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2024 Buss 302 Assignment Help

Q 3 Regression analysis can be useful to tease out the importance of 2023

Q. 3. Regression analysis can be useful to tease out the importance of various factors in explaining costs. a. Evaluate the relationship between visits per week and week. Interpret your regression results by discussing significance of the regression equation and magnitude of the estimated coefficients. b. Evaluate the relationship between cost per visit and week. Interpret your regression results by discussing significance of the regression equation and magnitude of the estimated coefficients. c. Compare the results from the two regressions and explain how they can be used to help Mr. Pasture in making his decision. *ATTACHED BELOW ARE FILES FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO ANSWER THE QUESTION*

2024 Ashford BUS 640 Week 1 Assignment Assignment Help

Economics of Risk and Uncertainty Applied Problem Please complete the following two applied problems Show all 2023

Economics of Risk and Uncertainty Applied Problem Please complete the following two applied problems. Show all your calculations and explain your results. Problem 1: A generous university benefactor has agreed to donate a large amount of money for student scholarships. The money can be provided in one lump sum of $12 million in Year 0 (the current year), or in parts, in which $7 million can be provided at the end of Year 1, and another $7 million can be provided at the end of Year 2. Describe your answer for each item below in complete sentences, whenever it is necessary. Show all of your calculations and processes for the following points: Assuming the opportunity interest rate is 8%, what is the present value of the second alternative mentioned above? Which of the two alternatives should be chosen and why? How would your decision change if the opportunity interest rate is 12%? Provide a description of a scenario where this kind of decision between two types of payment streams applies in the “real-world” business setting. Problem 2: The San Diego LLC is considering a three-year project, Project A, involving an initial investment of $80 million and the following cash inflows and probabilities: Describe your answer for each question in complete sentences, whenever it is necessary. Show all of your calculations and processes for the following points: Describe and calculate Project A’s expected net present value (ENPV) and standard deviation (SD), assuming the discount rate (or risk-free interest rate) to be 8%. What is the decision rule in terms of ENPV? What will be San Diego LLC’s decision regarding this project? Describe your answer. The company is also considering another three-year project, Project B, which has an ENPV of $32 million and standard deviation of $10.5 million. Project A and B are mutually exclusive. Which of the two projects would you prefer if you do not consider the risk factor? Explain. Describe the coefficient of variation (CV) and the standard deviation (SD) in connection with risk attitudes and decision making. If you now also consider your risk-aversion attitude, as the CEO of the San Diego LLC will you make a different decision between Project A and Project B? Why or why not? Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment. Description : Total Possible Score : 8.00 1a. Describes, Calculates, and Compares the Present Values (PVs) of the Two Alternatives Total: 1.00 Distinguished – Provides a thorough description, accurate calculations, and a relevant comparison of the present values (PVs) of the two alternatives. Proficient – Provides a description, mostly accurate calculations, and an adequate comparison of the present values (PVs) of the two alternatives, but minor details are missing. Basic – Provides a partial description, mostly inaccurate calculations, and a vague comparison of the present values (PVs) of the two alternatives. Relevant details are missing. Below Expectations – Attempts to provide a description, calculations, and comparison of the present values (PVs) of the two alternatives; however, the description and comparison are missing significant details and the calculations are inaccurate. Non-Performance – The description, calculation, and comparison of the present values (PVs) of the two alternatives are either nonexistent or lack the components described in the assignment instructions. 1b. Calculates and Compares the Present Values (PVs) of the Two Alternatives When the Discount Factor Changes from 8% to 12% Total: 1.00 Distinguished – Provides thorough and accurate calculations and a relevant comparison of the present values (PVs) of the two alternatives. Proficient – Provides mostly accurate calculations and an adequate comparison of the present values (PVs) of the two alternatives. The comparison is missing minor details. Basic – Provides mostly inaccurate calculations and a vague comparison of the present values (PVs) of the two alternatives. The comparison is missing relevant details. Below Expectations – Attempts to provide calculations and a comparison of the present values (PVs) of the two alternatives, but the calculations are inaccurate or missing, and the comparison is missing significant details. Non-Performance – The calculation and comparison of the present values (PVs) of the two alternatives are either nonexistent or lack the components described in the assignment instructions. 1c. Provides a Description of a Scenario Where the Decision Between Two Types of Payment Streams Applies in a Real-World Business Setting Total: 1.00 Distinguished – Provides a thorough description of a scenario where the decision between two types of payment streams applies in a real-world business setting. Proficient – Provides a description of a scenario where the decision between two types of payment streams applies in a real-world business setting, but minor details are missing. Basic – Provides a partial description of a scenario where the decision between two types of payment streams applies in a real-world business setting. Relevant details are missing. Below Expectations – Attempts to provide a description of a scenario where the decision between two types of payment streams applies in a real-world business setting, but significant details are missing. Non-Performance – The description of a scenario in a real-world business setting is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions. 2a. Describes and Calculates the Expected Net Present Value (ENPV) and Standard Deviation (SD) of Project A Total: 2.00 Distinguished – Thoroughly describes the expected net present value (ENPV) and standard deviation (SD). Demonstrates the accurate ENPV and SD calculations of Project A. Proficient – Describes the expected net present value (ENPV) and standard deviation (SD). Demonstrates mostly accurate ENPV and SD calculations of Project A, but minor details are missing. Basic – Partially describes the expected net present value (ENPV) and standard deviation (SD). Demonstrates mostly inaccurate ENPV and SD calculations of Project A. Relevant details are missing. Below Expectations – Minimally describes the expected net present value (ENPV) and standard deviation (SD). Demonstrates inaccurate ENPV and SD calculations of Project A. Significant details are missing. Non-Performance – The description and calculations of the expected net present value (ENPV) are either nonexistent or lack the components described in the assignment instructions. 2b. Explains Which Project Would Be Preferred Between Project A and Project B Total: 1.00 Distinguished – Provides a thorough explanation of which project would be preferred between Project A and Project B. Proficient – Provides an explanation of which project would be preferred between Project A and Project B. Minor details are missing. Basic – Provides a partial explanation of which project would be preferred between Project A and Project B. Relevant details are missing. Below Expectations – Provides a minimal explanation of which project would be preferred between Project A and Project B. Significant details are missing. Non-Performance – The explanation of which project would be preferred is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the assignment instructions. 2c. Describes the Coefficient of Variation (CV) and the Standard Deviation (SD) in Connection With Risk Attitudes Total: 1.00 Distinguished – Thoroughly describes the coefficient of variation (CV) and the standard deviation (SD) in connection with risk attitudes, and thoroughly demonstrates why or why not the decision is different from the previous decision in 2b. Proficient – Adequately describes the coefficient of variation (CV) and the standard deviation (SD) in connection with risk attitudes, and demonstrates why or why not the decision is different from the previous decision in 2b. Minor details are missing. Basic – Partially describes the coefficient of variation (CV) and the standard deviation (SD) in connection with risk attitudes, and inadequately demonstrates why or why not the decision is different from the previous decision in 2b. Relevant details are missing. Below Expectations – Minimally describes the coefficient of variation (CV) and the standard deviation (SD) in connection with risk attitudes, and attempts to demonstrate why or why not the decision is different from the previous decision in 2b. Significant details are missing. Non-Performance – The description of the coefficient of variation (CV) and the standard deviation (SD) and the demonstration of the reason why or why not the decision is different from the previous decisions in 2b are either nonexistent or lack the components described in the assignment instructions. Critical Thinking: Explanation of Issues Total: 0.20 Distinguished – Clearly and comprehensively explains in detail the issue to be considered, delivering all relevant information necessary for a full understanding. Proficient – Clearly explains in detail the issue to be considered, delivering enough relevant information for an adequate understanding. Basic – Briefly recognizes the issue to be considered, delivering minimal information for a basic understanding. Below Expectations – Briefly recognizes the issue to be considered, but may not deliver additional information necessary for a basic understanding. Non-Performance – The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions. Written Communication: Content Development Total: 0.10 Distinguished – Uses appropriate, pertinent, and persuasive content to discover and develop sophisticated ideas within the context of the discipline, shaping the work as a whole. Proficient – Uses appropriate and pertinent content to discover ideas within the context of the discipline, shaping the work as a whole. Basic – Uses appropriate and pertinent content, but does not apply it toward discovering or developing ideas. Overall, content assists in shaping the written work. Below Expectations – Uses content, though it may be unrelated or inappropriate to the topic. Content does not contribute toward the development of the written work, and may distract the reader from its purpose. Non-Performance – The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions. Written Communication: Control of Syntax and Mechanics Total: 0.10 Distinguished – Displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains no errors, and is very easy to understand. Proficient – Displays comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains only a few minor errors, and is mostly easy to understand. Basic – Displays basic comprehension of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains a few errors, which may slightly distract the reader. Below Expectations – Fails to display basic comprehension of syntax or mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains major errors, which distract the reader. Non-Performance – The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions. Written Communication: APA Formatting Total: 0.20 Distinguished – Accurately uses APA formatting consistently throughout the paper, title page, and reference page. Proficient – Exhibits APA formatting throughout the paper. However, layout contains a few minor errors. Basic – Exhibits basic knowledge of APA formatting throughout the paper. However, layout does not meet all APA requirements. Below Expectations – Fails to exhibit basic knowledge of APA formatting. There are frequent errors, making the layout difficult to distinguish as APA. Non-Performance – The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions. Written Communication: Source Requirement Total: 0.40 Distinguished – Uses more than the required number of scholarly sources, providing compelling evidence to support ideas. All sources on the reference page are used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment. Proficient – Uses required number of scholarly sources to support ideas. All sources on the reference page are used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment. Basic – Uses less than the required number of sources to support ideas. Some sources may not be scholarly. Most sources on the reference page are used within the body of the assignment. Citations may not be formatted correctly. Below Expectations – Uses inadequate number of sources that provide little or no support for ideas. Sources used may not be scholarly. Most sources on the reference page are not used within the body of the assignment. Citations are not formatted correctly. Non-Performance – The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions

2024 MKT-498 Target Market Assignment Help

Write a 1 050 to 1 400 word paper in which you research the current customer base consumer behavior demographics psychographics 2023

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you research the current customer base, consumer behavior, demographics, psychographics, lifestyle, geographic area, benefit segmentation, and user segmentation for the product or service. **** COCA-COLA Co.**** Identify the ideal target market for Coca-Cola principal product “Coca-Cola” . Include the following: Provide a specific description of the target market, which should be measurable, accessible, sustainable, differentiable, and actionable. Estimate the size of the market and estimated penetration percentage. Create an initial marking positioning statement based on your current research. Provide justification for your answers.

2024 BUS 308 Week 1 Quiz Assignment Help

1 When using the Chebyshevs theorem to obtain the bounds for 99 73 percent of the values in apopulation the 2023

1. When using the Chebyshevs theorem to obtain the bounds for 99.73 percent of the values in apopulation, the interval generally will be _______ the interval obtained for the same percentageif normal distribution is assumed (empirical rule). 2. An example of a qualitative variable is the mileage of a car 3. By taking a systematic sample, in which we select every 100th shopper arriving at a specificstore, we are approximating a random sample of shoppers 4. All of the following are measures of central tendency except the 5. Measurements from a population are called 6. A normal population has 99.73 percent of the population measurements within ___ standarddeviations of the mean 7. When a population is skewed to the left or right with a very long tail, what is the best measureto use for central tendency 8. All of the following are measures of central tendency except the 9. Which percentile describes the first quartile Q1? 10. Any characteristic of a population unit is called a

2024 Exploring Frequency Distributions Assignment Help

The textbook reading for this module provides a good foundation for understanding data frequency including important 2023

The textbook reading for this module provides a good foundation for understanding data frequency, including important terms, such as departures from symmetry as evidenced by positive and negative skewedness and different categories of flatness or peaked shapes as measured by kurtosis . It also explains, in detail, how to construct one of the simplest visual representations of data frequency: the stem-and-leaf plot (stemplot) . Although it is not difficult to construct stemplots by hand, practice generating them using SPSS, as modeled in the demonstration video. Remember, for the purposes of this course, you are focusing on SPSS software. Once you understand how to read and interpret a stemplot, feel free to skim through the rest of section 3.1. However, return to focused textbook reading with sections 3.2 and 3.3, which discuss frequency tables and charts. To prepare for this Discussion, complete the following tasks: Read the assigned portion of the textbook Watch the demonstration videos provided in the Learning Resources Review the end-of-chapter Review Questions and Exercises on pages 67–75, which are designed to help you practice–and assess your understanding of–the concepts presented in the chapter Complete the following assigned Study Questions, for which answers are provided in the Learning Resources: Review Questions 3.2, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, and 3.19 Exercise 3.6 Additional Questions 1 and 2 located on the Solutions for Study Questions document in the Learning Resources for this module Your posts in the Discussion may include questions or insights about the required reading, the demonstration video, the assigned Study Questions, the solutions for the assigned Study Questions, or any combination thereof. If you do not have questions about the Assignment and believe that you have mastered the material for this module, use the Discussion to answer your colleagues’ questions, offering insight, advice, strategies, and assistance. This Discussion will be available from Day 1 of Week 6 through Day 7 of Week 7 of this module. You are required to submit your initial post by Day 5 of Week 6 . You are encouraged to post early. Once you have submitted your initial post, start engaging in a discussion with your colleagues. Begin engaging with your colleagues by no later than Day 7 of Week 6 and continue to interact frequently with your colleagues through Day 7 of Week 7 . Part of what makes a Discussion a discussion and not a lecture is the back-and-forth, in-depth, animated interaction of at least two people. If you start a topic and none of your colleagues are responding, consider what you can do to get the conversation going. Include something that would elicit further thoughts and different opinions from colleagues. See your Discussion rubric in the Course Information area of the course navigation menu for specific grading requirements. Complete your initial posts by Day 5 of Week 6 . Ask and answer questions, collaborating with your peers to gain a robust understanding of the concepts presented in this module. Remember, this post (and all Discussion posts for this course) should be written to spark discussion among your colleagues. In other words, your post should not contain a statement of fact or a list of solutions to the exercises. Do not be afraid to ask for help, and do not be hesitant to offer it. Remember to conduct yourself professionally and patiently with your colleagues. Begin engaging with your colleagues by participating in the Discussion by no later than Day 7 of Week 6 . In your responses, contribute multiple meaningful, substantive ideas, suggestions, and insights on the focus topic. Present your written contributions in a polished, professional manner. Continue engaging in the Discussion through Day 7 of Week 7 . Click on the Reply button below to reveal the textbox for entering your message. Then click on the Submit button to post your message.

2024 Assignment 1: LASA 2 Strategic Plan And Self-Reflection Summary Assignment Help

Review the initial scenario and the Strategic Business Plan presented in Module 1 2023

Review the initial scenario and the Strategic Business Plan presented in Module 1 to make sure that the requirements of the Board and the Part II Strategic Plan are met. In order to meet the requirements of the Board, you will prepare the final Strategic Business Plan—Part II—Strategic Plan to the Executive Board. Ensure your strategic plan is thorough, succinct, and complete. Challenge yourself to link the targets to specific initiatives you have identified in the Strategic Plan you are developing for H-D. Your written report should include a title page, table of contents, executive summary, and each of the following sections in an 8- to 12-page report: Part I: Global Economy & Factors Affecting H-D Identify H-D’s Motivations & Risks Motivations for Expansion Risks in Expansion Explain H-D’s competitive advantage in Global Markets Determine and explain entry strategies for global expansion Recommend an Internet approach/strategy for H-D How the Internet adds value Internet Business Models Competitive Strategies Leverage E-Business Capabilities Part II: Corporate Leadership Develop the following: Current Direction Setting Organizational Culture: In addition, evaluate the culture at Harley-Davidson (H-D) and define what attributes you think team members should possess in reaching the business goals set forth by the organization. If you were part of the management team at H-D, what motivational techniques would you implement to make these teams successful? Organizational Design: As you have been completing the Strategic Business Plan, the management at Harley-Davidson has decided to take a team-oriented approach in various departments rather than the traditional, functional structure. Based on your knowledge of different types of teams and their focus, suggest what kinds of team strategies should be applied to each department. Be sure to explain your recommendations in detail. Leadership Traits Ethical Organization Characteristics Identify elements Identify missing elements Learning Organization Characteristics Identify elements Identify missing elements Part III: Strategic Plan Summary Conclusions Recommendations Implementation Discuss how you will implement your strategic plans, including how teams should be implemented in each department Develop a brief roadmap for implementation Identify the primary benchmarks to assess success or failure Risks Part IV: Self-Reflection Summary Self-reflection is the key to good leadership and good management. Reflect on what you have learned in this class and on what you gained from your Bachelor of Science program. Based on your reflections, discuss the following: Five or six key “lessons” learned from the textbook and the content that will help you in your career. Consider what you have learned throughout this program. Discuss career opportunities that interest you in business. Include what you have learned about yourself. Evaluate how your personal biases and assumptions have affected your work in the past and how you plan to manage them in the future. Your final product will be in an MS Word document approximately 8–12 pages in length and utilizing approximately 4–6 scholarly/professional sources. Your document should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Submit your final Strategic Business Plan—Part II—Strategic Plan with your self-reflection summary to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned . Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Assignment Components Explain the current global economy, the motivational/risk factors affecting H-D, and their competitive advantage. 32 Determine and explain entry strategies for global expansion and recommend Internet approaches for H-D.. 44 Explain H-D’s current directional setting, organizational culture, and design. Recommend and explain team strategies for each department. 32 Explain H-D’s leadership traits, ethical characteristics, and its learning environment. 40 Provide a Strategic Plan Summary to include your conclusions, recommendations, implementation, and risks. 56 Identify and explain 5–6 key lessons learned and how they will help you in your current and future career. Include an evaluation of your own personal biases and assumptions and how you plan to manage them in the future. 32 Academic Writing Organization (16) Usage and Mechanics (16) APA Elements (24) Style (8) 64 Total: 300

2024 Two identical firms have MC = $3 (no fixed costs) and face a market demand of QD = 9-P. a) If the firms compete on the basis of price: Assignment Help

Duopoly Two identical firms have MC 3 no fixed costs and 2023

Duopoly: Two identical firms have MC = $3 (no fixed costs) and face a market demand of QD = 9-P. a) If the firms compete on the basis of price: i. What kind of duopoly is this? ii. If they compete a finite number of times, what price will each firm choose? Why? How much profit will each firm earn ? iii. If they compete an indefinite number of times, under what circumstances can they sell at a higher price? What is this price and how much profit will each earn in a Nash Equilibrium? What is the optimal discount factor? b) If the firms are competing on the basis of quantity (one the leader, other the follower): i. What kind of duopoly is this? ii. What are the firms’ reaction functions? iii. Assume one firm enters the market first. Find the profit maximizing price, output, and profit of the leader and the follower .

2024 2 Responses Unit 2DB Assignment Help

Response 1 Operations Strategy Framework John Smith s Current Business Profile Operations strategy is the alignment integration optimization of business 2023

Response 1: Operations Strategy Framework John Smith’s Current Business Profile: “Operations strategy is the alignment, integration, optimization of business direction, products and services, and resources with market and customer needs” (MUSE, 2018). John Smith started his own technology service business five years ago, John’s new business began to grow, so John had to relocate since his business grew. John provided his customers with servers, space, and their local area network equipment, and the customers provided their own business application software, and the customers would be responsible for managing the application remotely (MGMT/647). Service Design: The key process of service design is simultaneity, which “happens when the production of services occurs at roughly the same time as customer demand (Foster, Sampson, Wallace, Webb, 2016). The process layout consist of will be an arrangement of workstations and equipment that will be used in the production of a service that is offered, or a product that will be offer to an organizations customer. For instance, Ford Motor Company would have a production line that produced a certain item for a vehicle. John smith is currently encountering issues from his current customers. Mr. Smith needs to ensure that the organization addresses the complaints of his customers. The customers are complaining about the costs, the communication that they have been receiving from the organization about the problems they have been experiencing, service degradation, and the response time of their complaints. Operations Management: The operations management will encompass the entire organization, which will include the supplier down to the customer. The operations manager must be able to communicate effectively in order to motivate other individuals. Operations management must be able to focus on their suppliers, their suppliers’ suppliers, internal processes, distributors, logistical functions, as well as the customers. The operations managers must be able to manage and maintain all aspects of the organizations. The logistical functions are an important process, these functions deal with the handling, storing, and moving of a product or service. The internal processes deal with ensuring that the organization is a smooth running operation and will continue to grow. Mr. Smith must to keep his customer happy so that they will continue to be a value customer for years to come. By having a clear business profile, Mr. Smith will be able to enhance his operation strategy. The framework of the organization could use some upgrading to ensure that all of the resources are up to date, also, Mr. Smith needs to let his customers know what offerings his organization has. The discriminators of the organization will allow his customers to know what separates or distinguishes his organization from his other competitors. The cost that the customer will enquire, the flexibility, the quality of the product, and the speed will be crucial criteria that will differentiate Mr. Smith’s products from the competitors (MUSE, 2018). Mr. Smith organization can return to the success that the organization experienced when Mr. Smith first started out. Mr. Smith needs to reevaluate what needs to be done, and proceed in making those changes. The issues that the organization is now facing can be corrected with the right strategy processes. Response 2: John Smith current business profile involved his own technology service business. Smith wanted to create a business that revolved around technology. The product technology that Smith created was the installation of a telecommunications circuit to the internet. This technology gave Smith the ability to work with other companies and corporations. Ideally the telecommunications circuit that Smith installed into the internet gave him the ability to host business applications and be in-charge of operational acceptability of company’s applications. In relation to Smith’s product versus process design, manufacturing the product is a crucial part of the innovative process. If the product is attractive and is presented to companies and corporations in a way it benefits them, it becomes hot commodity. This notion is imperative in business because, once there is a product that gets people’s attention, being able to work with business definitely elevates Smith’s technology, and that is what exactly happen to him. According to Foster, Sampson, Wallin, & Webb (2016), “In the operations management model, everything was done in an environment that was decoupled from customers and suppliers” (p.54). The process design that involves operations management has to be tactical and well thought out. This means that it is important to manage the delivery of the software to companies and figure out how to positively integrate Smith’s product to the the public. The operations management model conveys that the customers and suppliers are separate entities. Customers have to be taken care of and should not be taken for granted. This means that customer satisfaction is the most important factor. Some challenges that Smith faced regarding a customers included, slow response times, poor quality, and higher cost. These issues are important to address because, the companies suppliers that Smith conduct business with, may not appreciate the customer feedback, and may terminate their contract with him. According to Foster, Sampson, Wallin, & Webb, (2016), “When managers evaluate, innovate, and improve processes, they have to evaluate all these extended processes”(p. 55). The extended processes includes suppliers, our suppliers’ suppliers, our internal processes, our distributors, logistical functions, and our customers. The suppliers of Smith’s product have to make sure the they are advertising the product the correct way. Suppliers have to be personable and have good customer service. If the customer services skills are not there it may hinder customer from buying Smith’s product. The suppliers’ suppliers consist of the manufacturing part of the telecommunications circuit to the internet. The manufacturers have to make sure they distribute to the suppliers in a timely fashion and the product is not damaged. Smith’s customer feedback could be do to poor packaging of his product that may have caused some of the slow speeds of the software. The internal process can consist of advertising and looking at market value. Smith was having some competition that could have cut his prices down to keep customers happy, and possible create a better model of his product. The distributors and logistical functions included, getting the word out about Smiths product and talking about its functionality, that may be appealing to customers . In business customers have the last word when they purchase a product. This means that in order for businesses like Smith’s to continue to grow, they have to content with the product and like it enough to encourage others to buy it as well. Overall there are some improvements Smith needs to make in order to sustain his product for more businesses in the future.

2024 ENTR Venture Capital Assignment Help

Scenario Summary In this scenario the firm is very pleased with your first report 2023

Scenario Summary: In this scenario, the firm is very pleased with your first report and the owners of the firm, Rick Horton and Dave LaPoint, are looking to you for assistance again. The firm has recently been formed and has several interested investors, but they are deciding where and how to invest their firm’s capital. You have just completed a recommendation that focused on the various industries they should invest; the board was impressed, but they want more tangible information. You will write a two- to three-page report on recent venture capital deals that the firm may have invested. Your Role: You are a new investment analyst at Horton and LaPoint Ventures, and you have been asked to evaluate potential investments that were recently made. The board enjoyed your report, but they want to see what types of real investments that may have been made. In Doc Sharing, you will find a file called Top Deals of 2013. Please review this list of 10 companies that were recently funded and report back to the board about which of these you would have recommended to invest. Please note, this does not need to tie into your previous report, so you do not have to pick an investment that fits your earlier recommendation. Activity : For this assignment, you will draft a two- to three-page report that will be given to the company’s Board of Directors at their next board meeting. You need to look at the list of 10 companies that were recently funded as reported by MoneyTree, and then write a recommendation on which three of these companies you would have picked to invest and why you would invest. Please be sure to research each of the companies and be sure to support your recommendation with data and facts about each business. This analysis should draw upon the material given in this course, as well as any outside research that you need to conduct in order to complete the report. Be sure to listen closely to Mr. Horton and Mr. LaPoint, because they will give you clues on the type of information they want in this report. Key Players: Mr. R Horton Cofounder of Horton and LaPoint Ventures Hi, Great job on your first report to the board! It was very well received. Although the board found the information interesting, they felt like they needed more information and tangible data. With that in mind, we would like you to write another recommendation based on real deals that have recently transpired. We want you to research the big deals in the first quarter of 2013, and tell us which of these three you would have recommended to invest. Although we liked your recommendation on what to invest in last week, you do not need to use those criteria for this report. Davy will give you more information on how to structure this report and specifics of the task. Again, great work on the first report. I expect the same level of detail in your follow-up report. Have a great day! Mr. D. LaPoint Cofrounder of Horton and LaPoint Ventures Thank you Ricky, have a good day. I would agree with Mr. Horton on your first report; it was well done. In this report, please view the document that you can find in Doc Sharing called Top Deals of 2013. In this report, you will find 10 companies listed that have recently received some funding. We recognized that it is too late to invest in these ideas. We want to get a postmortem report on the companies we might have invested in if we were in a position to finance these deals. Please review these companies and look at their websites and their product or service offerings, the financials (if available), their industries, and any other important and pertinent information, and let us know what you think. Like last time, we want you to pick three of these companies and rank them in order. Tell us a little bit about each company, and then tell us why you would recommend each of these for our firm. Be sure to do solid research and cite your sources. I look forward to reading your analysis. Have a great day!

2024 Ethics In Accounting Assignment Help

Effective financial reporting depends on sound ethical behavior Financial scandals in accounting and the businesses world have 2023

Effective financial reporting depends on sound ethical behavior. Financial scandals in accounting and the businesses world have resulted in legislation to ensure adequate disclosures and honesty and integrity in financial reporting. A sound economy is contingent on truthful and reliable financial reporting. Instructions: Read the following scenario. Answer the questions that follow. Your answers should result in a 2-3 page submission. Reference back to your text book for guidance on how to think through the scenario. Scenario: Imagine you are the assistant controller in charge of general ledger accounting at Linbarger Company. Your company has a large loan from an insurance company. The loan agreement requires that the company’s cash account balance be maintained at $200,000 or more, as reported monthly. At June 30, the cash balance is $80,000. You give this update to Lisa Infante, the financial vice president. Lisa is nervous and instructs you to keep the cash receipts book open for one additional day for purposes of the June 30 report to the insurance company. Lisa says, “If we don’t get that cash balance over $200,000, we’ll default on our loan agreement. They could close us down, put us all out of our jobs!” Lisa continues, “I talked to Oconto Distributors (one of Linbarger’s largest customers) this morning. They said they sent us a check for $150,000 yesterday. We should receive it tomorrow. If we include just that one check in our cash balance, we’ll be in the clear. It’s in the mail!” Questions What is the accounting problem that the Linbarger Company faces? What are the ethical considerations in this case? Provide rationale for why these are ethical considerations. What are the negative impacts that can happen if you do not follow Lisa Infante’s instructions to wait one more day to post the balance? Who will be negatively impacted if you do comply? Provide a rationale for why these individuals will be impacted. What is one alternative that you could pursue in this scenario? Support your recommendations with information you learned in this class.