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2024 ACCT 504 Accounting and Finance Managerial Use Final Exam Set 3 Devry Assignment Help

ACCT 504 Accounting and Finance Managerial Use and Analysis Final Exam Set 3 Page 1 1 Question TCO 2023

ACCT 504 Accounting and Finance, Managerial Use and Analysis Final Exam Set 3 Page 1 1. Question: (TCO A) Which one of the following is an advantage of corporations relative to partnerships and sole proprietorships? (Points : 5) 2. Question: (TCO A) When a corporation distributes a dividend, _____. (Points : 5) 3. Question: (TCOs A, B) Below is a partial list of account balances for Cerner Company: (Points : 5) 4. Question: (TCOs B, E) Using accrual accounting, expenses are recorded and reported only _____. (Points : 5) 5. Question: (TCO D) Three companies report the same cost of goods available for sale, but each employs a different inventory costing method. If the price of goods has increased during the period, then the company using _____. (Points : 5) 6. Question: (TCOs A, E) Equipment with a cost of $192,000 has an estimated salvage value of $18,000 and an estimated life of 4 years or 12,000 hours. It is to be depreciated by the straight-line method. What is the amount of depreciation for the first full year, during which the equipment was used 3,300 hours? (Points : 5) 7. Question: (TCOs D, G) Joyce Corporation issues 1,000 ten-year, 8%, $1,000 bonds dated January 1, 2007, at 102. The journal entry to record the issuance will show a _____. (Points : 5) 8. Question: (TCO C) Accounts receivable arising from sales to customers amounted to $80,000 and $70,000 at the beginning and end of the year, respectively. Income reported on the income statement for the year was $240,000. Exclusive of the effect of other adjustments, the cash flows from operating activities to be reported on the statement of cash flows is _____. (Points : 5) 9. Question: (TCO F) One variation of the horizontal analysis is known as _____. (Points : 5) 10. Question: (TCO F) Comparisons of data within a company are an example of the following comparative basis. (Points : 5) 11. Question: (TCO F) Which one of the following is not a characteristic generally evaluated in ratio analysis? (Points : 5) 12. Question: (TCO F) Short-term creditors are usually most interested in assessing _____. (Points : 5) 13. Question: (TCO F) Long-term creditors are usually most interested in evaluating _____. (Points : 5) 14. Question: (TCO G) To calculate the market value of a bond, we need to _____. (Points : 5) Page 2 1. Question: (TCO A) Below you will find selected information (in millions) from Coca-Cola Co.’s 2012 Annual Report:…………… Required:1. Using the information provided prepare a Balance Sheet. Separate the current assets from non-current assets and provide a total for each. Also separate the current liabilities from the non-current liabilities and provide a total for each. 2. Using the Balance Sheet from your answer above calculate; Current Ratio, Days in Inventory, Average Collection Period, Return on Assets Ratio, Debt to Total Assets and Return on common stockholders’ equity ratio. (Make sure to show all your work) (Points : 36) 2. Question: (TCO B) The following selected data was retrieved from the Wal-Mart, Inc. financial statements for the year ending January 31, 2013:………….. Required:Using the information provided above: 1. Prepare a multiple-step income statement2. Calculate the Profit Margin, and Gross profit rate for the company. Be sure to provide the formula you are using, show your calculations, and discuss your findings/results. (Points : 36) 3. Question: (TCO C) Please review the following real-world Hewlett Packard Statement of Cash flows and address the 2 questions below:…………. Required: 1) Please calculate the percentage increase or decrease in cash for the operating, investing, and financing sections and explain the major reasons for the increase or decrease for each of these sections. 2) Please calculate the free cash flow for 2012 and explain the meaning of this ratio. (Points : 36) 4. Question: (TCO D) You are CFO of Goforit, Inc., a wholesale distribution company specializing in emerging technologies. Your CEO is a brilliant marketer, but relies on you to explain issues and choices in accounting and finance. She has heard from other members of a CEO organization to which she belongs that a company’s net income can vary widely depending on which accounting choices are made from the “GAAP menu.” 5. Question: (TCO F) Please review the following real-world ratios for Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer for the year ended 2012 and address the 2 questions below……………. Required:1) Please explain the meaning of each of the Pfizer ratios above. 2) Please state which company performed better for each ratio. (Points : 36)

2024 week 4 applica Assignment Help

Submit by Day 7 a community health assessment plan 2 3 pages for the community 2023

Submit by Day 7 a community health assessment plan (2–3 pages) for the community you selected( P RINCE GEORGES COUNTY MD). Identify stakeholders to be included in your community health assessment plan and explain why they should be involved. Describe the stakeholders’ potential roles and responsibilities in the assessment. Develop goals for the community health assessment plan and explain why you selected these goals. Describe three or four types of data that you might collect to further the goals of the plan, and explain why. Describe the methods of data collection you might use in your plan and explain why you would use them. 3 pages and 5 refernces

2024 On a particular day in April, the outdoor temperature was recorded at 8 times of the day, and the following table was compiled. Assignment Help

Data On a particular day in April the outdoor temperature was recorded at 8 times of the 2023

Data: On a particular day in April, the outdoor temperature was recorded at 8 times of the day, and the following table was compiled. Time of day (hour) x Temperature (degrees F.) y 7 35 9 50 11 56 13 59 14 61 17 62 20 59 23 44 REMARKS: The times are the hours since midnight. For instance, 7 means 7 am, and 13 means 1 pm. The temperature is low in the morning, reaches a peak in the afternoon, and then decreases. Tasks for Quadratic Regression Model (QR) (QR-1) Plot the points (x, y) to obtain a scatterplot. Note that the trend is definitely non-linear. Use an appropriate scale on the horizontal and vertical axes and be sure to label carefully. (QR-2) Find the quadratic polynomial of best fit and graph it on the scatterplot. State the formula for the quadratic polynomial. (QR-3) Find and state the value of r 2 , the coefficient of determination. Discuss your findings. ( r 2 is calculated using a different formula than for linear regression. However, just as in the linear case, the closer r 2 is to 1, the better the fit. Just work with r 2 , not r .) Is a parabola a good curve to fit to this data? (QR-4) Use the quadratic polynomial to make an outdoor temperature estimate. Each class member will compute a temperature estimate for a different time of day assigned by your instructor. Be sure to use the quadratic regression model to make the estimate (not the values in the data table). State your results clearly — the time of day and the corresponding outdoor temperature estimate. (QR-5) Using algebraic techniques we have learned, find the maximum temperature predicted by the quadratic model and find the time when it occurred . Report the time to the nearest quarter hour (i.e., __:00 or __:15 or __:30 or __:45). (For instance, a time of 18.25 hours is reported as 6:15 pm.) Report the maximum temperature to the nearest tenth of a degree. Show work. (QR-6) Use the quadratic polynomial together with algebra to estimate the time(s) of day when the outdoor temperature is a specific target temperature. Each class member will work with a different target temperature, assigned by your instructor. Report the time(s) to the nearest quarter hour. Be sure to use the quadratic model to make the time estimates (not values in the data table). Show work. State your results clearly — the target temperature and the associated time(s). Show work.

2024 FIN Discussion Question Assignment Help

DUE DATE SUN 11 19 NO PLAGIARISM 1 2 PARAGRAPHS Please respond to the following 2023

DUE DATE SUN 11/19 NO PLAGIARISM 1-2 PARAGRAPHS Please respond to the following: Using the following links to the Frontline videos and then answer the following questions: Short Version – https://youtu.be/HX6Fg62l0e8 Long Version – https://youtu.be/7MXOr3KELqE What was the impact of the near failure of Bear Stearns and the failure of Lehman Brothers on Money Markets? What actions did the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department take? What were the impacts of the decisions if any?

2024 The Canadian Instruments Company (CIC) Assignment Help

The Canadian Instruments Company CIC uses a decentralized form of organizational structure and considers 2023

The Canadian Instruments Company (CIC) uses a decentralized form of organizational structure and considers each of its divisions as an investment center. The Toronto Division (TD) is currently selling 15,000 air filters annually, although it has sufficient productive capacity to produce 21,000 units per year. Variable manufacturing costs amount to $21 per unit, while the total fixed costs are $90,000. The 15,000 air filters are sold to outside customers at $40 per unit. The Montreal Division (MD), also a part of CIC, has indicated that it would like to buy 1,500 air filters from TD, but only at a price of $37, since this is the price MD is currently paying to an outside supplier for a similar air filter. The company has a cost of capital of 7%. Required: a. What is the unit contribution margin for TD’s sales to outsiders? What is the break-even point in units and sales dollars? b. Will the new order push TD outside its relevant range? Why or why not? c. What is the pre-tax effect on CIC’s income if MD buys the 1,500 air filters internally from TD? d. What is the minimum price that TD should be willing to accept for these 1,500 air filters? e. What is the maximum price that MD should be willing to pay for these 1,500 air filters? f. What qualitative factors should be considered in this type of decision, above and beyond any transfer price considerations? g. Suppose that TD is currently producing and selling 21,000 air filters annually to outside customers. What would be the effect on overall CIC income if TD was required by executive management to sell 1,500 air filters to MD at the $37 per unit price? h. For this part only, assume that TD is currently earning annual operating income of $36,000, and TD’s average invested capital is $300,000. The division manager has an opportunity to invest in a proposal that will require an additional investment of $20,000 and will increase annual operating income by $2,000. What is the impact of this project on TD’s overall ROI?

2024 Stakeholder Register Assignment Help

Based on the video https www lynda com Business Business Skills tutorials Managing Project Communication 149841 2 html specifically Section 1 Understanding the Communications Plan think of a presentation or proposal you 2023

Based on the video(https://www.lynda.com/Business-Business-Skills-tutorials/Managing-Project-Communication/149841-2.html) (specifically Section 1: Understanding the Communications Plan ) think of a presentation or proposal you have given or observed, or may be giving in the future, and complete a Stakeholder Register ( Stakeholder Register example ). Requirements include a brief synopsis of the presentation or proposal (1 page maximum) and a completed register. You may use whatever format for the register (word document, spreadsheet, etc.) that is convenient.

2024 Statement Of Work And Work Breakdown Structure Assignment Help

Attached is the project description Statement of Work SOW Document In 2 3 pages 2023

*Attached is the project description* Statement of Work (SOW) Document: In 2-3 pages, develop the project Statement of Work document to include the following information: Business need Product scope description Strategic plan Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Document: Develop the project Work Breakdown Structure using the template linked below. *Use Attached Document*


Chapter 6 Multiple Choice Question 19 What measures the central tendency of a set of 2023

Chapter 6 Multiple Choice Question 19 What measures the central tendency of a set of data? Coefficient of variation Variance Standard deviation Mean Range Multiple Choice Question 39 Consider a p-chart measuring the percentage of defective light bulbs. If the LCL is .04 and a sample has 1% defects, what is the implication? The process is in a state of control. The process is out of control even though the variation is “good.” The value of sigma must be increased. The process has too many errors. A calculation error must have occurred Multiple Choice Question 16 An OC curve is an example of what? Traditional statistical tools Fishbone diagramming Acceptance sampling Experimental design Statistical process control Multiple Choice Question 25 On a control chart, what separates common from assignable causes of variation? x-bar lines Control limits Specification limits Production limits Mean divided by standard deviation Multiple Choice Question 41 What are preset ranges of acceptable quality characteristics? Control limits Product specifications Six-sigma limits AQC limits R-chart limits Chapter 7 Multiple Choice Question 26 According to JIT, __________ is carried to cover up a wide variety of problems, such as poor quality, demand uncertainty, and slow delivery. Inventory Excess capacity A group of back-up workers Spare equipment Insurance Multiple Choice Question 65 Which of the following is not a role of JIT management? creating a JIT culture cost and information sharing serving as coaches and facilitators developing an incentive system ensuring multifunctional training occurs Multiple Choice Question 36 JIT uses a pull system where communication starts with either the customer or with the _________ work station in the production line. First Bottleneck Dominant Most expensive Last Multiple Choice Question 61 JIT production workers are expected to Cover up quality problems Ignore data Take responsibility in getting to the root cause of quality problems Blame problems on someone else Have a poor attitude about quality Multiple Choice Question 70 The benefits of long-term relationships with a small number of suppliers include all of the following except Always getting the lowest price Focus on improving process controls Greater accountability Develop stable delivery schedules Eliminate paperwork Chapter 8 Multiple Choice Question 1 Forecasting is not a function which contributes to: deciding which business market to pursue deciding which product to produce deciding how bonuses should be allocated deciding how much inventory to carry deciding how many people to hire Multiple Choice Question 10 Which forecasting method is particularly good for predicting technological changes and scientific advances? Market research Executive opinion Delphi method Naïve method Gamma method Multiple Choice Question 30 What are the most frequently used forecasting techniques? Linear regression Simple mean Exponential smoothing Weighted moving average Econometric models Multiple Choice Question 17 Which of the following is a causal forecasting method? Naïve Moving average Weighted moving average Trend adjusted exponential smoothing Linear regression Multiple Choice Question 74 “Inside information” is most likely garnered through which of the following forecasting methods? exponential smoothing seasonal indexes naïve Delphi multiple regression Chapter 9 Multiple Choice Question 56 The least likely reason for a U.S. firm to choose to locate a factory in a foreign country is _____________. climate Natural resources markets cheaper suppliers low labor costs Multiple Choice Question 55 Issues that need to be considered in location globally include all of the following except ______________. different cultures FEC accounting requirements language barriers different laws different business practices Multiple Choice Question 6 Capacity planning is complicated by the fact that ___________________. capital markets are complex existing facilities may become obsolete capacity is difficult to define capacity is usually purchased in chunks, rather than smooth increments depreciation must be calculated Multiple Choice Question 44 Service organizations such as restaurants, movie theaters, and banks focus on locating near ____________. suppliers roads intersections their customers potential workers Multiple Choice Question 25 Management has decided to add capacity incrementally in smaller chunks as needed, rather than purchasing one large facility. This decision ____________________. is very risky will result in low initial costs will ultimately result in lower costs per unit if demand increases rapidly positions the company to be well prepared for high demand in the future can lead to a large amount of excess capacity Chapter 10 Multiple Choice Question 34 The first step in designing a layout is identifying the facility gathering information selecting the correct layout software package developing a REL chart developing a from-to matrix Multiple Choice Question 65 What is the term for a system in which the product being worked on is physically attached to the line and automatically moved to the next station when the cycle time has elapsed? cyclical line paced line autoline continuous line constrained line Multiple Choice Question 4 Which of the following is not one of the four basic layout types? product hybrid process fixed position inverted Multiple Choice Question 27 Which company is widely considered to be the leader of just-in-time production? Ford Timex Gateway Toyota Sony Multiple Choice Question 24 A high-volume paper mill is an example of which layout type? inverted circular process fixed position product

2024 Apple The 500 Company Assignment Help

Deliverable Length 10 pages body of paper excluding title page abstract references and 2023

Deliverable Length: 10 pages (body of paper, excluding title page , abstract, references and appendices, if any) Comprehensive Analysis of a Fortune 500 Company For this Individual Project you will analyze publicly available information about a Fortune 500 Company and develop an assessment of the corporate strategy and its ability to increase competitive advantage. This assignment requires you to obtain and analyze information at the company, industry and market levels using various databases and reports found in the AIU library, in addition to at least eight (8) professional or academic peer-reviewed articles. Your analysis should include an in-depth review of the Company’s most recent SEC Form-10k Annual Report and Form DEF-14A Proxy Statement. These SEC filings can be found at the SEC Edgar Database located at the URL http://www.sec.gov/edgar/searchedgar/companysearch.html . Pay particular attention to the Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) sections of the SEC Form 10-K and the DEF-14A Proxy statement. Direct competitors are identified in the “Comparator Group” section of the DEF-14A Proxy Statement. ) These SEC filings also contain information relative to external and industry analysis that will be helpful in your assessment of the Company’s strategy and competitive position. A thorough analysis requires evaluation of various external stakeholders: Competitors Industry Vendors Customers Governmental entities Communities Internal stakeholders that should be considered in the analysis include: Shareholders Board of Directors Management Employees A comprehensive SWOT analysis should be performed relative to the Company’s ability to improve its competitive advantage. The comprehensive analysis should include both qualitative and quantitative elements, leveraging information available in SEC Filings, business databases, and peer-reviewed articles. Your work should demonstrate your ability to: Apply critical thinking skills to analyze business situations. Apply principles of quantitative and qualitative research to business cases. Describe the opportunities provided by technology for businesses. Appropriately use effective communication techniques. Apply the standard of APA style to all research and writing tasks. You will prepare a report presenting the findings of your comprehensive analysis examining the Company’s corporate strategy and its ability to increase competitive advantage. The written report will have a body length of 10 pages excluding title, abstract, references and appendices. Quotation limits should be Not more than 10% of the body of the paper can be quotations, all of which must be properly attributed in APA format . References NOTE: Article collections (scholarly databases) may be accessed in the Library. Suggestions are: ABI Inform Global Academic Search Premier Business Source Premier

2024 A+ Answers Assignment Help

Teachers who use the SIOP Model effectively plan write and teach their lessons while connecting them to the standards 2023

Teachers who use the SIOP Model effectively plan, write, and teach their lessons while connecting them to the standards and accommodating for different ELP levels. After reading the “SIOP Teaching Case Study,” record each of the SIOP components and at least two features from each component on the worksheet. In addition, record on your worksheet how the teacher used the following within this lesson: Lesson Preparation: Content and language objectives, content concepts appropriate for age, supplementary materials used, adaptation of content for all student proficiency levels, meaningful activities that integrate lesson concepts with language practice. Building Background: Concepts linked to students’ background experiences, links explicitly made between past learning and new concepts, key vocabulary emphasized. Comprehensible Input: Speech appropriate for students’ proficiency levels, clear explanation of academic tasks, and variety of techniques to make content concepts clear Strategies: Ample opportunities for students to use learning strategies, scaffolding techniques consistently used, a variety of questions or tasks the promote higher-order thinking. Interaction: Frequent opportunities for interaction and discussion, grouping configurations support language and content objectives, sufficient wait time for student responses, ample opportunity for students to clarify key concepts How did the teacher use SIOP Component III: Comprehensible Input in the video? How did the teacher use SIOP Component III: Comprehensible Input Features in the video? (features: speech appropriate for students’ proficiency levels, clear explanation of academic tasks, variety of techniques to make content concepts clear) ow did the teacher use SIOP Component IV: Strategies in the video? How did the teacher use SIOP Component IV: Strategies Features in the video? (features : ample opportunities for students to use learning strategies, scaffolding techniques consistently used, a variety of questions or tasks the promote higher-order thinking )