corporate organization. It is primarily concerned with the systematic gathering, recording, and analysis of data about issues related to marketing products and services. Correct answer question 3 The Soccer World Cup is promoted aggressively to both companies and fans. This is an example of marketing a(n) idea event service place Correct answer question 4 In the U.S., consumer expenditures on homes and other large purchases tend to slow down during a recession because of stringent credit policies adopted by the Fed before the onset of recession the consumers have a high debt-to-income ratio of steady supply of loanable funds in the economy during recession consumer borrowing increases during recession Correct answer question 5 Which of the following statements demonstrates behavioral loyalty towards a brand? I always buy Myfavorite Laundry detergent when purchasing laundry detergent. My friends agree Myfavorite Laundry detergent is the best. Myfavorite Laundry detergent smells good. Myfavorite Laundry detergent is so easy to use. Correct answer question 6 One of the most critical steps in the defining process of market research is reading marketing research journals defining the problem, the decision alternatives, and research objectives analyzing the internal environment developing a research plan Correct answer question 7 Which market do customers who have purchased and are driving Audi automobiles represent? Penetrated market Potential market Target market Available market Correct answer question 8 During the holidays, companies often provide gifts to customers. The more a client spends, the larger the gift, usually. To segment customers in this way, for what purpose is this data being mined? To deepen customer loyalty To decide which customers should receive a new sales offer To avoid serious customer mistakes To beat the competition to a sale Correct answer question 9 Which strategy does this exemplify? Kayak and Orbitz provide their customers with a variety of travel options including flight reservations, vacation packages, flight and hotel options with or without car rentals, and cruise offerings. Focus Promotional Diversification Differentiation Correct answer question 10 By 2015, projections indicate that the largest category of households will be composed of married couples with children single-parent families childless married couples and empty nesters singles living with nonrelatives Correct answer question 11 Which of the following industries is most likely to use database marketing? A local restaurant A physician’s office A school system A supermarket chain Correct answer question 12 A company’s sales potential would be equal to market potential when which situations exists? The market is nonexpandable. Industry marketing expenditures approach infinity for a given marketing environment. The marketing expenditure of the company is reduced to zero. The company gets 100 percent share of the market. Correct answer question 13 When Apple introduced iTunes, a new market was opened. Which of the following describes this type of innovation? Value capture Presence Value chain Operational excellence Correct answer question 14 Marketing is considered both an art and a science. How do the 4Ps, or marketing mix, help us bridge the gap between art and science? Marketing focuses on sales as the primary goal. Marketing is involved with price as the major factor. Marketing is about advertising. Marketing balances the need for data with that of creativity. Correct answer question 15 What data analysis type is being used here? When Sam thought about opening a foreign car repair shop in Phoenix, he researched all of the firms in the area before deciding on a location. He also analyzed their capabilities and found articles about many of them in terms of their capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses. Licensed information Secondary data Tertiary information Primary data Correct answer question 16 Which of the following elements of sociocultural environment can be associated with the growing demand for social surrogates like social networking sites, television, and so on? Views of organizations Views of nature Views of ourselves Views of others Correct answer question 17 Costco is able to keep its inventory expenditure relatively low through its management technology and cutting-edge point-of-sale inventory management technology. As a result, Costco is able to pass these savings on to consumers in the form of low prices. This strategy is best described as overall cost leadership integrative growth market development differentiation Correct answer question 18 How does the market demand curve change (as a function of marketing expenditure) during recession? Remains unaffected Shifts upward Becomes vertical

2024 MGMT-BA very stricted Assignment Help

I need answers to 2 questions about a company details will be emailed ALL SOURCES MUST BE INCLUDED 2023

I need answers to 2 questions about a company details will be emailed ALL SOURCES MUST BE INCLUDED the book must be used as weel, a pdf will be sent to u have to hit all points possible to answer each question.. and be VERY consized. No more than a paragraph for each question.. graphics/chart may be required to make answer clear Need it in 4 HRS FROM NOW!!

2024 Comm Essay II Assignment Help

Unit II Essay Take the Identifying your Social Style Inventory on page 31 of your textbook Evaluate the results based 2023

Unit II Essay Take the “Identifying your Social Style” Inventory on page 31 of your textbook. Evaluate the results based on pages 32-33.Share pages 32-33, along with your results, with a family member or friend and get their perceptions of your social style. Write a short essay covering: 1. Your results. 2. A comparison of your results and self-perception to the feedback from your family member or friends. 3. Share how your social style affects the verbal and non-verbal messages you send. 4. List at least three communication skills you would like to improve in after completing this quiz and reading Chapters 2-3. Your response should be at least four pages in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations using APA style. Course Textbook Beebe, S. A., & Mottet, T. P. (2013). Business and professional communication (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

2024 FIN200 Assignment, T22014 Assignment Help

FIN200 Assignment T22014 1 List and briefly describe the three general areas of responsibility for a chief financial officer CFO of 2023

FIN200 Assignment, T22014 1.List and briefly describe the three general areas of responsibility for a chief financial officer (CFO) of a selected non-financial company which is listed on Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). How those responsibilities can affect ultimate objective of the company.The name of company you chose should start with the first letter of your name, surname or middle name.(Maximum of 1000 words) 2.Chill Mount Creamery manufactures a variety of Ice creams. The company is considering introducing a new product (Yugo cream). The company’s manager has been provided with the following information by their business analyst. ?The project has an anticipated economic life of 5 years. ?The Company plans to spend $1,300,000 on advertising campaign to boost sales. ?The Company’s interest expense each year will be $500,000. ? The Company is required to purchase a new machine to produce the new product. The machine’s initial cost is $5,500,000. The machine will be depreciated on a straight – line basis over 5 years. The Company anticipates that the machine will last for 10 years; the salvage value after 5 years is $500,000. ? Six months ago the Company also paid $300,000 to a firm to do research regarding new product. ?If the Company goes ahead with the new product, it will have an effect on the Company’s net operating capital. The forecasted net working capital will be $200,000 (at time zero) ?The new product is expected to generate sales revenue of $1,500,000, 2,500,000, 3,500,000, 4500,000 and 5,500,000 in year 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Each year the operating cost (not including depreciation) expected to equal 30 percent of sales revenue. ? In addition the Company expects with introduction of new product, sale of other ice cream increase by $500,000 after taxes each year. ? The Company’s overall WACC is 7.5 percent. However, the proposed project is riskier than the average project; the new project’s WACC is estimated to be 10 percent. ? The Company’s tax rate is 30 percent. ? What is the net present value, internal rate of return, payback period, discounted payback period, and profitability index of the proposed project. Based on your analysis should the project be accepted? Discuss.

2024 assignment 4 Assignment Help

Module 4 The Role of Leaders in Change Management Objectives Instructor Comments Assignment Objectives The aim of this 2023

Module 4 – The Role of Leaders in Change Management Objectives Instructor Comments Assignment Objectives The aim of this assignment is introduce learners to the importance of leadership in the context of change management. This assignment seeks to help you understand the answer to a broader concern and that is – what is the role of a leader in the management of change? Instructor Comments Do leaders matter? Well three authors of papers tied to this assignment think so. Whether change is forced up an organization or an entity proactively alters itself, someone needs to be in control of an organization’s activities and responses. Rosabeth Moss Kanter is a well known Harvard University business professor. She suggested that possession of a specific set of skills helps to differentiate effective leaders from ineffective leaders. John Kotter is the author of what is probably the most influential model or process of leader driven corporate change. Few business schools fail to make use of his eight step model in their curriculum. Michael Watkins fame is more recent. He researched and has written a compelling article on what leaders need to do during the first 90 days of their tenure as CEO’s. In times of dramatic economic upheaval, CEO turnover typically escalates. In those instances, Watkins ideas serve as a useful guide for key decision. Assignment You should base your responses to the following questions on the insight found in the following readings: Simon, R., Mintzberg, H. & Basu, K. 2002 Memo to CEO’s. Fast Company. June 2002 http://www.fastcompany.com/44965/memo-ceos Kotter J.P. Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail. Harvard Business Review, January 2007 THIS IS AVAILABLE THROUGH VAUGHAN LIBRARY. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/careers/careers-leadership/how-to-hit-the-ground-running-in-your-first-90-days/article11751971/ Please answer the following questions: For each paper, please use one paragraph to summarize the main ideas. Please use one half page to summarize the ideas that are similar among all of these papers. What is the role of a leader in the management of change? Please limit your response to this assignment to three single spaced, typed pages. Please cite your sources in the text and please reference them at the end of your assignment. Please end your write-up with one paragraph that summarizes what you think is the importance of this assignment.

2024 BUS302 Week 8 Assignment 2: 21st Century Leadership Complete Solution Assignment Help

Name BUS302 Week 8 Assignment 2 21st Century Leadership Description BUS302 Week 8 2023

Name: BUS302 Week 8 Assignment 2: 21st Century Leadership Description: BUS302 Week 8 Assignment 2: 21st Century Leadership Grid View List View . Unacceptable Below 60% F Meets Minimum Expectations 60-69% D Fair 70-79% C Proficient 80-89% B Exemplary 90-100% A BUS302-A2-1 1. Describe the leadership style(s) of your chosen senior executive. Weight: 20% Points: Points Range: 0 (0%) – 35.4 (11.8%) Did not submit or incompletely described the leadership style(s) of your chosen senior executive. Feedback: Points: Points Range: 36 (12%) – 41.4 (13.8%) Insufficiently incompletely described the leadership style(s) of your chosen senior executive. Feedback: Points: Points Range: 42 (14%) – 47.4 (15.8%) Partially incompletely described the leadership style(s) of your chosen senior executive. Feedback: Points: Points Range: 48 (16%) – 53.4 (17.8%) Satisfactorily incompletely described the leadership style(s) of your chosen senior executive. Feedback: Points: Points Range: 54 (18%) – 60 (20%) Thoroughly incompletely described the leadership style(s) of your chosen senior executive. Feedback: BUS302-A2-2 2. Analyze the organizational structure and culture of the company your chosen executive has led, or is currently leading, and determine the company’s approach to human capital management and employee development. Next, explain whether or not you believe your chosen senior executive’s leadership approach has enhanced workplace productivity and the shared vision of the organization. Provide examples of your chosen senior executive’s actions to support your response. Weight: 25% Points: Points Range: 0 (0%) – 44.25 (14.75%) Did not submit or incompletely analyzed the organizational structure and culture of the company your chosen executive has led, or is currently leading, and determined the company’s approach to human capital management and employee development. Did not submit or incompletely explained whether or not you believe your chosen senior executive’s leadership approach has enhanced workplace productivity and the shared vision of the organization. Did not submit or incompletely provided examples of your chosen senior executive’s actions to support your response. Feedback: Points: Points Range: 45 (15%) – 51.75 (17.25%) Insufficiently analyzed the organizational structure and culture of the company your chosen executive has led, or is currently leading, and determined the company’s approach to human capital management and employee development. Insufficiently explained whether or not you believe your chosen senior executive’s leadership approach has enhanced workplace productivity and the shared vision of the organization. Insufficiently provided examples of your chosen senior executive’s actions to support your response. Feedback: Points: Points Range: 52.5 (17.5%) – 59.25 (19.75%) Partially analyzed the organizational structure and culture of the company your chosen executive has led, or is currently leading, and determined the company’s approach to human capital management and employee development. Partially explained whether or not you believe your chosen senior executive’s leadership approach has enhanced workplace productivity and the shared vision of the organization. Partially provided examples of your chosen senior executive’s actions to support your response. Feedback: Points: Points Range: 60 (20%) – 66.75 (22.25%) Satisfactorily analyzed the organizational structure and culture of the company your chosen executive has led, or is currently leading, and determined the company’s approach to human capital management and employee development. Satisfactorily explained whether or not you believe your chosen senior executive’s leadership approach has enhanced workplace productivity and the shared vision of the organization. Satisfactorily provided examples of your chosen senior executive’s actions to support your response. Feedback: Points: Points Range: 67.5 (22.5%) – 75 (25%) Thoroughly analyzed the organizational structure and culture of the company your chosen executive has led, or is currently leading, and determined the company’s approach to human capital management and employee development. Thoroughly explained whether or not you believe your chosen senior executive’s leadership approach has enhanced workplace productivity and the shared vision of the organization. Thoroughly provided examples of your chosen senior executive’s actions to support your response. Feedback: BUS302-A2-3 3. Evaluate the effectiveness of your selected leader’s performance, based on his or her ethical conduct and effective communication. Next, determine whether the chosen leader was successful in motivating and empowering his or her employees and gaining customer loyalty. Weight: 20% Points: Points Range: 0 (0%) – 35.4 (11.8%) Did not submit or incompletely evaluated the effectiveness of your selected leader’s performance, based on his or her ethical conduct and effective communication. Did not submit or incompletely determined whether the chosen leader was successful in motivating and empowering his or her employees and gaining customer loyalty. Feedback: Points: Points Range: 36 (12%) – 41.4 (13.8%) Insufficiently evaluated the effectiveness of your selected leader’s performance, based on his or her ethical conduct and effective communication. Insufficiently determined whether the chosen leader was successful in motivating and empowering his or her employees and gaining customer loyalty. Feedback: Points: Points Range: 42 (14%) – 47.4 (15.8%) Partially evaluated the effectiveness of your selected leader’s performance, based on his or her ethical conduct and effective communication. Partially determined whether the chosen leader was successful in motivating and empowering his or her employees and gaining customer loyalty. Feedback: Points: Points Range: 48 (16%) – 53.4 (17.8%) Satisfactorily evaluated the effectiveness of your selected leader’s performance, based on his or her ethical conduct and effective communication. Satisfactorily determined whether the chosen leader was successful in motivating and empowering his or her employees and gaining customer loyalty. Feedback: Points: Points Range: 54 (18%) – 60 (20%) Thoroughly evaluated the effectiveness of your selected leader’s performance, based on his or her ethical conduct and effective communication. Thoroughly determined whether the chosen leader was successful in motivating and empowering his or her employees and gaining customer loyalty. Feedback: BUS302-A2-4 4. Determine three (3) best practices that other organizational leaders can use in order to motivate employees and transform their company, based on practices that you believe made your chosen leader successful at his or her company and within his or her industry. Support your rationale with an explanation of the potential benefits that other business leaders may reap from your chosen best practices. Weight: 20% Points: Points Range: 0 (0%) – 35.4 (11.8%) Did not submit or incompletely determined three (3) best practices that other organizational leaders can use in order to motivate employees and transform their company, based on practices that you believe made your chosen leader successful at his or her company and within his or her industry. Did not submit or incompletely supported your rationale with an explanation of the potential benefits that other business leaders may reap from your chosen best practices. Feedback: Points: Points Range: 36 (12%) – 41.4 (13.8%) Insufficiently determined three (3) best practices that other organizational leaders can use in order to motivate employees and transform their company, based on practices that you believe made your chosen leader successful at his or her company and within his or her industry. Insufficiently supported your rationale with an explanation of the potential benefits that other business leaders may reap from your chosen best practices. Feedback: Points: Points Range: 42 (14%) – 47.4 (15.8%) Partially determined three (3) best practices that other organizational leaders can use in order to motivate employees and transform their company, based on practices that you believe made your chosen leader successful at his or her company and within his or her industry. Partially supported your rationale with an explanation of the potential benefits that other business leaders may reap from your chosen best practices. Feedback: Points: Points Range: 48 (16%) – 53.4 (17.8%) Satisfactorily determined three (3) best practices that other organizational leaders can use in order to motivate employees and transform their company, based on practices that you believe made your chosen leader successful at his or her company and within his or her industry. Satisfactorily supported your rationale with an explanation of the potential benefits that other business leaders may reap from your chosen best practices. Feedback: Points: Points Range: 54 (18%) – 60 (20%) Thoroughly determined three (3) best practices that other organizational leaders can use in order to motivate employees and transform their company, based on practices that you believe made your chosen leader successful at his or her company and within his or her industry. Thoroughly supported your rationale with an explanation of the potential benefits that other business leaders may reap from your chosen best practices. Feedback: BUS302-A2-5 5. 5 references Weight: 5% Points: Points Range: 0 (0%) – 8.85 (2.95%) No references provided Feedback: Points: Points Range: 9 (3%) – 10.35 (3.45%) Does not meet the required number of references; all references poor quality choices. Feedback: Points: Points Range: 10.5 (3.5%) – 11.85 (3.95%) Does not meet the required number of references; some references poor quality choices. Feedback: Points: Points Range: 12 (4%) – 13.35 (4.45%) Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices. Feedback: Points: Points Range: 13.5 (4.5%) – 15 (5%) Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices. Feedback: BUS302-A2-6 6. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements Weight: 10% Points: Points Range: 0 (0%) – 17.7 (5.9%) More than 8 errors present Feedback: Points: Points Range: 18 (6%) – 20.7 (6.9%) 7-8 errors present Feedback: Points: Points Range: 21 (7%) – 23.7 (7.9%) 5-6 errors present Feedback: Points: Points Range: 24 (8%) – 26.7 (8.9%) 3-4 errors present Feedback: Points: Points Range: 27 (9%) – 30 (10%) 0-2 errors present Feedback: Show Descriptions Show Feedback .BUS302-A2-1 1. Describe the leadership style(s) of your chosen senior executive. Weight: 20%–Levels of Achievement: Unacceptable Below 60% F 0 (0%) – 35.4 (11.8%) Did not submit or incompletely described the leadership style(s) of your chosen senior executive. Meets Minimum Expectations 60-69% D 36 (12%) – 41.4 (13.8%) Insufficiently incompletely described the leadership style(s) of your chosen senior executive. Fair 70-79% C 42 (14%) – 47.4 (15.8%) Partially incompletely described the leadership style(s) of your chosen senior executive. Proficient 80-89% B 48 (16%) – 53.4 (17.8%) Satisfactorily incompletely described the leadership style(s) of your chosen senior executive. Exemplary 90-100% A 54 (18%) – 60 (20%) Thoroughly incompletely described the leadership style(s) of your chosen senior executive. Feedback:BUS302-A2-2 2. Analyze the organizational structure and culture of the company your chosen executive has led, or is currently leading, and determine the company’s approach to human capital management and employee development. Next, explain whether or not you believe your chosen senior executive’s leadership approach has enhanced workplace productivity and the shared vision of the organization. Provide examples of your chosen senior executive’s actions to support your response. Weight: 25%–Levels of Achievement: Unacceptable Below 60% F 0 (0%) – 44.25 (14.75%) Did not submit or incompletely analyzed the organizational structure and culture of the company your chosen executive has led, or is currently leading, and determined the company’s approach to human capital management and employee development. Did not submit or incompletely explained whether or not you believe your chosen senior executive’s leadership approach has enhanced workplace productivity and the shared vision of the organization. Did not submit or incompletely provided examples of your chosen senior executive’s actions to support your response. Meets Minimum Expectations 60-69% D 45 (15%) – 51.75 (17.25%) Insufficiently analyzed the organizational structure and culture of the company your chosen executive has led, or is currently leading, and determined the company’s approach to human capital management and employee development. Insufficiently explained whether or not you believe your chosen senior executive’s leadership approach has enhanced workplace productivity and the shared vision of the organization. Insufficiently provided examples of your chosen senior executive’s actions to support your response. Fair 70-79% C 52.5 (17.5%) – 59.25 (19.75%) Partially analyzed the organizational structure and culture of the company your chosen executive has led, or is currently leading, and determined the company’s approach to human capital management and employee development. Partially explained whether or not you believe your chosen senior executive’s leadership approach has enhanced workplace productivity and the shared vision of the organization. Partially provided examples of your chosen senior executive’s actions to support your response. Proficient 80-89% B 60 (20%) – 66.75 (22.25%) Satisfactorily analyzed the organizational structure and culture of the company your chosen executive has led, or is currently leading, and determined the company’s approach to human capital management and employee development. Satisfactorily explained whether or not you believe your chosen senior executive’s leadership approach has enhanced workplace productivity and the shared vision of the organization. Satisfactorily provided examples of your chosen senior executive’s actions to support your response. Exemplary 90-100% A 67.5 (22.5%) – 75 (25%) Thoroughly analyzed the organizational structure and culture of the company your chosen executive has led, or is currently leading, and determined the company’s approach to human capital management and employee development. Thoroughly explained whether or not you believe your chosen senior executive’s leadership approach has enhanced workplace productivity and the shared vision of the organization. Thoroughly provided examples of your chosen senior executive’s actions to support your response. Feedback:BUS302-A2-3 3. Evaluate the effectiveness of your selected leader’s performance, based on his or her ethical conduct and effective communication. Next, determine whether the chosen leader was successful in motivating and empowering his or her employees and gaining customer loyalty. Weight: 20%–Levels of Achievement: Unacceptable Below 60% F 0 (0%) – 35.4 (11.8%) Did not submit or incompletely evaluated the effectiveness of your selected leader’s performance, based on his or her ethical conduct and effective communication. Did not submit or incompletely determined whether the chosen leader was successful in motivating and empowering his or her employees and gaining customer loyalty. Meets Minimum Expectations 60-69% D 36 (12%) – 41.4 (13.8%) Insufficiently evaluated the effectiveness of your selected leader’s performance, based on his or her ethical conduct and effective communication. Insufficiently determined whether the chosen leader was successful in motivating and empowering his or her employees and gaining customer loyalty. Fair 70-79% C 42 (14%) – 47.4 (15.8%) Partially evaluated the effectiveness of your selected leader’s performance, based on his or her ethical conduct and effective communication. Partially determined whether the chosen leader was successful in motivating and empowering his or her employees and gaining customer loyalty. Proficient 80-89% B 48 (16%) – 53.4 (17.8%) Satisfactorily evaluated the effectiveness of your selected leader’s performance, based on his or her ethical conduct and effective communication. Satisfactorily determined whether the chosen leader was successful in motivating and empowering his or her employees and gaining customer loyalty. Exemplary 90-100% A 54 (18%) – 60 (20%) Thoroughly evaluated the effectiveness of your selected leader’s performance, based on his or her ethical conduct and effective communication. Thoroughly determined whether the chosen leader was successful in motivating and empowering his or her employees and gaining customer loyalty. Feedback:BUS302-A2-4 4. Determine three (3) best practices that other organizational leaders can use in order to motivate employees and transform their company, based on practices that you believe made your chosen leader successful at his or her company and within his or her industry. Support your rationale with an explanation of the potential benefits that other business leaders may reap from your chosen best practices. Weight: 20%–Levels of Achievement: Unacceptable Below 60% F 0 (0%) – 35.4 (11.8%) Did not submit or incompletely determined three (3) best practices that other organizational leaders can use in order to motivate employees and transform their company, based on practices that you believe made your chosen leader successful at his or her company and within his or her industry. Did not submit or incompletely supported your rationale with an explanation of the potential benefits that other business leaders may reap from your chosen best practices. Meets Minimum Expectations 60-69% D 36 (12%) – 41.4 (13.8%) Insufficiently determined three (3) best practices that other organizational leaders can use in order to motivate employees and transform their company, based on practices that you believe made your chosen leader successful at his or her company and within his or her industry. Insufficiently supported your rationale with an explanation of the potential benefits that other business leaders may reap from your chosen best practices. Fair 70-79% C 42 (14%) – 47.4 (15.8%) Partially determined three (3) best practices that other organizational leaders can use in order to motivate employees and transform their company, based on practices that you believe made your chosen leader successful at his or her company and within his or her industry. Partially supported your rationale with an explanation of the potential benefits that other business leaders may reap from your chosen best practices. Proficient 80-89% B 48 (16%) – 53.4 (17.8%) Satisfactorily determined three (3) best practices that other organizational leaders can use in order to motivate employees and transform their company, based on practices that you believe made your chosen leader successful at his or her company and within his or her industry. Satisfactorily supported your rationale with an explanation of the potential benefits that other business leaders may reap from your chosen best practices. Exemplary 90-100% A 54 (18%) – 60 (20%) Thoroughly determined three (3) best practices that other organizational leaders can use in order to motivate employees and transform their company, based on practices that you believe made your chosen leader successful at his or her company and within his or her industry. Thoroughly supported your rationale with an explanation of the potential benefits that other business leaders may reap from your chosen best practices. Feedback:BUS302-A2-5 5. 5 references Weight: 5%–Levels of Achievement: Unacceptable Below 60% F 0 (0%) – 8.85 (2.95%) No references provided Meets Minimum Expectations 60-69% D 9 (3%) – 10.35 (3.45%) Does not meet the required number of references; all references poor quality choices. Fair 70-79% C 10.5 (3.5%) – 11.85 (3.95%) Does not meet the required number of references; some references poor quality choices. Proficient 80-89% B 12 (4%) – 13.35 (4.45%) Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices. Exemplary 90-100% A 13.5 (4.5%) – 15 (5%) Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices. Feedback:BUS302-A2-6 6. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements Weight: 10%–Levels of Achievement: Unacceptable Below 60% F 0 (0%) – 17.7 (5.9%) More than 8 errors present Meets Minimum Expectations 60-69% D 18 (6%) – 20.7 (6.9%) 7-8 errors present Fair 70-79% C 21 (7%) – 23.7 (7.9%) 5-6 errors present Proficient 80-89% B 24 (8%) – 26.7 (8.9%) 3-4 errors present Exemplary 90-100% A 27 (9%) – 30 (10%) 0-2 errors present Feedback: Raw Total: 0.00 (of 300.0) Feedback Name:BUS302 Week 8 Assignment 2: 21st Century Leadership Description:BUS302 Week 8 Assignment 2: 21st Century Leadership

2024 AB224: Microeconomics Unit 2: Scarce Resources and Trade – Discussion Assignment Help

Topic 1 Discussion topic Scarcity Solutions Do some research on the country 2023

Topic 1 Discussion topic: Scarcity Solutions Do some research on the country of Ethiopia and discuss: Who in the Ethiopian society has the most difficult time dealing with scarcity? What do they need most? How can their society provide for their wants and needs? Why are they so impoverished? What can their governments do to help, or hinder their country’s development? Could not Ethiopia become a world class producer and exporter of goods? How would Ethiopia compare with Japan? Japan is a country relatively POOR in natural resources, yet it is an economic world powerhouse. What are the differences between the two countries?