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2024 3 question related to WSJ Assignment Help

1 In your own words explain what the mobile gap is and why it s such a big deal 2 2023

1. In your own words, explain what the ‘mobile gap’ is and why it’s such a big deal. 2. What are the primary challenges and/or obstacles with generating ad revenue in a mobile environment? 3. Consider your own mobile device viewing patterns, i.e., what you read and access on your device. Briefly describe at least three potential revenue opportunities that an advertiser or media organization could pursue based on your viewing habits as a representative example. Read the case study. Answer the discussion question related to the case study. Make sure to meet all rubric requirements. Click the expand button to show all rubrics for the case study. Your response is automatically saved.

2024 Assignment 4 Assignment Help

1 Please post the hyperlink to one federal statute which influences commerce on the 2023

1. Please post the hyperlink to one federal statute which influences commerce on the internet and summarize in not less than 100 words what that statute accomplishes. 2. Please post the hyperlink to one state statute which influences commerce on the internet and summarize in not less than 100 words what that statute accomplishes. ——————————————————————————————— 3) Please write an essay of not less than 500 words, summarizing a court’s interpretation in a case involving online protection of a patent. Cite both the case and statute using standard legal notation. ———————————————————————————————- 5) Using a Microsoft Word document, please discuss the case involving the United States of America versus Ross Ulbricht. (in 500 words)

2024 Accountin306 Assignment Help

Setting Up a New Company in QuickBooks Please respond to the following Suggest 2023

“Setting Up a New Company in QuickBooks” Please respond to the following: Suggest one (1) consequence of improperly classifying an account type (e.g., if an expense is classified as an asset or an asset is classified as an expense). Describe the effect on at least two (2) of the four (4) major financial statements: Profit & Loss (Income) Statement, Statement of Retained Earnings, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cash Flows.

2024 need help Assignment Help

Assignment 2 Required Assignment 1 Financial Position Analysis In this assignment you will write a paper in which you will analyze 2023

Assignment 2: Required Assignment 1—Financial Position Analysis In this assignment, you will write a paper in which you will analyze an income statement, identify risks, and identify funding choices for a business that is expanding globally. Scenario: Your employer, Getting Bigger All The Time, Inc. (GBATT), a multinational corporation headquartered in the United States of America, is looking to expand operations into Brazil. GBATT manufacturers a variety of materials used in the residential and commercial building industries. The Brazilian economy has continued to expand, even in the current global economic downturn, and sales of GBATT materials to Brazilian companies have greatly increased. GBATT is exploring the possibility of building a new manufacturing facility in Brazil, not only to meet the increasing Brazilian demand, but also in anticipation of increased demand in other South American and Latin American countries once the global recession is completely over. The following is GBATT’s basic income statement for the last two years of operations. GBATT Income Statement for Years Ending December 31 ($ millions) Year 1 Year 2 Amount % of total sales Amount % of total sales Net Sales $4,500.0 100.0% $4,300.0 100.0% Variable operating costs (78% of sales) (3,510.0) 78.0% (3,354.0) 78.0% Gross profit 990.0 22.0% 946.0 22.0% Fixed operating costs except depreciation (60.0) 1.3% (57.0) 1.3% Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) 930.0 20.7% 889.0 20.7% Depreciation (33.0) 0.7% (30.0) 0.7% Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) 897.0 19.9% 859.0 20.0% Interest (24.0) 0.5% (23.0) 0.5% Earnings before taxes (EBT) 873.0 19.4% 836.0 19.4% Taxes (35%) (305.6) 6.8% (292.6) 6.8% Net income $567.5 12.6% $543.4 12.6% Directions: The CFO has asked you to analyze the information to help the decision makers select among different options. He asked that your analysis include the following topics: Operational Performance: Write a brief analysis of GBATT’s operational performance. Include discussion of the year over year performance. Financial Markets and Funding Choices: Analyze the choices of funding for the new plant. Your analysis should include: Debt Financing Compare currency denomination choices for debt, and if debt is selected for financing suggest whether the debt should be denominated in U.S. dollars or Brazilian reals. Compare centralized and decentralized denomination of debt and its effect on the debt issuance. Determine if a fixed or a floating debt rate should be used. Equity Financing: Examine whether equity should be domestically listed in a single exchange, or cross-listed in multiple exchanges around the world. What are some advantages and disadvantages of each? Write a 6–7-page paper listing your findings. Make sure you write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.doc. For example, if your name is John Smith, your document will be named SmithJ_M3_A2.doc. By Wednesday, September 16, 2015 , deliver your assignment to the M3: Assignment 2 RA 1 Dropbox . Grading Criteria Grading Criteria Proficient Maximum Points Write a brief analysis of GBATT’s operational performance. Include discussion of the year over year performance. Analysis is complete, accurate, and specific. Analysis includes discussion of the year over year performance of GBATT. 60 Compare currency denomination choices for debt, and if debt is selected for financing suggest whether the debt should be denominated in the accurate currency. Comparison is accurate and appropriate. Suggestion of which denomination is more appropriate is included. 28 Compare centralized and decentralized denomination of debt and how it affects the debt issuance. Comparison is accurate and appropriate. An accurate effect of the debt issuance is included in the comparison. 32 Determine if a fixed or a floating debt rate should be used. Analysis is accurate and justified. 28 Examine whether equity should be domestically listed in a single exchange, or cross listed in multiple exchanges around the world. What are some advantages and disadvantages of each? Examination is accurate, specific, and clear. Advantages and disadvantages identified for listing equity in various exchanges are clear and appropriate. 32 Writing Standards Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e. APA); and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 20 Total: 200

2024 Macroeconomics Essay Assignment Help

Describe a real government policy in the context of the macroeconomic principles we learned in class Spend 2023

Describe a real government policy in the context of the macroeconomic principles we learned in class. Spend one or two pages telling about its history, the economic problem it attempted to tackle and the intended goals. Who were the agents pushing it forward? Who was against it? What was the incentive framework of the main agents involved before the policy was implemented? And what was the incentive framework implied by the policy? You must be able to identify groups of people with similar background or interests and compare the economic policy from the viewpoint of these groups. You are free to choose any government policy that is interesting to you: fiscal policy, monetary policy, or regulatory policy. The policy you choose does not have to be one from the US. This assignment should be between 250-400 words.

2024 Discussion 3 Response Assignment Help

Please read the two 2 below discussions and write a response Must be a minimum of 8 lines per 2023

Please read the two (2) below discussions and write a response. Must be a minimum of 8 lines per discussion. Please include a reference in your response using APA format and cite the reference in the text. 1-The most significant business problem JetBlue faced as an organization was not the countless delays and cancellations of its flights, but the resulting loss of image and reputation as a result. Corporate image is “the organization as seen from the viewpoint of its constituencies” (Argenti, 2013). With passengers trapped inside a plane for nine hours, unexpected cancellations, and police being called to handle unruly costumers, it is clear that JetBlue’s reputation was in jeopardy. A lack of communication to constituents among other factors played an important role in the whole situation. JetBlue failed to maintain communication with the control tower when waiting for takeoff and having passengers sit in a jet for an excessive amount of time. The passengers weren’t the only ones left in the dark when the crisis came into full swing. Employees of JetBlue were left wondering what to do or how to help while also dealing with disgruntled costumers. “We had an emergency control center full of people who didn’t know what to do” (Argenti, 2013, p. 105). The organization had a breakdown of communication externally and internally all at the same time with no strategy in place to combat it leading to the downward spiral they faced in the days following Valentine’s Day. The most desirable outcome from this dilemma would be the regaining of the public trust. When in the face of a crisis, it is important to admit the situation truthfully and try to address the problem even if it involves changes in corporate behavior (Greyser, 2009). JetBlue attempted to do this by not just shifting the blame to the weather and inaccurate info from the forecasters. CEO of JetBlue David Neeleman realized this when he suggested the JetBlue Airways Customer Bill of Rights against the advice of multiple teams. Better communication throughout the organization is also a desirable outcome. This result would go hand in hand with a better organizational crisis strategy for future unforeseen situations like this to prevent communication breakdown. JetBlue did manage to use a few communication practices that helped out such as being very public about taking responsibility and admitting their faults (Public Relations Strategist, 2007). The case study mentions how most other companies would have just tried to deflect and use the weather as a scapegoat but not JetBlue. In fact, they even gave a face to the problem by having the CEO take responsibility personally. This tactic did well in adding transparency to the organization but could have been a chance to also communicate to investors and unsettled stakeholders. Shining a brighter light regarding the media on possibly reinforcing infrastructure or starting programs and initiatives to strengthen the companies identity could have gone a long way to soothing unnerved investors. David Neeleman did well in also conducting interviews and taking the criticism from the public (Salter, 2007,05). When faced with the pressures of possible legislative action, he decided to go above and beyond by implementing his own company bill of rights. The JetBlue Airways Customer Bill of Rights showed just how dedicated he was to correcting his mistakes and showing the public that the company values its costumers more than their profit margins each year. 2- While reading, “JetBlue Airways: Regaining Altitude,” I was reminded by one specific event that impacted America, the attack on Pearl Harbor. Many decisions were put off thinking everything would be okay. However, in both situations, it turned out to be completely opposite. Situations could have been different if the naval base and JetBlue had a back-up plan for crisis. Carol Stewart discusses how JetBlue failed to have an immediate plan for crisis in the article, “Lessons Learned: How JetBlue Airways Used Apologia and New Media to Survive a Crisis- A Case Study.” The next issue that arose with the lack of a back-up plan for crisis was leaving passengers on the planes for extend amounts of time with hope of the weather changing. When worse comes to worse be safe instead of sorry. Customers are always the first priority in any company. The customers help make the face of the company. With social media and media, reviews fly all over the place within a matter of seconds. This can become extremely problematic. Therefore, the flights should have been cancelled with no issue. This was an act of putting profit before the people. The final issue, David Neelman never seemed to come out and directly say, “I am sorry.” This could have been done on the media. As a customer, if someone has the confidence to completely come out, apologize, and admit to their mistakes then I am more likely to forgive and continue being a customer. This action could have been done immediately and brief in order to hold customers over for the mean time until a plan of action could have been made. The critical constituency issues that were faced with JetBlue Airways were first, the customers, second, employees, and finally Congress. The customers and employees were both let down by management in this crisis. Many customers were lost due to this issue and could not receive any help, but an answering machine according to, “Corporate Communications.” Employees were let go due to the cost of the crisis. Finally, Congress became a constituency issue due to many operational failures during the crisis. The main issue was holding the customers against their will. The three main desirable outcomes that was looked for by JetBlue was the trust of the customers, rebuild their reputation, and become a profitable company again. According to Paul Argenti, David Neelman answered every customer letter or email, changed the Customer Bill of Rights, and made the statement, “I can flap my lips all I want, talk is cheap. Watch us.” These are brave moves for CEO Neelman to make. He made them, risking the company. These communication practices include marketing communications, government relations, and social responsibility. In, “How Coporate Social Responsibility is Defined: An Analysis of 37 definitions,” Alexander Dahlsrud states that it is not social responsibility does not have a definition but is how the company is socially constructed. Neelman made an example of how a company is socially constructed with making the society his main priority after the crisis.

2024 Healthcare Marketing and Strategy Assignment Help

Part 1 Healthcare Consumers Discuss ways in which healthcare consumers are different from consumers 2023

Part 1: Healthcare Consumers Discuss ways in which healthcare consumers are different from consumers of other goods and services. Part 2: Redefinition of the Patient As healthcare has evolved so has the concept of a patient or consumer of healthcare. Technology and culture are among the many variables that have affected our concept of a healthcare patient. Consider these items among the others noted in your text: What has most influenced the way you view yourself as a consumer of healthcare? What factors led to the redefinition of the patient as a consumer in the late twentieth century?

2024 Need Power Point Paper For Capstone Class On Amazon Assignment Help

Make sure to follow the instructions given on the required Power Point Consider the corporation Amazon you have 2023

Make sure to follow the instructions given on the required Power Point. Consider the corporation (Amazon) you have selected to use in your first three assignments. Identify one of the firm’s major competitors that you would consider working for. Research the corporation on its own Website, the public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission EDGAR database ( http://www.sec.gov/edgar.shtml ), in the University’s online databases, and any other sources you can find. The annual report will often provide insights that can help address some of these questions. Develop an eight to twelve slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes based upon Assignments 1 through 4. You may choose to compare your chosen corporation to a major competitor with whom you would like to work. You will make recommendations to the Board of Directors based upon your analysis and decision on why the corporation remains or is not a good fit for you. 1. Determine the impact of the company’s mission, vision, and primary stakeholders on its overall success as a competitive employer in the industry. 2. Create a SWOT analysis for the company to determine its major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. 3. Based on the SWOT analysis, outline a strategy for the company to capitalize on its strengths and opportunities, and minimize its weaknesses and threats. 4. Discuss the various levels and types of strategies the firm may use to maximize its competitiveness and profitability. 5. Outline a communications plan the company could use to make the strategies you recommend above known to all stakeholders. 6. Develop an executive level Power Point presentation with 8 -12 slides with speaker notes and appropriate graphics. 7. Assess efforts by this corporation to be a responsible (ethical) corporate citizen and determine the impact these efforts (or lack thereof) have on the company’s bottom line. Provide specific examples to support your response. Use at least three (3) quality references or more. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources. References must be submitted on a Works Cited page using APA format.

2024 HSCO 509 DQ Assignment Help

Select 1 of the following topics and write a thoughtful discussion of the 2023

Select 1 of the following topics and write a thoughtful discussion of the topic. Remember to support your comments with relevant information from course resources or other academic resources. Properly cite all information borrowed from other sources in the body of posts and list the sources citations at the end of the post. 1.In chapter 17, the authors mentioned Grand Theories and gave examples of these theories (e.g., Psychodynamic, Cognitive-Behavioral). Select one of these theories and provide an overview of the propositions made by the theory. Does this theory seem applicable to multicultural counseling? Why or why not? Is this theory consistent with the teachings of the Bible? 2.In chapter 18, the authors question the cultural validity of diagnosing multicultural clients. What do the authors conclude about the issue? Do you agree with the authors? Why or why not? 3.In chapter 19, the authors discuss the future of multicultural counseling theory and practice. What do they conclude? Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not? 400 word min and include 1 cited, academic resource. Textbook—Hays, D. G., & Erford, B. T. (2014). Developing multicultural counseling competence: A systems approach (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. ISBN: 9780132851022.

2024 FOR KIM WOODS ONLY 12 Assignment Help

Module 6 Assignment Submit Research Paper Draft PLG2 Review the research paper instructions carefully and 2023

Module 6 – Assignment: Submit Research Paper Draft (PLG2)  Review the research paper instructions carefully and then submit a draft of your paper for feedback. As stated in the Course Syllabus, Embry-Riddle is committed to maintaining and upholding intellectual integrity. As a student, you have obligations to prevent violations of academic integrity and take corrective action when they occur. One of the intellectual integrity violations is plagiarism, which happens when one presents the ideas, words, or products of another as one’s own. Plagiarism includes use of any source to complete academic assignments without proper acknowledgement of the source. Reuse or resubmission of a student’s own coursework if previously used or submitted in another course is considered self-plagiarism, and is also not allowed under university policy. This ECON course includes a research assignment. Before submitting your research assignment in the module, you are encouraged to submit it as a draft to Turnitin (Embry-Riddle’s plagiarism check tool) through the submission link below. This Turnitin submission was designed to help you maintain the highest level of academic integrity in your research assignment in this course. Each submission will generate an Originality Report. To learn more about Turnitin Originality Report, review this guideLinks to an external site.. Once you have checked the originality of the draft version of your assignment, revise it, and submit it to your instructor for grading through the submission link provided in the final module.