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2024 The Leader’s Role in Effecting Change Assignment Help

Assignment 1 The Leader s Role in Effecting Change The leader plays a large role in shaping an organization s culture In 2023

Assignment 1: The Leader’s Role in Effecting Change The leader plays a large role in shaping an organization’s culture. In this discussion, you will choose a Fortune 500 company with a well-known leader and research a current major change the company is embracing. Your role will be as an industrial/organizational (I/O) professional helping this company, team, and individual leaders embrace the change. You will need to understand the company’s culture by using Heckleman’s BEAR Model. Your discussion will be in the form of a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. Be sure your presentation addresses these specific questions: What is the name of the company you chose? What are the leaders’ names? What is the current change the company is adapting to? What is the company’s current culture? What are the challenges you think the company will have making said changes? Using the BEAR Model, what recommendations do you have to change the company’s beliefs, experiences, actions, and results? Attach your response as a 4- to 6-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation in the Discussion Area . The slides need not be in APA style, but the notes should be grammatically correct. All citations should be in APA format on both the slides and the notes pages. A reference page, in APA format, should be included as a slide. Submission Details: By Friday , September 18, 2015 , post your responses to this Discussion Area . Through Wednesday, September 23, 2015 , respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. While responding, identify the similarities and differences between what you have constructed and what your classmates have. In your response, consider: Posing a question to your classmates’ posts Making an observation about the content of your classmates’ posts Commenting on an idea or a concept Highlighting an experience or insight gained from reading your classmates’ posts

2024 answer the questions Assignment Help

1 Compare and contrast theories of absolute and comparative advatages 2 Explain Porter s Diamond model 2023

1. Compare and contrast theories of absolute and comparative advatages . 2. Explain Porter’s “Diamond” model of national competitive advantage. 3. Briefly describe some of the main instruments of trade policy that countries use to interfere with free trade. 4. What are some underlying factors that are causing decoupling to happen as societies move from a uni-polar to a multi-polar world? In your opinion, in which direction is the balance of global-economic power shifting? 5. What are some of the major economic reform themes that are common to the three international organizations promoting globalization?

2024 ECO-365,ECO365,ECO/365,ECO 365 Week 3 Learning Team Current Market Conditions Competitive Analysis Version 4Principles of Microeconomics Economics (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Assignment Help

ECO 365 Week 3 Learning Team Current Market Conditions Competitive Analysis Learning Team Current Market Conditions Competitive Analysis 2023

ECO 365 Week 3 Learning Team Current Market Conditions Competitive Analysis Learning Team Current Market Conditions Competitive Analysis Imagine you are part of a strategic planning group at a large corporation that is considering developing a new proposed product. The marketing director has asked your team to do a competitive market analysis to determine the product’s potential success. The analysis will focus on your primary competitor in the product’s market. Select a potential competitive organization and a product in that organization. Write a 1,400 – 1,750 – word paper of no more than analyzing the current market conditions. Address the following topics: · A short history of the organization and a description of their product · F actors that affect demand, supply, and equilibrium prices in the market in which the competitor organization operates: Define the market for your chosen product, including an analysis of its competitors, potential customers, or potential buyers. · Any issues or opportunities your organization or industry faces that affect its competitiveness and long-term profitability with regards to your product: This may include, but is not limited, to the following elements. o Price elasticity of demand o Technological innovation o The relationship between the amount of labor & capital employed and the law of diminishing marginal productivity o Cost structure · Factors affecting variable costs, including productivity and others that change the supply of and demand for labor · Factors affecting fixed costs Make recommendations on how your organization can maximize their profit-making potential, and successfully compete in the new market. Consider the effect your recommendations may have on marginal revenues and costs. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

2024 BUS 499 (Strayer) WK 10 – Assignment 5: Capstone Paper (A++++++++++) With 10 Pages Assignment Help

CAPSTONE Select a publicly traded corporation for which you would like to 2023

CAPSTONE Select a publicly traded corporation for which you would like to work or are currently working. Research the corporation on its own Website, the public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission EDGAR database ( http://www.sec.gov/edgar.shtml ), in the University’s online databases, and any other sources you can find. The annual report will often provide insights that can help address some of these questions. Write an eight to ten (8-10) page paper in which you: Determine the impact of the company’s mission, vision, and primary stakeholders on its overall success. Analyze the five (5) forces of competition to determine how they impact the company. Create a SWOT analysis for the company to determine its major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Based on the SWOT analysis, outline a strategy for the company to capitalize on its strengths and opportunities, and minimize its weaknesses and threats. Discuss the various levels and types of strategies the firm may use to maximize its competitiveness and profitability. Outline a communications plan the company could use to make the strategies you recommend above known to all stakeholders. Select two (2) corporate governance mechanisms used by this corporation and evaluate how effective they are at controlling managerial actions. Evaluate the effectiveness of leadership within this corporation and make at least one (1) recommendation for improvement. Assess efforts by this corporation to be a responsible (ethical) corporate citizen and determine the impact these efforts (or lack thereof) have on the company’s bottom line. Provide specific examples to support your response. Use at least five (5) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Determine ways in which the vision, mission, and stakeholders of a firm impact that firm’s overall success. Identify how the six segments of the general environment affect an industry and its firms. Identify the five forces of competition. Analyze the external environment for opportunities and threats that impact the firm. Analyze the internal environment of a company for strengths and weaknesses that impact the firm’s competitiveness. Identify various levels and types of strategy in a firm. Predict ways in which corporate governance will affect strategic decisions. Assess the relationship between strategy and organizational structure. Use technology and information resources to research issues in business administration. Write clearly and concisely about business administration using proper writing mechanics

2024 Assignment 2 (Google Inc.) Assignment Help

Assignment 2 Risk Analysis All businesses have associated risks Businesses must cope 2023

Assignment 2: Risk Analysis All businesses have associated risks. Businesses must cope with risk in order to operate. The risks can be minimized when you are certain of the outcome and can be maximized when there are uncertainties. The internal and external factors also impact risk. With all other factors held constant in financial markets, the higher the risk associated with the decision, the higher the expected return. Many investors are risk averse especially when dealing with their investments. In this assignment, you will discuss risks and risk aversion. You will also explore your natural risk tendencies and discuss how you would react to specific financial decisions that you may encounter, personally and professionally. Tasks: Complete the following: Determine the cost of debt and equity for your chosen US publicly traded company using the techniques presented in chapters 5 and 6 of your textbook, The portable MBA in finance and accounting (4th ed.). Show your work. Determine what the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is for your chosen company. In 300 words or less explain why the weighted average cost of capital is important to managers, investors, and creditors of the company. Determine what, in your opinion, the optimal mix of debt and equity is for your company. What benefits should an optimal mix produce for shareholders (owners)? Explain in detail. Write a 2–3-page research paper. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Submission Details: By Wednesday, October 14, 2015 , save your report as M2_A2_lastname_firstinitial.doc and upload to the M2: Assignment 2 Dropbox . Assignment 2 Grading Criteria Maximum Points Demonstrated proficient understanding of risk and risk aversions addressing tasks posed in the assignment. 48 Discussed the concept of risk by assessing relevant information, diagnosing underlying causes, considering and evaluating possible alternatives, and determining and defending an appropriate, well-reasoned, and creative solution or course of action. 32 Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 20 Total: 100

2024 The intent of this paper is to look at how markets work. Congratulations, you have just won the lottery and received $150,000. Assignment Help

The intent of this paper is to look at how markets work Congratulations 2023

The intent of this paper is to look at how markets work. Congratulations, you have just won the lottery and received $150,000. You are to spend all or as close to $150,000 on 5 different stocks or mutual funds (no bonds, commodities, cash or certificate of deposits) and broker’s fees (1/2% of 1% of the value of the transaction). You may have a small cash account due to the event that your stock purchases and broker’s fees do not equal $150,000. You will not earn interest on this cash account. This account must be less than the lowest price of one share of stock and broker’s fees. Y ou hold your stocks you can shift your holdings among the 5 stocks and mutual funds or purchase different stocks or mutual funds. You must maintain a portfolio with 5 different stocks or mutual funds at ALL times. You will sell your stocks or mutual funds. It is your responsibility to keep track of each transaction date, purchase price, sale price, quantity of shares bought, and sold and the broker’s fees. Your paper must include: a. The names of the companies and why you purchased these companies’ stocks or funds b. Tell me any interesting happenings concerning each company you own shares of stock inwithin the 10 weeks you held the stocks. This requires researching your companies. (I do not want stock price information) c. If you trade any stocks during the 10 weeks, tell me why you chose to do so. If you hold onto your stocks the entire 10 weeks, tell me why you chose to do so. d. As an economist, what good do you think each of your companies have a comparative advantage in? Why? e. What would an economist say was the cause of the price of your stock rising, falling or staying the same? Be specific regarding the determinants of supply and/or demand. f. Do you think consumers would be responsive or unresponsive to a change in the price of the product each of your companies produce? Why or why not? If the government placed an excise tax on the good or service, who would bear the burden of the tax? Why? g. Do you think the equilibrium price of the product each of your companies produce is the socially optimum equilibrium price? Why or why not? h. Identify which market structure each company would belong in. Why? i. What do you think about the future of each company? This is an analysis of your companies. One cannot tell the future of a company from the current stock price. You need to research your companies. j. A profit/loss statement (this is a financial statement) in table format !!! You must include all relevant data including: purchase date, number of shares purchased, expenditures on stocks/mutual funds, broker’s fees, sale date, number of shares sold, total revenue, broker’s fees, and profit. I want you to present the data in an easy to follow table. This means I want columns and data NO GRAPHS, PIE CHARTS, BAR GRAPHS, ETC. This paper requires research. You will have to investigate the companies you choose. You must include a bibliography in either MLA or APA format. Your final report must be well written. I want to see complete sentences, paragraphs and I want the report to flow in a manner which allows me to understand what you are attempting to tell me. I expect a professional job. KEEP READING…. You haven’t gotten to the formatting instructions for this assignment yet. Scroll down some more! Your Name Micro Application Paper ECONOMIC PRINCIPLE : Markets at work USE THIS FORMAT FOR PAGE ONE OF YOUR PAPER, GENERAL REMINDERS Reports must be TYPED (11-12 pt font, black ink on white paper), DOUBLE-SPACED and cannot exceed 8 pages in length, including the table. Use the FORMAT PROVIDED . Do include section headings. Your paper must be turned in to www.turnitin.com . Your chart needs to be attached to the word document and the complete assignment submitted to turnitin.com as one document. When you access the web site for the first time, you must register. Please see the syllabus for the course id and password. You must also bring a hard copy to class. Grammar is important! I will be using the Social and Behavioral Department grading rubric found on blackboard. Please review the rubric. I have seen paper scores gutted because they were not proof read; please do not let this happen to you. PAPERS LEFT ON MY DESK, LEFT IN MY MAILBOX OR OTHERWISE “DROPPED OFF” WILL BE CONSIDERED “ABANDONED” AND DISCARDED. I DO NOT ACCEPT PAPERS VIA E-MAIL; THEY MUST BE SUBMITTED TO TURNITIN.COM and a hard copy brought to class. “Work-in-progress” will not be graded . Your paper is not ready to submit until it is TYPED (11-12 pt font, black ink on white paper)/DOUBLE-SPACED with 1″ MARGINS on all 4 sides, and all components of the paper completed. PROOFREAD! Good luck, I hope you make a bundle!

2024 Discussion Post – Primary Challenges Of Globalization, Culture Jamming And Cold War Assignment Help

NEED TO ANSWER ALL THREE DISCUSSION QUESTIONS also specify which answer goes to which discussion question 2023

NEED TO ANSWER ALL THREE DISCUSSION QUESTIONS…also specify which answer goes to which discussion question question 1 identify three challenges that a U.S. businessperson may encounter in a global environment. Which do you feel is the biggest challenge and why? question 2 Define the term “Culture Jamming”. Visit Adbusters , and share your impressions of the website. Then, explain how advertising can act as a form of cultural imperialism. question 3 Several Hollywood films during the 1980’s depicted the cold war, which was nearly over. Give an example of a popular Hollywood film from the early to mid 1980’s that reflected the cold war. How did this film reflect the feelings of Americans at the time? How did it reflect the media’s biases of the time?

2024 Leadership ( phd doctorate only) Assignment Help

presentation on yourself as a leader This is a thirty point presentation Include Shaping influences Genogram Personality shaping influences True 2023

presentation on yourself as a leader This is a thirty-point presentation. Include: Shaping influences (Genogram) Personality-shaping influences (True Colors and Tyrd) Leadership Behaviors-strenguh Weakness (LPI repon) Coaching Tip (Resume) The key to the assignment is: Can you integrate the pi nd describe yourself on how to be a stronger leader? A written version of this presentation is no required

2024 Individual Assignment Assignment Help

Complete Discussion Questions 2 3 5 and 6 from Chapter 7 page 303 Each question is worth 2023

Complete Discussion Questions 2, 3, 5 and 6 from Chapter 7, page 303. Each question is worth 10 points. To receive full credit: your answers must be your own (limited quotations from the textbook) include references to support EACH of your answers (please include at least one outside resource and the textbook). each response should be AT LEAST a paragraph long (5 sentence minimum) attach a works cited page using APA formatting proper spelling and grammar will be graded

2024 Sylvia Case Assignment Help

Taxation Ensure you comply with the changed research directives shown before RC9 Deduction for Foreign Travel Sylvia is 2023

Taxation. Ensure you comply with the changed research directives shown before RC9. Deduction for Foreign Travel Sylvia is a professor in business at the University of Hawaii. She went on sabbatical for an academic year to take courses in Chinese at National Taiwan University in Taipei, Taiwan, to expand her knowledge of international business and to conduct research. On weekends and during the three week winter break Sylvia went sight-seeing by herself around the island, but one time gave a lecture in Tainan, Taiwan. Sylvia has documented her expenses and saved her receipts. Advise Sylvia.