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2024 ACCT 504 Accounting and Finance Managerial use and Analysis Week 4 Midterm Set 2 Assignment Help

ACCT 504 Accounting and Finance Managerial Use and Analysis M idterm Exam Set 2 TCO A B 2023

ACCT 504 Accounting and Finance, Managerial Use and Analysis M idterm Exam Set 2 TCO A, B, C) Which of the following statements concerning users of accounting information is incorrect? (TCO C) Issuing shares of stock in exchange for cash is an example of a(n) (TCO C) Which activities involve putting the resources of the business into action to generate a profit? (TCO A) The cost of assets consumed or services used is also known as (TCO C) Edwards Company recorded the following cash transactions for the year (TCO A) On a classified balance sheet, prepaid insurance is classified as (TCO A) An intangible asset (TCO A) These are selected account balances on December 31, 2007………….What is the total NET amount of property, plant, and equipment that will appear on the……? (TCO B) For 2010, Landford Corporation reported net income of $30,000; net sales $400,000; and average share outstanding 6,000. There were no preferred stock dividends. What was the 2010 earnings per share? (TCO B) Liondale Corporation had beginning retained earnings of $2,292,000 and ending retained earnings of $2,499,000. During the year, they issued common stock totaling $141,000. There were no dividends issued. What was their net income for the year? (TCO D) On March 1, 2010, Dillon Company hires a new employee who will start the work on March 6. The employee will be paid on the last day of each month. Should a journal entry be made on March 6? Why or why not? (TCO D) Which one of the following is not a part of an account? (TCO D) Which of the following describes the classification and normal balance of the retained earnings account? (TCO D) A debit is the normal balance for which account listed below? (TCO D) Which of the following accounts follows the rules of debit and credit in relation to increases and decreases in the opposite manner? (TCO E) An accounting time period that is one year in length is called (TCO E) In a merchandising business, revenue may be considered earned when (TCO E) On April 1, 2010, M Corporation paid $48,000 cash for equipment that will be used in business operations. The equipment will be used for four years and will …. (TCO E) The following is selected information from M Corporation for the fiscal year ending October 31, 2010:…, what is M Corporation’s net income for the year ending….? (TCO E) Adjusting entries are made to ensure that (TCO A, B) Which of the following expressions is incorrect? (TCO B) Hunter Company purchased merchandise inventory with an invoice price of $3,000 and credit terms of 2/10, n/30… (TCO A, B) Jake’s Market recorded the following events involving a recent purchase of merchandise………As a result of these events, the company’s merchandise inventory: (TCO A) The factor which determines whether or not goods should be included in a physical count of inventory is…….. (TCO A) Barnes Company is taking a physical inventory on March 31, the last day of its fiscal year. Which of the following must be included in this inventory count? (TCO A) A problem with the specific identification method is tha (TCO A) Which of the following statements is true regarding inventory cost flow assumptions? (TCO A) In periods of rising prices, the inventory method which results in the inventory value on the balance sheet that is closest to current cost is the (TCO B) Which of the following is a true statement about inventory systems? (TCO B) A merchandiser that sells directly to consumers is TCO D) A classmate is considering dropping his accounting class because he cannot understand the rules of debits and credits. Explain the rules of debits and ….. (TCOs B & E) The Caltor Company gathered the following condensed data for the year ended December 31, 2010

2024 Compare And Contrast The European And North American Freight Transportation Systems Assignment Help

In 2 3 pages not counting cover and references compare and contrast the 2023

In 2-3 pages (not counting cover and references), compare and contrast the European and North American freight transportation systems, globalized trade, and global policy implications . Lastly, reviewing the future research, what part do you find interesting and why? Submission Instructions: Please attach the assignment in Word Format. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Provide a minimum of 3 in text citations with an APA Reference List.

2024 operation management help2 Assignment Help

RFID Technology Please respond to the following From the e Activity evaluate the 2023

“RFID Technology” Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, evaluate the use and applicability of Radio Frequency Identification Devises (RFID) in industry today. Choose a company and provide at least two examples of how these devices can be used to improve productivity in its operations. From the case study, assess the benefits and risks associated with this type of technology that should be considered by Mr. Bracket. Identify at least two possible risks that the company might face and suggest ways to mitigate them.

2024 MGT 311 Final Exam Assignment Help

MGT 311 Final Exam Rating A 1 In her work in the publishing industry 2023

MGT 311 Final Exam Rating A 1) In her work in the publishing industry, Vera seeks out new authors whom she considers promising. In the past 2 years she has found a number of new writers whose work she thought was exceptional, and immersed herself in the task of helping them shape their manuscripts for submission to her managers for publishing. Although she was extremely proud of the results, none of the authors she worked with were chosen for publication. Vera believes that the decision not to publish these authors was based on personal rivalries within management, rather than the quality of her writers’ work. She is extremely frustrated, dreads coming into work each morning, and is seriously thinking of resigning. How can Vera’s job attitude best be described? A. Low job satisfaction and low job involvement B. High job satisfaction and low job involvement C. Low job satisfaction and high job involvement D. High job satisfaction and high job involvement 2) Julia works as a receptionist at a real-estate company. Her boss just came in the door and yelled at her, telling her that the front office was a mess and that she needed to get up and clean it immediately. After her boss left the room, Julia grabbed three magazines and violently slammed them into the trash can. Which of the following best describes Julia’s action? A. An affect B. A thought C. A mood D. An emotion 3) Erin works on a software help desk. After being yelled at by a customer about the state of her company’s software, she becomes angry, and has to take a short break to calm down. What makes her anger an emotion, rather than a mood? a. It is a simple, unambiguous feeling. b. It interferes with her capacity to work effectively. c. It has a contextual stimulus. d. It can be controlled given some time. 4) Any incompatibility between two or more attitudes or between behavior and attitudes results in what? a. organizational dissonance b. cognitive dissonance c. attitudinal clarification d. values clarification 5) What is the degree to which a person identifies with his or her job, actively participates in it, and considers his or her performance as being important to self-worth? a. Job satisfaction b. Job involvement c. Job stability d. Job enrichment 6) What term is used for those emotions that an organization requires workers to show and considers appropriate for a given job? a. Felt emotions b. Required emotions c. Conditional emotions d. Displayed emotions 7) Janet needs to assign a very important advertising account to one of her writers. First she reviewed each writers work load, then she studied the sales data of the products for the last three campaigns of each writer, then she reviewed each writer’s annual review to familiarize herself with their goals. Finally, she gave the account to Paula, a very creative, efficient writer who has had high sales results with her last three clients’ products. What is Janet’s management style is based on? a) organizational behavioral studies b) substantive evidence approach c) preconceived notions d) systematic study 8) Basing managerial methods on the best available scientific evidence is called what? A. Systematic study B. Organizational behavior C. Evidence-based management D. Conceptual management 9) The manager at a construction site observes that he is spending a great deal of time interviewing prospective employees. This is due to the large amount of absenteeism and turnover among his skilled workers. While questioning exiting employees, he discovers that many of them quit because they feel the work place is too dangerous. In particular, several foremen have stated that the need to get the job done quickly is more important than a few rules, and have gone as far as to mock the courage of workers who question this attitude. What is the best way for the manager to control the deviant behavior of the foremen? A. Ordering the foremen to conform with the required safety standards B. Finding out why the foremen place a greater importance on finishing the job than on safety C. Firing the foremen and promoting new foremen from the current pool of workers D. Taking over the work of the foreman himself 10) Phil loves sales. He has been a stellar sales person since he was 12. Recently he was awarded a full paid trip for two to Puerto Rico for breaking a company sales record. Phil is so motivated to work, he has set a new goal to break his old record in the coming year. Taking into account self-determination theory, why did the company recognition and award, an extrinsic reward, motivate Phil? A. The reward was seen as a coercive method of increasing sales and motivated Phil to prove himself intrinsically. B. The reward was imposed to work toward a standard that Phil could not believe in, and his intrinsic motivation suffered. C. The reward increased Phil’s sense of competence by providing feedback that improved his intrinsic motivation. D. The reward increased Phil’s sense of competence by providing feedback that diminished his intrinsic motivation. 11) Tony loves programming. He was on the ground level of the computer revolution. This year his boss has set personal goals for each of the programmers, one of which includes a presentation from each programmer about a project. Tony is very annoyed because he has a tremendous amount of work to do and he will have to spend the weekend, his personal time, preparing the presentation. Taking into account self-determination theory, why did his manager’s goals and the presentation reduce Tony’s motivation? A. The internally imposed goal feels coercive, causing Tony’s intrinsic motivation to suffer. B. The self-imposed goal increases his sense of competence, causing the intrinsic motivation to suffer. C. The externally imposed goal is an external reward, causing Tony’s intrinsic motivation to increase. D. The externally imposed goal feels coercive, causing Tony’s intrinsic motivation to suffer. 12) Glendon has a degree in business and worked for 2 years at an international firm in Spain. When the firm suffered cutbacks and Glendon returned home, he took a job at a nonprofit agency mentoring at-risk Spanish-speaking children. Glendon earns a third of what he earned in the business world, but has decided that his new goal is to acquire a larger case load and continue to use his Spanish to help people. Which theory explains why Glendon is happy with a much smaller external reward for his work? A. Self-imposition of goals B. nAch C. Self-concordance D. Extrinsic motivation 13) Today Marci’s boss entered her cubicle and told her that her work has been fantastic, and that because of her last project the client is going to give the company all of their business. Marci’s boss continued to talk about what a great job she’s doing. When her boss left, Marci felt very confident and satisfied with herself and her job. Marci’s boss uses communication in which of the following functions? A. Motivation B. Control C. Emotional expression D. Information 14) What can managers do to make sure that important information is not withheld from them through silence? A. Listen to and support diverse opinions. B. Deal with information overload. C. Interpret what they see and call it reality. D. Tell employees what they want to hear. 15) When Neal Patterson, CEO of Cerner Corporation, sent his seething e-mail to 400 managers, he erred by selecting the wrong A. channel for his message B. message C. distribution D. emotional charge 16) Araceli is a team member in a large corporation. She never speaks in the team meetings because she has seen members talk behind each others’ backs outside of the meetings. Members are constantly monitoring the other member’s work, looking for a mistake to point out in a meeting. According to the information provided, which contextual factor is most likely hindering the success of Araceli’s team? A. Adequate resources B. Climate of trust C. Team structure D. Performance evaluations 17) Ayesha is leading a group to develop a prototype for a new product. She has chosen three people to work with her. Ben and Tom are good friends and socialize on the weekend. They are both very creative. Julian is older than Ben and Tom, but they have worked together before and been quite productive. Julian is organized. Ayesha has never worked with any of the men, but knows the product well. She brings the highest level of expertise. Which of the following statements best describes Ayesha’s group? A. High norms, low cohesiveness, high productivity B. Low norms, low cohesiveness, low productivity C. High norms, high cohesiveness, high productivity D. Low norms, high cohesiveness, low productivity 18) Irma does not like a few of the standard operating procedures adapted for the new project. However, she discussed the items with the team and told them that she realized she was in the minority and that she would adapt the new procedures to maintain smooth operations within the team. What is this type of intention called? A. Sacrificing B. Accommodating C. Collaborating D. Compromising 19) Angelina feels that her cubicle neighbor talks too loudly on the phone, but in other ways she is a great neighbor. Angelina gets annoyed every time her neighbor’s phone rings, but she has decided it is simply not worth the trouble to talk to her neighbor. What is Angelina’s conflict intention called? A. Avoiding B. Accommodating C. Compromising. D. Collaborating 20) For process conflict to be productive, it must be A. Kept high B. Kept low C. Kept at low to moderate levels D. Kept at moderate levels 21) The right inherent in a managerial position to give orders and expect orders to be obeyed is termed A. chain of command B. authority C. power D. unity of command 22) ________ are consistent with recent efforts by companies to reduce costs, cut overhead, speed up decision making, increase flexibility, get closer to customers, and empower employees. A. Wider spans of control B. Narrower spans of control C. Matrix structures D. Simple structures 23) What is the process through which employees are adapted to an organization’s culture? A. Personalization B. Mentoring C. Socialization D. Institutionalization 24) If there is a basic conflict between the individual’s expectations and the reality of working in an organization, the employee is most likely to be disillusioned and quit during which stage of socialization? A. Prearrival B. Ritual C. Metamorphosis D. Encounter 25) When your superior offers you a raise if you will perform additional work beyond the requirements of your job, he or she is exercising ________ power. A. Legitimate B. Coercive C. Reward D. Personal 26) Political behaviors usually A. lie outside of an individual’s specified job performance B. are counter productive to individual goals C. are seen only in large organizations D. are frowned upon by organizational leaders 27) Regardless of the composition of a group, managers can leverage diversity to achieve superior performance by which of the following approaches? A. Emphasize the higher-level similarities among members. B. Ensure that everyone knows the importance of diversity in groups. C. Explain the legal and ethical implications involved of not having a diverse group. D. Focus on the benefits of having a diverse group. 28) Effective workforce programs that encourage diversity have three distinct components. First, they inform managers about the legal framework for equal employment opportunities and encourage fair treatment. Second, they teach managers how a diverse workforce will be better able to serve a diverse market of customers and clients. Third, they A. ensure top-level management represents the diversity of its workforce and client base B. ensure that certain groups have not been underutilized C. generally involve one-shot training sessions that don’t take up an undue amount of time D. foster personal development practices that bring out the skills and abilities of all workers 29) If individuals resisting change are included in making change decisions in an attempt to gain their support, what is this approach called? A. Cooptation B. Exploitation C. Manipulation D. Coercion 30) Which tactic to overcome resistance to change is a relatively easy way to gain the support of adversaries, but may backfire if the targets become aware of the tactic? A. Conciliation B. Manipulation C. Coercion D. Cooperation

2024 *For Jambi” Assignment Help

Company Intel Corporation please answer the following questions in paragraph format you 2023

Company: Intel Corporation please answer the following questions in paragraph format… you may use 10k intel report and other sources as you wish:) What i s t heco m pany ‘ s i ndus tr y ? What r aw m a t e ri a l s d oes t h ec o m pany use? Whato t h er p e r son / co m pan i esa r e c l o s e l yass o c i a t e d wi t h t h i sco m pan y ? ( See A U334) Whata r e t h e k eyecono m i c f a c t o r sab o ut t he i nd u s t r y ? ( I s t he i nd u s t r ysen s i t i v e t obus i n ess Whata r e t h e f i v eor s i x m ost i m po r t ant f a c t o r s f orsu c cess i n t h i sbu s i n e ss? H owdoes t h i sco m panys t a nd w it h r e spe c t t o t h ese f ac t o r s ? Whatso c i a l m a tt e r s a r e o fconc e r n?E. g ., s h i f t s i n l i f e s t y l es, c h an g es i n m a r k e t s ag e, e t hn i c i t y , and s e x d i s t ri b u t i on? What i s t he e a se o f e n tr y i n t o t h e i ndu s tr y ?

2024 Week 4 Analyzing Pro Forma Statements-FIN/571 Assignment Help

Decide upon an initiative you want to implement that would increase sales 2023

Decide upon an initiative you want to implement that would increase sales over the next five years, (for example, market another product, corporate expansion, and so on). Using the sample financial statements, create pro forma statements of five year projections that are clear, concise, and easy to read. Be sure to double check the calculations in your pro forma statements. Make assumptions that support each line item increase or decrease for your forecasted statements. Discuss and interpret the financials in relation to the initiative. Make recommendations on potential discretionary financing needs. Write a 350 – 700 word analysis of the company’s short term and long term financing needs and determine strategies for the company to manage working capital.

2024 Crafting A Global Strategy Assignment Help

Chosen Organization is Lockheed Martin LMT Turkey Crafting a Global Strategy Gustavo da Silva your organization s senior 2023

Chosen Organization is Lockheed Martin (LMT) Turkey Crafting a Global Strategy Gustavo da Silva, your organization’s senior vice president for business development and strategy, calls you in the office from an international flight. “Hi,” he says. “Do you have a minute?” “As you know, we had our CEO off site this past weekend, and all our general managers and business development vice presidents got marching orders for the next fiscal year, “…specifically our expected financials,” he says. “Our CEO, Rasheed Ali, has promised the board that between cost efficiencies and new business… “…we will exceed last year’s revenues by 8 to 10 percent. I know that’s a huge commitment considering we are already… “… two months into the fiscal year. To achieve this goal we’ll need a global strategy to open up our organization’s international markets.” Gustavo continues, “I want you to take over a time-sensitive project in support of this. If it goes well, I’ll ask you to submit your findings to our CEO and the board of directors with your recommendations. I’ll email you later this week the exact scope and schedule of what I need you to accomplish. You can probably tell that it’s going to require a fair amount of research on your part, as well as a thorough analysis, to support your proposed strategy.” He tells you that the project needs to be completed soon. “Consider this your top priority,” he says, “and good luck.” Subject: Targeting an 8-10% annual revenue increase Email; Hi, Thanks for taking on this task for me. Here are the details— This project will have three parts. Your first task is to conduct a thorough analysis of our resources and capabilities. This organization profile needs to address our existing strategy, people, skill sets, and what we can do to increase our market share and profitability. We know we won’t be able to make that 8 percent target domestically, so we need to set up shop overseas and tap into foreign customers. We’ll need a strategy, an analysis of the global competitors trading in our target market today, an overview of potential stakeholders, and an evaluation of our own capabilities. Finally, we must lay the analytical groundwork for what could become a fully developed business plan. Although this is a major initiative, keep in mind that cost reduction is important. Assess what resources and personnel in the organization today can facilitate this move. The second part of this project is to conduct an industry analysis to evaluate the external environment, including international competitors across our industry. How difficult will it be to enter a new international market from a position of strength? What should we produce that is both attractive to our customers and competitive in the new market? Are there any legal and regulatory issues we need to be aware of in the United States or abroad? In short, how can we best compete against those firms already doing business in our proposed area? How do we differentiate ourselves from them? What can we produce that our new country’s customers will want to buy? What about the potential to export from that country? Finally, we’ll need a new country risk assessment. Which is the best country to expand into? Our strategy people have created a list of possibilities, but you will direct the analysis. It will be a new market for us—do not assume we have any infrastructure there. What are the risks in the proposed area and how can we mitigate those risks? We need to be aware of legal, cultural, and market forces. You can recommend an expansion of our products into your chosen country, establish new value-chain activities, or strategize some combination of the two. That’s your call. You need to choose a country that will be the best fit for what we do and who we are. Keep in mind that cost reduction is important. Let’s also look at countries that don’t demand wholesale re-engineering of our organizational processes. We need to expand, but let’s minimize risk and avoid needless costs where we can. Best, Gustavo Chosen Organization is Lockheed Martin (LMT) Turkey Your report should follow these guidelines: 14–15 pages, excluding the title page, table of contents, reference page, and appendices in-text citations and references should abide by APA format 12-point Times New Roman font one-inch margins double-spaced. Your report should include the following components: Title page states the organization’s full legal name, country,  and the organization’s product recommendation for [NAME OF ORGANIZATION] to enter  [COUNTRY] market for [PRODUCT] date and your name Table of contents page numbers for each major section Executive summary (see note below) summarizes the results of your analysis and how you  arrived at the recommendation belongs on a separate page from the introduction to  the paper Introduction (first page of paper body) states the purpose of the paper tells what the paper will do introduces the industry, country, and organization  by name Analyzing organization’s resources and capabilities choice of organization organization profile strategy and competitive position of the  organization organization’s competitive strategy statement market and financial performance Understanding your organization’s industry trends in your industry analysis using Porter’s five forces What is the competitive structure of the industry?  Describe the following: Entry barriers—How difficult is it to enter this  industry? Are there several players competing for profitability? Are  there significant threats of new entrants? Intensity of rivalry—Identify your organization’s  top three competitors. Discuss industry rivalry. Is competition intense? Bargaining power of buyers—Who are the buyers in  this industry? What kind of influence do buyers have on the competitors  in the industry? Globalization makes it easier for buyers to source  products worldwide. Is this the case in this industry? Bargaining power of suppliers—Provide a profile of  the suppliers. Suppliers with significant industry influence can play a  major role in the marketplace. For instance, DeBeers, the world’s leading  supplier of diamonds, has enormous bargaining power in the diamond  industry. Threat of substitutes—Carefully distinguish between  similar products in the same industry. A substitute product for eye  glasses would be contact lenses. Train travel is a substitute for  travelling by car. Analyzing country’s external environment selection of a new country for market expansion international expansion and global market  opportunity assessment PESTEL analysis global value chain cultural issues Conclusion One- or two-page summary of your recommendations  and your rationale Reference APA-style reference page Appendices large data tables Before you submit your assignment, review the competencies below, which your instructor will use to evaluate your work. A good practice would be to use each competency as a self-check to confirm you have incorporated all of them in your work. 1.1: Organize document or presentation clearly in a manner that promotes understanding and meets the requirements of the assignment. 5.2: Assess the implications of legal, ethical, and cultural (national) standards on an organization’s operations in global markets and make recommendations for appropriate actions. 6.1: Identify the general (external) environment in which an organization operates and discuss the implications for enterprise success. 6.2: Evaluate the strategic implications for domestic and international markets of an organization’s industry. 6.3: Analyze an organization’s internal strengths and weaknesses for strategic value. 6.4: Develop and recommend strategies for an organization’s sustainable competitive advantage. 7.4: Analyze the impact of international and foreign laws on US organizations acting domestically and abroad. 8.1: Evaluate major business/organizational systems and processes and make recommendations for improvement. 9.1: Design organizational structure, systems and processes that support the strategic goals of the organization. 10.1: Apply relevant microeconomics principles to support strategic decisions for the organization. 12.1: Assess market risk and opportunity. 13.1: Identify and analyze new opportunities. 13.2: Create and implement new initiative or enterprise. 13.3: Create and manage new enterprise.

2024 How Do You Manage Change? Assignment Help

Assignment 3 How Do You Manage Change Two principles form the basis for this 2023

Assignment 3: How Do You Manage Change? Two principles form the basis for this assignment. One, in order to know where we want to be, we first must examine where we are. Two, a planned event with stated goals has a better chance of succeeding than those events where goals are virtual and not concrete. This assignment helps you set goals as you learn how to become an effective organizational change leader or a consultant. Reflect on how you generally react to change. Common reactions may include, “Oh no!,” “Yea, here we go again!,” “Oh, well, whatever,” “No, and no, and no again,” or “Change? What change?” To complete this assignment, you need to complete a free online assessment. copy and paste the link below to access the online assessment. https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newPPM_56.htm Using your textbook readings and scholarly articles from the Argosy University online library resources for research, respond to the following: Describe your general reaction when dealing with change. How do you respond to others’ needs? Do you focus on the task at hand, expect others to embrace the change as inevitable, reassure others that they will be able to adjust to change, show indifference to the change process, or examine reasons for others’ reluctance and try to counteract those forces? Identify your strengths in how you react to change. Identify and explain areas for growth in how you react to change. These are areas that you might want to focus on in this course. Be sure to include specific behavioral changes. What do you think will be the most difficult areas to address, and how will you manage it? Write a 3- to 5-page reflective essay in Microsoft Word format. Apply APA standards for writing style to your work, including a title page and references. Utilize at least one professional literature source in your essay. Professional literature may include the Argosy University online library resources; relevant textbooks; peer-reviewed journal articles; and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, or .gov).

2024 ACC 599 WEEK 9 DISCUSSION Assignment Help

IT Controls Please respond to the following Discuss at least three to five advantages and disadvantages of implementing an 2023

“IT Controls” Please respond to the following: Discuss at least three to five advantages and disadvantages of implementing an IT-based system. Identify at least four inherent operational and financial risks in using computerized reports. Propose at least two mitigation risk strategies, and justify your recommendation. Identify at least three risks that auditors need to consider for companies that process Web-based sales transactions, including credit card payments. For each risk identified, develop a mitigation risk strategy. Provide specific examples.

2024 BUS600 Management Communications with Technology Tools WEEK 1 ASSIGNMENT Using APA Style Assignment Help

Ashford 2 Week 1 Assignment Using APA Style The purpose of this short 2023

Ashford 2: – Week 1 – Assignment Using APA Style The purpose of this short research paper is to ensure proper understanding and application of APA style as required in all Ashford courses. Using the Ashford Online Library, develop an annotated bibliography on one of the following factors that has had a significant impact on business and management communication in the past decade: diversity globalization and outsourcing pace of life and work evolving workplace technologies influence of social media ethical challenges Your annotated bibliography requires at least six (6) peer-reviewed articles, full reference information, and a short paragraph description of the main findings. To receive maximum points, all of the following elements must be included in your paper: Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including the title page), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Must include a title page with the following: Title of paper Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. Must use at least six scholarly sources from the Ashford Online Library. One of the six sources may be the text. Must include at least one direct quote from one of the sources (see Guidelines for Quoting Sources ). Must include at least one summarized statement from one of the sources (see Guidelines for Summarizing Sources ). Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.