Tag Archive for: Assignment Help Services

2024 Business Finance Help- Bonds- Needed ASAP Assignment Help

Waco Industries Inc likes to open a branch in Houston and need to 2023

Waco Industries, Inc. likes to open a branch in Houston and need to raise capital to do so. Waco management decides to issue 20 year corporate bond, at coupon rate of 8%, a par value of $1,000 to raise the needed funds for this project. As an investor, if your required rate of return is 7% (to compensate you for your cost of borrowing from elsewhere), what price would you be willing to pay for Waco’s bond? What happens if you pay more for the bond? What happens if you pay less for the bond? Now if your required rate of return is 12% (rather than 7%), what is the price you will be willing to pay for the bond? (show your calculations)

2024 BUS 518 Assignment 3 Developing a Missile The Power of Autonomy and Learning Assignment Help

BUS 518 Assignment 3 Developing a Missile The Power of Autonomy and 2023

BUS 518 Assignment 3 Developing a Missile The Power of Autonomy and Learning Read the case study titled ‘Developing a Missile: The power of Autonomy and Learning’ Before starting this assignment. Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you: Formulate a one (1) paragraph vision statement for the team project as project leader for the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile program. Analyze key actions that Terry Little took to foster higher levels of performance, and recommend, in retrospect, a new course of action for a comprehensive organizational change as if you were in his position. Describe the fallacies, consistencies, and inconsistencies that emerged from Terry Little’s leadership tactics, geared toward inspiring the team to greater heights. Construct an argument for how you would have acted differently than Terry Little and support the position. Recommend at least three (3) strategies to the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile program management team with a view to improving its operational performance. Provide three (3) specific examples to support the response.

2024 ACC3 M3S3 Assignment Help

Prepare a balance sheet for the company in good format Update the balance sheet for the changes to income in 2023

Prepare a balance sheet for the company in good format. Update the balance sheet for the changes to income in module 2 and also consider the effect of paying the dividend. You do not need to include the income statement. The submission should be 3 to 4 pages and need to include answers to all the questions as expected for the assignment. Show computations, discuss the results, and include references in text as necessary and in APA format. The paper should be typed out in Times New Roman, Font 12, Double Spaced.

2024 Finance8 Assignment Help

Since Pam is 48 and Josh is 50 what should be their major priorities as they continue planning 2023

Since Pam is 48 and Josh is 50, what should be their major priorities as they continue planning for retirement? Life Situation Financial Data Pam, 48 Josh, 50 3 Children, ages 21, 19 and 16 Monthly income $6,700 Living expenses $5,600 Assets $242,500 Liabilities $69,100 With two children in college, the Brocks once again find their life situation changing. Compared to five years ago, their total assets have declined due to college expenses. The Brocks’ oldest child will graduate next year, but the youngest will enter college in a couple of years. The drain on the family’s finances will continue. While the family’s finances are adequate, both Pam and Josh are beginning to think more about retirement. Over the years, Josh has taken advantage of different career opportunities. Today his annual salary is higher than ever. However, his employment changes have resulted in a smaller pension fund than would have been available had he remained with the same organization. The current value of his pension plan is just over $115,000. The investment program Pam and he started almost 10 years ago is growing and is now worth about $62,000. But they still worry whether they will have enough money to finance their retirement when Josh retires in 15 years. Pam and Josh should also be concerned with various estate planning actions. They have talked about a will and investigated the benefits of several types of trusts. However, they have not taken any specific actions.

2024 Management Capstone 3 Slides For My Product Adam On Team Andrews Assignment Help

Version 1 0 StartHTML 000000218 EndHTML 000008790 StartFragment 000006098 EndFragment 000008620 StartSelection 000006098 EndSelection 000008616 SourceURL https studentlogin coloradotech edu UnifiedPortal 3 6 charset UTF 8 ng cloak ng cloak data ng cloak x ng cloak ng cloak x ng cloak ng hide not ng hide animate display none important ng form display block ng animate shim visibility hidden ng anchor position absolute 2023

Version:1.0 StartHTML:000000218 EndHTML:000008790 StartFragment:000006098 EndFragment:000008620 StartSelection:000006098 EndSelection:000008616 SourceURL:https://studentlogin.coloradotech.edu/UnifiedPortal/3/6  @charset “UTF-8”;[ng:cloak],[ng-cloak],[data-ng-cloak],[x-ng-cloak],.ng-cloak,.x-ng-cloak,.ng-hide:not(.ng-hide-animate){display:none !important;}ng:form{display:block;}.ng-animate-shim{visibility:hidden;}.ng-anchor{position:absolute;}  window.cecBase = {“SessionId”:”3c3af7ff3fac40b0b9c2264ed542b948″,”VersionId”:”″,”Timestamp”:””,”MediaUrl”:”/UnifiedPortal/Media/”,”isDev”:”false”,”isProd”:”true”,”CacheControlQueryString”:”cec_v=”,”ThemeId”:9,”PortalSsid”:3,”PortalCampusId”:6,”Config”:{“CampusId”:6,”SourceSystemId”:3,”SyStudentId”:16170551,”SyStaffId”:null,”UserRoles”:1,”AnaltyicsKey”:”UA-54437226-5″,”UserIdExternal”:”3_1_17921618″,”LogUIErrors”:false,”CurrentDate”:”2018-09-01T13:45:12.8312445Z”,”AddSessionCamTag”:false,”SessionCamUrl”:”//d2oh4tlt9mrke9.cloudfront.net/Record/js/sessioncam.recorder.js”},”UseSSO”:false};  window.cecBasePath = ‘/UnifiedPortal/’;  window.cecBasePathAbsolute = window.location.protocol + ‘//’ + window.location.hostname + window.cecBasePath;  (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i[‘GoogleAnalyticsObject’]=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments); },i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m);})(window,document,’script’,’https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js’,’ga’); Learning Management System As you begin the simulation, you will need to revisit the effectiveness of your business strategy relative to the six basic strategies. As a team, you need to discuss these results and decide which strategy you will choose for the competition that begins the end of this week. Each member of the team should review the strategy for his or her role, and then a team decision needs to be made on the overall strategy for the next round. Task Assignment Part 1: Team Participation to Begin the 1st Practice Round Go to the CAPSIM home page ( www.capsim.com ). Click “Log in” near the top right and enter your ID & password. On the next screen, click on the “C#####” number to get into the course. Left hand side, click on “Decisions” and then “Launch the web spreadsheet”.You are now in the spreadsheet where you can make your decisions for round one.Other notes: In general, you need to start from the top with R&D and work your way down to finance to make well informed decisions. You save your decisions to the website by going to “File” and then “Update Official Decisions”. You can save your decisions as often as needed before the deadline. The “Reports” tab contains vital information to aid in your decision making. Be sure to review last year’s newspaper, called the Capstone Courier report and the Industry Conditions Report. The “Proformas” are like if-then statements. If your decisions come true then this is what your results would look like. Note: Make a note of your Practice Round product decisions. The simulation will reset to the Competition Round 1 after the Practice Round processes. To start the Competition, you will make new decisions for the first year of business based on what you learned from the Practice Round results. Task Assignment Part 2: Yearly Summary Report Use your textbook(s), course materials, and Internet sources to, as a team, prepare a PowerPoint presentation of 15-20 slides that justifies your strategic decisions for Practice Round 1. Your team will need to provide a brief executive summary “state of the business” slide, a synopsis of the key decisions for each product, the reasoning leading to the decisions, and an assessment of the results of those decisions. Please submit your assignment.

2024 MGT656-1703D-01 Assignment Help

You are now ready to present a process improvement to hotel management in the 2023

You are now ready to present a process improvement to hotel management in the areas of focus (check-in, checkout, and hotel offerings). Individual Portion Complete the following: •Using process mapping and reviewing the information here, present the new processes for check-in and checkout to management. •Pick 1 hotel offering and write a new process map for it. Along with charts, give a detailed explanation of the new process and where such improvement will benefit the hotel and increase customer satisfaction. Be sure to include all costs, resources, and management functions. •Using the data gathered for check-in and checkout under your new process, present control charts that demonstrate the new process performance to management.  Please add your file.  Group Portion For this portion, you will complete the following: •Apply Six-Sigma quality standards and devise a plan for the hotel to monitor and control future process performance. •Include 5–7 academic, peer-reviewed references that are relevant to and that support the deliverable.  Please submit your assignment. This assignment will be assessed using additional criteria provided here. For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials. Grading Criteria  Percentage Deliverable requirements addressed; understanding of material and writer’s message and intent are clear  35% Scholarly research which supports writer’s position properly acknowledged and cited direct quotations may not exceed 10% of the word count of the body of the assignment deliverable (excluded title page, abstract or table of contents if used, tables, exhibits, appendices, and reference page(s). Inclusion of plagiarized content will not be tolerated and may result in adverse academic consequences.  20% Critical thinking: position is well justified; logical flow; examples 20% Structure: Includes introduction and conclusion; proper paragraph format and reads as a polished, academic paper or professional presentation, as appropriate for the required assignment deliverable  10% Mechanical: No spelling, grammatical or punctuation errors  10% APA: Deliverable is cited properly according to the APA Publication Manual (6th ed.)  5% Other Information There is no additional information to display at this time. Legend Extra Credit View Assignment RubricPlease I need 10 pagesAssignment Objectives Describe management quality initiatives such as TQM and Six Sigma. Evaluate the quality control tools used to analyze and improve processe10 pages with charts, excluding title page, abstract page, reference page(s), and appendic

2024 BIS 155 FINAL EXAM Assignment Help

Q 1 Part 1 Write the formulas needed in Cells I7 and J7 2023

Q 1) Part 1: Write the formulas needed in Cells I7 and J7 to total sales and calculate commission, if any, earned for the week. Use cell references in your formulas, and write them so that they may be copied to Cells I8 through I11 and J8 through J11. Part 2: Write the formula needed in Cell B19 to show the amount of the highest sales for the week, and the formula needed in B20 to show the average sales by salesperson for the week. Part 3: Describe the formatting needed to give the worksheet a professional appearance. Part 4: You know others in your company may have questions about the worksheet, so you want to be sure they know who created it and the purpose of the worksheet. Describe the best way to incorporate this information into your workbook. (TCO 3) A retail chain keeps daily data with summaries of the dollar amounts of sales for each of 151 different products sold at 23 retail stores. The daily data is tracked by product and by store. At the end of the day each store sends its data to the sales manager at the corporate office. The data is sent in an Excel spreadsheet. Describe a data consolidation strategy and at least two different types of visualization techniques the sales manager can use to analyze the data received from all stores. Be sure to include formulas that are to be used in the Excel spreadsheet. (Points : 40) (TCO 4) You are an analyst for the Vanguard Mortgage Company has been using a spreadsheet created by you in the past which functions well. The current worksheet you created currently contains the customer’s account, the cost of the house, down payment, amount financed, mortgage rate, loan years (e.g. 30 year), % financed, date financed and payoff year. You have been tasked with enhancing the worksheet to include noted basic summary statistics. Which sorts of summary statistical methods would you include in the updated workbook? Describe at least six statistical functions that you would use so that you could explain them to your supervisor. (Points : 40) TCO 5) A table named “Daily Sales” in a Microsoft Access database has the following fields:Product A Product B Product C Product D Each record on the table represents a day of total sales for each product and the data covers the last five years. Your boss asks you to create a visual report of the sales performance of each product during the last 12 months. Prepare a step-by-step description of how you would use Microsoft Excel to prepare the report and email it to your boss following these steps: Step 1 – Import data from Access to Excel Step 2 – Summarize Monthly Data for each product during the last 12 months Step 3 – Create a visual representation of monthly data Step 4 – Email the spreadsheet with your comments to your boss (Points : 40) TCO 9) Note: This question has three parts: As the Sales Manager of a global company, you would like to use MS Excel to analyze the sales data for the entire company. The first challenge is, the Sales Data System cannot export its data as a MS Excel Workbook. It can however, generate a TXT file. Please explain how you would get the data into Excel for analysis As the Sales Manager, decide two things you would like to know from the sales data (data available: country, product, price per product, date product was sold, quantity sold, sales person). Then select two features you would use to analyze the data to provide you with the information you desire. Please be clear on what two things you would like to know and how you will use the selected feature to provide that information. With the information now known, please describe how you would present this information to senior management. Please be specific and be sure to consider the audience.

2024 Perceptual Map Presentation Assignment Help

Review perceptual mapping located on the Week 2 ERR page Review the example perceptual map in 2023

Review “perceptual mapping” located on the Week 2 ERR page. Review the example perceptual map in Exhibit 4-14 in Ch. 4 of Basic Marketing . Select an industry with many competitors. Select two key variables that segment the competition. Complete a perceptual map that includes a minimum of 10 competitors from that same industry. Explain why you placed each competitor on its particular spot on the map. Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® presentation with your map and competitor explanations. Include a summary slide at the beginning of your presentation.

2024 LDR531 Organizational Leadership WEEK 2 ASSIGNMENT Week 2 Team Weekly Reflection Assignment Help

Week 2 Team Weekly Reflection Discuss this week s objectives with your team 2023

Week 2 Team Weekly Reflection Discuss this week’s objectives with your team. Your discussion should include the topics you feel comfortable with, any topics you struggled with, and how the weekly topics relate to application in your field. Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper detailing the findings of your discussion. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

2024 Apply: Securities And International Regulatory Agencies Assignment Help

Read the following scenario You are the CEO of Bonner a U S based farm equipment corporation Bonner recently 2023

Read the following scenario: You are the CEO of Bonner, a U.S.-based farm equipment corporation. Bonner recently announced the release of an innovative new tractor with technology based on a patented invention developed by Bonner’s engineers. Bonner’s vice president, who is aware of the upcoming product offering, bought 100,000 shares of Bonner stock prior to the announcement. You found out about the vice president’s stock purchase on the day of the announcement. One week after the announcement, Bonner received a letter from a German farm equipment corporation, accusing Bonner of patent infringement based on the new tractor’s technology. Bonner’s board of directors asked you to assess the vice president’s liability for the stock purchase and the company’s options for resolving the German corporation’s patent infringement claim. Prepare an infographic for the board (e.g., Memo incorporating a visual, or a Graph, Chart, Table, powerpoint presentation etc. – can use Microsoft®, PowerPoint®, Piktochart®, Publisher, Glogster®, etc.) in which you discuss the following: Explain why Bonner is the owner of the invention (what are the intellectual property rights owned by Bonner in the invention) Suggest a method of dispute resolution (e.g., arbitration, mediation, litigation, WIPO dispute resolution), why that method would be desirable for resolving the dispute, and how and where the dispute resolution should be held (United States, foreign country, online, etc.). Assess the liability of Bonner’s vice president for purchasing the corporation’s stock prior to the announcement of the new tractor. Assess whether Bonner has any legal or ethical duties to disclose the stock purchase, and if so, to whom? Discuss risk management procedures Bonner can adopt to avoid or reduce situations like these from happening in the future. As a guide, if you do a Powerpoint, it should be 7-10 slides. If you do something like a memo with a visual incorporated into it, it should be about 525-1000 words. If you do a chart or a table, it should be about 350-725 words. The point of the task is to provide a quick, clear and concise visual for the Board. Cite a minimum of two references.